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181 Physics ABS-150

Fabrication of Magnesium Oxide (Bangkalan Dolomite)/Carbon Nanofibers Nanocompusite Using Electrospinning Method
Devi Ragita Putri Pratiwi (a*), Arina Wahdania (a), Iqbal Ainur Rizki (a), Arfinda Mulya Dewi (b), Veldiana Oktaviana Putri (a), Lydia Rohmawati (a)

(a) Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Jl. Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia
(b) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Jl. Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia


The application of Magnesium Oxide (MgO) has potential in the medic as an antibacterial and treatment medium. The natural material that can be used as the primary material for making MgO nanoparticles is Bangkalan dolomite. In its application, MgO needs to be combined with Carbon Nanofibers (CNFs) to become MgO@CNFs. CNFs are materials that have good physicochemical and mechanical properties, so it is exciting to be a supporting material. These nanocomposite biosensors can be utilized in several applications, such as supercapacitors and biosensors. This study aims to fabricate and characterize nanocomposites MgO@CNFs. Nanocomposites MgO@CNFs made using electrospinning and carbonization methods. It will be tested for X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The implications of this study can further apply MgO@CNFs nanocomposites.

Keywords: MgO, CNFs, Bangkalan Dolomite, Electrospinning

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182 Physics ABS-166

Tengku Adetya Nurhaliza, Dr.Diana Alemin Barus,M.Sc, Dr.Syahrul Humaidi,M.Sc

Postgraduate Program (Physics),FMIPA
Jln Bioteknologi No 1 Medan, Universitas Sumatera Utara


Abstract:The synthesis of hydrogel composite based on coffee husk has been carried out by crosslinking method. The method applied by the addition of lignin H2SO4 isolated from coffee husk was 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, the addition of 2 g of CNF and the addition of 5% PVA for each variation. From the prepared composite hydrogel samples, physical and chemical properties were tested using several measurement techniques for several characterizations. Characterizations applied include characterization of water absorption, methylene blue absorption, characterization of functional groups, characterization of microcrystalline properties, morphological characterization and characterization of mass reduction on thermal treatment. From the results of the characterization, the results are interrelated and mutually supportive. The best sample belongs to the hydrogel sample HYD-005 which has a water absorption capacity of 55% and an effective absorbance of methylene blue which is 81% in every hour applied. The measurement of the absorbance of methylene blue is also applied to variations in temperature, namely 350C, 450C, 550C. From the applied temperature variation, the absorbance values obtained were 59%, 53% and 81%, respectively. Of all the samples synthesized, the HYD-005 sample has the best value from other samples, this is supported by each characterization and analysis obtained.

Keywords: composite hydrogel, methylene blue, crosslinking, absorbance

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183 Physics ABS-190

Esmar Budi

Physics and Physics Education Departments-Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


A study on liquid smoke of coconut (cocos nucifera) shell is presented. There were three qualified grade of liquid smokes based on the purification step process in order to eliminate or minimized the tar content. First grade, the liquid smoke that was produced by pyrolyzed coconut shell in converting into coconut charcoal. The second grade, the previous liquid smoke was destilated and followed by third grade that it was filtered. All the liquid smoke were characterized by using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS). The result showed that the tar content of liquid smoke decreased as the third purification grade was carried out that presented by clearly vision liquid smoke. The composition of liquid smoke was dominantly phenol and acetic acid while the rest composition was carbonyl. It showed that in general the phenol and acetic acid composition tend to decrease at the third purification step process.

Keywords: liquid smoke, coconut shell, charcoal, phenol, anti-bacterial..

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184 Physics Education ABS-43

Content Validity of Self-Assessment to Measure Technological Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK) College Students
S. Masfuah, F. Fakhriyah, F. Shoufika Hilyana

Primary Educational Teacher Department, Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia


Technological Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK) is an important framework that must be implemented by teachers. This study aims to measure the content validity of self-assessment instruments to measure college students^ TPACK abilities using Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI) methods. This research is the validation stage which is part of development research that aims to develop TPACK-based Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) to strengthen the scientific literacy of college students at Primary Educational Teacher Department Universitas Muria Kudus. Before developing the SSP, measurements were made to analyze college students^ TPACK abilities. It is measured by a self-assessment instrument in the form of a questionnaire for college students consisting of components Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. The self-assessment was validated by 13 experts of assessment, physics material, biology material, pedagogy, and curriculum. Based on CVR method obtained results of 0.692 and CVI is 0.846. The results match the Lawshe criteria of 0.538, while the quantitative descriptive results obtained a score of 82.99%, very valid. Thus, it is concluded that self-assessment can measure students^ TPACK abilities that are very valid, relevant, and suitable for research

Keywords: Content validity, CVR, CVI, Self-Assessment, TPACK

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185 Physics Education ABS-45

Creative Performance of Junior High School^s Students About Alternative Energy in Science Learning
Fitri Amaliyah (a), Supeno Supeno (a*), Sri Wahyuni (a)

(a) Magister of Science Education, Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan No 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia


Creative performance is ability to integrate multiple knowledge collaboratively and exchange of ideas uniquely in a discipline that requires cross-disciplinary skills and knowledge. Creative performance includes several aspects: novelty, resolution, elaboration, and synthesis. Students need a creative performance in dealing with social problems around them. Students with creative performance will be able to produce solutions in form of arguments to create innovative products. Students with good creative performance also show a high level of cognitive understanding. Teachers must measure students^ creative performance to determine learning strategies that suit student needs. Teachers can evaluate each student^s problem-solving tendency by measuring each performance indicator. This study describes creative performance profile of 7th-grade junior high school students in science learning about alternative energy. The research method used is interviews with junior high school science teachers regarding students^ creative performance about alternative energy in science learning. The results showed that students are challenged to make innovative products about alternative energy in terms of novelty, resolution, elaboration, and synthesis. Students^ creative performance needs to be improved using appropriate learning approaches, methods, models, materials, and media. Science learning that provides opportunities for students to design their products can be primary key to improving creative performance.

Keywords: creative performance- alternative energy- science learning

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186 Physics Education ABS-48

A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends in the Scientific Approach to Physics Learning
Yetti Supriyati1, Delia Sati2, Sunaryo3

1Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
2Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
3Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze research trends on the theme of a scientific approach in physics learning. The method used is a qualitative method with bibliometric analysis using the Vos Viewer application. The data was obtained through the Scholar search using the Harzing^s Publish or Perish application. A total of 198 research articles have been collected with a publication range of 2017-2022. The research in 2017 was 24 articles, in 2018 there were 28 articles, in 2019 there were 45 articles, in 2020 there were 51 articles, in 2021 there were 45 articles and in 2022 there were 5 articles. The data obtained is stored in the form of RIS and then analyzed using the Vos Viewer application. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the research themes that need to be explored further in the field of scientific approach in learning physics are scientific literacy, active learning, problem based learning, critical thinking, discovery and science teaching.

Keywords: Scientific approach, Bibliometric analysis, Physics

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187 Physics Education ABS-57

The Dependence of Heat Capacity of Calorimeter on the Amount of Water Inside Calorimeter
Sardjito (a*), Nani Yuningsih (b)

a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012
b) Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012


One of the instructional objectives of Physics Practicum activities in the Laboratory is to prove experimentally the applicability of the theories or laws underlying various physical phenomena. However, often this proof is not achieved satisfactorily due to the presence of various factors that result in the deviation of the experimental results compared to what should be according to the theory. As is the case in calorimetry experiments, deviations are caused by the neglect of the presence of supporting objects other than the main medium of the heat receiver, including the calorimeter of the container where the water is located which also has the ability to absorb heat. As a supporting device that functions as a container, as well as a measuring place and also an adiabatic insulator, the calorimeter has a thermal behavior called heat capacity or water equivalence. Unlike the heat absorbed by water, which is easily calculated from the mass and its specific heat, the heat absorbed by the calorimeter and its supporting devices cannot only be calculated from the mass and specific heat of the calorimeter material, because of its complex structure. This study aims to obtain a relationship between the heat capacity of the calorimeter and the amount of media inside calorimeter experimentally, using the ice fusion heat experiment. The heat capacity of the calorimeter was calculated using experimental data of ice fusion heat with various variations in the mass of water inside. Improvement of the process to obtain a more accurate heat capacity value is carried out through the calculation of Newton^s correction of the measured temperature due to the influence of ambient temperature. From the results of the research used at the Physics Laboratory of the Bandung State Polytechnic, it can be seen that the value of the calorimeter^s heat capacity is not a constant, but depends on the mass of water that fills the calorimeter. To the extent of a certain amount of water, the greater

Keywords: calorimeter, heat capacity, water equivalence, ice fusion heat

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188 Physics Education ABS-59

Integration of Acehnese Local Culture in Learning to improve understanding of Basic Physics Concepts
Siraj (a*), Marwan (b), Fajriana (c), Abubakar Dabet (d), Sayni Nasrah (e), Sri Milfayetty (f)

a), c), d), e) Malikussaleh University, North Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.
b) Al-Muslim University, Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia
f) State University of Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia.


The meaningfulness of aceh local culture-based learning will present a dimension of learning that spurs science, understanding, and dynamizes the science into contextual and culturally friendly. This study aims to increase understanding of the basic physics concepts of the moment of force through the integration of acehnese local culture in the mechanical engineering vocational education study program. Quantitative research approach with data analysis techniques using statistical test t (test -t). The results showed that nyeuh teubee, jeungki, beude trieng can be used as a learning resource in understanding the concept of stylistic moments. Based on ttabel= 2,00 while thitung= 5,84. Based on the hypothesis testing criteria, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted with the conclusion that there was an increase in understanding of basic physics concepts through the integration of Acehnese local culture in the material of the moment of style. The results of the research have provided students with knowledge, skills and behavior so that they have a broad insight into the state of the environment and the needs of society in accordance with the values or norms that apply in everyday life.

Keywords: Local culture- Acehnese- Learning- Physics.

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189 Physics Education ABS-88

Nature of Science Research Trends in Physics Learning
Delia Sati1, Yetti Supriyati2, Sunaryo3

1,2,3) Department of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to determine research trends in the field of nature of science in physics education in the period 2017-2022. The method used is bibliometric analysis assisted by Vos Viewer technology. The data is obtained by typing keywords in the form of nature of science in physics learning in the Scholar search in the Publish or Perish application. The data collected is in the form of articles, which is limited to 199 articles, consisting of 2 articles in 2022, 13 articles in 2021, 35 articles in 2020, 52 articles in 2019, 48 articles in 2018, and 49 articles in 2017. The data is inputted into the Vos Viewer in RIS format and then mapped based on the density visualization. As a result, according to Vos Viewer, there are quite a number of objects that must be investigated further in the field of the nature of science in physics learning, including: critical thinking, learning process, project, strategy, effectiveness, conception, natural science, science process skill, scientific inquiry, ability, implementation, and more. This means that there are many research objects in this field that still need to be explored further.

Keywords: Nature of Science- Trend Research

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190 Physics Education ABS-105

Gamification of The Doppler Effect Simulation (TDES)
Dewi Muliyati*, Tim Abyan Syah, Mahmudah, Ardi Kumara

Physics Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta
Jalan R.Mangun Muka Raya 11, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia


This article aims to introduce gamification in virtual simulation learning media. The material described in this virtual simulation is the Doppler Effect. This virtual simulation is divided into two parts, namely story and simulation. To use the simulation, the user must complete the achievements first, that is completing the story. The story section is divided into four stage: the introduction, the moving source, the moving observer, and the moving source and observer. The introductory section explains the storyline of the Doppler Effect material in the other three sections. The next sections contain material according to the section title and continue with evaluation related to the material discussed in each section. At the end of the section there is a reward points that can be spent to buy items in the simulation. In the simulation part, the user can interact with the object of the sound source and the observer by setting its velocity, and adjusting the frequency of the sound source.

Keywords: Gamification- Virtual Simulation- Doppler Effect

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191 Physics Education ABS-135

Dewi Muliyati, Rizka Milenia Putri, and Riser Fahdiran

Departemen of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Jakarta


Learning physics is relevant to many cases in everyday life. Various media have been developed for physics learning, e.g., educational games. Educational games can be used as a way to motivate students who are mostly digital natives who were born and grew up in an all-digital environment. The aim of this research is to produce a case-based educational game on electricity called Elektrotektif. This study uses research and development method with the ADDIE model. The result is an investigative game in which there are cases related to electricity in daily life, such as short circuits, electrocution, and electrostatic discharge. Learning by using cases in a game can help students connect to real-world situations and provide solutions to physical events that occur around them in an exciting way.

Keywords: Educational Game, Case-Based Learning, Electricity, Articulate Storyline.

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192 Physics Education ABS-137

Thomson and His Hypothesis: Exploring the History of Negative Charges Particle through Physics Comics
Rahmah Purwahida, Dewi Muliyati, Dini Rahmadini, M Mutoharoh

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Most schools directly explain the formula related to the Thomson e/m hypothesis. Besides, the story behind this hypothesis is exciting. In 1897, considering the cathode ray^s characteristics, J.J. Thomson proposed the hypothesis that cathode rays were negatively charged particles that produced and moved at high speeds. This study creates comics that support physics learning in schools and present them in an attractive form. Comics are produced through development with the following steps: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Various reading sources related to the history of Thomson^s hypothesis were collected in the define stage. Then proceed with designing how the plots and scripts will be displayed in the comics. At the development stage, comics are entirely finalized, then judged by experts before being tested on users. The results show that Thomson^s comics are worthy of being used as a fun alternative learning media.

Keywords: Thomson, negative charged particles, physics comics

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193 Physics Education ABS-138

Philipp Lenard and Cathode Rays: the Development of Comics for Physics Learning
Rahmah Purwahida, Dewi Muliyati, Dini Rahmadini, Ni Larasati Kartika Sari

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Lenard studied how the energy of the emitted photoelectron varies with the intensity of the light. He found that the maximum energy of the ejected electron did not depend on the color but that the shorter wavelength, higher frequency light caused the ejected electron to have a greater energy. In 1905, Lenard was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on cathode rays. Lenard^s research on cathode rays is a historical plot that is rarely presented on the photoelectric effect material in schools. Because of these conditions, students are less interested in studying concepts and phenomena in physics. One of the efforts for improvement is to provide interesting alternative learning media such as comics. This study resulted in comics about Philip Lenard and his research on cathode rays presented in the form of simple cartoon images. From the results of testing to users, it can be concluded that the comics produced are worthy of being an alternative learning media in schools.

Keywords: Philipp Lenard, cathode rays, physics comics

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194 Physics Education ABS-139

Difficultness Analysis of Simple Harmonic Motion Concept using Diagnostic Test
Handjoko Permana, Dewi Muliyati, Ananda Ayu Dewi Sekartaji, Diah Ambarwulan

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Students learning difficulties can be detected through diagnostic tests. The results of the diagnostic test can show the mapping of students^ understanding of various concepts. This mapping is beneficial for teachers to determine the improvement in the implementation of learning so that concepts that are not understood can be followed up immediately. This research aims to develop a specific diagnostic test for simple harmonic motion material in high school physics subjects. The results of this study are in the form of data and analysis of students^ learning difficulties in the material of simple harmonic motion. Through these results, the teacher can determine the steps for learning improvement.

Keywords: difficultness analysis, simple harmonic motion concept, diagnostic test

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195 Physics Education ABS-154

Analysis of Indonesian Senior High School Physics Textbooks for Representations of Free-Body Diagrams
Kurniawan, Bakhrul Rizky- Fawaiz, Sahal- Ramadani, Cahyani Intan-Purwaningsih, Endang-Rahmawati, Irma

Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang.
SMPN 4 Malang.
Tadris Fisika, Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin


Free-body diagrams are an important skill for students in STEM education. Several representations are used to describe the interaction of force. Various kinds of representations of forces and their interactions raise pros and cons, for example in physics textbooks in Indonesia. We used content analysis on 5 physics books approved by the Indonesian Ministry of Education. The results show that the representations used are abstract and real representations, which are more often used together. The representation does not explicitly mention interaction and the action-reaction force. There are several books that decompose force, but do not distinguish between the force and the component. Advice to physics textbook authors to pay sufficient attention to representations that facilitate a comprehensive understanding of Newton^s Laws.

Keywords: Free Body Diagram, Textbooks, Representation

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196 Physics Education ABS-162

Interactive Digital Physics Module (IDMP) Based on STEM to Improve 21st Century Competence Employability Skills
F C Wibowo1, N S Arnida1, A D Suryaningtyas1, H Nasbey1

1 Department of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Pemuda 10, Rawamangaun, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia


This research aims to develop an Interactive Digital Physics Module (IDMP) Based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) to Improve 21st Century Competence Employability Skills (critical thinking skills, problem solving, creative thinking, collaboration skills, ICT literacy and communication skills). The research method used in this study is the ADDIE Model which consists of the Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate stages. The research subjects were 59 students at one of the state universities in the capital city of Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that IDMP which is applied to physics learning for independent study can train Competence Employability Skills. The results of the validation test for experts showed that the percentage was 88.17% according to material experts, 86.45% according to media experts, and 83.15% learning experts. Based on the results of these studies that IDMP on the material of sound waves and light waves can be used as learning physics.

Keywords: Interactive Digital Physics Module (IDMP), STEM, 21st Century Competence Employability Skills.

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197 Physics Education ABS-163

Development of Augmented Reality Integration Physics (ARIP) to Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills for Reconstructing Physics Conceptions
F C Wibowo1, U Alizkan, D R Darman

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Learning activities using Augmented Reality media, students can learn the principles and concepts of science according to understanding (conception reconstruction) and critical thinking skills. The purpose of this research is to develop Augmented Reality Integration Physics (ARIP) media to Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills for Reconstructing Physics Conceptions. The research method used in this study is the ADDIE Model which consists of the Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate stages. The research sample was 74 students from one of the state education universities in Jakarta Province and Banten Province, Indonesia. ARIP research results obtained validation data by media experts, the developed ARI has a score of 3.86 which means ARIP is categorized as good quality. The results of the validation by material experts, the quality of the material developed got a score of 3.92 which means that the material for the structure of the atomic nucleus is appropriately applied to the ARTOM module to facilitate students^ thinking. Based on the questionnaire results from the trial of using ARI media by students, information was obtained that students felt happy learning physics because ARIP was able to show atomic movements that were invisible to the exposed eye.

Keywords: Augmented Reality Integration Physics (ARIP), Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills, Reconstructing Physics Conceptions.

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198 Physics Education ABS-201

Australian and Indonesian primary students^ engagement and understanding of STEM using the Makerspace: A comparative study
Rachel Sheffield1*, Susan Blackley1, Rekha Koul1, Yuli Rahmawati2, Ella Fitriani2

1School of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University, Australia
2Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Indonesia


Research across the world has determined that core discipline areas continue to be taught separately in school subjects with little or no integration (Blackley & Howell, 2015). Students^ immersion would evidence authentic, integrated STEM education in ^rich^ cross-curricular tasks as a preferred way of learning. Using a Makerspace approach, researchers have created a community of experts through workshop training sessions. Then the ^experts^ have run workshops and provided opportunities for students to apply their subject knowledge to create hands-on, engaging projects with a STEM and maker influence. This paper examines the experiences and learning of primary-aged school students who participated in a STEM-based project. A model of reflective identity formation was used to support the hands-on learning of pre-service teachers in Australia and Indonesia. They then used these skills to support primary children using what has been termed as a Makerspace approach. The Wigglebots project involved 385 primary school students in Australia and Indonesia, focusing on their skills and knowledge of technology and science in creating a ^wigglebot^ and then completing a survey which studied confidence, engagement, and identification and application of scientific knowledge. The results determined that the Makerspace hands-on approach was extremely effective in engaging students in the STEM space. All the students surveyed were able to create the bots and work collaboratively in groups mentored by the pre-service teachers. Different groups of students in Australia reported different levels of engagement at slightly lower levels than the Indonesian students, whilst the Australian students were more able to represent and explain the underpinning science.

Keywords: STEM, Makerspace, primary school students, Australia, Indonesia, pre-service teachers

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199 Physics Education ABS-210

Development of E-Module Based on Interactive Lecture Demonstrations to Improve Students Learning Outcomes in High School on the Direct Current Electrical Circuit Materials
Aulia Maharani(a), I Made Astra(b)

Department of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
a) amaharani61[at]
b) imadeastra[at]


Along with the development of science and technology in the field of education, teaching materials can be made based on technology. Based on the results of a survey conducted in class XII MIPA SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang on 50 students, it was found that as many as 85.3% of students had difficulty understanding physics material without demonstrations. Therefore, this study aims to develop a physics e-module based on Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (ILD) to improve the learning outcomes in high school students on direct current electrical circuit materials. This research was conducted by applying the Research and Development (R&D) method and using the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. Based on the results of validation tests by material experts, media experts, and learning experts, an average percentage of 86.43% was obtained with the interpretation of ^Very Feasible^. So that the e-module is worthy of use as a physics teaching material with an average N-Gain of 0.83 at the interpretation of ^High Increases^.

Keywords: E-Module, ILD, Students Learning Outcomes, Direct Current Electrical Circuit, Physics

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