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1 Biology ABS-3

Genetic Diversity, Heritability and Path Analysis of Sweet Cassava Promising Clones

Jakarta, Indonesia


The goal of the trial was to determine the genetic diversity of sweet cassava promising clones and to measure the heritability and the closeness of relationship between morphological trait and tuber and starch yield. Place of trial was in Kalipare, Malang, Indoensia establish in 357 m from see level with Entisol soil. The trial was carried out during 2018 with a RCBD, 3 replications. Plants distance was a 100 cm x 80 cm. Twelve promising clones and released variety as check were tested in this trial. The results showed that the genetic variability for fresh tuber yield, starch content, long of tuber, diameter of tuber, tuber number/plant in eight months and plant height in 4 months. Degree of the genotypic correlations was higher than the phenotypic correlations. The fresh tuber yield was positively and significantly correlated with tuber number/plant and tuber long genetically and phenotypically and tuber diameter genetically. The fresh tuber yield was negatively significantly correlated with starch content and plant height in 4 months genetically and phenotypically. Tuber diameter had largest direct effect on fresh tuber yield genetically. High broad sense heritability estimates were recorded in tuber diameter, tuber long, starch content, fresh tuber yield.

Keywords: Genotypic diversity, heritability, path analysis, sweet cassava promising

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2 Biology ABS-39

Correlation Between Macroalgae Abundance with Echinodermates at Sepanjang Beach, Gunung Kidul-Yogyakarta
Ratna Komala, Hanum Isfaeni, Muhamad Rizal, Dwi Angelita ,Bina Rahayu Setyasih

Master of Biology Education Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences-Jakarta State University, Indonesia


Macroalgae and echinoderms are marine biological resources whose presence can be found in the intertidal zone. One of the beaches that supports the life of macroalgae and echinoderms is the Sepanjang Beach. These beach is generally rocky coastal waters overgrown with various macroalgae and home to various types of echinoderms such as the Ophiuroidea (snaking stars), Echinoidea (sea urchins) and Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) groups. The existence of tourism activities on the Sepanjang Beach which is open to the general public has an indirect impact on macroalgae and echinoderms. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the abundance, diversity, dominance and correlation between the abundance of macroalgae and echinoderms on the Sepanjang beach. The research method uses a descriptive method with direct observation. Data analysis was carried out descriptive through the calculation of abundance, diversity, dominance and statistically through the calculation of Pearson correlation. Based on the results of the correlation coefficient at the observation station at Sepanjang Beach, it shows a significant positive correlation between the abundance of macroalgae and echinoderms.

Keywords: Echinoderms, Macroalgae, Sepanjang Beach

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3 Biology ABS-44

Vegetation Analysis and Diversity of Seed Plants (Spermatophyta) in the Area Around Porok Beach, Yogyakarta
Rizhal Hendi Ristanto 1,a), Khalida Zia 2),Helda Dumayanti 3,b), Clavinzky Anggita Pasaribu 4) and Mieke Miarsyah5)

12345) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
a) Corresponding author: rizhalhendi[at]


Seed plants (Spermatophyta) as biodiversity need to be preserved because they have many benefits. This study aims to determine the analysis of vegetation & diversity of seed plants (Spermatophyta) in the Porok Beach Forest, Yogyakarta. The research method used is a survey method by direct observation and quantitative descriptive of the vegetation area. The research instrument is in the form of observation sheets for the analysis of vegetation and diversity of seed plants (Spermatophyta). The population in this study is all seed plants (Spermatophyta) found in the Porok Beach Forest, Yogyakarta. The sample in this study is seed plants (Spermatophyta) with tree habitus, taken by purposive sampling on a quadratic transect. This type of research is used in line transect and quadratic transect methods. The research design is made with a 70 m long transect line in the tree vegetation area. On the transect line, 3 plots/square are made with a plot size of 10 m x 10 m and a distance between plots of 10 m. Each plot/square was repeated 3 times, so there were 9 plots/square. Vegetation analysis is carried out by calculating Important Value Index (INP), Shannon-Wienner diversity index (H^), and environmental parameters. Based on the results of research on seed plants (Spermatophyta) that has been carried out in the area around Porok Beach, Yogyakarta with tree habitus found as many as 5 families, 5 species and 33 individuals. There were 5 (five) types of vegetation composition, namely Casuarina equisetifolia (Cemara Udang), Terminalia catappa (Ketapang), Pandanus odorifer (Sea pandanus), Cocos nucifera (Coconut) and Phempis acidula (Stigi). The species diversity in the area around Porok Beach, Yogyakarta is classified as moderate, namely 1.49 which has a diversity index of 1 < H^ 3 where the diversity index is moderate.

Keywords: Vegetation Analysis, Diversity, Porok Beach, Seed Plants

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4 Biology ABS-49

Gastropod Community Structure at Sepanjang Beach, Yogyakarta
Hanum Isfaeni, Rusdi, Reza Dino Mahardika, Risda Putri Indriani, Feni Oetari

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Sepanjang Beach is located in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. This beach is composed of coral reefs which are one of the habitats of mollusks, including gastropods. Gastropods in the ecosystem act as decomposers and provide micro-ecosystem nutrients for microorganisms. In addition, it plays a role in the food chain in coastal ecosystems. Gastropod diversity and abundance can affect this. Therefore, an analysis of the diversity and abundance index of gastropods in the coastal ecosystem was carried out. This study uses an exploratory descriptive method with data collection techniques using quadratic transects. The data obtained were analyzed indices of abundance, diversity, uniformity, and dominance. The results showed that there were 26 species of gastropods living in the waters of the Panjang Coast, DI Yogyakarta. In addition, the highest abundance of gastropods was at station 4 which was far from the beach entrance, the level of diversity was moderate, the level of species distribution was fairly even, and the level of dominance was high.

Keywords: Mollucs, Quadrant Transect, Sepanjang Beach

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5 Biology ABS-51

Coastal Plants Transpiration of Porok Beach Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Supriyatin*, Sri Rahayu, Anggi Putri Suhadi, Remli Nelmian Simarmata, Alfi Lailatul Qodriyah

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia


Water vapor collection is one of the measurements of transpiration. The characteristics of coastal forests with strong winds, full light intensity, and sandy soil will affect plant transpiration, under these conditions plants have their own way to grow and adapt to the environment. This study aims to analyzing transpiration of coastal forest plants using the method of collecting water vapor. Descriptive method is applied by measuring amount of water vapor, leaf surface area, number and density of stomata, wind speed, temperature, air, humidity, light intensity and salinity. Sample used is determined using purposive sampling of coastal forest plant along Porok beach, Gunung kidul, DIY, three types of plants were obtained with the categories of small single leaf, large single leaf and compound leaf, samples were taken based on the plant part (top, middle, bottom). Data is analyzed with quantitative descriptive technique, using tables of observations, graphs of transpiration development in three different time periods, photo documentation of observations and statistical analysis on leaf area measurements, and stomatal density

Keywords: Transpiration, Measurement, Coastal Forest, Plants

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6 Biology ABS-56

Different Sources Of Diet To Captive Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) On Nutrient Digestibility And Blood Cholesterol
Sinta Maharani* 1,2), Rita Mutia 2), Siti Nuramaliati Prijono1), Rini Rachmatika1), Tri Hadi Handayani1), R. Lia Rahadian Amalia1), Suparno1)

1)Research Center of Applied Zoology, National Research and Inovation Agency (BRIN)
2)Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Indonesia


Captive bird diets are commonly based on offering vegetables and fruits. This research aimed to analyze the varied diets of seeds, fruits and vegetables, and the addition of commercial pellets on nutrient digestibility, apparent metabolic energy, and blood cholesterol. The study was conducted using 12 C.galerita consisting of six males and six females in Bird Captivity, LIPI for six weeks. Feed treatment for the birds consisting of control diet (P0), control diet + 50% pellet (P1), control diet + 75% pellet (P2). The design used in this study is a randomized block design (RBD). The use of additional pellets on sulphur-crested cockatoo diet shows a significant effect (P>0.05) on crude protein, crude fiber, and ether extract nutrient digestibility. The digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, and crude fiber at P0 were smaller than P1 and P2, while the digestibility of crude fat in P0 was higher than P1 and P2. P2 treatment with pellet addition was 75% higher than treatment P0 and P1, namely 1912.98 cal kg-1. The lowest apparent metabolic energy was treated P0 with EMS 1826,83 cal kg-1. The addition of pellet to the sulphur-crested cockatoo diets did not show a significant effect (P>0.05) on the total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels C.galerita.

Keywords: Cacatuidae, captivity, cholesterol, nutrition, parrot diet

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7 Biology ABS-63

Single Rearing by Female on Sulphur Crest Cockatoo (Cacatua Galerita, Latham 1790)
Rini Rachmatika*1), Sinta Maharani1), Siti Nuramaliati Prijono1)

Applied Zoology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)


Parrots are often systematically hand-reared to satisfy the pet trade demand. Success breeding can not be separated from the feed and behavioral aspects. Behaviour of Cacatua galerita is necessarily observed to support captive breeding in Research Facility for Bird Captive Breeding, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). The study aim to saw sulphur crest cockatoo^s behaviour during the rearing season without males. Observation of activity and feed intake have been conducted during two periods of rearing season. Activity observation for seven days/season and feed intake for 20 days/season. The feed is given consisting of boiled egg, bird cake, carrot (Daucus carota), fresh corn (Zea mays), guava (Psidium guajava), kale (Ipomoea aquatica), coconut (Cocos nucifera), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), ambarella (Spondias dulcis) mung bean sprouts (Spigna radiata), yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis). Method of behaviour using focal animal sampling. The result showed nesting behaviour is the highest duration (41.77%) of the rearing season by a female. The highest feed intake is fresh sweet corn as carbohidrat source

Keywords: behaviour, breeding, parrot, cacatuidae

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8 Biology ABS-64

Characterization of Amylolytic Bacteria Isolated from Macroalgae at Sepanjang Beach, Yogyakarta
Tri Handayani Kurniati1, Evita Nury Hariyanti2, Rizki Awalia2, Sudaryanti2, Ratna Komala1

1) Biology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jl. Pemuda No. 10 Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Indonesia 13220
2) Master^s Degree of Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jl. Pemuda No. 10 Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Indonesia 13220


Enzymes are important components in microorganisms. One of the enzymes commonly produced is amylase. Amylase enzymes have various uses, such as basic material in the food and drug industry, the textile industry and other industries. Amylolytic bacteria has the ability to hydrolyze starch or into simpler compounds. This study aims to obtain amylolytic bacteria associated with macroalgae in Sepanjang Beach, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The 3 macroalgae samples studied were Chaetomorpha linum, Eucheuma spinosum, and Enteromorpha sp.. There were 10 colony bacteria isolated from Chaetomorpha linum, 8 colony from Eucheuma spinosum, and 8 colony from Enteromorpha sp.. Isolation of bacteria using pour plate method on Marine Agar medium with incubation for 24 hours. Selection of amylolytic bacteria was carried out on 2% Starch Agar medium. A positive result was indicated by the presence of a clear zone around the colony after added iodine reagent. The amylase production ability of each bacterial isolate was tested by measuring the Amylolytic Index. Characterization of bacterial isolates was carried out based on observations of colony morphology (shape, size, color, edge, and elevation), as well as cell morphology which included cell shape and Gram type. Amylolytic index data were analyzed quantitatively using Duncan^s multiple-region union, and data on the characteristics of bacterial isolates were analyzed qualitatively.

Keywords: Amylolytic bacteria, characterization, macroalgae

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9 Biology ABS-76

Screening and Identification of Exopolysaccharide Producing Bacteria From Pickled Fruit
Tri Handayani Kurniati, Noer Syahbani, Sri Rahayu

Biology Department, State University of Jakarta, Jakarta Timur, 13220, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are biopolymers in the form of carbohydrate chains that synthesized and secreted by bacteria outside the cell. EPS can be widely used in various industrial fields. This study aims to obtain isolates of EPS-producing bacteria from pickled fruit and determine their identity based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The method used in this research was descriptive and experimental methods. The research stages consist of isolation, screening, characterization, identification, and ability assay of producing EPS. Based on screening results on MRSA media enriched with skim milk, as many as 15 bacterial isolates from pickled fruit with various morphological characteristics were able to produce EPS which was characterized by the formation of white zones and mucoid colonies. Three bacterial isolates, namely A4, M1, and P4 were known to have an EPS index value of 0.43, 0.33, and 0.30 and had a relatively fast growth compared to other isolates. Analysis of 16S rRNA sequences showed that the isolates of EPS-producing bacteria from pickled fruit were identified as Peribacillus acanthi A4 (99.69%), Priestia flexus M1 (99.15%), and Priestia megaterium P4 (99.77%). The results ability assay of producing EPS showed that Peribacillus acanthi A4, Priestia flexus M1, and Priestia megaterium P4 had the ability to produce EPS (ppm) sequentially as much as 847, 1,013.57, and 1,007.29. The results of one way ANOVA showed that there was a significant effect of bacterial type on the ability to produce EPS with a significance (P<0.05). DMRT 5% test showed there were two isolates that had no significant difference in ability to produce EPS, namely Priestia flexus M1 (1,013.57 ppm) and Priestia megaterium P4 (1,007.29 ppm). The results of this study provide information on EPS producing bacteria from pickled fruit that can be developed as gelation, bioremediation, and immunomodulators agents.

Keywords: Exopolysaccharide, Pickled fruit, Peribacillus acanthi, Priestia sp., Screening

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10 Biology ABS-78

Masigit as a habitat for endemic bird species and its potential risk of land degradation
Ratna Komala, Fathurrohman, Isnin Noer

Jakarta State University


Indonesia has the most significant endemic bird population in the world. Java island is a place for some important endemic species. This is the result of the transformation from the ^old^ bloom taxonomy to a ^new^ species distribution that becomes more narrow. The immense human activity in the Java forest endangers biodiversity that causes forest degradation. This research aimed to determine the condition and forest degradation level based on the average value of NDVI, composed of bird species, population density, and the endemic birds^ community variation on Java reviewed from the degradation forest level. This research was taken from November to December 2021 in the north Masigit Mountain (Cibanggala) and south (Ci Lumut) area using the descriptive method and Line Transect technique. Moreover, the procedure was conducted to decide the research location and bird species for observation. The result showed that Ci Lumut forest does not show forest degradation on the other side part of Cibanggala forest showed quite a high forest degradation. The highest composition and the composed Javanese endemic bird species in Ci Lumut were Psilopogon corvinus (17% and 6,5 birds/km2), and the smallest was Aethopyga eximia, Alcedo euryzona, Nisaetus bartelsi, Psilopogon javensis, dan Rhipidura euryura (1% and 0,5 birds/km2). The highest composition and the composed in Cibanggala was Eurylaimus javanicus (22% and 6,5 birds/km2) and the smallest was Otus angelinae and Nisaetus bartelsi (1% and 0,5 birds/km2) The results of the PERMANOVA analysis states that the community of Javanese endemic birds in Masigit mountain shows that the differentiation reviewed from the level of degradation forest, kinds of birds, and guild group more in the forests with high vegetation density than in forests with medium-low vegetation density.

Keywords: Birds, Community, Degradation, Endemic.

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11 Biology ABS-81

Anti-Cancer Potential of White Turmeric Extract (Curcuma zedoaria) in Mcf 7 and Hepg 2 Cancer Cells
Sri Rahayu1*, Naufal Maarif2, Dania Afifah1, Arief Prasetiyo1, Firda Kamila1, Anisa Fitriani2, Alifa Alya Aurora2, Fadila Nuranfa Putri2

1Departemenet of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
2Departemenet of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jakarta State University, Indonesia

*Corresponding email: srirahayu[at]


Abstract. White rhizome (Curcuma zedoaria) is a plant from the Zingiberaceae family that has an advantage in medicine and cancer therapy. This research aims to find the cytotoxic level of white turmeric in the MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines. The method used in this research is experimental with a completely randomized design. The treatment group consisted of 10, 20, 25, and 50 ppm Curcuma zedoaria extract for MTT (Micro tetrazolium) test and the control group (without extract) using inhibitory concentration (IC50). The analysis data used one-way ANOVA and Post-hoc Tests. The results of the one-way ANOVA showed that the significance level of concentration on the MCF-7 cell line was 0.00 < 0.05, indicating that there was a different effect of concentration. The highest inhibition value of the white turmeric rhizome extract was shown at a concentration of 50 PPM with an inhibition level of 61.86%. The significance level of the one-way ANOVA for the HepG2 cell line was 0.02 < 0.05, so there was no change in the effect of concentration on cancer cells. The highest inhibition value in HepG2 cancer cells was 18.83% and lower than the MCF-7 cell line. The results showed that the highest IC50 value for the MCF-7 cell line was 68.58ppm, and the HepG2 cell line was 40 PPM. It can be concluded that white rhizome extract has a cytotoxic effect on MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines.

Keywords: White rhizome, Anti-Cancer, IC50, MCF7, HepG2.

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12 Biology ABS-84

Screening and Isolation of Indigenous Cellulolytic and Proteolytic Yeasts From Fermented Dried Cocoa Beans
Dalia Sukmawati1,2, Shabrina Nida Al Husna3, Desty Saszieta1, Almira Marvella Priskaningrum1, Axel Mareta Mutiani1, Ariza Budi Tunjung Sari4 and Hesham Ali El-Enshasy5

1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasyim Ashari Building, 9th floor, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.Dalia-Sukmawati[at]
2Universitas Negeri Jakarta Culture Collection (UNJCC), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Rawamangun, Indonesia- Dalia-Sukmawati[at]
3Department of Microbiology, School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia.
4Coffee and Cocoa Research Center Indonesia, Jl. PB Sudirman No.90, Wetan Ktr., Jemberlor, Kec. Patrang, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68118, ariza.bts[at]
5Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia- henshasy[at]


Fermentation is a biochemical process that requires various microorganisms. The activity of microorganisms in the cocoa bean fermentation process is essential to successful enzymatic molecule breakdown. Yeast is a functional microorganism in cocoa bean fermentation and acts as a glucose and ethanol producer. Yeast has the ability to produce cellulase and protease enzymes, which are both frequently used in industry. This study aimed to screen and isolate yeast that can degrade cellulose and proteases from the fermentation of Sulawesi 1 and TSH 858 cocoa beans. The study was carried out using the descriptive method. Data were obtained by isolating up to 20 g of yeast from each fermentation. The results showed 231 yeast isolates, including 136 from Sulawesi 1 and 95 from TSH 858. The cellulolytic screening revealed 29 isolates from Sulawesi 1 and 27 isolates from TSH 858, whereas the proteolytic screening discovered three isolates and no isolate from the TSH 858 that produced proteolytic enzymes.

Keywords: screening, yeast isolation, cellulolytic. proteolytic, cocoa bean fermentation

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13 Biology ABS-85

Effect of Yeast Consortium on Chemical Properties of Fermented Dried Cocoa Beans (Theobroma cacao L.)
Dalia Sukmawati 1,2*, Shabrina Nida Al Husna3, Salsabila Fauzi Mahfuzh1, Proborini Indah Nursari1, Azizah Nur Izzati4, Ariza Budi Tunjung Sari5, and Hesham Ali El-Enshasy6

1Biology Department, Laboratory of microbiology, 9th Floor Hasyim Ashari Building, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2Universitas Negeri Jakarta Culture Collection (UNJCC), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Rawamangun, Indonesia- Dalia-Sukmawati[at]
3Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, shabrina.nida[at]
4Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang, Banten, Indonesia.
5Coffee and Cocoa Research Center Indonesia, Jl. PB Sudirman No.90, Wetan Ktr., Jemberlor, Kec. Patrang, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68118, ariza.bts[at]
6Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia- henshasy[at]


Keywords: yeast consortium, fermentation, dried cocoa beans, chemical properties.

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14 Biology ABS-89

Flavonoid of Selaginella from Merapi National Park, Indonesia
Sri Rahayu, Rahmah Aulia Azzahrah, Hafidzah Zahratunnisa, Isfi Zahara, Farid Pujiono

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Many studies have been made to explore plants as candidates for antioxidants. This study investigates the flavonoid of Selaginella of Merapi National Park, Indonesia. Exploration of Kalikuning and Kaliurang area was followed by qualitative as well as quantitate analysis. Six Selaginella species was identified as S. opaca,S. plana, S.involves, S.eurynota, SP 1 and SP2. All were positively contain flvanoid with different range form the highest of S.Plana and the lowest of S. eurynota. Result clearly suggest that Selaginella can be used as antioxidant source. Further studies should be considered in bioactive isolation of the plant.

Keywords: selaginella, flavonoid, Merapi

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15 Biology ABS-90

Bagasse Activated Carbon application in Bulk Cooking Oil Reduce Detrimental Impacts on Lipid Profile of Rat (Rattus Novergicus).
Sri Rahayu, Franklin Adino Diwiyanto Pratama, Atin Supiyani, Rusdi, Refirman Djamahar, Ratih Rinendya Putri

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Continued heating cooking oil will oxidize it and causing damage which lead to health problems. This study investigates the impact of bulk cooking oil treated with bagasse activated carbon in lipid profile of Rat. Variation concentrations were applied with blood serum as the samples from 20 male sprague Dawley male rat . Result indicated that 5% concentration of the bagasse charcoal application on bulk oil show less detrimental impact on rat lipid profile of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, VLVL and LDL. it is suggested that use of bagasse activated carbon will reduce detrimental impact of bulk oil on lipid profile. Further study should be made on the safety of the use.

Keywords: bulk oil, lipid, bagasse, carbon

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16 Biology ABS-92

Rafflesia in Mount Leuser National Park, Indonesia: An updated distribution and conservation status
Ridha Mahyuni (a*), Yayan Wahyu Candra Kusuma (b), Syadwina Hamama Dalimunthe (a), Yusran Efendi

a)Herbarium Bogoriense, Research Center for Biosystematics and Evolution, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong, West Java 16911, Indonesia. E-mail: ridhamahyuni[at]
b) Research Center for Ecology and Ethnobiology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong, West Java 16911, Indonesia
c)Jl. Belat No. 101C, Sidorejo Hilir, Medan, Indonesia


New localities and updated distribution of two endemic Rafflesia species from Mount Leuser National Park, namely Rafflesia lawangensis and Rafflesia micropylora are reported. R. lawangensis is formerly known only from its type locality in Tualang Gepang, Bukit Lawang area (North Sumatra Province). The new locality of R. lawangensis is Tangkahan (North Sumatra Province), about 10 km from its type locality. Other new localities are also reported for R. micropylora. Until recently, the distribution of R. micropylora is known only in Sungai Jernih, Lokop, Ketambe, Lawe Mamas, and Kuala Kompas- all of them are located in Mount Leuser (Aceh Province). We found two new localities of R. micropylora, the first is in Batu Katak (North Sumatra) and the second locality is in Cinta Raja (North Sumatra). Information about new localities of Rafflesia species is very valuable and important for their conservation. Based on their latest distribution, R. lawangensis is assessed as Critically Endangered, while R. micropylora is assessed as Endangered. In this study, a complete distribution map of Rafflesia micropylora and R. lawangensis and an identification key are also provided.

Keywords: Conservation status- a new locality- North Sumatra- Rafflesiaceae- Tetrastigma

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17 Biology ABS-93

Assessing the consistency of hawkbill nest selection between local nesting habitats in The Thousand Islands of Jakarta: implication for conservation practices
Mohamad Isnin Noer (a*), Yusuf Adhie Prakoso (b), Agung Sedayu (a)

a) Biology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
b) Graduate Student of Biology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The Thousand Island consists of a group of low-lying islands off the coast of Jakarta that experience different degrees of natural and anthropogenic pressures, resulting in variations in local environmental conditions. Nest selection of hawkbill turtles in this group of the island has not been conducted broadly, studies are only available from one or two islands. This is challenging for practitioners to address conservation practices on nest selection in other islands only based on data compiled from only a small subset of islands. This study aimed to determine the environmental characteristics of the nests selected by hawksbill turtles for nesting at a population level and identify whether there are differences in nest characteristic selection between sub-populations/islands. We used the coefficient of variation to statistically assess the preferences of hawkbill turtles on particular nests in a broad range of habitat variations by comparing environmental values on nest sites and random vacant sites. Coefficient of variation was also used to compare the preferences of hawkbill turtles in selecting a nest on two islands (Peteloran Timur dan Kayu Angin Bira). At the population level, the findings show that some nest characteristics have values which less varied than the values of the environment (nest and vacant sites combined) which indicates that hawksbill turtles exhibit non-random nest selection, but Mann-Whitney tests showed statistically no differences among groups suggesting that hawkbills turtles in Ten Thousand Islands choose their nests randomly. A comparison of the characteristics of the nests on the two islands shows that there are differences in several variables, namely the beach width, the distance to the highest water line, and canopy cover. Hawkbill turtles in Peteloran Timur tend to select nests in areas within reach of the coastline and subtidal, but prefer sites with shady vegetation cover.

Keywords: Hawkbill turtle- Thousand Islands- coeficient of variation- Jakarta

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18 Biology ABS-94

Antimicrobial potency of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) mucus
Tetri Widiyani, Ririn Dwi Astuti, Ranita Restu Nur Azizah, Shanti Listyawati, Tjahjadi Purwoko, Agung Budiharjo, Ratna Setyaningsih

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A Surakarta 57126, Indonesia.


Catfish mucus is secreted by epidermal tissue which function as a defense tool against parasites. Fish mucus contains various antimicrobial substances. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial and antifungal activities of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) mucilage extracts on Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and Aspergillus flavus as well determine the protein profile. The catfish mucus sample was extracted in glacial acetic acid solvent. Antimicrobial testing was performed in vitro by using disc diffusion method to determine inhibitory activity on microbials growth. Protein profile contained in the mucus was electrophored by using SDS-PAGE method. Antimicrobial test showed that catfish mucus perform inhibition zone against MRSA and P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 but not against A. flavus. Aspergilus flavus was not inhibited by catfish mucus extract because fungi is known has a relatively high survival rate. Electrophoresis results 4 protein bands with molecular weight (MW) respectively 117.56, 58.82, 25.37, and 15.47 kDa. Protein band 15.47 kDa is rather similar to lysozyme (MW 15 kDa), a protein which is capable of eliciting microbial activity. Nevertheless it indicated the presence of low level protein contents. Therefore the antimicrobial activities relatively low.

Keywords: antimicrobial protein, Aspergillus flavus, Clarias gariepinus mucus, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853

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19 Biology ABS-109

Breeding of Coconut Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus, Linnaeus 1771) in captivity and their optimizing welfare
Siti Nuramaliati Prijono*1), Rini Rachmatika1), Sinta Maharani1) and Rachman Effendi2)

1)Applied Zoology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
2)Ecology and Ethnobiology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)


Coconut Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus, Linnaeus 1771) is a species of birds in the family Psittaculidae. Conservation status of this species categorized as least concerned (LC) by the IUCN red list. They are listed in CITES appendix II. The overharvesting, indicates significant effects to the decreasing populations in their natural habitats. Captive breeding is another solution in order to substitute the wild-caught parrots as pets. This research used six birds that form two pair bonds of Coconut lorikeets. Females lay one or two matte white, round eggs and incubate them for 23-25 days. Number of eggs, clutch size, hatchling and fledglings sucsess were recorded. The hatchling success was 81.82% and fledgling success was 100%. The hatching rate and fledging rate indicated good reproductive success in captivity. The animal welfare level of Coconut Lorikeets in captivity was carried out using observation and literature studies. The research showed that the achievement of parrot welfare in captivity was in the good category.

Keywords: Psittaculidae, hatchling success, fledging success, welfare

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20 Biology ABS-112

Atin Supiyani (1*), Aulia Annisa (1), Renhat Limbong (1), Imam Nur Alamsyah (1), Rusdi (2)

1) Program Studi Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta
2) Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Allergies are immune system disorders that can cause physiological stress and tissue damage. Pearl grass (Hedyotis corymbose) is known to have potential anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the bioactivity of Pearl Grass Extract (PGE) against allergic mice. A total of 35 male DDY mice aged 2 months were divided into 7 groups, namely (1) normal- (2) ovalbumin (OVA)- (3) OVA + PGE 120, (4) OVA + PGE 200, (5) OVA+PGE 280, (6) OVA+PGE360 and (7) OVA+PGE440 mg/Kg BW. The variable measured was the lethal dose 50 (LD-50) from PGE using the BSLT method, the stress index was calculated from the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and the macrophages alveolar calculated from histological preparations. Animals are physiologically stressed if they have an index value of >1.5. The results showed that LD-50 for PGE was 235,881 mg/Kg BW, a moderately toxic category. The stress index of mice given OVA+PGE was significantly different from the OVA group (p<0.05). Mice given OVA+PGE 360 and 440 mg/Kg BB showed the stress index value of <1.5. The alveolar macrophages of mice given 200 and 360 mg/Kg of body weight was significantly different from OVA group (p<0.05). It can be concluded that PGE can reduce the physiological stress index and the number of alveolar macrophages in ovalbumin allergy mice.

Keywords: alveolar macrophages, ovalbumin, pearl grass (Hedyotis corymbose), stress index

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21 Biology ABS-118

Agung Sedayu (a*), M. Isnin Noer (a)

a) Prodi Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Gd Hasjim Asjarie lt 6, Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
*) asedayu[at]


Muntingia calabura had been introduced from the Americas to many tropical countries, including Indonesia, where it became invasive. In Jakarta this plant invades every possible lot, managed or less managed areas. However, M. calabura provides services for urban biodiversity, including diurnal birds. The relationship between introduced M. calabura and native urban birds may have been an intriguing, as the birds received hypothetically many advantages, including feeds and shelter. On the other hands the birds, especially the frugivorous, enhance the invasiveness of the M.calabura as seed disperser. It is interesting to understand the role of M. calabura to urban bird community across the gradient of urban habitat matrices. We surveyed 68 fruiting trees of M.calabura across Jabodetabek to understand the factor influencing the rate of bird visit in a fruiting M. calabura tree. The relationship of birds visits (species number, number individuals per species) were analyzed against the average value of NDVI as a measure of habitat matrix, vegetative character (canopy size) and generative characters (number of unripe fruits and ripe fruits) using Spearmans correlation. We found that urban birds are indifferent toward urban matrices, meaning they will come to M. calabura trees despite it stands on densely populated residential areas or on loose office areas, based on NDVI. Birds are attracted to generative characters of the trees (number of ripe fruits and ratio of ripe-unripe fruits) compared to vegetative characters (canopy size). This implies that urban bird species are habituated to human made environment and attracted to food source compared to tree as habitat or protection. The relation between M. calabura and urban birds will sustain the establishment of the alien invasive species in urban habitat.

Keywords: frugivorous bird, habitat matrix, invasive species, NDVI

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22 Biology ABS-119

Agung Sedayu (a*), Mieke Miarsyah (b), M. Isnin Noer (a)

a) Prodi Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Gd Hasjim Asjarie lt 6, Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
*) asedayu[at]
b) Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Gd Hasjim Asjarie lt 5, Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia


In urban/urban areas, humans manage their environment intensively, including assemblage of almost all urban flora and fauna except for associated species (weeds, pests, diseases). Deliberately cultivated species serve various functions such as food, medicine, clothing and especially ornamentals. Urban aroid ornamentals before and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic are among those enjoy increasing popularity with very high demand and increasing economic value, despite their characteristics of containing calcium oxalate raphides within various organs. To assist aroid enthusiasts and to understand the characters of the menacing raphides, we surveyed the morphology and sizes of raphides in three organs of eight common aroid ornamentals from six localities in Jakarta. Our research reveals that all eight aroid species contained raphides in all three organs. There are two forms of raphides, the stout shorter type (T1- averaged 57.72-72.37 micrometer) and the hair thin longer type (T2- averaged 113.67-179.37 micrometer). T1 raphid occurred in all eight aroid species while T2 only on 3 species. Separate discriminant analysis (DA) were done on two raphid datasets- the first revealed in T1, Monstera adansonii (popularly, janda bolong) has a distinctive character among seven other species. On the other hand, the T2 datasets revealed that Dieffenbachia amoena has distinctive character among two other species with the T2 raphid type. The distribution of raphides might be an important warning for urban Jakarta ornamental hobbyists and gardeners, as it is a sign of potential health hazard. We predict the T2 raphid are those with higher potential of skin rash and burning.

Keywords: Araceae, idioblast, ornamental plants, urban biodiversity

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23 Biology ABS-128

Screening of Factors Influencing Riboflavin Production by Recombinant Ashbya Gossypii Using Plackett-Burman Fractional Factorial Design Experiment
Nivashini Neela Mekan (a),(b), Tatsuya Kato (c), Enoch Y Park (c), Daniel Joe Dailin (a),(b), Hesham Ali El-Enshasy (a),(b),(d)*

a) Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
b) School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
c) Laboratory of Biotechnology, Major in Bioscience, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka, Japan.
d) City for Scientific Research and Technology Applications, New Burg Al Arab, Alexandria Egypt.


Riboflavin is an intrinsic component for significant nutritional and growth factor of living organisms. It was fermentatively synthesized from different microorganisms such as Ashbya gossypii, Eremothecium ashbyii, Candida famata and Bacillus subtilis. This water-soluble vitamin is a part of commercial interest since, the earliest decade when human health was in threat. Despite to its multiple utilities in all market sectors, the global riboflavin market is seeming to increase its demand, annually. To that, findings pertaining various environmental and nutritional factors contributing riboflavin yield were improvised with a cost-effective statistical experimental design. Previously, the individual effect of component on riboflavin production was evaluated via One-Factor-at-a-Time (OFAT) method. Using recombinant Ashbya gossypii strain, the combined effects of six variables (sunflower oil, corn steep liquor, yeast extract, glycine, potassium phosphate, and Tween 60) were assessed in Plackett-Burman Design. A total of five statistically significant (P<0.05) factors - sunflower oil, corn steep liquor, yeast extract, glycine and tween 60 were identified. The statistical analysis proposed that the linear mathematical model used for prediction is significant with the coefficient of determination R2(0.8774). Comparatively to the basal medium, 55% of higher metabolite was achieved based on the model of the optimized medium.

Keywords: Ashbya gossypii, Plackett-Burman Design, riboflavin, vitamin.

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24 Biology ABS-134

Association Study of Various Types of Epiphyte Fern with Host Tree in Srengseng City Forest
Eka Putri Azrai1*, Mieke Miarsyah, Kharisma Widarsih, Afrilisa Nur Rosifa Gusverizon, Sayyid Izzuddin Muslimin, Yodellia Syahrani, Rojak2

1. Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka Raya No. 11, East Jakarta 13220, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
2. Srengseng City Forest, Jl. H. Kelik, West Jakarta 11630, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: ekaputri[at], mmiarsyah[at], kharismawindarsih[at]


A vegetation is formed by the presence and interaction of several types of plants, one of them is association. The aim of this study is to analyze the types and levels of association among 5 epiphytic ferns species and their host in Srengseng City Forest, Jakarta. Method used was survey method with purposive sampling technique. The data collected were the number of individuals of 5 epiphytic ferns, the number of individuals and types of host trees. Measurements of light intensity, air temperature, and humidity were also carried out as supporting data. The association type was identified using 2 x 2 contingency tables by compared observation value (a) toward expectation value E (a). The association levels were identified using Jaccard Index and Dice Index. The results showed that association types between epiphytic ferns and host trees was 71.79% was positively and 28.21% was negatively. Research indicate that association levels of epiphytes fern with host were variously from low to high. Highest association occurred between Drynaria quercifolia with Leucaena pulverulenta and Pyrrosia piloselloides with Leucaena pulverulenta. Factors affected the association are the distribution of the host tree, allelopathy, bark texture and hardness, and the canopy of the host tree.

Keywords: Association Type, Association Level, Epiphyte Fern, Host Tree, Srengseng City Forest

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25 Biology ABS-148

Germinated Red Rice and Kefir Milk: Functionality and Potency in Food Product
Florencia Angel Meliana(a), Catarina Aprilia Ariestanti (a*), Tri Yahya Budiarso (a)

a) Faculty Biotechnology, Duta Wacana Christian University


Red rice is an Indonesian local food that contains bioactive compounds such as phenol and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), can act as antioxidant. Thus, it has a potency to be developed as an ingredient to produce functional food. Kefir milk is a product contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast and can act as probiotics. The aim of this study was to see the effect of kefir milk added with germinated red rice flour on LAB and yeast, antioxidant activity, and its phenol and GABA content in the end product. Red rice was germinated under 28 and 34 degree celcius in order to increase the antioxidant, phenol, and GABA content. Total LAB and yeast colonies were counted. Antioxidant capacity was done using 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Total phenol and GABA content were measured using Spectrophotometry UV-Vis technique. Results showed that kefir milk combined with germinated red rice-flour can enhance the growth of LAB and yeast. Antioxidant capacity was increased up to 59.95% with phenol and GABA content of 3.577 mg/100mlGAE and 47.329 mg/100g respectively. The results indicated that addition of germinated red rice-flour in kefir milk can enhanced its functionality. Hence, it has a potency as functional food ingredient.

Keywords: Antioxidant, GABA, Germinated red rice, Kefir milk, Phenol

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26 Biology ABS-152

Association between Bird Species and Mangrove Plants on Rambut Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Indonesia
Rusdi, Daniar Setyo Rini, Ade Hera Adinda, Ardiyan Febriyatna, Megawati Putri Siddiqk, Nia Yulianti Amin, Venny Rahayu

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Birds have a very important role in an ecosystem. Mangrove forest on Rambut Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Indonesia is thought to play an important role in maintaining birds diversity. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the association between bird species and mangrove plants on Rambut Island. This study was aimed to analyze the association between bird species and mangrove vegetation on Rambut Island. The research was conducted on Pulau Rambut, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Indonesia in May-June 2022. The research method used was descriptive method. Observations were made at 5 stations with 10 plots in each station with a plot area of 10m x 10m. The results showed that: 1) there was an association between bird species and mangrove species, and 2) there was an association between bird species and the distribution of mangroves on Rambut Island. Hummingbird species are evenly distributed in all mangrove forests. The mangrove species Ceriops tagal and Xylocarpus granatum were dominant in the northern region, Rhizopora mucronata was dominant in the east region, Rhizopora stylosa was dominant in the north and central region, Excoecaria agallocha was found in the east and central region, and Soneratia sp. and Avicennia sp. dominant in the south. Hummingbirds use mangrove plants as nesting and foraging places, gray heron birds (Ardea cinerea) and Phalacrocorax sulcirostris use Rhizophora mucronata as nesting and perching sites, hummingbirds use Avicennia sp. and R. stylose as nesting and foraging sites. Therefore, mangrove forests have a very important role in the survival of birds in Pulau Rambut.

Keywords: Association, birds, mangrove forest

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27 Biology ABS-153

Gastropod Abundance and Diversity at Sepanjang Beach, Yogyakarta
Rusdi, Hanum Isfaeni, Reza Dino Mahardika, Risda Putri Indriani, Feni Oetari

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Sepanjang Beach Beach is located in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. This beach is composed of coral reefs which are one of the habitats of mollusks, including gastropods. Gastropods in the ecosystem act as decomposers and provide micro-ecosystem nutrients for microorganisms. Gastropods also play a role in the food chain in coastal ecosystems. Gastropod diversity and abundance can affect this. So it is necessary to analyze the diversity and abundance index of gastropods in coastal ecosystems. This study uses an exploratory descriptive method with data collection techniques using quadratic transects. The data obtained were analyzed for abundance and diversity index.

Keywords: Abundance- Diversity- Gastropods- Quadrant Transect- Sepanjang Beach

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28 Biology ABS-156

Potential Analysis of Water Hyacinth (Eicchornia crassipes) as Nanocellulose Mask Filter Material
Miladya Syamsu

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Water hyacinth is an aquatic plant that often causes biodiversity and environmental problems.
However, water hyacinths contain cellulose which can be used as the raw material for
making nanocellulose. Nanocellulose can be formulated into many form, one of which is a filter that can elevate cloth masks effectiveness on filtering the COVID-19 virus. Moreover, the filter is potentially biodegradable, so it can be a better alternative for non-woven filter. The use of water hyacinth as raw material can also help to control the growth rate of the plant mechanically. This review aims to analyze the potential of water hyacinth as a raw material for making nanocellulose
mask filter. PRISMA guidelines were used as the method for this review. The results indicate that the cellulose content and the physical characteristics of water hyacinth have great quality. In conclusion, water hyacinth has the potential to be used as a raw material of nanocellulose mask filter.

Keywords: Cloth mask, cellulose, filter

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29 Biology ABS-157

Effectiveness of Cloth Mask with Activated Carbon Filter from Sugarcane Bagasse
Sri Rahayu, Siska Aprilia Kaulika, Miladya Syamsu, Muhammad Fadillah, Aulia Rifdah, Novita Rahma Mujayani, Novita Sari, Naufal Ma^arif

State University of Jakarta


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an increase in amount of medical mask waste. Therefore, an alternative can be do to reduce waste is using cloth masks with additional mask filters. Activated carbon can be used in mask filters as an adsorbent. One of the potential adsorbents is activated carbon from sugarcane bagasse. Sugarcane bagasse as activated carbon has biomass and lignocellulose with high carbon content. Activated carbon filter using sugarcane bagasse can be an alternative and used as an adsorbent as an addition to filters in cloth masks. The purpose of this research is to know microstructure of activated carbon filter with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), effectiveness of cloth masks with activated carbon filters in reducing pathogenic bacteria with Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE), and level of user comfort when using the mask with pressure drop test. This research method is an experimental research. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with one treatment. Treatment in the form of concentration variations activator of KMNo4, namely 5%, 10%, and 15%. The test was repeated 2 times (duplo).

Keywords: Activated carbon filter, sugarcane bagasse, microstructure, efectiveness to reduce bacteria, differential pressure.

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30 Biology ABS-176

Review: Isolation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Breast Milk
Ariyani Noviantari (a*), Putri Reno Intan (a)

a) Center for Biomedical Research, Research Organization for Health, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong Science Centre, Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong, Bogor, Jawa Barat, 16911, Indonesia
* ariyani.noviantari[at]


Stem cells have the ability to self-renewal cells, that have no specific shape, and function but can differentiate into other cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be isolated from a variety of sources, including bone marrow, adipose tissue, dental pulp, placenta, amniotic fluid, Wharton Jelly, umbilical cord blood, breast milk, and others. Human breast milk is a complex fluid that has developed to satisfy the nutritional requirements of infants. In addition to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and other biologically active components, breast milk is also reported to contain stem cells. MSCs can differentiate into different cell types but are limited to just one cell group by expressing multiple specific or multipotent markers. This paper is a review of the literature through a literature search obtained from the internet in isolation, differentiation ability, and characterization of MSCs from human breast milk. MSCs isolated from human breast milk can be isolated and express some specific markers. MSCs from human breast milk can differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, and. neurons Therefore, MSCs from breast milk has great potential and maybe hopefully be used in the treatment of regenerative therapy.

Keywords: breast milk, characterization, differentiation, isolation, mesenchymal stem cells

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