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Economic Condition as the Most Influential Factor in Increasing School Enrolment Rate
Syaeful Bakhri1*, Maulidya Ulfah2, Aip Saripudin2, Cucu Herawati3, Sigit Purnama4, Ahmad Yusron5

1Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Economics of IAIN Syekh Nurjati of Cirebon, Indonesia
2Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of IAIN Syekh Nurjati of Cirebon, Indonesia
3Public Health Department, Health Science Institute of Cirebon, Indonesia
4Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
5Faculty of Social and Political Science of Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon, Indonesia


Discovering how many people use educational facilities can be seen based on the population percentage to school participation rate. One of the indicators is the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER). The education program has not prevented dropouts, as is the case with the dropout rate and discontinuation rate among the population aged 7-15 years. Many factors influence the opportunity to get an education. Still, the leading cause of dropping out of school is the inability to pay for school, namely, an economic factor. This study aims to determine which variables are considered to affect increasing school enrolment rate. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach with multivariable logistic regression as an analysis tool. Samples were take by non-probability sampling through purposive sampling technique. The determination of the area was performed based on data derived from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Cirebon Regency. The samples were ten sub-districts with the gross enrolment ratio and two sub-districts with the highest gross enrolment ratio. The number of respondents in this study was 540 respondents, consisting of 360 parents of students and 180 teachers and education staffs. The study results showed that the economic variable was the most influential variables towards the enrolment ratio, with an Odd Ratio value of 1.663 CI (1.050 - 2.633), which meant that good economic condition would have the opportunity to encourage an increase in enrolment rate by 2 times higher than those with unfavorable economic condition.

Keywords: Economy- School Enrolment Rate- Cirebon Regency

Topic: Economics and Management

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