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Coastal Plants Transpiration of Porok Beach Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Supriyatin*, Sri Rahayu, Anggi Putri Suhadi, Remli Nelmian Simarmata, Alfi Lailatul Qodriyah

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia


Water vapor collection is one of the measurements of transpiration. The characteristics of coastal forests with strong winds, full light intensity, and sandy soil will affect plant transpiration, under these conditions plants have their own way to grow and adapt to the environment. This study aims to analyzing transpiration of coastal forest plants using the method of collecting water vapor. Descriptive method is applied by measuring amount of water vapor, leaf surface area, number and density of stomata, wind speed, temperature, air, humidity, light intensity and salinity. Sample used is determined using purposive sampling of coastal forest plant along Porok beach, Gunung kidul, DIY, three types of plants were obtained with the categories of small single leaf, large single leaf and compound leaf, samples were taken based on the plant part (top, middle, bottom). Data is analyzed with quantitative descriptive technique, using tables of observations, graphs of transpiration development in three different time periods, photo documentation of observations and statistical analysis on leaf area measurements, and stomatal density

Keywords: Transpiration, Measurement, Coastal Forest, Plants

Topic: Biology

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