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Rihlah Nur Aulia (a*), Hafid Abbas (b), Nurhattati (c), Faisal M. Jasin (d)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung K Jalan Rawamangun Muka, 13320
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
c) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
d) Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi JAKARTA
Jalan Jalan Raya PKP, Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, Jakarta, 13730


Facing environmental degradation, a learning role model is needed to improve environmental education for islamic boarding school educational institutions in the perspective of ecopesantren curriculum management. This study aims to analyze models to improve the management of the ecopesantren environmental education curriculum. through STS learning. This research uses qualitative research methods from the type of case study approach. The location of his research was the Aliyah madrasah school, Ecopesantren Sumber Pendidikan Mental Agama Allah (SPMAA), Lamongan Regency, East Java, Indonesia. research data are obtained through observations, interviews, questionnaires , study of documents. Data analysis uses descriptive-qualitative analysis. Analysis of descriptive data to describe ideas systematically, factually, accurately about facts and relate to the phenomenon under study. The results showed that the Science Technology Society (STS) learning model in the ecopesantren curriculum perspective can improve the management of environmental education. Science Technology Society (STS) learning affects students^ attitudes and views on the ecological problems of islamic boarding schools. Ecopesantren curriculum management is carried out through planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the curriculum. The results of this study theoretically contributed to the development of ecopesantren curriculum management theory. Sts learning methods develop new terminology in the scientific approach of ecology and education. In practical terms, the sts learning model can be used as a role model for Educational Institutions in Indonesia in particular and in the world in general

Keywords: : Science Technology Society Learning Model, Educational management, ecopesantren curriculum environment

Topic: Educational Management

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