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Coping with Remote Language Learning through Youtube: Benefits and Challenges
Berita Mambarasi Nehe (a*), Ade Eka Anggraini (b), Fadilla Oktaviana (c), Yeni Sulaeman (d)

a) STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung *itanehe81[at]
b) STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung
c) Universitas Banten Jaya
d) STKIP Syeh Mansyur Pandeglang


YouTube is one of the most common social media sites in the world and it has become the most successful Internet website providing a new generation of short video sharing service since its establishment in early 2005. Our work aims at providing detailed insight about how easy to teach online through YouTube created by the lecturers shared to the students in covid19 pandemic in benefits and challenges terms. This research is qualitative research with the population is second semester of English department students of STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung. The findings of the research in benefit points for the lecturers were in term of preparing the video content refer to the syllabus, making the video, sharing the video, assessing the students task and the video contents were very useful for others. While benefits for students were in term of download, longer time, feeling free, subtitle, cheap cost in using internet. In the challenge points were unprepared facilities, location, connectivity and motivation. The conclusion of this research was using the YouTube provided the benefit and challenges for both lecturers and students, but all those challenges could be solved together with good communication from both parties in order teaching learning process keep running in covid19 outbreak.

Keywords: YouTube; Remote Language Learning; Benefits; Challenges

Topic: Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Berita Mambarasi Nehe)

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