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Masigit as a habitat for endemic bird species and its potential risk of land degradation
Ratna Komala, Fathurrohman, Isnin Noer

Jakarta State University


Indonesia has the most significant endemic bird population in the world. Java island is a place for some important endemic species. This is the result of the transformation from the ^old^ bloom taxonomy to a ^new^ species distribution that becomes more narrow. The immense human activity in the Java forest endangers biodiversity that causes forest degradation. This research aimed to determine the condition and forest degradation level based on the average value of NDVI, composed of bird species, population density, and the endemic birds^ community variation on Java reviewed from the degradation forest level. This research was taken from November to December 2021 in the north Masigit Mountain (Cibanggala) and south (Ci Lumut) area using the descriptive method and Line Transect technique. Moreover, the procedure was conducted to decide the research location and bird species for observation. The result showed that Ci Lumut forest does not show forest degradation on the other side part of Cibanggala forest showed quite a high forest degradation. The highest composition and the composed Javanese endemic bird species in Ci Lumut were Psilopogon corvinus (17% and 6,5 birds/km2), and the smallest was Aethopyga eximia, Alcedo euryzona, Nisaetus bartelsi, Psilopogon javensis, dan Rhipidura euryura (1% and 0,5 birds/km2). The highest composition and the composed in Cibanggala was Eurylaimus javanicus (22% and 6,5 birds/km2) and the smallest was Otus angelinae and Nisaetus bartelsi (1% and 0,5 birds/km2) The results of the PERMANOVA analysis states that the community of Javanese endemic birds in Masigit mountain shows that the differentiation reviewed from the level of degradation forest, kinds of birds, and guild group more in the forests with high vegetation density than in forests with medium-low vegetation density.

Keywords: Birds, Community, Degradation, Endemic.

Topic: Biology

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