Genetic Diversity, Heritability and Path Analysis of Sweet Cassava Promising Clones

Jakarta, Indonesia


The goal of the trial was to determine the genetic diversity of sweet cassava promising clones and to measure the heritability and the closeness of relationship between morphological trait and tuber and starch yield. Place of trial was in Kalipare, Malang, Indoensia establish in 357 m from see level with Entisol soil. The trial was carried out during 2018 with a RCBD, 3 replications. Plants distance was a 100 cm x 80 cm. Twelve promising clones and released variety as check were tested in this trial. The results showed that the genetic variability for fresh tuber yield, starch content, long of tuber, diameter of tuber, tuber number/plant in eight months and plant height in 4 months. Degree of the genotypic correlations was higher than the phenotypic correlations. The fresh tuber yield was positively and significantly correlated with tuber number/plant and tuber long genetically and phenotypically and tuber diameter genetically. The fresh tuber yield was negatively significantly correlated with starch content and plant height in 4 months genetically and phenotypically. Tuber diameter had largest direct effect on fresh tuber yield genetically. High broad sense heritability estimates were recorded in tuber diameter, tuber long, starch content, fresh tuber yield.

Keywords: Genotypic diversity, heritability, path analysis, sweet cassava promising

Topic: Biology

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