EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF BLENDED-LEARNING METHOD USING WHATSAPP GROUP IN LEARNING WRITING MANDARIN SEKOLAH TINGGI BAHASA HARAPAN BERSAMA Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of using the blended-learning method by utilizing Whatsapp Group in learning to write Mandarin, changing the stigma that writing is the most difficult competency to master, and encouraging students to take an active role in the learning cycle, so that the application of "student centered learning" done. This research is a classroom action research Kemmis model with planning, action, observation and reflection cycles that are tested in one class for one semester. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview and questionnaire techniques. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative techniques. The final results of the research that have been carried out concluded that the use of blended-learning by utilizing whatsapp group makes active roles and student participation increase, grammar skills increase, the ability to correct sentences and discourse increases, and the ability to evaluate themselves also increases. Keywords: blended-learning, whatsapp, mandarin language, writing Topic: Education |
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