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1 Early Childhood Education ABS-13

The Phenomenon of Child Bullying in Childhood
Amelia Vinayastri (a*), Awaluddin Tjalla (b*), Riyan Arthur (c*)

a) Education Evaluation Research, Jakarta State University, Jl. R.Mangun Muka Raya No.11, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220

b) Education Evaluation Research, Jakarta State University, Jl. R.Mangun Muka Raya No.11, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220

c) Education Evaluation Research, Jakarta State University, Jl. R.Mangun Muka Raya No.11, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220


Bullying is a problem experienced by children in different social class, race, economic status, environment and age range. The forms of bullying experienced by children in verbal bullying are 43%, physical bullying is 34% and cyber bullying is 23%. Late childhood bullying includes hitting, kicking the table, pinching, mocking, giving negative names, insulting, laughing behavior, ostracizing and asking for money from students. The phenomenon of bullying in childhood requires educators and teachers to identify indicators of children who have experienced bullying or have done it. Based on the description above, it showed the importance of bullying programs by detecting victims and perpetrators so as to obtain an overview of the phenomenon of childhood bullying. This research aims to provide an overview of the phenomenon of bullying in early childhood who attend early grades in early childhood education and elementary school/MI. The research subjects were children aged 6-8 years with a total of 622 children whose parents filled out the instrument. The data collection technique used a structured questionnaire using five scales related to physical, verbal and relational bullying. The data analysis technique uses percentages by adding up the frequency of the choice of scale from each item. The result showed that the phenomenon of bullying in children aged 6-8 years was 9.84% and the highest percentage of relational bullying was social exclusion.

Keywords: Bullying- Students- Acts of aggression

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2 Early Childhood Education ABS-17

The Role of Parents in Raising Children^s Environmental Awareness and Attitudes
Khusniyati Masykuroh (a), Elindra Yetti (b*), Yuliani Nurani (c)

Unversitas Negeri Jakarta
Kampus A Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung Bung Hatta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur 13220
Phone:+62 21 4721340
e-mail: tu.pps[at]unj.ac.id


Environmental damage caused by human activities is an important issue in the world. Saving the environment and protecting ecosystems are parts of the Sustainable Development Goals. The role of parents is in instilling environmental awareness and attitude from an early age to prevent environmental damage is very important. This study aimed to describe the role of parents in raising children^s environmental awareness and attitude. This research used a qualitative case study design based on data collection from interviews, observations, and documentation. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with three parents of 5-6 years old children who implemented green lifestyle as daily activities. The result of the study showed that parents act as models, educators, facilitators, and motivators in raising children^s awareness and attitude towards environment. Children learned about consumption, protecting creatures, and environmental pollution. Environmental awareness and attitudes built from an early age were expected to help the children building positive attitudes and behaviors towards the environment in the future.

Keywords: role of parents, environmental, awareness, attitudes

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3 Early Childhood Education ABS-64

Activity-Based Unplugged Coding to Stimulate Problem-Solving Skills in Early Childhood

1,2 KB-TK Labschool Jakarta, INDONESIA
3 Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, INDONESIA


The aim of this study is to describe the activity-based unplugged coding to stimulate problem-solving skills in early childhood. This study focuses on unplugged coding activities that do not involve computers or computer programming and presents practical examples of tasks with algorithm designs, including a detailed step-by-step instruction set for solving a problem. Coding practices that involve children^s daily lives, incorporating sequential, and directional commands and coding grids (coding sheet). For children to develop coding skills in basically they experience coding activities which develop the knowledge appropriate for the early childhood period, such as knowing the directions. Similarly, children also gain the ability to count using ordinal numbers. The activity-based unplugged coding education program presented in this study can support problem-solving skills of early childhood. It can be enriched with activities for diferent age groups also.

Keywords: Keywords: Coding, Unplugged Coding, Problem-Solving Skill, Early Childhood

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4 Early Childhood Education ABS-65

Role Analysis of Mindfulness on Subjective Wellbeing of Early Childhood in Jakarta.
Rini Herminastiti, Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Elindra Yetti

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research is a qualitative research. Data was collected using observation and interview methods. This study aims to analyze the role of subjective mindfulness in early childhood welfare. Subjective well-being is personal perceptions and experiences of positive and negative emotional and global responses and evaluations of specific cognitive satisfaction with life. It has been defined as a person^s cognitive and affective evaluation of his life. The factors that influence subjective well-being are many and quite diverse. Mindfulness refers to paying attention to one^s experience in the present moment with curiosity, knowing, and acceptance. It can also be understood as a stable disposition, trait or tendency to be careful in everyday life. The subject of this study was related to class B at PAUD Nurul Hidayah which opened 20 children. In this study, students carried out PTM Face-to-Face Learning after experiencing about two years of the Covid 19 pandemic. To reduce stress levels and improve children^s welfare, a mindfulness program has been carried out which has been running for about 2 months. These mindfulness programs include increasing awareness of ^now^ activities, having quiet moments of about 10-15 minutes every day, etc. It was concluded that the role of mindfulness in helping early childhood well-being was shown to be associated with less perceived stress, less depression and anxiety symptoms. Along with environmental conditions that are no longer as strict as they used to be, mindfulness helps the transition from pandemic to non-pandemic.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Mindfulness, Subjective Wellbeing

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5 Early Childhood Education ABS-67

Early Childhood Teachers^ Strategies in Collaborating with Parents to Support Children^s Transition to Primary School during the Pandemic Period Span
Nurbiana Dhieni, Lara Fridani, Sri Wulan, Nurjannah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this study is to examine the views, strategies, and collaborations carried out by early childhood teachers and parents in supporting the transition of kindergarten children to primary school, during the pandemic period span. Specifically, the researchers want to explore the practices carried out by the teachers and parents during the policy implementation of learning from home. Since there is relatively limited information about the strategies conducted by teachers collaborated with parents in supporting children^s learning transition, this study will provide alternative strategies related to teachers^ and parents^ collaboration in supporting their children^s development and learning. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is used by researchers to collect narrative data, which is then analyzed thematically. Based on the results of qualitative data, researchers obtained information about the views and practices of early childhood teachers and parents in facilitating children^s learning and the challenges they faced when assisting children in learning. The results of this study are expected to provide enlightenment for early childhood teachers and parents regarding various strategies that can be taken to facilitate children^s optimal development and learning during the unpredictable pandemic situation.

Keywords: ECE teachers^ and parents^ strategies, transition to primary school, pandemic period

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6 Early Childhood Education ABS-76

Teacher Professional Development Lesson Study Based in Elementary School with Triple Helix Support
Aris Badara, Alberth, Haerun Ana, Nurnia, & Sahlan

University of Halu Oleo


The purpose of this research is to improve teacher professionalism through Lesson Study activities supported by Halu Oleo University, Kolaka Regency Government, and CSR PT Aneka Tambang. The three stakeholders are the embodiment of the triple helix. Lesson Study activities in this study took place in two stages. Each stage consists of a plan, do, and see. The focus of this lesson study observation is on the teacher^s ability to organize learning, learning activities, and student learning outcomes. The conclusion of this study is the professionalism of elementary school teachers on the coast of Kolaka Regency has been successfully improved through lesson study. One of the indicators is an increase in learning outcomes and student learning activities. Through this research, a lesson study pilot school has been established at SDN 1 Dawi-Dawi, Kolaka Regency, which is located above sea level. This school is also a model for the implementation of Lesson Study, especially in Kolaka Regency.

Keywords: lesson study, teacher professionalism, coastal schools in Kolaka Regency, student learning outcomes, elementary schools

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7 Early Childhood Education ABS-88

Children^s Mental Health during Pandemic
Silvie Mil (1*)- Fasli Jalal2, Martini Djamaris3

123 Early Childhood Education Doctor Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, RT.11/RW.14, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220


The pandemic Covid-19 caused millions of people to die, and lived in fear and stress which led to human mental health problems. This research aims to test the psychometric properties of the Mental Health Inventory (MHI) and describe the pandemic^s effect on children^s mental health in Jakarta, Indonesia. A Checklist of MHI measures for use with children, and to explore whether additional observational children^s behavior items derived from children^s mental health research and theory would strengthen those psychometric properties. The 36 original MHI items were tested for variability, reliability, and validity using an online questionnaire from various social-economic status children^s family backgrounds. Data was taken from 111 children. Results show that the final MHI-C measure included 21 items representing emotional well-being, psychological well-being, and social welfare for children. Emotional well-being is the most affected aspect. The most frequent indicators were that children feel impatient- they find it difficult to be quiet- they quickly feel confused and feel like to be crying. In the aspect of psychological well-being, most often appears item was that children felt that they have control over their behavior, emotions, and feelings. Meanwhile, for the aspect of social welfare, children were quickly disturbed by their surroundings. On the other hand, the rarest indicator is children being easily agitated. From those results, it can be said that during the pandemic, it is important for parents to be able to pay attention due to children^s mental health, especially the children^s emotional well-being which is more directly affected

Keywords: Children^s mental health- early childhood- parenting

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8 Early Childhood Education ABS-105

The Role of Bigbook Learning Media for Children^s Flood Disaster Mitigation
Susianty Selaras Ndari, Mahdiyah, Hapidin

Unversitas Negeri Jakarta Kampus A Universitas Negeri Jakarta Gedung Bung Hatta Jl. Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur 13220 Phone:+62 21 4721340 e-mail: tu.pps[at]unj.ac.id


The purpose of this research is to describe the role of bigbook learning media for the introduction of flood disaster mitigation for early childhood. This research uses a qualitative case study design. Data collection was carried out through structured interviews with four education teachers for children aged 5-6 years who implemented bigbook media to introduce flood disaster mitigation in learning activities. This study shows that the knowledge of the introduction of children^s flood disaster mitigation is influenced by the role of the learning media used by the teacher. The introduction of flood disaster mitigation needs to be done from kindergarten to high school. The lessons of preparation and recovery are part of human resilience.

Keywords: bigbook media, flood mitigation, earlychild education

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9 Early Childhood Education ABS-111

The Use Of Balinese Language In Early Childhood: Identification Of Affecting Factors
Ni Gusti Ayu Made Yeni Lestari, Endry Boeriswati, Nurbiana Dhieni

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The use of Balinese in young children is an important thing to be concerned about because it relates to the child^s ability to interact with the environment. Facts that occur in the field include early childhood difficulties in using the Balinese language to communicate widely with the environment in which they live and also in the context of learning Balinese in PAUD. Of course, this problem can be caused by various factors and need to be identified as part of a way to help children to be more able to use Balinese as an active medium of communication to support their language development. This qualitative study aimed to identify the factors that influence the use of Balinese in early childhood. The participants in this study were five parents and two teachers from the children in Group B2. Interviews and documentation notes became the basis of the research method and the data were analyzed by taxonomic analysis. The results showed that were three main factors that influence the use of Balinese in early childhood, namely: 1) language acquisition, 2) language environment, and 3) language learning. The results also found that parents and teachers as part of the child^s immediate environment have an essential role in developing children^s Balinese language skills. For this reason, parents and teachers need to apply various strategies to help children develop the ability to communicate in Balinese, including using interesting media.

Keywords: Factors of Using Balinese Language, Local Wisdom, Early Childhood

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10 Early Childhood Education ABS-112

Implementation of Marine Thematic Learning in Early Childhood
Farida Samad, Elindra Yetti, Hapidin

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The research focused on the implementation of marine thematic learning in early childhood. Marine thematic learning is a learning that uses marine themes to link some learning materials so as to provide experience and meaning to the children in coastal area. This study was conducted in one preschool as a pilot school for marine education since 2019. The qualitative methodology was applied to explore marine thematic learning in early childhood. Data are collected through interview and analyzed using taxonomic analysis. Findings indicate that the marine curriculum implementation approach used mutual adaptation method. Furthermore, the strategy needs to be more effective in developing lesson design with marine content concerning environmental conditions and it should be synchronized between assessments and learning outcomes. Therefore, teacher competencies need to be developed in the form of marine thematic learning enrichment. It is suggested that more research to explore in depth about aspect and content of marine science needs to be done in the future. It is suggested that the learning process of all basic competencies from all subjects is integrated in marine themes.

Keywords: Early childhood, marine, thematic

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11 Early Childhood Education ABS-114

Environmental Sustainability Education In Early Childhood Education: Study of literature
Murtafiah, Elindra Yetti, Ade Dwi Utami

Early Childhood Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)


Environmental sustainability began to be widely debated both in government and scientific contexts, including in the field of education covering topics including climate change, depletion of natural resources, drought, land degradation, water scarcity and the extinction of biodiversity and various natural damages (UNESCO, 2017- Wang, 2017). 2017). Impact of natural conditions related to environmental sustainability raises the need for the development of environmental sustainability in educational practice, included in the context early childhood education. This type of research uses the study of literature to explore environmental sustainability education in early childhood context. The search of literature was carried out through online during the period April-June 2022 by using national and international online databases namely google schoolar, ebsco, eric and scopus. The number of relevant articles collected was 35 articles. Results of literature studies found that environmental sustainability education in early childhood education has several focus, namely 1) Theory development as the basis that forms the education environmental sustainability in early childhood education- 2) The development of environmental sustainability education practices in early childhood education- 3) The media used for environmental sustainability education practices in early childhood education. However, not many studies have developed the concept of environmental sustainability education in early childhood education, including how to utilizing related digital media environmental sustainability done in Indonesia.

Keywords: Education, Sustainability, Early Childhood, Indonesia

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12 Early Childhood Education ABS-118

Brotojoyo Retnowati

Universitas Cendekia Abditama (UCA)
Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)


Parenting programs for parents of young children from low-income families are necessary as many studies have indicated its significance. This research aims to observe how a strategical change in routine parenting programs affect parents^ participation in supporting their children^s development, parent-child attachment, and school readiness. The research method is case study involving 17 parents of nonformal early-learning education students and 20 parents of formal kindergarten students registered at Bimbel Ibu Bangsa (BIB) Tangerang-a non-profit tutoring program serving students and their parents from low-income families free-of-charge since 2015. As part of the programs, the students^ parents were required to participate in online parenting programs which were held every two weeks for sixty-to-ninety minutes (60-90 minutes) in each session. The programs were carried out through zoom meeting from the BIB^s site. Parents or guardians participated in parenting programs were asked to report their parenting practices via Whatsapp groups using chat or voice-note features and to attach their practice^s documentation in photos and/or videos, where applicable. The data, reports, and documentation of parenting practices were analyzed using Miles & Huberman qualitative-data-analysis method, e.g.: data reduction, data display, and verification- in which the results were then explained based on the formulation of the research problems. The results showed that parenting programs using step-by-step technical details or methods has helped most parents in implementing their newly acquired parenting knowledge in supporting children^s development and school readiness and were able to improve parent-child attachments. This implies that technical deliverance of parenting program for parents of low social-economy status shows positive results in terms of ease, practicality, and effectiveness. Further study is needed to develop better model of parenting programs to support the findings.

Keywords: parenting- low-income family- technical parenting- school readiness- parent-child bondings/attachment

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13 Educational Management ABS-5

Learning Videos of Patient Identification for Clinical Students^ Achievement in the Teaching Hospital
Santi Anugrahsari1,2, Asep Rakhmat Hendrawan3, Hafid Abbas1, Suryadi1

1Educational Management Department, Doctoral Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
2Ophthalmology Department, Koja Hospital, North Jakarta
3Cipayung Hospital, West Jakarta


The first patient safety goal regarding patient identification is the main aspect to consider in the hospital. Patient safety education is highly prominent for both clinical clerkship and nursing students. The latest and innovative learning media developed recently is a learning model with micro learning, especially with educational videos. Few studies focus on the knowledge of clinical clerkship and nursing students about patient safety, especially patient safety goal I. This study aims to describe the learning outcomes of educational video of patient safety goal I for clinical clerkship and nursing student. It employs quasi experimental pretest and post-test design for 4 treatment groups. Participants consisted of medical and nursing professional students who were undergoing a clerkship at a teaching hospital. The data are analyzed by using one-way ANOVA. The results of the pre-test and post-test on all participants show an average of 65.29 + 20.97 for the pre-test and an average of 85.43 + 11.17 for the post-test. The most superior group is the nursing group with lecture and video group. The post-test results based on the group indicate medicine and lectures groups with an average score of 85.88+6.18, group medicine, lectures, and videos of 82+11.05, group nursing and lectures of 86.11+14.20, and group nursing, lectures, and videos of 93.33+8.99 (p-value = 0.027). The patient safety goals I related to patient identification in the four treatment groups provide positive achievements as the educational videos can be used as learning media. Further research is required on other patient safety goals with more participants and multi-center.

Keywords: Patient Safety Goal I - Patient Identification - Video Education - E-learning

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14 Educational Management ABS-6

Jumadi , Sutjipto , Ivan Hanafi

State University of Jakarta


This study aims to explain, uncover facts, obtain empirical findings and produce recommendations in the form of guidelines focused on context, input, process, and results. The problems faced by schools in implementing this program are that there are still differences in perceptions regarding the vision, mission, and program objectives, which are not yet optimal- between programs and processes with realization in the field.

The research approach is a qualitative Context, Input, Process, and Product model. Collecting data by interview, observation, and document review. The research informants are principals, deputy principals, teachers, education personnel, students, and head of school committees. Interviews were conducted in the period from January to August 2019. The validity of the data quality was tested through triangulation of data, sources, methods and time.

The results of the context evaluation research which include the vision and mission, program, program objectives- evaluation of inputs covering program strategy, program design, character education program plans, and resource readiness- process evaluation which includes program implementation- and evaluation of results that include the results of the program outcomes and outcomes. Based on the evaluation criteria used from all aspects, the results were very good. Thus, the program can be continued because all aspects have been running according to the goals and expectations and provide results and benefits, even the program needs to be spread in other places because the program has succeeded very well.

Keywords: evaluation , implementation , program, education character , and CIPP.

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15 Educational Management ABS-8

Teachers Emotional Intelligence, Class Management, and School Organizational Climate, on Interaction Behavior among Teachers and Students
a. Listiyawati b. Eliana Sari c. Ivan Hanafi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The problems of classroom interaction among teachers and students arise in conditions of academic demands that assume the practice of teachers^ social competence in class. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of teachers^ emotional intelligence, classroom management, and school organization climate on interaction behavior among teachers and students in SPK High School. The research was conducted by using a survey method with path analysis applied on testing the hypothesis and conducting interviews among teachers and students. The target population size of this research was 143 teachers who teach at the SPK High School level. The research sample was 105 teachers using the proportional random sampling technique. Upon this research, the conclusion is obtained. (1) A teacher^s emotional intelligence, class management, and school organization climate have a positive direct effect on teacher and student interaction behavior. (2) A teacher^s emotional intelligence has a positive direct effect on school organization climate. Class management has a positive direct effect on the school organization climate. (3) A teacher^s emotional intelligence has a positive direct effect on class management. (4) A teacher^s emotional intelligence has a positive indirect effect on teacher and student interaction behavior through the school organization climate. (5) Class management has a positive indirect effect on teacher and student interaction behavior through the school organization climate. The conclusion is that the teacher and student interaction behavior is affected by the teacher^s emotional intelligence, class management, and school organization climate

Keywords: teacher-student interaction behavior- teacher^s emotional intelligence- class management- school organization climate

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16 Educational Management ABS-32

Wartoni (1), Mukhlas Suseno (2), Makruf Akbar (3)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Quality assurance of education or abbreviated as (PMP) is one of the government programs used to improve the quality of education today. The Minister of Education Regulation Number 28 of 2016 concerning the quality assurance system for primary and secondary education, Indonesia of the schools have begun implementing education quality assurance or the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI). The problem in this study is that the implementation of SPMI in schools in Banten has not been implemented optimally and has not been carried out independently by the schools. The article^s purpose is to describe the implementation of SPMI in schools in Banten. The respondents in this study were seven teachers and principals from schools that had implemented SPMI. The teacher took from the School Education Quality Assurance Team (TPMPS). TPMPS is a team that has responsibility for managing the internal assurance system in schools. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a phenomenological approach to understand in-depth the phenomena, explanations, and respondents^ understanding of their experiences implementing SPMI in schools. The results of the study shows indicate that the implementation of the school^s internal quality assurance system program in Banten is following the procedures but are still many problems faced in implementing SPMI at schools. This study recommends that it is necessary to develop appropriate innovations and mentoring strategies according to the situation and conditions as well as the needs of each school

Keywords: SPMI, TPMPS, PMP, Quality

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17 Educational Management ABS-41

Rihlah Nur Aulia (a*), Hafid Abbas (b), Nurhattati (c), Faisal M. Jasin (d)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung K Jalan Rawamangun Muka, 13320
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
c) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
d) Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi JAKARTA
Jalan Jalan Raya PKP, Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, Jakarta, 13730


Facing environmental degradation, a learning role model is needed to improve environmental education for islamic boarding school educational institutions in the perspective of ecopesantren curriculum management. This study aims to analyze models to improve the management of the ecopesantren environmental education curriculum. through STS learning. This research uses qualitative research methods from the type of case study approach. The location of his research was the Aliyah madrasah school, Ecopesantren Sumber Pendidikan Mental Agama Allah (SPMAA), Lamongan Regency, East Java, Indonesia. research data are obtained through observations, interviews, questionnaires , study of documents. Data analysis uses descriptive-qualitative analysis. Analysis of descriptive data to describe ideas systematically, factually, accurately about facts and relate to the phenomenon under study. The results showed that the Science Technology Society (STS) learning model in the ecopesantren curriculum perspective can improve the management of environmental education. Science Technology Society (STS) learning affects students^ attitudes and views on the ecological problems of islamic boarding schools. Ecopesantren curriculum management is carried out through planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the curriculum. The results of this study theoretically contributed to the development of ecopesantren curriculum management theory. Sts learning methods develop new terminology in the scientific approach of ecology and education. In practical terms, the sts learning model can be used as a role model for Educational Institutions in Indonesia in particular and in the world in general

Keywords: : Science Technology Society Learning Model, Educational management, ecopesantren curriculum environment

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18 Educational Management ABS-56

Lidya Natalia Sartono (a*), Prof. Dr. Sutjipto (b), Dr. Suryadi (b)

S3 Manajemen Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research examined the influence between self-efficacy, principal engagement, and affective commitment on job performance of principal of public elementary schools of Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Province.
The research was conducted on all principals of public elementary schools of Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Province Indonesia by using a survey method with path analysis applied in the testing hypothesis. One hundred and ninety-nine out of three hundred and ninety-six samples were selected randomly by using Slovin formula
The results showed that there was a positive influence (1) self-efficacy on job performance. (2) employee engagement on job performance. (3) affective commitment on job performance. And there was indirect effects: (4) self-efficacy on job performance through affective commitment, (5) employee engagement on job performance through affective commitment, and (6) self-efficacy on job performance through employee engagement. Therefore, to improving the performance of the principal, it can be done through increasing self-efficacy, employee engagement, and affective commitment. These findings provide useful insight and suggestions for the principals, management and for the leader in elementary schools and all the school^s levels on learn developing job performance among the principals.

Keywords: Self-efficacy, employee engagement, affective commitment, and principal job performance

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19 Educational Management ABS-86

1Sahrul, 2Edy Wardoyo, 3Andi Fatmayanti, 4Hairul, 5Ummu Khaltsum

Postgraduate Program, University State of Makassar


Higher education management is one of the indicators of improving the quality of higher education through the ability and quality of higher education services. This study is a development research in the field of higher education management that aims to produce a product of the higher education management implementation model with HESK cultural approach (Human Skill, Entrepreneurship, Social Effect, and Knowledge Worker) based on the analysis of (1) model requirements, (2) design , and (3) content validity. This study is a research and development (R&D). Data collection techniques with observations and interviews for model needs, and product assessment questionnaire sheets for content validation. The subjects in this research were elements of leadership, lecturers, staff and 24 students. The results showed that: (1) the provision of services and a sense of responsibility to students is still lacking. (2) the design of the higher education management model with the HESK cultural approach is designed in the form of 1 book model. (3) the validation results of the HESK model are declared valid based on the assessment categories of two expert validators.

Keywords: Higher Education Management, Services, HESK Model.

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20 Educational Management ABS-91

The Advantages of Empowering Leadership, Work Engagement, and Professionalism on Physiotherapis Task Performance
Maratis, Jerry- Suhud, Usep- Abdullah, Thamrin

Jakarta State University


A good physiotherapists task performance is needed to improve the quality of service so that physiotherapists can contribute optimally to improving public health. The increasing competition for physiotherapy services and the increasing public need for physiotherapy expect changes in the task performance of better physiotherapists to be competitive. This study aims to analyze and interpret human resource management, especially for physiotherapists through a description of the influence of empowering leadership, work engagement, and professionalism on task performance. Sampling technique using purposive sampling. The sample of this research is 217 respondents of physiotherapists who work in health services. The data collection method used a survey method which was conducted in March-June 2022 in Jakarta.. Data analysis used SPPS version 26 and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) AMOS version 20. The results showed that perceived empowering leadership had a significant impact on professionalism, empowering leadership had a significant impact on work engagement, work engagement had a significant impact on professionalism, and professionalism had a significant impact on task performance. The results of the research in theory are expected to enrich references for research, especially regarding the task performance of physiotherapists, in practice, it is hoped that it can be useful for management as input for improving the quality of health services, especially in physiotherapy services.

Keywords: empowering leadership, work engagement, professionalism, task performance, physiotherapist

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21 Educational Management ABS-94

The Influence of Organizational Culture and Transformational Leadership on Employee Commitment to Change with Variables of Employee Resilience and Trust in Leaders as Mediators
Wardjianto (1), Dedi Purwana (2), Evy Clara (3)

(1) (2) (3) Doctoral Program in Science Management, Jakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author: wardjianto_7647158023[at]mhs.unj.ac.id


Organizational changes are currently driven by the rapid advancement of information technology, giving rise to digital disruption, in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic, many organizations have transformed, including government organizations. Several studies have shown that 70% of change programs fail to run with various causes. Realizing that the role of humans is a factor that influences the success of organizational change, it is necessary to research employee commitment to change by looking at the factors that influence it. This paper is a quantitative research proposal on the factors that influence employee commitment to change using the Integrative Model of Organizational Behavior approach. The variables of Employee Resilience and Trust in Leaders are used as mediators for the relationship between the variables of Organizational Culture and Transformational Leadership with the variables of Commitment to Change. The test results of the research instrument show sufficient validity and reliability values so that the data collection stage in the field can be continued. The results of this study are useful for the development of the theory of employee commitment to change.

Keywords: employee commitment to change, organizational culture, transformational leadership, employee resilience, trust in leader

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22 Educational Management ABS-113

Evaluation The Performance of School Based Management In Primary School In Bekasi City
Ade Mutiarawati, Mohammad Syarif Sumantri, Arita Marini

a. Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka No: 1, Jakarta Indonesia


There is a gap between implementation School Based-Management (MBS) at the school with the principle of MBS as the basis for the implementation at the school. For that reason this study aims to obtain data on MBS implementation in public primary schools in Bekasi City. The data obtained from MBS implementation is limited to academic and managerial data. The grand theory for this research is education management theory basically MBS Theory. Then management theory focused on the principal management that is school management effort which is academic or non academic based on MBS. The method used for this study is by survey with a qualitative approach, while the analysis was conducted using CIPP. The data were analyzed inductively to obtain a comprehensive idea of the school profile regarding the implementation and development of MBS in the mentioned schools. The object of the study was determined using purposive sampling in 6 public primary schools in Bekasi City. The result of the data analysis shows that there are three categories of quality in terms of MBS implementation: Level 1 is where MBS has been implemented and developed consistently in the public primary schools in Bekasi City, as indicated by the completeness of managerial administration, facilities and infrastructure, and sufficient human resources. Level 2 is where MBS has been implemented consistently but the facilities and infrastructure are incomplete, although the human resources development suffices. Level 3 indicates shortcomings, as it is where MBS has not been implemented consistently, the facilities and supporting infrastructure are unavailable, and the human resources development is insufficient.

Keywords: evaluation-Management- primary school

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23 Educational Technology ABS-2

Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
Rita Purnama Sari- Zulfiati Syahrial- Murni Winarsih

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Mobile-assisted language learning or MALL has been employed more and more in recent decades due to the dramatic advances in mobile technology. There are myriads of studies investigating the effectiveness of MALL in vocabulary learning. This fact arises the need for a systematic literature review study that can shed some light on the direction of future research on mobile-assisted vocabulary learning. This systematic literature review examines MALL research on vocabulary learning during the period of 2017 to 2021. The research included in this study must: 1) investigate the effect of mobile-assisted vocabulary learning on EFL vocabulary retention, motivation, self-directed learning, or metacognition- 2) in the form of experiment, qualitative, or design-based research- 3) be published in reputable international journals. Based on the screening result, only 27 papers were included in the study. The finding indicates that MALL can improve learners^ ability in acquiring new words, increase learners^ motivation, and promote self-regulated learning. However, most of the reviewed papers only measured receptive vocabulary knowledge and short-term vocabulary retention. Furthermore, there is a high tendency to adopt decontextualized vocabulary learning instruction in the previous mobile-assisted vocabulary research. This fact raises the need for future design-based research that is able to design and develop well-balanced and pedagogically sound mobile-assisted vocabulary learning resources.

Keywords: Mobile learning- Mobile-assisted language learning- Mobile-assisted vocabulary learning- Vocabulary learning- Systematic literature review

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24 Educational Technology ABS-3

The Implementation of Meaningful Learning in Online Learning
Nita Lestari (a*), Murni Winarsih (b), Dwi Kusumawardani (b)

a) Educational Technology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
* NitaLestari_9902918012[at]mhs.unj.ac.id
b) Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The author considers using a meaningful learning model in an online learning environment in the Civic Education subject. The research studied 32 respondents at MA Annida grade XI. The learning activities are based on the meaningful learning principles (advance organizer, progressive differentiation, integrative reconciliation, and consolidation). Student activity data were collected using the observation sheet, while student achievement data were collected using the test method for each cycle. The criteria for classifying activities in every cycle are based on the ideal mean and ideal standard deviation. Sources of data include observation, questionnaires, and learning outcomes document. Result indicate it is possible to create a meaningful learning experience by applying the meaningful learning principles to online learning

Keywords: Meaningful learning, Meaningful Learning Principles, Learning and Teaching, Online Learning

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25 Educational Technology ABS-7

The Potential and Challenges of Using Problem Based Learning-Based E-Modules in Sociology Learning in Senior High Schools in Surakarta City
Laras Andita Y., S.Pd (a), Prof. Dr. Sariyatun, M.Pd (a), Dr. Djono, M.Pd (a), Fajar Indra K., S.Pd, M.Pd (a)

a) Departement Of Educational Technology, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


Various problems in learning always arise, especially during a pandemic. Learning that was supposed to be face-to-face, is now held offline. Although over time the problem is resolved, there must still be a need for efforts to deal with problems in online learning, one of which is by developing E-Module learning media based on Problem Based Learning. This study aims to determine the access and perceptions of students and teachers in the use of E-Module learning media based on Problem Based Learning, besides that this study also aims to determine the potential for its application. This research method uses questionnaires to distribute to 120 students, besides that this research also uses interviews with several teachers and students at the Social Sciences major in Surakarta who need innovative media, especially in Sociology subjects. These findings indicate that students are very familiar with the device. In addition, it was also found that learning so far, especially when online learning was carried out was less effective, 79.6% of students stated that the teacher only provided material in the form of files (Word, PDF, PPT) without any further explanation of the material, the media used so far are only wa groups, manuals and assignments via word/pdf files only. Less effective learning so far has an impact on student performance, only 5% of students who master the material and 35.2% of students lack mastery and 22.2% of students do not master the material presented. Not only that, 33.6% of students stated that their social attitude was lacking and 54.4% of students considered their social attitude to be very lacking during learning. The researcher also revealed that students had a positive perception of the use of Problem Based Learning-based E-Module learning media. This report can be used as a basis for developing this product. This E-Module learning media based on Problem Based Learning is wider to facilitate learning in the classroom.

Keywords: E-Module, Problem Based Learning, Student Needs

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26 Educational Technology ABS-29

Moodle-based Flipped Learning model to improve students^ Basic Translation Skills and Twenty-First Century Skills
Andri Purwanto(a)*, Muchlas Suseno(a), Syamsi Setiadi(a)

(a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Developing Moodle-based flipped learning model and integrating it with collaborative i-tool SmartCAT is one of the greatest challenges in Translation courses. Product validation is carried out by translation, Flipped Learning, instructional design and Learning Management System experts. To obtain expert consensus regarding the validity of the developed hypothetical model, the Delphi technique is used, namely the conclusion of the results of various expert opinions that are collected, searched for points of similarity, and summarized so that it becomes a common consensus. The consensus of experts includes the following aspects: (1) identification of problems through needs analysis- (2) priority determination, namely determining the type and manufacture of the product- (3) determining program objectives, and (4) determining solutions to solve problems. The next stage is to try it out on 10 lecturers and 60 students in the Translation course in the English Education Study Program. This trial was used to determine the impact of Flipped Learning and the subject^s perception of the application of the product in a lecture activity. The conclusion of the consensus results of the validity of the experts and the perception of the subject in this study were analyzed by the percentage method, while the determination of the impact of learning with the average difference test of the subject^s value. This research is expected to have a positive impact on Moodle-based Flipped Learning through the developed product, which can significantly improve students^ Basic Translation Skills and Twenty-First Century Skills.

Keywords: Basic Translation Skills, Twenty-First Century Skills, Learning Management Systems, Moodle, Flipped Learning Model

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27 Educational Technology ABS-42

Web Learning Media as a Digital Communication Tool for Indonesian Language Courses in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Yulian Dinihari, Zainal Rafli, Endry Boeriswati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Indonesian Language Course is a compulsory General Course taken by first and third semester students. The problem that occurs at Indraprasta University PGRI is distance learning during this pandemic. The material does not cover all the things that the lecturer wants to convey. Students find it difficult to have a handle in learning Indonesian. To overcome this problem, learning media is needed that can meet all the existing materials, namely website-based learning media. The research method used is the Research and Development (RnD) method with the development process using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The development research carried out was only up to the Development stage because the purpose of this research was limited to developing and producing a learning media application. This study shows that the results of the validation carried out obtained an average percentage of assessment of 85.59% with a valid category. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the application of website-based learning media in Indonesian Language Courses was valid for use in PJJ.

Keywords: Web Learning Media, Digital Communication, Indonesian Language

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28 Educational Technology ABS-48

Nia Kurniawati, Ilza Mayuni, Ninuk Lustyantie

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta #garyadinia2011[at]gmail.com
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta c) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Digital literacy includes several skills, such as operational, formal, information, communication, content creation, and strategy skills. Previous studies have shown that the digital literacy of pre-service English teachers is still concerning. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve the digital literacy among English pre-service teachers since they will be dealing with students from the alpha generation. This study tried to portray the classroom activities in Technology Enhanced Language Teaching (TELL) course that practice the digital literacy framework from JISC following SIOP protocol, and also to reveal the students^ response toward the practice. In this qualitative research, the instruments to gain the data include observation, and interview. The research was conducted in English Education study program of Universitas Suryakancana, involving the TELL lecturer and her 5th semester students. The study showed that the TELL course has incorporated several points of JISC Digital Literacy framework. The lecturer also had shown the eight points to ponder in SIOP model. The students mentioned that the course has provided them some knowledge and skill on digital literacy, even they also admitted that they are motivated to seek for more knowledge related to the practice of merging digital literacy with the English teaching.

Keywords: Digital Literacy, SIOP, TELL

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29 Educational Technology ABS-50

The Influence of Augmented Reality Media and Critical Thinking Toward Study Result of Facial Skin Care by Controlling Problem Solving Ability
Nurul Hidayah (a*), M. Sukardjo (b), Uwes. Chaeruman (c)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aims to determine the influence of augmented reality media and critical thinking on study results of facial skin care by controlling problem-solving ability to find out differences in learning outcomes between students who use Augmented Reality (AR) and students who use printed books after controlling they problem-solving abilities and to determine the effect of AR interaction and critical thinking on learning outcomes after controlling the problem-solving abilities and also to find out differences in learning outcomes between groups of students who use AR and students who use printed books for groups of students who have high-level critical thinking skills and Low critical thinking after controlling problem-solving skills in facial skin care learning at the Cosmetology Program. This study used an experimental method with a research sample of 60 students. Based on the results, it is known that: (1) There is a difference in the influence of learning outcomes on facial skin care between students who used Augmented Reality and students who used printed books. (2) The learning outcomes of facial skin care in students who used AR are higher than in students who used printed books. (3) There is an interaction effect between learning media and critical thinking level on student learning outcomes after controlling Problem Solving Ability. (4) learning outcomes of facial skin care are higher using AR media than using textbooks for students who have high-level critical thinking skills by controlling problem-solving skills.

Keywords: Media, Augmented Reality, critical thinking, facial skin care, problem solving

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30 Educational Technology ABS-55

Analysis of E-Module Development in Chemistry Practicum: Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Annisa Chandra, Dwi Kusumawardani, Cecep Kustandi

Pascasarjana Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Rawamangun 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia


Advances in technology and the increasing use of the Internet have had an impact on all aspects of life including education. The gap between the development of information technology and practical situations in schools shows that product innovation is needed in the form of electronic teaching materials that can be integrated into the learning process. One of the innovations of electronic teaching materials that can be integrated into the learning process is the module. This study aims to present empirical findings from the latest literature on the development of e-modules in chemistry practicum. The inclusion criteria used were journals with the keywords development of e-module in chemistry practicum, as well as the range of the year the journal was published from 2013-2022. The data obtained is sourced from the Google Scholar database using Publish or Perish. The method used is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of 15 articles. The results of this study indicate that the chemistry practicum developed in the e-module is basic chemistry, organic chemistry, and chemistry class X, XI, XII SHS. As well as e-modules developed based on Kvisoft Flipbook Maker, Flip PDF Professional, 3D Pageflip, and Canva. We found that e-module can improve student learning outcomes. The learning outcomes that are shown to be most affected are students^ knowledge. In conclusion, the findings of this study can provide a framework and insight for future researchers regarding the subject area, education level, development aplication, theoretical model, methodology, and results.

Keywords: Analysis- Development of E-Module- Chemistry Practicum- Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

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