Early Childhood Teachers^ Strategies in Collaborating with Parents to Support Children^s Transition to Primary School during the Pandemic Period Span
Nurbiana Dhieni, Lara Fridani, Sri Wulan, Nurjannah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this study is to examine the views, strategies, and collaborations carried out by early childhood teachers and parents in supporting the transition of kindergarten children to primary school, during the pandemic period span. Specifically, the researchers want to explore the practices carried out by the teachers and parents during the policy implementation of learning from home. Since there is relatively limited information about the strategies conducted by teachers collaborated with parents in supporting children^s learning transition, this study will provide alternative strategies related to teachers^ and parents^ collaboration in supporting their children^s development and learning. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is used by researchers to collect narrative data, which is then analyzed thematically. Based on the results of qualitative data, researchers obtained information about the views and practices of early childhood teachers and parents in facilitating children^s learning and the challenges they faced when assisting children in learning. The results of this study are expected to provide enlightenment for early childhood teachers and parents regarding various strategies that can be taken to facilitate children^s optimal development and learning during the unpredictable pandemic situation.

Keywords: ECE teachers^ and parents^ strategies, transition to primary school, pandemic period

Topic: Early Childhood Education

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