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Flavonoid of Selaginella from Merapi National Park, Indonesia
Sri Rahayu, Rahmah Aulia Azzahrah, Hafidzah Zahratunnisa, Isfi Zahara, Farid Pujiono

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Many studies have been made to explore plants as candidates for antioxidants. This study investigates the flavonoid of Selaginella of Merapi National Park, Indonesia. Exploration of Kalikuning and Kaliurang area was followed by qualitative as well as quantitate analysis. Six Selaginella species was identified as S. opaca,S. plana, S.involves, S.eurynota, SP 1 and SP2. All were positively contain flvanoid with different range form the highest of S.Plana and the lowest of S. eurynota. Result clearly suggest that Selaginella can be used as antioxidant source. Further studies should be considered in bioactive isolation of the plant.

Keywords: selaginella, flavonoid, Merapi

Topic: Biology

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