The Advantages of Empowering Leadership, Work Engagement, and Professionalism on Physiotherapis Task Performance
Maratis, Jerry- Suhud, Usep- Abdullah, Thamrin

Jakarta State University


A good physiotherapists task performance is needed to improve the quality of service so that physiotherapists can contribute optimally to improving public health. The increasing competition for physiotherapy services and the increasing public need for physiotherapy expect changes in the task performance of better physiotherapists to be competitive. This study aims to analyze and interpret human resource management, especially for physiotherapists through a description of the influence of empowering leadership, work engagement, and professionalism on task performance. Sampling technique using purposive sampling. The sample of this research is 217 respondents of physiotherapists who work in health services. The data collection method used a survey method which was conducted in March-June 2022 in Jakarta.. Data analysis used SPPS version 26 and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) AMOS version 20. The results showed that perceived empowering leadership had a significant impact on professionalism, empowering leadership had a significant impact on work engagement, work engagement had a significant impact on professionalism, and professionalism had a significant impact on task performance. The results of the research in theory are expected to enrich references for research, especially regarding the task performance of physiotherapists, in practice, it is hoped that it can be useful for management as input for improving the quality of health services, especially in physiotherapy services.

Keywords: empowering leadership, work engagement, professionalism, task performance, physiotherapist

Topic: Educational Management

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