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Rice Productivity and Production Study in Urban Areas
Amran Jaenudin1*, Dukat1, dan Edy Hartono2

1. Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
2. Economic Faculty, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


Increased rice production in urban areas is more focused on increasing productivity compared to the addition of land area as well as the city of Cirebon. Food problems faced globally, nationally and locally can be divided into production, distribution and consumption problems. Then the problems related to food production can be caused by one or a combination of several factors of production, including the performance of farmers, the availability and quality of production land, the availability and affordability of production facilities, and climate conditions during the planting period or during the production cycle. The method used in qualitative descriptive research. The results of the study show that the city of Cirebon is an area with a narrow agricultural land so that the level of productivity of rice is small which is 5.3 tons / ha with a production value of 1,637.7 tons on an area of 309 ha of harvested land. Then the use of technology is still not optimal because of the lack of facilities and infrastructure. When viewed from the potential of agricultural land in Cirebon City, it cannot support rice productivity improvement, so there is a need for a special program carried out by the related agency to maximize existing natural resources through the application of optimal agricultural technology.

Keywords: Productivity, Rice Production, and Urban Areas

Topic: Agrotechnology

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