Agung Sedayu (a*), Mieke Miarsyah (b), M. Isnin Noer (a)

a) Prodi Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Gd Hasjim Asjarie lt 6, Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
*) asedayu[at]
b) Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Gd Hasjim Asjarie lt 5, Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia


In urban/urban areas, humans manage their environment intensively, including assemblage of almost all urban flora and fauna except for associated species (weeds, pests, diseases). Deliberately cultivated species serve various functions such as food, medicine, clothing and especially ornamentals. Urban aroid ornamentals before and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic are among those enjoy increasing popularity with very high demand and increasing economic value, despite their characteristics of containing calcium oxalate raphides within various organs. To assist aroid enthusiasts and to understand the characters of the menacing raphides, we surveyed the morphology and sizes of raphides in three organs of eight common aroid ornamentals from six localities in Jakarta. Our research reveals that all eight aroid species contained raphides in all three organs. There are two forms of raphides, the stout shorter type (T1- averaged 57.72-72.37 micrometer) and the hair thin longer type (T2- averaged 113.67-179.37 micrometer). T1 raphid occurred in all eight aroid species while T2 only on 3 species. Separate discriminant analysis (DA) were done on two raphid datasets- the first revealed in T1, Monstera adansonii (popularly, janda bolong) has a distinctive character among seven other species. On the other hand, the T2 datasets revealed that Dieffenbachia amoena has distinctive character among two other species with the T2 raphid type. The distribution of raphides might be an important warning for urban Jakarta ornamental hobbyists and gardeners, as it is a sign of potential health hazard. We predict the T2 raphid are those with higher potential of skin rash and burning.

Keywords: Araceae, idioblast, ornamental plants, urban biodiversity

Topic: Biology

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