Teacher Professional Development Lesson Study Based in Elementary School with Triple Helix Support
Aris Badara, Alberth, Haerun Ana, Nurnia, & Sahlan

University of Halu Oleo


The purpose of this research is to improve teacher professionalism through Lesson Study activities supported by Halu Oleo University, Kolaka Regency Government, and CSR PT Aneka Tambang. The three stakeholders are the embodiment of the triple helix. Lesson Study activities in this study took place in two stages. Each stage consists of a plan, do, and see. The focus of this lesson study observation is on the teacher^s ability to organize learning, learning activities, and student learning outcomes. The conclusion of this study is the professionalism of elementary school teachers on the coast of Kolaka Regency has been successfully improved through lesson study. One of the indicators is an increase in learning outcomes and student learning activities. Through this research, a lesson study pilot school has been established at SDN 1 Dawi-Dawi, Kolaka Regency, which is located above sea level. This school is also a model for the implementation of Lesson Study, especially in Kolaka Regency.

Keywords: lesson study, teacher professionalism, coastal schools in Kolaka Regency, student learning outcomes, elementary schools

Topic: Early Childhood Education

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