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1 Agrotechnology ABS-116

Is the harvesting interval of Cosmos caudatus Kunth affected by fertilization?
Ida Setya Wahyu Atmaja1*, Ismail Saleh1, Ray March Syahadat2

1. Department of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
2. Department of Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering and Planning Faculty, National Institute of Science and Technology, Indonesia


Cosmos caudatus Kunth. is known as kenikir in Indonesia has many beneficial for our health by consumed its young leaves or shoot. Shoot of C. caudatus can be harvested repeatedly with certain harvest intervals. Harvest interval is presumed influenced by the growth rate of C. caudatus. Plant nutrients are responsible to plant growth. This study aimed to investigate the effect of kind of fertilizer on shoot production and harvesting interval of C. caudatus shoot. There were three treatments on this research namely control (without fertilizer), inorganic fertilizer (5 g NPK/plant), and organic fertilizer (120 g goat manure/plant). Each treatment was repeated three times. Organic and inorganic fertilizer gave higher shoot production compared to control treatment. Shoot production of C.caudatus was decreased in the third harvesting due to the lower shoot weight than previous harvesting. Application of fertilizer both organic and inorganic shorten the harvesting interval because the availability of nutrient to plants increase the growth of new branches.

Keywords: inorganic fertilizer, kenikir, organic fertilizer, shoot production

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2 Agrotechnology ABS-117

Communities Knowledge of Cosmos sp. as Functional Vegetable
Rachmat Maulana Irvan1, Ismail Saleh1*, Ray March Syahadat2, Ida Setya Wahyu Atmaja1

1. Department of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty of, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
2. Department of Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering and Planning Faculty, National Institute of Science and Technology, Indonesia



Cosmos caudatus and Cosmos sulphureus are two species of Cosmos that commonly found in Indonesia. They are known as ^kenikir^ and have many benefits as vegetable or medicinal plants due to their metabolite content. Unfortunately they still found as weed or ornamental plants and they become underutilized plants. The purpose of this study was to analyze the community^s knowledge of Cosmos sp. as functional vegetable. Data were obtained from 110 respondents. Data were analyzed by using chi square test for nominal data and Kolmogorov-smirnov test for ordinal data. The result of this study showed that 20% of respondents did not know cosmos plant. Most of respondents who know cosmos plants, know the functions of cosmos both as vegetables and ornamental plants. The number of respondents who know cosmos plants as vegetable plants is 62 people (70.5%) and 62% of them have ever consumed cosmos as vegetable. The level of likeness of cosmos is mostly moderate. These results indicate that Cosmos plant still needs to be further introduced to the community as a functional vegetable.

Keywords: Cosmos caudatus, Cosmos sulphureus, kenikir, underutilized plants

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3 Agrotechnology ABS-120

Rice Productivity and Production Study in Urban Areas
Amran Jaenudin1*, Dukat1, dan Edy Hartono2

1. Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
2. Economic Faculty, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


Increased rice production in urban areas is more focused on increasing productivity compared to the addition of land area as well as the city of Cirebon. Food problems faced globally, nationally and locally can be divided into production, distribution and consumption problems. Then the problems related to food production can be caused by one or a combination of several factors of production, including the performance of farmers, the availability and quality of production land, the availability and affordability of production facilities, and climate conditions during the planting period or during the production cycle. The method used in qualitative descriptive research. The results of the study show that the city of Cirebon is an area with a narrow agricultural land so that the level of productivity of rice is small which is 5.3 tons / ha with a production value of 1,637.7 tons on an area of 309 ha of harvested land. Then the use of technology is still not optimal because of the lack of facilities and infrastructure. When viewed from the potential of agricultural land in Cirebon City, it cannot support rice productivity improvement, so there is a need for a special program carried out by the related agency to maximize existing natural resources through the application of optimal agricultural technology.

Keywords: Productivity, Rice Production, and Urban Areas

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4 Agrotechnology ABS-121

Decision Making Of Utilization Of Livestock Manure Waste
Dina Dwirayani1, Zakiyah Amini2, Jaka Sulaksana3

1Departement of Agribusiness, Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
2Departement of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
3Departement of Agribusiness, Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Majalengka


The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence farmers^ decision making in the use of livestock manure waste into biogas. Research using quantitative methods with data analysis techniques using logit regression. The sample used in this study were 30 farmers who were all members of two farmer groups in Japara Village. The results showed that the decision making on the use of livestock manure waste was very dominant influenced by trialability and the complexity of biogas technology. In reality the community feels biogas technology is not easy to practice and people are worried that there are other dangers of biogas technology such as explosions because the tools used to process livestock manure waste into biogas are still very simple

Keywords: decision making, biogas technology, influencing factors

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5 Computer and Mathematics ABS-12

Business Intelligence To Accelerate Market Penetration by Mobile Apps Product Analysis Report
Langgeng Listiyoko1, Marhaendro Purno2, Panji Surya1, Sartono3



The most challenging activity in the retail market is competitor product analysis, in order to customer acquisition. Customers need more competitive product that is reflected by cheaper price and higher quality. However, product analysis report lead to the supplier produce any kind of product that is fit to ideal specification, therefore the product will not be over-specification. Rapid report by this mobile concept is triggered by salesman who has wide range mobility to deliver information to engineer quickly. They also help customer who confused with many product offered by only discover the comparison analysis result, presented in dashboard view. Business Intelligence in which play important role in the market competition, developed by agile system development methodologies.

Keywords: product analysis, rapid report, business intelligence, mobile app

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6 Computer and Mathematics ABS-47

iAMStemmer: A Comprehensive Approach of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) Stemming Algorithm
Ashari Imamuddin, Mufid Junaedi, Mohamad Anas Sobarnas, Iskandar

Computer Science Department, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Muhammadiyah Cileungsi
Jl. Anggrek No.25, Perum. PTSC, Cileungsi, Kec. Cileungsi, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16820, Indonesia
ashari[at] mufid[at], anas[at], iskandar[at]


Nazief and Adriani had been successful as pioneers in developing the confix stripping stemming algorithm of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) by removing affix (prefix and suffix) then seeking the new word to the stem dictionary. However, the algorithm, SNA - stemmer of Nazief and Adriani - algorithm, has ambiguities on words which are ended by syllables ""ku"", ""mu"", and ""nya"" such as ""berlaku"" and ""sebeku"". It assumes that ""ku"" in both words is possessive, so it is under-stemming because they would be ""berla"" and ""sebe"" which are meaningless. The algorithm also cannot solve the word ""seolah-olah"" because it treats and removes syllable lah as an article. The recent algorithm was developed by Asian who successfully improved the algorithm by enhancing confix stripping (CSS) for regular repetition-words such as ""berlari-lari"", ""bersama-sama"", and ""terbata-bata"". The most recent stemmer was developed by Suhartono. However, the stemmers failed to fix irregular repetition-words such as ""menari-nari"", ""memutar-mutar"", and ""menyama-nyamakan"". We developed iAMStemmer to flesh out with a comprehensive approach and tune out the deficit of the existing algorithms. Our methods were matching new word as a result of affix removal to the dictionary; developing more stems; repeat-stemming for a word with on a par prefix as in ""dikesampingkan"" or ""diketahui"" which has two equal prefixes ""di"" and ""ke""; removing once time for double prefix as in ""seseorang"" or ""sesekali"" with double prefixes ""se""; improving stemming rule on confix ""meny-"", ""memper-""; and enhancing rule on repetition-word. It changed the method and added more rules to the algorithms. Our stemmer reduces the number of under-stemming or over-stemming words, enhances repeating-word, and improves accuracy and increased success stemming about 3% compared to the existing algorithm which is 93%. Besides, our system produces the root word of confixed compound-words such as ""mempertanggungjawabkan"" with compound-word ""tanggung jawab"" stem.

Keywords: algorithm, stemming, Indonesian, stemming bahasa Indonesia

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7 Computer and Mathematics ABS-56

The development of Guidence and Counselling in Vocational High School
Darsih, Alifia Puspaningrum, Iryanto

Politeknik Negeri Indramayu


Education is one of sector that influenced positive impact by the development of information technology, especially in teaching and learning process. Vocational High School is one of institution which need to implement information technology within. One of service held by School is Guidence and Counselling. However, its process is still ran conventionally such as paper based administration and face to face method of counselling. In addition, COVID-19 also impacts learning process that should be held at home. So that, some school can not do guidence and counselling to their students. To overcome that problem, we propose a development of guidence and counselling website based application to help guidence and counselling teachers to do their role. The process of the development consist of some steps, namely: problem identification, data processing, analysis and design, implementation, and get conclusion. After implementing, experimental result shows that user can use the features comfortably. So, it can assist the process of guidence and counselling effectively.

Keywords: Guidence and Counselling, Education, Information and Technology, Website Based

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8 Computer and Mathematics ABS-59

Automatic Essay Scoring using Rubric Similarity Analysis for Bahasa Indonesia
Muhamad Mustamiin (a*), Darsih(a), Munengsih Sari Bunga (a), Farikhin(b)

a) Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Polinteknik Negeri Indramayu
Jl. Raya Lohbener Lama No. 08, Indramayu, Jawa Barat 45252
b) Fakultas Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Sudarto No.13, Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275


Information technology has been developed well in education sector. One of important research is automated essay scoring. Essay Scoring has some challenges such as subjectivity and time consuming for doing assessment. There are many research that have been conducted, such as Latent Sematic Analysis, Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis, etc. However, some research were not consider some criteria to grade the student essays. To overcome that problem, this paper propose essay scoring based on rubric which consider the similarity between its contens and more than one answer key. Experimental results show that our system outperforms the existing system.

Keywords: automatic essay scoring- e-learning- latent semantic analysis- information retrieval- question answering

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9 Computer and Mathematics ABS-60

The Prediction of the rice crop area using satellite image extraction models with grey level co-occurrence matrix, neural network, and fuzzy logic
Chairuddin, Sony Susanto, Hendra Gunawan, Asto Purwanto, Ketut Wikantika



The advances in remote sensing technology can provide an alternative for policymakers to obtain geospatial information based on facts. The Information generated from the technology is very dependent on the image resolution and the extraction processes. The image extraction process in this research carried out to predict the harvested area in the distribution of paddy fields through the identification of texture features based on the growth phase. The image is the multi-temporal satellite image taken for four months.

The extraction system model uses the integrated approach of the grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) method and the concept of Haralick features and the concept of artificial intelligence, namely, artificial neural networks and cryptic logic GLCM and Haralick feature-used to form, texture patterns based on the characteristics of each pixel, which corresponds to the growth phase of rice plants. Artificial intelligence models are used to recognize patterns, segmentation, and classify rice plants from their growth phase, so that the distribution of the harvest phase can be known.

The accuracy of the system model-validated by comparing the data on the distribution of plant to harvest area produced by the extraction system with data from the Department of Agriculture. The comparison results show some differences, with relatively low accuracy. The resulting system model implemented to monitor the stage of growth of rice plants to predict the harvested area in an area.

Keywords: GLCM, Haralick, artificial intelligence, texture, classification

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10 Computer and Mathematics ABS-65

Sentiment Analysis of Mobile App Reviews on Google App Stores
Alifia Puspaningrum, Munengsih Sari Bunga, Iryanto

Politeknik Negeri Indramayu


Software maintenance is a prior process in Software Development Live Cycle. Google App Store has been already supported software developer to do their maintenance process by collecting user reviews. By analyzing these reviews, software developers can analyze user sentiment towards their applications. Sentiment analysis is one method for identifying negative of positive opinions. This paper classify user satisfactions sentiment in Mobile App Reviews by comparing some classification method such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), and Random Forest (RF). Features used for the classification is TF-IDF. Performance of the classification is evaluated by using Precision, Recall, F-Measure. Experimental result show that Naive Bayes achieve the highest performance.

Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Mobile App Review, Machine Learning

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11 Computer and Mathematics ABS-90

Expert System of Livestock Chicken Disease Detection in Department of Animal Husbandry at Pandeglang Regency, Banten with Forward Chaining Approach
Zaenal Hakim1 Robby Rizky2 Lili Sujai3

universitas mathlaul anwar banten


The problem that occurs in this research is the difficulty in getting a veterinarian who handles chicken disease. Pandeglang is one of the underdeveloped districts in Banten Province and it is difficult to get medical specialists in the field of animal diseases. Pandeglang is also one of the poultry producers because the city is far from large urban areas. So it is very suitable for making chicken coops and does not interfere with local settlements. The purpose of this study is to make an algorithmic approach which will then be applied to a computer system whose function is to detect disease in chickens. The algorithm method used in this research is the forward chaining method. This method applies a continuous trace system that will analyze the symptoms present in chickens and can later be concluded as disease findings. The conclusion of this research is that the forward chaining method is very suitable to be applied in this study with maximum results.

Keywords: Expert System,Livestock Chicken ,Department of Animal ,Pandeglang Regency,Forward Chaining Approach

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12 Computer and Mathematics ABS-91

Implementation of the naive Bayes method for employee recruitment at CV Bejo Perkasa
Robby Rizky1 Zaenal Hakim2,Susilawati3,Sri Setiyowati4,Ayu Mira Yunita5,Andrianto Heri Wibowo6,Agung Sugiarto7,Aghy Gilar Pratama8

universitas mathlaul anwar banten


The recruitment of employees at the CV Bejo Perkasa company lately has been unfair. If you have a partner or special relationship, it will be easy to become an employee there. The purpose of this study is how to recruit in CV Bejo Perkasa can be processed fairly in accordance with the qualifications held by the applicants. Qualifications of applicants come in various forms and many applicants have adequate skills, for example they have attended a lot of training. If employee recruitment is done fairly, CV Bejo Perkasa will have highly trained and professional human resources. The method used in this study is the naive bayes algorithm whose classification can be applied in this study. The data used in this study were questionnaire results from interviews and others. Conclusion Naive Bayes algorithm is very suitable in solving the problems in this study, so that it can provide results that are very helpful to the recruitment committee.

Keywords: Implementation,naive Bayes method,employee recruitment ,CV Bejo Perkasa

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13 Computer and Mathematics ABS-168

Ratna Jatnika , Mustofa Haffas, Hendriati Agustiani

Universitas Padjadjaran


This study aims to obtain a software called v-Classroom as an effective and efficient distance learning software. Effective in this case is that the system developed can be used in accordance with the needs of distance learning, while efficient is that the system developed is a system that is cheap in the use of internet quotas.
The software development method is called the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which consists of: planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance. The V-Classroom was developed since 2000 and has reached the Implementation stage although in limited numbers. V-Classroom has not done the Testing stage. This Testing stage needs to be done so that the v-Classroom can be developed completely so that it can be used as an effective and efficient distance learning system.
In this study, the Testing stage will be carried out by testing the v-Classroom two times. Opinions on v-Classroom were measured using a questionnaire using a closed and open answer format. The questionnaire is given in the form of a Google Form. The results of the phase 1 trials conducted on 88 people, showed that v-Classroom is an efficient, but less effective. After being repaired v-Classroom was tested on 44 people and showed that v-Classroom is an effective and efficient distance learning software. In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, v-Classroom can be an alternative that can be used as a distance learning software.

Keywords: v-Classroom, distance learning, software

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14 Economics and Management ABS-33

Vita Dhameria

Doctoral Student of Economics Science
Diponegoro University Semarang
Lecturer of 17 Agustus 1945 University Cirebon
Imam Ghozali
Lecturer of Economics Science
Doctoral Program of Diponegoro University Semarang


This research studied about variables influencing the performance of conventional banks in Indonesia. Variables in this research covered digital service quality, customer experience, customer satisfaction, and conventional banks performance. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling; sample in this research is customers of conventional banks in Indonesia. There were 120 respondents involved in the research. The data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Model (SEM) from software AMOS 22 with Goodness of Fit chi square =71,710; probability = 0.015; GFI = 0.914; AGFI = 0.860; CFI = 0.979; TLI = 0.971; RMSEA = 0.064; CMIN/DF=1.494. From the result of hypothetical testing, it can be concluded that digital service quality influenced positively and significantly towards customer satisfaction. Customer experience gave positive and significant influence towards customer satisfaction. On the other hand, Digital service quality influenced negatively and insignificantly towards conventional banks performance. Meanwhile Customer experience and customer satisfaction influenced positively and significantly towards conventional banks performance.

Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction, Conventional Banks performance

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15 Economics and Management ABS-46

Digital Economy Literacy Small Medium Entreprises In Indonesia
Rina Masruroh(a), Ayus Ahmad Yusuf(b), Iskandar(c)

(a)Universitas Kuningan
Desa Cipasung Kec. Darma Kab. Kuningan 45562
(b)IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Perum BTN Cilimus BlokF7 Desa Cilimus Kec. Cilimus
Kab. Kuningan 45556
(c)Universitas Kuningan
Jalan Pramuka gg Tunas I No. 335 Kuningan 45512


There has been a change in consumption patterns during the pandemic from offline to online opportunities for SMEs in Indonesia to increase their electronic trading business. This study aims to describe the digital economic literacy of SMEs in Indonesia and the factors that can influence it by using the technology acceptance model (TAM) approach which consists of beliefs (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) and their impact on the performance of SMEs in Indonesia. The research used quantitative methods with a sample of 258 SMEs companies using SEM analysis Amos 23. The results showed that the digital economy literacy level of SMEs in Indonesia is still in the high category, the perceived usefulness and ease of use factors have a positive effect on the performance of SMEs in Indonesia. The value of originality and novelty in this study found that a new digital economic literacy model can improve the performance of online SMEs.

Keywords: Digital Economy literacy, technology acceptance model (TAM), SMEs performance.

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16 Economics and Management ABS-115

Effect of Social Media Network User Growth and Consumer Confidence Index to Fintech Lendings Loan and Lender Account Growth
Indra Surya Permana (a*), Cucu Handayani (b), Susi Widyastuti (c)

a) Department of Economic Science, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon
Jl. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo No. 288 Cirebon
b) c) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Poltek Cirebon
Jl. Pusri No. 1 Kedawung Cirebon


As one of country with largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia still has about 38 % of its total population remain unbanked. Fintech Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending as an alternative could be one of best opportunity to raise financial inclusion in Indonesia. With high social media network growth, people in Indonesia could potentially accessed lot of Fintech Lending to give them financial solution. After Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia slowly but sure raised its confidence index among the investor, including foreing investment. And with good financial return, many investor chose Fintech Lending as their intesment target. This article provide result whether Social Media Network and Consumer Confidence Index in Indonesia could affect number of Loan and at the same time attracted lender to invest their money in fintech lending in Indonesia. Method used in this article was structural equation modelling with partial least square approach. The result indicated that between social media and consumer confidence index has difference orientation in result toward number of loan settled and lender growth

Keywords: fintech lending- peer to peer- consumer confidence index- social media network- SEM-PLS

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17 Economics and Management ABS-118

Analysis Of The Advantages And Values Added Candy Of Mangga Gedong Gincu Skin In Cv. Kresna Multi Produk Cirebon City, Jawa Barat
Farida Mardhatilla 1, Edy Hartono 2, Firman Hidayat3

1 Lecturer of Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
2 Lecturer of Management Study Program faculty of Economics Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
3 Lecturer in Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


Mango is one of the leading fruits in Cirebon Regency. Mango production in 2018 in Cirebon Regency has reached 554,767 quintals. The high mango production in Cirebon Regency stimulates the growth of the mango processing industry in Cirebon Regency. The mango processing industry, generally only uses mango meat, so mango peels and seeds are wasted from the industry. The wasted Mango peel reaches 10% of the total mango fruit. The mango peel has high pectin content, so the mango peel can be used as a base for making candy. This research was conducted at CV. Kersna Multi Produk, Larangan, Harjamukti District, Cirebon City. The mango used to be known as gedong gincu mango. The analysis used is descriptive analysis, profit analysis, R / C ratio and value that is added analysis using the Hayami method. The results showed that Gedong Gincu mango peel candy gave a profit of Rp. 1.815.000,00 per 5x the production process for one month with an R / C ratio of 2,07. The added value of Gedong mango peel candy was Rp. 2.166,9 per 1 kg of Gedong Gincu mango.

Keywords: Gedong gincu mango, skin, candy, profit analysis, added value.

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18 Economics and Management ABS-119

The Impact of the Indonesia^s Digital Economy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Jefik Zulfikar Hafizd, Ahmad Khoirudin, Abdul Muizz Abdul Wadud Kasyful Anwar



Indonesia^s digital economy has a major impact on human life. The digital economy is growing very rapidly because it has extraordinary advantages such as easy access, and low cost. The period of the Covid-19 pandemic requires humans to maintain their distance from each other and reduce contact with each other. The digital economy is developing so rapidly because of the demands of limiting social activities. This article aims to understand the impact of Indonesia^s digital economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic is a global disaster that can lead to a crisis, resulting in many layoffs and creating new poverty. Through literature studies on various literature, a lot of relevant data can be obtained to be studied in depth so that the impact of Indonesia^s Digital Economy can be seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus on discussion consists of two parts: the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Economy- and, the impact of Indonesia^s Digital Economy during the Pandemic in Indonesia. The digital economy can be a solution to economic problems that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

Keywords: Impact, Covid-19, Economy, Digital

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19 Economics and Management ABS-124

The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance: Mediation by Psychological Empowerment
Agi Syarif Hidayat

Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance mediated by the psychological empowerment variable. The research method used is quantitative. The study population was employees of the Regional Drinking Water Company in Cirebon City, with a total sample of 67 respondents. Data retrieval using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses path analysis with the help of the Smart PLS application. The data analysis stages include the outer model and inner model. The research findings show that transformational leadership has a significant effect on performance, transformational leadership has a significant impact on psychological empowerment and psychological empowerment has a substantial impact on performance

Keywords: Transformational leadership- employee performance- Psychological Empowerment

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20 Economics and Management ABS-125

The Effect Of Commitment Organization And Competence Toward Village Satisfaction Working In Susukanlebak District, Cirebon District
Rizki Surazat Nopandi, Sandi Nasrudin Wibowo*

Departemen of Management, Economics Faculty of Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


This study aims to examine the Organizational Commitment and Competence of Job Satisfaction of village officials in the Susukanlebak district of Cirebon district. This research is a quantitative research, using associative and descriptive data methods. Data collection techniques used are quantitative data analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed using validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, simple regression test, multiple regression test, determination test, correlation coefficient, partial t test and simultaneous f test. The sample used in this study was 60 respondents, with simple random sampling data collection techniques or random techniques. The results obtained that the Organizational Commitment and Competence of Job Satisfaction of Village Apparatuses in the Susukanlebak District Area are included in the quite good category with an average value of frequency distribution of (X1) 2.58, (X2) 2.58 and (Y) 2, 57. The results of the Kolmogorov-normality test showed 0.092 were greater than the significance value of 0.05. Then it can be concluded that the variable is normally distributed. Based on the results of the study found that: Organizational Commitment has a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction with a tcount of 39.941> ttabe1 1.67. Competence has a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction with a tcount of 46.602> ttabe1 1.67. Organizational Commitment and Competency simultaneously or jointly affect the Job Satisfaction variable. with a value of Fcount 3.16> Ftable 1518.927.

Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Competence, Job Satisfaction

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21 Economics and Management ABS-129

1*Dadah Muliansyah, 2*Ganjar Suherman

1*Program Magister Manajemen Indonesia School Of Management Tigaraksa Tangerang

2*Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Miftahul Huda Subang


This study uses a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were 40 employees at PT BPR Subang Gemi Nastiti (Perseroda) Pagaden Branch. Data collection used questionnaires and interviews, while data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study at the 5% significance level indicate that: (1) compensation has a positive effect on employee satisfaction, which is shown from the regression results. The t value is 9.807> t table 1.687 and Sig 0.000 is less than 0.05 or Sig <0.05. (2) the work environment has no effect on employee satisfaction with the t value of 0.456 <1.687 and Sig 0.651 greater than 0.05 or Sig> 0.05 (3) occupational health and safety affects employee satisfaction, which is shown from the results of the t value value of 2.830> 1.687 and Sig 0.008 less than 0.05, (4) leadership has an effect on employee satisfaction, this is indicated by the t value of -2.830> 1.687 and Sig 0.008 less than 0.05 or Sig <0.05. Simultaneously compensation, work environment, occupational health and safety and leadership have an effect on employee satisfaction with an F value of 35.857> F-table 3.24 and a Sig value of 0.000 less than 0.05. Contribution of compensation, work environment, occupational health and safety and leadership to explain employee satisfaction of PT BPR Subang Gemi Nastiti (Perseroda) Pagaden Branch of 0.804

Keywords: Compensation, work environment, occupational health and safety, leadership, employee satisfaction

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22 Economics and Management ABS-143

Economic Condition as the Most Influential Factor in Increasing School Enrolment Rate
Syaeful Bakhri1*, Maulidya Ulfah2, Aip Saripudin2, Cucu Herawati3, Sigit Purnama4, Ahmad Yusron5

1Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Economics of IAIN Syekh Nurjati of Cirebon, Indonesia
2Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of IAIN Syekh Nurjati of Cirebon, Indonesia
3Public Health Department, Health Science Institute of Cirebon, Indonesia
4Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
5Faculty of Social and Political Science of Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon, Indonesia


Discovering how many people use educational facilities can be seen based on the population percentage to school participation rate. One of the indicators is the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER). The education program has not prevented dropouts, as is the case with the dropout rate and discontinuation rate among the population aged 7-15 years. Many factors influence the opportunity to get an education. Still, the leading cause of dropping out of school is the inability to pay for school, namely, an economic factor. This study aims to determine which variables are considered to affect increasing school enrolment rate. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach with multivariable logistic regression as an analysis tool. Samples were take by non-probability sampling through purposive sampling technique. The determination of the area was performed based on data derived from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Cirebon Regency. The samples were ten sub-districts with the gross enrolment ratio and two sub-districts with the highest gross enrolment ratio. The number of respondents in this study was 540 respondents, consisting of 360 parents of students and 180 teachers and education staffs. The study results showed that the economic variable was the most influential variables towards the enrolment ratio, with an Odd Ratio value of 1.663 CI (1.050 - 2.633), which meant that good economic condition would have the opportunity to encourage an increase in enrolment rate by 2 times higher than those with unfavorable economic condition.

Keywords: Economy- School Enrolment Rate- Cirebon Regency

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23 Economics and Management ABS-174

Hs Coop Mobile Application and Shariah Cooperative Products for Service Satisfaction and Halal Lifestyle
Erin Rismaya 1, Mohammad Ridwan 1, Ahmad Munajim 1, Toto Sukarnoto 1, Abu Lubaba 1, Ahmad Jamhuri 2 and Abas Hidayat 3*

1 Institut Agama Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
2 Institut Studi Islam Fahmina, West Java, Indonesia
3 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia

* abasstikescirebon[at]


Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KPRI) Harapan Sejahtera is one of coop engaged in microfinance services that has implemented digital creative industry services, namely Hs Coop Mobile. Hs Coop Mobile is an application of digital financial service that allows all members to conduct electronic financial transactions by using a smartphone. In addition, KPRI Harapan Sejahtera complies with trend in Indonesian society, using the shariah system in all of its business products such as deposit products, financing or services, which are expected to provide satisfaction to all members of coop. This shariah service will have been an impact on the halal lifestyle of its members naturally. This study aims to determine the effect of using Hs Coop mobile and shariah products on service satisfaction and halal lifestyle in the era of disruption. This research method is an associative quantitative method. The sample of this research is the members of the KPRI Harapan Sejahtera which consists of 212 members consisting of civil servants and non-civil servants. The research was conducted in January 2020. The results of the statistical hypothesis test display that there is a significant effect of using Hs Coop Mobile on service satisfaction, and there is a significant effect of using shariah products on the halal lifestyle in the era of disruption.

Keywords: Hs Coop Mobile- Shariah- Cooperative- Service Satisfaction- Halal Lifestyle

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24 Education ABS-20

The Use of Live Board Application in Micro Teaching and Field Experience Practice to Establish Professional Competency of Pre-Service Teachers
Varidlo Fuad1*, Risladiba1, Yunita1, Abas Hidayat2, and Galih Puji Mulyoto3

1. IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
2. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon, Indonesia
3. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia


Professional competency is needed to be mastered by someone who wants to be a competent teacher, so it is important to know whether micro teaching and Field Experience Practice are appropriate enough to achieve the goal. The aim of this research is to know the correlation of micro teaching using Live Board Application and Field Experience Practice with the professional competency of pre-service Civic Education teachers in LPTK in DIY. This research belongs to correlational research with quantitative approach. The population of this research is all of students in the 7th semester or students who have passed micro teaching class and Field Experience Practice of Civic Education Program in LPTK in DIY (UNY, UAD, UPY, and UCY). Purposive sampling technique is used to determine the sample of the research. The 140 students from four Civic Education programs in the LPTK in DIY are the sample of this research. The data were collected using questionnaire and documentations. Data were analyzed using bivariate experiment. The result of the research indicates that, there is a positive and significant correlation of micro teaching by using Live Board Application and Field Experience Practice with the professional competency of the pre-service Civic Education teachers in LPTK in DIY. It can be proved from the significance level which is lower than 0.05 and has an effective contribution about 58.4% to the professional competence for pre-service Civic Education teachers in LPTK in DIY.

Keywords: micro teaching, field experience practice, professional competency

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25 Education ABS-36

Mizanurhamni, Merry Andriani



The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of using the blended-learning method by utilizing Whatsapp Group in learning to write Mandarin, changing the stigma that writing is the most difficult competency to master, and encouraging students to take an active role in the learning cycle, so that the application of "student centered learning" done. This research is a classroom action research Kemmis model with planning, action, observation and reflection cycles that are tested in one class for one semester. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview and questionnaire techniques. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative techniques. The final results of the research that have been carried out concluded that the use of blended-learning by utilizing whatsapp group makes active roles and student participation increase, grammar skills increase, the ability to correct sentences and discourse increases, and the ability to evaluate themselves also increases.

Keywords: blended-learning, whatsapp, mandarin language, writing

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26 Education ABS-45

The Use of ZOOM in Online Chinese Teaching and Learning
Albert Surya Wibowo, Sabinus Iden, Ina

Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Harapan Bersama
Universitas Tanjung Pura


The Covid-19 outbreak has spread throughout the world, affecting various sectors and fields in the world. Likewise with the world of education, where face-to-face lectures cannot be held and replaced with online lectures. There are many kinds of applications that can be used to carry out online lectures, one of which is ZOOM Cloud Meetings. ZOOM is a virtual meeting software which downloaded by more than 100 million people in the Play Store and App store and has a rating of 3.5 on the Play Store and 4.5 on the App Store. Based on the previous survey, 96.5% of the lecturers and students of the STBHB mandarin language study program used ZOOM in conducting online lectures. Researchers used a qualitative descriptive method in examining the use of ZOOM in online chinese teaching and learning activities in Chinese study program in Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Harapan Bersama and Tanjung Pura University.

Keywords: zoom, chinese teaching, chinese learning, online teaching, online learning

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27 Education ABS-58

Coping with Remote Language Learning through Youtube: Benefits and Challenges
Berita Mambarasi Nehe (a*), Ade Eka Anggraini (b), Fadilla Oktaviana (c), Yeni Sulaeman (d)

a) STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung *itanehe81[at]
b) STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung
c) Universitas Banten Jaya
d) STKIP Syeh Mansyur Pandeglang


YouTube is one of the most common social media sites in the world and it has become the most successful Internet website providing a new generation of short video sharing service since its establishment in early 2005. Our work aims at providing detailed insight about how easy to teach online through YouTube created by the lecturers shared to the students in covid19 pandemic in benefits and challenges terms. This research is qualitative research with the population is second semester of English department students of STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung. The findings of the research in benefit points for the lecturers were in term of preparing the video content refer to the syllabus, making the video, sharing the video, assessing the students task and the video contents were very useful for others. While benefits for students were in term of download, longer time, feeling free, subtitle, cheap cost in using internet. In the challenge points were unprepared facilities, location, connectivity and motivation. The conclusion of this research was using the YouTube provided the benefit and challenges for both lecturers and students, but all those challenges could be solved together with good communication from both parties in order teaching learning process keep running in covid19 outbreak.

Keywords: YouTube; Remote Language Learning; Benefits; Challenges

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28 Education ABS-62

Descriptive Research of Interactive Teaching Methods for Online Chinese Teaching
Ina (a), Albert Surya Wibowo (b)

a) Tanjungpura University
Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Harapan Bersama
Jl. Ahmad Yani II, Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia


One of the positive impacts of The COVID 19 outbreak is the enhance of the online teaching method. Both Teachers and students forced to implement e-learning to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning actiivities. Some teachers successfully pushed themselves to obtain, adapt, and implement online teaching with all their shortage, but some still struggling. Virtual conference, google classroom, and several chatting applications become nowadays teaching tool. Since not all schools and families connected to an internet network, the expenses spent on internet quota should become a consideration in choosing online teaching methods. How teachers maintain the interaction between teachers and students becomes the other important matter to be discussed. This research descriptively compares several online teaching methods for teaching Chinese for higher education students. The research results become important since future education would be more challenging and widely open by online teaching.

Keywords: online teaching, interactive method, Chinese teaching

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29 Education ABS-68

The Effectiveness of Movies as a Teaching Learning Media to Improve Students Learning Achievement
Tia Karlina (a*), Abas Hidayat (b), M. Firman Ismana (c), Awis Hamid Dani (d), Bara Bagus Priharto (e)

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon
Jalan Brigjen Dharsono No. 12b, Kertawinangun, Kedawung, Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45153


Learning achievement is the acquisition of knowledge or skills that usually indicated by test scores in the form of numerical value. By using movies to teach can definitely be a challenge, but when carried out in a proper manner, it boasts of numerous benefits. Unlike text, movies enable students to learn visually. This research aims to determine the interactive effects of movies as a teaching learning media to improve students learning achievement. The researcher used experimental research with quantitative approach. The sample of this research was 35 respondents, randomly selected from eleventh grade of SMK RISE Kedawung Cirebon, by using pre-test and post-test design. Based on data analysis the researcher concludes that there was increase of gaining score of the students after movies treatment. On levels of significance 0.05, the researcher found that t-observed of data is 29.70, and the degree of freedom is 34 which is converted to the t-value of 2.03. Based on the data from the test, it is clear that t-observed is higher than t-value. In fact, t-observed > t-value (29.70 > 2.03), it means that the treatment of movies as a teaching learning media is effective to improve students learning achievement.

Keywords: Movies as a Teaching Learning Media- Students Learning Achievement

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30 Education ABS-69

Domestic Waste Management Through The MSCDW Model As An Effort to Reduce HouseHold Waste
Aliet Noorhayati Sutisno (a*), Noor Novianawati (b), Dewiantika Azizah (c)

(a) Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Jl. Tuparev No. 70, Cirebon 45153, Indonesia
(b) Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Jl. Tuparev No. 70, Cirebon 45153, Indonesia
(c) Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Jl. Tuparev No. 70, Cirebon 45153, Indonesia


This study aims to find out the effectiveness of waste treatment through the MSCDW model. This study is quantitative descriptive research that was conducted on 100 students in one of Cirebon sub-district elementary schools. In this research, students donate domestic waste every week. The Purpose of this study was to provide students with an understanding of the importance of protecting the environment trough reducing domestic waste.The observation sheet was used as the research instrument of this study.The result shows that the MSCDW model in the management of domestic waste because that is integrated with the primary school education unit can be reduced 2,17% volume of waste growth.

Keywords: Waste Management, MSCDW model

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