Correlation Between Macroalgae Abundance with Echinodermates at Sepanjang Beach, Gunung Kidul-Yogyakarta
Ratna Komala, Hanum Isfaeni, Muhamad Rizal, Dwi Angelita ,Bina Rahayu Setyasih

Master of Biology Education Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences-Jakarta State University, Indonesia


Macroalgae and echinoderms are marine biological resources whose presence can be found in the intertidal zone. One of the beaches that supports the life of macroalgae and echinoderms is the Sepanjang Beach. These beach is generally rocky coastal waters overgrown with various macroalgae and home to various types of echinoderms such as the Ophiuroidea (snaking stars), Echinoidea (sea urchins) and Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) groups. The existence of tourism activities on the Sepanjang Beach which is open to the general public has an indirect impact on macroalgae and echinoderms. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the abundance, diversity, dominance and correlation between the abundance of macroalgae and echinoderms on the Sepanjang beach. The research method uses a descriptive method with direct observation. Data analysis was carried out descriptive through the calculation of abundance, diversity, dominance and statistically through the calculation of Pearson correlation. Based on the results of the correlation coefficient at the observation station at Sepanjang Beach, it shows a significant positive correlation between the abundance of macroalgae and echinoderms.

Keywords: Echinoderms, Macroalgae, Sepanjang Beach

Topic: Biology

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