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Evaluation The Performance of School Based Management In Primary School In Bekasi City
Ade Mutiarawati, Mohammad Syarif Sumantri, Arita Marini

a. Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka No: 1, Jakarta Indonesia


There is a gap between implementation School Based-Management (MBS) at the school with the principle of MBS as the basis for the implementation at the school. For that reason this study aims to obtain data on MBS implementation in public primary schools in Bekasi City. The data obtained from MBS implementation is limited to academic and managerial data. The grand theory for this research is education management theory basically MBS Theory. Then management theory focused on the principal management that is school management effort which is academic or non academic based on MBS. The method used for this study is by survey with a qualitative approach, while the analysis was conducted using CIPP. The data were analyzed inductively to obtain a comprehensive idea of the school profile regarding the implementation and development of MBS in the mentioned schools. The object of the study was determined using purposive sampling in 6 public primary schools in Bekasi City. The result of the data analysis shows that there are three categories of quality in terms of MBS implementation: Level 1 is where MBS has been implemented and developed consistently in the public primary schools in Bekasi City, as indicated by the completeness of managerial administration, facilities and infrastructure, and sufficient human resources. Level 2 is where MBS has been implemented consistently but the facilities and infrastructure are incomplete, although the human resources development suffices. Level 3 indicates shortcomings, as it is where MBS has not been implemented consistently, the facilities and supporting infrastructure are unavailable, and the human resources development is insufficient.

Keywords: evaluation-Management- primary school

Topic: Educational Management

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