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Atin Supiyani (1*), Aulia Annisa (1), Renhat Limbong (1), Imam Nur Alamsyah (1), Rusdi (2)

1) Program Studi Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta
2) Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Allergies are immune system disorders that can cause physiological stress and tissue damage. Pearl grass (Hedyotis corymbose) is known to have potential anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the bioactivity of Pearl Grass Extract (PGE) against allergic mice. A total of 35 male DDY mice aged 2 months were divided into 7 groups, namely (1) normal- (2) ovalbumin (OVA)- (3) OVA + PGE 120, (4) OVA + PGE 200, (5) OVA+PGE 280, (6) OVA+PGE360 and (7) OVA+PGE440 mg/Kg BW. The variable measured was the lethal dose 50 (LD-50) from PGE using the BSLT method, the stress index was calculated from the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and the macrophages alveolar calculated from histological preparations. Animals are physiologically stressed if they have an index value of >1.5. The results showed that LD-50 for PGE was 235,881 mg/Kg BW, a moderately toxic category. The stress index of mice given OVA+PGE was significantly different from the OVA group (p<0.05). Mice given OVA+PGE 360 and 440 mg/Kg BB showed the stress index value of <1.5. The alveolar macrophages of mice given 200 and 360 mg/Kg of body weight was significantly different from OVA group (p<0.05). It can be concluded that PGE can reduce the physiological stress index and the number of alveolar macrophages in ovalbumin allergy mice.

Keywords: alveolar macrophages, ovalbumin, pearl grass (Hedyotis corymbose), stress index

Topic: Biology

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