Digital Economy Literacy Small Medium Entreprises In Indonesia
Rina Masruroh(a), Ayus Ahmad Yusuf(b), Iskandar(c)

(a)Universitas Kuningan
Desa Cipasung Kec. Darma Kab. Kuningan 45562
(b)IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Perum BTN Cilimus BlokF7 Desa Cilimus Kec. Cilimus
Kab. Kuningan 45556
(c)Universitas Kuningan
Jalan Pramuka gg Tunas I No. 335 Kuningan 45512


There has been a change in consumption patterns during the pandemic from offline to online opportunities for SMEs in Indonesia to increase their electronic trading business. This study aims to describe the digital economic literacy of SMEs in Indonesia and the factors that can influence it by using the technology acceptance model (TAM) approach which consists of beliefs (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) and their impact on the performance of SMEs in Indonesia. The research used quantitative methods with a sample of 258 SMEs companies using SEM analysis Amos 23. The results showed that the digital economy literacy level of SMEs in Indonesia is still in the high category, the perceived usefulness and ease of use factors have a positive effect on the performance of SMEs in Indonesia. The value of originality and novelty in this study found that a new digital economic literacy model can improve the performance of online SMEs.

Keywords: Digital Economy literacy, technology acceptance model (TAM), SMEs performance.

Topic: Economics and Management

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