Breeding of Coconut Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus, Linnaeus 1771) in captivity and their optimizing welfare
Siti Nuramaliati Prijono*1), Rini Rachmatika1), Sinta Maharani1) and Rachman Effendi2)

1)Applied Zoology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
2)Ecology and Ethnobiology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)


Coconut Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus, Linnaeus 1771) is a species of birds in the family Psittaculidae. Conservation status of this species categorized as least concerned (LC) by the IUCN red list. They are listed in CITES appendix II. The overharvesting, indicates significant effects to the decreasing populations in their natural habitats. Captive breeding is another solution in order to substitute the wild-caught parrots as pets. This research used six birds that form two pair bonds of Coconut lorikeets. Females lay one or two matte white, round eggs and incubate them for 23-25 days. Number of eggs, clutch size, hatchling and fledglings sucsess were recorded. The hatchling success was 81.82% and fledgling success was 100%. The hatching rate and fledging rate indicated good reproductive success in captivity. The animal welfare level of Coconut Lorikeets in captivity was carried out using observation and literature studies. The research showed that the achievement of parrot welfare in captivity was in the good category.

Keywords: Psittaculidae, hatchling success, fledging success, welfare

Topic: Biology

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