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Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
Rita Purnama Sari- Zulfiati Syahrial- Murni Winarsih

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Mobile-assisted language learning or MALL has been employed more and more in recent decades due to the dramatic advances in mobile technology. There are myriads of studies investigating the effectiveness of MALL in vocabulary learning. This fact arises the need for a systematic literature review study that can shed some light on the direction of future research on mobile-assisted vocabulary learning. This systematic literature review examines MALL research on vocabulary learning during the period of 2017 to 2021. The research included in this study must: 1) investigate the effect of mobile-assisted vocabulary learning on EFL vocabulary retention, motivation, self-directed learning, or metacognition- 2) in the form of experiment, qualitative, or design-based research- 3) be published in reputable international journals. Based on the screening result, only 27 papers were included in the study. The finding indicates that MALL can improve learners^ ability in acquiring new words, increase learners^ motivation, and promote self-regulated learning. However, most of the reviewed papers only measured receptive vocabulary knowledge and short-term vocabulary retention. Furthermore, there is a high tendency to adopt decontextualized vocabulary learning instruction in the previous mobile-assisted vocabulary research. This fact raises the need for future design-based research that is able to design and develop well-balanced and pedagogically sound mobile-assisted vocabulary learning resources.

Keywords: Mobile learning- Mobile-assisted language learning- Mobile-assisted vocabulary learning- Vocabulary learning- Systematic literature review

Topic: Educational Technology

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