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Implementation of the naive Bayes method for employee recruitment at CV Bejo Perkasa
Robby Rizky1 Zaenal Hakim2,Susilawati3,Sri Setiyowati4,Ayu Mira Yunita5,Andrianto Heri Wibowo6,Agung Sugiarto7,Aghy Gilar Pratama8

universitas mathlaul anwar banten


The recruitment of employees at the CV Bejo Perkasa company lately has been unfair. If you have a partner or special relationship, it will be easy to become an employee there. The purpose of this study is how to recruit in CV Bejo Perkasa can be processed fairly in accordance with the qualifications held by the applicants. Qualifications of applicants come in various forms and many applicants have adequate skills, for example they have attended a lot of training. If employee recruitment is done fairly, CV Bejo Perkasa will have highly trained and professional human resources. The method used in this study is the naive bayes algorithm whose classification can be applied in this study. The data used in this study were questionnaire results from interviews and others. Conclusion Naive Bayes algorithm is very suitable in solving the problems in this study, so that it can provide results that are very helpful to the recruitment committee.

Keywords: Implementation,naive Bayes method,employee recruitment ,CV Bejo Perkasa

Topic: Computer and Mathematics

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