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151 Mathematics ABS-209

Comparison of Support Vector Machines (SVM) Method and Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) Method in the Analysis of Public Sentiment towards the Child-free Concept on Social Media Twitter
Dania Siregar*, Faroh Ladayya, Naufal Zafran Albaqi, Bintang Mahesa Wardana,

Statistics Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Child-free is a concept in which a person chooses not to have children or places and situations that are without the presence of a child. The application of child-free itself is not something new but is commonplace in many developed countries. Along with the rapid flow of information, this child-free concept began to be discussed virally, especially on Indonesian social media, such as Twitter. People^s views on this concept are certainly diverse, some agree and some disagree. Sentiment analysis is the mining of all people^s expressions and views on a phenomenon or product online in the form of text. Through a large sample collection of opinions and expressions, we can capture the voices or views of society, understand the dynamics that are taking place, and even know the extent to which the issue begins to touch aspects of people^s social life. This study aims to conduct sentiment analysis by comparing the performance of two different methods used to classify people^s views in the form of text data crawled tweets from Twitter. The two methods compared are Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC). Another purpose of this study is to provide an overview of public sentiment on social media Twitter about the concept of child-free. The results of this study showed that the data experienced an imbalance so to overcome it used SMOTE, SMOTE managed to increase the sensitivity of the prediction of minor data. The classification method that produces better predictions using the F1-weighted average criteria is SMOTE-SVM by reaching 95.639% for training data and 60.45% for testing data. The opinions that support child-free mostly have to do with parents^ unpreparedness to take care of children, while opinions that reject child-free think that it is contrary to Islam and child-free decisions will make it difficult for old age because no one takes care of them.

Keywords: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), sentiment analysis, child-free, SMOTE

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152 Mathematics Education ABS-7

Billyeam Wayeni (a), Indra Bayu Muktyas (a), Sulistiawati (a), Samsul Arifin (b)

a) Mathematics Education Department of SKIP Surya, Banten, Indonesia.
b) Department of Statistics, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia.


This research is motivated by the low understanding of students^ mathematical concepts so that learning is applied that can improve the ability to understand mathematical concepts, namely GASING Mathematics learning. This study aims to investigate the description of increasing the ability to understand mathematical concepts of students who learn to use GASING Mathematics learning. The method used is descriptive quantitative research method. The subjects used were 5 students from different schools, namely SMP Negeri 2 Pagedangan with 2 students, SMP Negeri 3 Ambon with 2 students, and SMP Negeri 8 South Tangerang with 1 student. These subjects were given the treatment of online GASING Mathematics learning. The instrument used in this study was a test for understanding mathematical concepts given through pretest and posttest. The research data obtained were then calculated and described to draw conclusions. The results of this study indicate that there is no increase in the ability to understand mathematical concepts by learning Mathematics GASING online. This is because there are several activities in the learning process that are not implemented as well as students who are not used to learning online.

Keywords: Matematika GASING, Understanding of mathematical concepts, Online learning

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153 Mathematics Education ABS-8

Dr. ISA, SURAJO GAYA Dr. Musa, Mamman Auwal Bala, Tanimu

Kano university of science and technology wudil


Individual characteristics such as intelligence, cognitive style, and personality play an important role in learning and instruction as does the context of learning. In the effort to improve students^ cognition and affective outcomes in mathematics and/or school learning, motivation seems to be gaining more popularity and leading to other variables. It is based on this background that the study investigated the effects of motivation on students^ achievement in mathematics in the Tarauni local government area, Kano state, Nigeria. An experimental design was used in the study. The population consisted of 22,052 junior secondary school students in Tarauni local government area, Kano state, Nigeria out of which 60 students were sampled. Two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Results were analyzed using means, standard deviation, and t-test. From the findings, there is a significant difference in the academic achievement of highly motivated and non-motivated students in mathematics. Also, other results showed significant gender differences in the impact of motivation compared to male and female students. The study recommended among others that individual differences in ability, background, and attitude must be taken into consideration in the teaching/learning process.

Keywords: Motivation, Achievement, and Mathematics.

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154 Mathematics Education ABS-11

Mathematics Teachers Perception Towards their Own Error during Teaching
Tian Abdul Aziz

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


During the teaching and learning process, mistakes are not only made by students but sometimes by teachers. Minor studies deal with mathematics teachers^ errors in the teaching process. The objective of the present study was to investigate Indonesian in-service mathematics teachers^ perceptions of their errors during teaching mathematics. A cross-sectional survey was undertaken with 100 in-service mathematics teachers in West Jakarta City. A Questionnaire was developed and used in the wake of examining its validity and reliability. The collected data were analysed descriptively explaining the general views, causes of error, managing error, and experiences. As a result, most the participants tolerate their errors as it might be an inseparable part of teaching process. In addition, they attributed their error to their lack of preparation. They also express different experiences when managing error. The implication of the study is presented.

Keywords: Mathematics, in-service teachers, Error, Perception, teaching

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155 Mathematics Education ABS-36

Aat Juatiningsih Lestari Utami(a*) and Yaya S. Kusumah(b)

(a), (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154


Students still find difficulties in solving story problems, indicated from their ability in determining important elements in story problems and their difficulties in representing a story problem into the form of mathematical models. This study aims to describe the types of errors conducted by the 8th grade students in solving story problems arise in linear equation in two variables. The research method used is a case study and the research subject is the 8th grade students in a public junior high school in Subang Regency (30 students). The technique for analyzing students^ answers using Newman^s analysis includes errors types: reading, comprehension, transformation, process skill, dan encoding. The results of the study indicated that: reading errors as much as 1.5%, comprehension errors as much as 17.5%- transformation error as much as 6.6%, process skill errors as much as 37.2%, and encoding errors as much as 37.2%. The majority of students show process skill errors due to their weak algorithmic reasoning skills in manipulating mathematics. In addition, most of the students indicate encoding errors due to their unfamiliarity with evaluating answers.

Keywords: case study, reading error, reading comprehension error, transformation error, weakness process skill, and encoding

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156 Mathematics Education ABS-47

Analysis of Students Perceptions on Technology-Assisted Learning During Distance Learning Viewed from Gender
Sulistiawati (a*), Yaya S. Kusumah (b)

a),b) Program Studi Doktoral Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154


The background of this research is the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic that change the learning trend from face-to-face in class to distance learning. This requires both teachers and students to be able to use technological tools in learning, especially in mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in students^ perceptions of technology-assisted mathematics learning during distance learning based on gender. This study uses a quantitative method with a two-group between-subject design. The sample of this study were students of class XI.6 and class XI.7 (majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences) at SMA Negeri 3 Bandung in the academic year 2020/2021. The instrument used was a questionnaire on students^ perception of technology-assisted mathematics learning that was valid and reliable (r=0,917). The instrument was compiled on the Google form platform and distributed via the WhatsApp platform to all students in two classes, but only 34 students collected it, then the result of the questionnaire was separated by gender (there were 17 male students and 17 female students). The questionnaire instrument was arranged based on the indicators: 1) the view about mathematics learning using technology, 2) the view about distance learning, 3) the view about technology-assisted interactive mathematics learning in terms of its advantages, disadvantages, and uses 4) the view on the use of technology-assisted interactive mathematics learning in engaging students, and 5) a view of students^ experience in using technology-assisted interactive mathematics learning apps. The data analysis technique used is the independent-sample t-test because the data are normal and homogeneous at &#945-=0.05. Data analysis was carried out based on the five previously mentioned indicators. The results of this study indicate that there are no differences in students^ perceptions of technology-assisted mathematics learning during distance learning on the 5 indicators

Keywords: students^ perception, gender, technology-assisted learning, distance learning

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157 Mathematics Education ABS-80

High School Mathematics Teachers and Students Online Learning Experience and Needs on the Topics of Three-Dimensional Geometry
Makmuri (a), Tian Abdul Aziz (a), Endang Wahyuningrum (b), and Selly Anastasia Kharis (b)

a. Universitas Negeri Jakarta
b. Universitas Terbuka


Teaching and learning geometry in online environment might give rise to several challenges and opportunities that should be identified and resolved. The objective of the study was to investigate online learning experience of high school mathematics teacher and students on the topics of three-dimensional geometry. Twelve mathematics teachers and one hundred students from different schools in Jakarta Province took part voluntarily in this study. Survey and interview were implemented to collect data. The data were analyzed descriptively. The study found that most of teachers and students encountered various challenges in terms of learning tools, teaching method, and evaluation. Implications of the results and future research directions are also presented.

Keywords: Mathematics, Teacher, Students, Online, Three-Dimensional Geometry

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158 Mathematics Education ABS-82

Pre-service Mathematics Teachers Reasoning on Linear Algebra
Tian Abdul Aziz, Makmuri, and Lukman El Hakim

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


In this study, Indonesian pre-service mathematics teachers reasoning on linear Algebra was analyzed. This research is a case study and involves as many as 42 second semester students at a public university in Jakarta. Student responses were analyzed and grouped into four categories based on their justification and rationalization. A five-item test which was developed by researchers and validated was administered. The findings of this study are that most of the participants have not been able to provide proper justification and rationalization for the five statements given. Sometimes the justification is not in line with the rationalization given. Based on these findings, it was found that the success or failure of students in providing justification and rationalization was at least influenced by three supporting factors or causes, namely: (1) concept understanding, (2) mathematical connections, and (3) mathematical proof. There are implications from the results of this study.

Keywords: Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Pre-Service Teachers, Reasoning

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159 Mathematics Education ABS-83

Rama Nida Siregar (a*), Sufyani Prabawanto (b), Didi Suryadi (b)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi Nomor 229, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Department of Mathematics Education


This study aims to describe the self-esteem of junior high school students in Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra in solving mathematical problems. This research includes survey research with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research subjects were 67 junior high school students in Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra who came from two schools with the category of one public school and one private school. The instrument used is a self-esteem questionnaire consisting of 27 statement items based on self-esteem indicators that will be filled out by students. The results showed that the average self-esteem of private junior high school students in Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra as a whole of 67 students was in the high category, which was 90.31. In general, students have a tendency to have high self-esteem. For example, students^ self-assessments about their own abilities, success, usefulness and goodness in solving math problems so that students enjoy math and can solve math problems well, so it can be concluded that students who have high self-esteem will have an impact on their learning achievement and students^ mathematical problem solving is getting better.

Keywords: Self-Esteem- Middle school students- Mathematical Problem Solving

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160 Mathematics Education ABS-91

Comparison of Contextual Features in Indonesian Mathematics Textbooks : The Topic of Circles
Fadhliya Syam Mastura (a*), Al Jupri (b), Suhendra (b)

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b)Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The aim of this study is to analyze the tasks in Indonesia mathematics textbooks, seen from the contextual features in the topics of circle presented within the textbooks for middle school. This research is based on the analysis of textbooks with geometry topics. The research method used in this study is content analysis using a qualitative approach. The results of analysis of three school mathematics textbooks published by three different well-known publishers (Center for Curriculum and Bookkeeping, Balitbang, Ministry of Education and Culture, Erlangga, and Yudhistira) showed that more than 75% problems in textbooks are intra-mathematical context type which means the question is not related to the real life.

Keywords: Mathematics textbooks- Textbooks analysis- Contextual features- Circles

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161 Mathematics Education ABS-114

Analysis Of Indonesian Student Errors In Solving Contextual Mathematics PISA Problems : A Case of Algebra
Frisca Andreani(a), Meiliasari(b), Lukman El Hakim(c)

a, b, c) State University of Jakarta
Jalan Rawa Mangun Muka Raya, Jakarta 13220


Indonesian students performance in PISA has not been satisfactory in the last decades. This study aims to investigate students errors in solving mathematics PISA problems. In particular, this paper presents the students errors in different contextual problems. This study uses case study involving Grade 9 students in Indonesia. Data were collected by using test and interviews. Six PISA problems with different levels and context were given to 70 Grade 9 students. 18 students were selected and interviewed to gather information about their thinking and strategies when solving the problems. The interview data provide complimentary information of the students errors. The mathematization framework was used to analyze students work. The results show that students errors were found in scientific-context, occupational-context, social-context, and personal-context problems. Such errors include misinterpreting graphs, misunderstanding the problems, and failure in identifying patterns, ignoring important information. The majority of students errors were found in the occupational-context (72%), followed by scientific-context (61.1%), social-context (61.1%) and personal-context (50%).

Keywords: Error Analysis, PISA, Context, Algebra

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162 Mathematics Education ABS-123

Indonesian Students^ Errors in Solving Word Problems in Statistics
Syifa Maharani Larasati, Meiliasari, Lukman El Hakim

State University of Jakarta, Indonesia


Word problems in mathematics has always been a challenge for students and teachers. This study aims to investigate students^ errors in solving statistical word problems using case study methodology. 88 Grade 9 students were given a test consist of four word-problems. The problems used were integrating statistical elements such as tables and diagrams. Students work were analyzed to find the conceptual, procedural, and technical errors. Eight students were selected and interviewed to gather information about their thinking and strategies in solving the problems. This information provides complimentary data on their errors. The results show that the conceptual errors include using incorrect formulas, and misunderstanding the statistical concepts. The procedural errors made by the students include incomplete steps in solving problems for example missing the conclusion. Students made technical errors when calculation decimal numbers.

Keywords: Error Analysis, Word Problems, Statistics, Mathematics

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163 Mathematics Education ABS-124

Designing Hypothetical Learning Trajectory for Relation and Function Using Realistic Mathematics Education
Yuni Krisnawati1, Meiliasari Meiliasari1, Pinta Deniyanti Sampoerno2

Jakarta State University


This study aims to develop a learning trajectory to help students build their understanding on Relation and Function. Underpinned by Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), the classroom activities used contextual problems of an Indonesian hail-ride mobile applications. Using Design Research methodology, the data were collected through classroom observation, students and teacher interviews and students work. The classroom observations were conducted to gather information about students prior knowledge of Relation and Functions. The observation shows students have difficulties working with Relation and Fuctions. For example, when the students were given some cases, they could not identify the proper function representing the cases. Students also struggled with contextual problems. This information underpinned the development of the learning trajectory that is focusing on developing students^ understanding on the concepts of Relation and Functions. The designed learning trajectory was tested involving six Grade 10 students. The results indicate that the classroom activities could help the students^ develop their understanding of the concept of Relation and Function.

Keywords: Design Research, Relation and Function, Hypothetical Learning Trajectory, Realistic Mathematics Education.

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164 Mathematics Education ABS-131

Improving students^ mathematical academic achievement through self-regulated learning and creative learning
Flavia Aurelia Hidajat (a*), Leny Dhianti Haeruman (a), Eti Dwi Wiraningsih (a)

a) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Raya No.11, RT.11/RW.14, Rawamangun, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220


This study aims to identify the role of self-regulated learning and creative learning on students^ mathematics learning achievement. This research method is quantitative research with a quasi-experimental approach. The subjects of this study were 62 junior high school students in Malang, Indonesia. Participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The research instrument was the mathematics academic test and questionnaire on the implementation of learning. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis. The normality test and homogeneity test were carried out before the regression test. The results showed that self-regulated learning and creative learning had a positive role in improving students^ mathematics learning achievement. Increasing students^ self-regulated learning and creative learning can improve students^ mathematical academic achievement. The results of the research can contribute to educators applying self-regulation learning and creative learning to improve student academic achievement.

Keywords: Mathematical academic achievement- Self-regulated learning- Creative thinking

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165 Mathematics Education ABS-133

Indonesian Primary School Students Mathematical Thinking in Problem Solving
Meiliasari Meiliasari (a), Lukita Ambarwati (a), Makmuri (a), Dadang Juandi (b)

(a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study investigates Indonesian primary school students^ mathematical thinking in problem solving. Using exploratory case study data were collected through a written test involving 12 primary school students (Grade 4 and 5). The test consists of three non-routine problem solving tasks. To explore the students^ mathematical thinking in solving the problems, the students^ written answers were analyzed by focusing on the students^ strategies and representation. The preliminary findings show that students used different strategies and representation.

Keywords: Mathematical thinking, problem solving, mathematics, primary schools

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166 Mathematics Education ABS-151

The Concept of Study Independent Learning Design in Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBMK) Implementation
Susilo Bekti, Mistianah, Tria Muhamad Aris, Tri Asih, Ardian Anjar, Nila Kartiika

IKIP Budi Utomo


The policy of freedom of learning is an issue that is widely discussed in the world of education, the concept that voices the independence in learning is carried out in an effort to prepare students who graduate from public or private universities to face the times and changes that occur very quickly. The concept of Merdeka Belajar strives to prepare graduates as future leaders who are superior and have personality. Merdeka belajar programs are very flexible so that they are expected to be able to facilitate students to develop their potential in accordance with their passion and talent. This article will investigate at 1) Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) programs especially in the independent study program contained in the Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka guidebook published by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (published in 2020)- 2) forms of learning activities in the independent study program in the Faculty of teacher training and education, IKIP Budi Utomo. The results showed that independent studies/projects as one of Merdeka Belajar have learning planning program

Keywords: Study, independent, lerning, concept, MBKM

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167 Mathematics Education ABS-155

Web-Based Knowledge Building for Developing Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Prospective Teachers
Yurniwati (a*), Cecep Kustandi (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Prospective teachers need to be competent in teaching mathematics. Web-based Knowledge Building is designed to train prospective teachers to have knowledge and skills in teaching mathematics for elementary students. The research and development studies using the ILDF model consist of three phases: exploration, enactment, and evaluation. In the exploration phase, 175 prospective teachers respond 5 points Likert scale for need analysis. We get information that prospective teachers have moderate abilities and conceptual knowledge but high abilities in procedural knowledge. Also, they have a high intention to improve their competence in teaching mathematics. They have high skills in learning in an online environment. In the enactment phase, Web-based building knowledge running by LMS designed and developed by Moodle application. Learning and teaching Geometry course installed in LMS organized in 16 sessions and facilitated by document (text, PDF), video, and quiz. The results show that prospective teachers^s pedagogical content knowledge improve significantly than prospective teachers who learned traditionally. The web-based knowledge building advantaged in information access, collaboration, knowledge construction, and learners^ responsibility in knowledge acquisition.

Keywords: Elementary School- Mathematics Instruction- Pedagogical Content Knowledge- Prospective teachers

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168 Mathematics Education ABS-172

Tri Murdiyanto, Dwi Antari Wijayanti, Mariama

State University of Jakarta


This study aims to find out the effect of applying a problem-posing approach on mathematical problem-solving ability. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental design with a post-test only control group design. Sampling techniques by applying cluster random sampling. The sample classes selected in this study were class XI MIPA 4 and XI MIPA 5 SMA Negeri 1 Jakarta. The instrument used in this study consist of 5 questions with polynomial as a topic to measure students mathematical problem-solving abilities. That five questions have gone through validity and reliability tests before being tested on the sample. The results of testing the statistical hypothesis using the t-test using the significance 0=0.05 were obtained t-count=5.389 > t-table=1.665 so that the application of learning with the posing problem approach had an effect on students mathematical problem-solving ability. In addition, the result of a large calculation of the influence with Cohen^s d Effect Size was obtained by 1,213. These results show that the posting problem approach has an 88% effect on students mathematical problem-solving abilities and falls into a large category.

Keywords: problem-posing approach, mathematical problem-solving ability, high school.

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169 Mathematics Education ABS-179

Students^ Experiences in Distance Learning and in Solving Problems Assessing Numeracy
Ratna Maryam a*), Makmuri a), Meiliasari a)

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Raya No.11, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia


Numeracy is an ability that is needed by everyone in every aspect of life or in work. Through the implementation of the Minimum Competency Assessment, Indonesian education is expected to prepare students for the future. Online learning has begun to be adopted by schools and continues to require improvement. To understand the online learning experiences of grade VII students, this qualitative descriptive research was conducted. Through a survey of 264 students, an interview with 2 mathematics teachers, class observations, and a test, this research found that students perceived that online mathematics learning does not accommodate their needs for further discussions and detailed explanations. With regard to numeracy, the lack of context used in learning activities might cause students difficulty in processing information in a passage. The results suggest collaborative learning employing real-life context and digital technology to develop students^ conceptual understanding which is the foundation of numeracy skills.

Keywords: Numeracy- Students^ Experience- Online Mathematics Learning

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170 Mathematics Education ABS-180

Fractions Textbook for Slow Learners
Tri Murdiyanto (a*), Dwi Antari Wijayanti (a), Anny Sovia (a)

a) Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Abstract. Fraction is a material that is difficult to understand because it contains concepts that are classified as abstract for elementary school students, including slow learners. A textbook is needed that can facilitate their needs in learning, namely a textbook that contains additional instructions that can help slow learners understand the concepts of the material more easily. This research is a development research that aims to develop a textbook for slow learners, especially on fractions. The development procedure used is the ADDIE model with the following steps: analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. In this paper only discussed until the development stage, namely validation. Further steps will be discussed in the next article. The data were collected through interviews and validation by the validator, then the data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the preliminary analysis show that a textbook is needed to help slow learners understand fractions. At the design stage, a textbook is designed according to the needs of slow learners, namely textbooks that contain instructions that make it easier for slow learners to learn. Then, the books that have been designed are validated by experts. The validation results show a percentage of 84.78 with a very valid category. This valid textbook will then be used to be tested in schools to test its practicality.

Keywords: Fractions, slow learner, textbook

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171 Mathematics Education ABS-192

Developing schema based instruction model to increase problem solving ability of elementary students: A preliminary study
Jackson Pasini Mairing(a*), Yustia Suntari(b), Yurniwati(b)

a) Universitas Palangka Raya
b)Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Problem solving is the main goal of learning mathematics in the 21st century. Therefore, students need to develop problem solving ability in the class. The research aimed to develop Schema Based Instruction model to improve the ability of elementary school students. The research uses research and development procedures that were carried out during 3 years. In the first year, the researchers conduct a preliminary study, develop the model, validate the model by experts^ judgment, revised the model based on the experts^ suggestions so the model is valid. In the second year, the researchers test the model in limited area, revised the model based on the limited test results, test the model in wider area in Jakarta and Central Kalimantan, revised the model based on the wider test results, feasibility test, and final revision to obtain the practical and effective model. In third year, the final model is applied and disseminated. The preliminary study was conducted by observing learning process, and interviewing four fifth grade elementary school teachers. They are two teachers from a school in Jakarta, and two teachers from a school in Central Kalimantan. The results showed that about 15% of the students had problem solving abilities. The condition was caused by low students^ motivation, and lack of students^ conceptual understanding.

Keywords: mathematical understanding, motivation, problem solving, schema based interaction

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172 Mathematics Education ABS-193

Web-based Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teacher Professional Development : A prelimenary study
Yurniwati (a*), Cecep Kustandi (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Qualified teachers contribute to the learning process and students^ learning outcomes. Effective teachers depend on their pedagogical content knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to update and maintain teachers^ pedagogical content knowledge. This research aims to determine the ability of pedagogical content knowledge of in-service teachers and teachers^ willingness to professional development. Point-5 Likert^s was used to collect data on 95 in-service elementary teachers in Jakarta. The data is analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that teacher content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge were in the moderate category. Also, teachers have a strong intention to improve pedagogical content knowledge skills. They believe that increasing pedagogical content knowledge through the website is proper because they can learn outside of teaching hours. They access information when needed.

Keywords: pedagogical content knowledge, web-based learning, teacher professional development component

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173 Mathematics Education ABS-208

Students^ Responses in Using Video Tutorials to Test Students^ Spatial Ability
1. Rikza 2. Rahmah Johar 3. Elizar

Universitas Syiah Kuala


Spatial ability has a positive relationship with academic success. Spatial ability test is difficult to do through print out test (paper-pencil). One way to test students^ spatial ability is to train them to solve spatial ability test questions online. However, there is no video tutorial available to explain the instructions for doing the spatial test online. The purpose of this study was to determine student responses to video tutorials and their impact on online spatial ability testing. This research was conducted on the XII grade students of senior high school in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive research. Data were collected through tests and interviews. The results showed that only 3 out of 19 students understood the information contained in the video tutorial so that they were able to answer the spatial ability test. The rest, 16 students did not understand the explanation of the video tutorial that was shown, resulting in students not being able to answer the spatial ability test questions. The results of this study need to be followed up by revising the video tutorial so that it is easily understood by students.

Keywords: spatial ability, video, students response

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174 Mathematics Education ABS-215

The Impact of Inquiry Flipped Learning On Mathematics Achievement
Dessy Noor Ariani, Syarif Sumantri, and Firmanul Catur Wibowo3

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research combines inquiry-based learning with flipped learning among elementary pre-service teachers of the Islamic elementary school education program at UIN Walisongo Semarang. This quasi-experiment examined the effect of inquiry flipped learning on elementary pre-service teachers^ mathematics achievement in geometry courses. Eigty- two in this course are randomly assigned to inquiry flipped learning (IFL) and conventional flipped learning (CFL) classes. The study found that combining inquiry-based learning with flipped learning significantly increased elementary pre-service teachers^ mathematics achievement.

Keywords: IBL, Flipped Learning, Mathematics achievement

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175 Physics ABS-32

Design and Development of a Pulse Oximetry Smartband Using Optical Method
Tasya Nagaria*, Umiatin, Widyaningrum Indrasari

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Jakarta, East Jakarta, 13220,Indonesia



Oxygen saturation is the hemoglobin level in the blood that can bind oxygen. It is essential to monitor oxygen saturation because, without sufficient oxygen levels, the organs and tissues of the body to perform their functions will be impaired and may indicate a disturbance in the body. Initially, the measurement of oxygen saturation levels used an invasive method by injuring body tissues, resulting in pain and the possibility of infection. Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive method for monitoring oxygen saturation levels based on optical properties by measuring the difference in wavelengths of red light (660 nm) and infrared light (910 nm). This research carried out the design and development of a pulse oximetry smartband using optical method. MAX3012 sensors, ESP32, pushbuttons, Blynk and software (Arduino IDE AVR) were the components used. The data collected in the calibration stage is based on a homogeneous sample of 10 people that have the same age and gender . Measurements for each person were repeated five times to compairing a prototype that was design with a commercial Dennos Y68 smartwatch. The calibration data obtained heart rate accuracy of 98.6% and accuracy of oxygen saturation level of 99.3%. After calibration, effectively this smartband can be detect the heart rate and oxygen saturation in real time. The data of measurment will display on the blynk application and blynk will send the data to email.

Keywords: Heart Rate- Oxygen Saturation- Photoplethysmography- Pulse Oximetry

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176 Physics ABS-54

The Frictional Force of Air on a Vertically Moving Object Without Initial Velocity
Nani Yuningsih (a*), Sardjito (b)

a) Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012. Indonesia
b) Department of of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012


One popular mechanical concept studied both theoretically and experimentally is the motion of vertically falling objects due to the influence of gravity with no initial velocity, either called free-fall motion or falling motion against air friction. This study aims to apply the concept of vertical motion of objects that rub against the air to determine the appropriate formulation for the fluid friction force. Theoretical analysis is carried out by considering the presence of a frictional force of air against the falling object. Data analysis is conducted by matching mathematical solutions to experimental data. Experimental data collection was carried out using an automatic free-fall motion device. Experimental data observed is the altitude or distance traveled and travel time. The model studied concerning this air friction force is the air friction force that is directly proportional to the velocity and the one which is directly proportional to the square of the velocity. The result shows that, for a small-sized object with the order of centimeters and zero initial velocity, the corresponding model is the friction force directly proportional to the square of velocity.

Keywords: vertical motion, air friction, fluid friction

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177 Physics ABS-79

SIMS/RBS Joint Analysis for Determination of Ge Ions and Damage Profiles of Axial-implanted <100> Zinc Blende GaAs
Imam Rofi^i 1, a), b)

Author Affiliation
1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), University of Jember,
Jl. Kalimantan, 37, Kampus Tegalboto,
Jember, East Java, Indonesia, 68121

Author Emails
a) Corresponding author: imr.rofii.fmipa[at]
b) imr.rofii[at]


SIMS and RBS techniques were used for analyzing ion and damage profiles of germanium ion implanted <100> Zinc Blende GaAs. During the ion implantation processes, energetic germanium ion beams were directed on the surface of semi insulating intrinsic zinc blende GaAs sample. In this process, germanium ion beam entered the zinc blende GaAs crystal structures and underwent multiple scattering with the atomic hosts (Ga and As ions) before stopping. At the stopping points, these germanium ions can stay in the GaAs crystal unit cells by substituting either Ga or As host ions. If the germanium ions stay in the Ga ion positions, the Ge ions would act as donor ions. Otherwise if its stay in the As ion positions, the Ge ions would act as acceptor ions. Germanium profiles on these ion implanted GaAs samples were then determined by means of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). In these profiling processes, energetic argon ion plasma was used for obtaining secondary germanium ions and clusters, then detected using the SIMS ion detector. The count number of germanium ions and clusters collected in the detectors at every time represented the germanium concentration at every depth inside the GaAs samples. These SIMS spectra would represent the count number of germanium ion as a function of depth in the GaAs samples. Germanium ion beam doses were varied to observe the effect of germanium ion beam on the germanium ion profiles on the GaAs samples. The SIMS results were also compared with RBS channeling analysis. The results indicated that SIMS and RBS spectra were directly proportional to the germanium ion beam doses of implantation in the GaAs samples.

Keywords: Implantation, Intrinsic, Zinc blende, GaAs, Germanium

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178 Physics ABS-102

Constraining \(f(R)\) Gravity Models with The Late-Time Cosmological Evolution
Ishfahani Rusyda, Romy Hanang Setya Budhi

Department of Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


The \(f(R)\) modified gravity is a modification of general theory of relativity proposed by Einstein, which aims to explain issues beyond the standard model of cosmology such as dark energy and dark matter, which make up 68% and 27% of the energy density of the universe today, respectively. An \(f(R)\) model should be able to explain the transition from a matter-dominated universe to a dark-energy-dominated universe to be a viable model. Fixed-point analysis shows that this transition can be achieved if the \(f(R)\) model can connect the fixed point \(P_5\) (representing the matter-dominated era) to the fixed point \(P_1\) (representing the dark energy-dominated era). In this study, we analyze the viability of various \(f(R)\) models proposed by Starobinsky, Hu-Sawicki, Tsujikawa, and Gogoi-Goswami by evaluating the model parameters. From these results, it can be concluded that the \(f(R)\) models above have the range of parameters that allow such phase transition.

Keywords: \(f(R)\) gravity, Starobinsky, Hu-Sawicki, Tsujikawa, Gogoi-Goswami

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179 Physics ABS-113

Determination of Lead in Jamu by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Kiflan Adli Kapitan (a), Mangasi Alion Marpaung (a*), Indra Karnadi (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Maju Makmur Mandiri Research Center, Indonesia


Jamu is Indonesian traditional herbal medicine that is still consumed nowadays to treat a variety of medical conditions. Jamu contaminated with toxic heavy metals such as lead, which has been a common environmental pollutant, can cause various health issues even in trace concentrations. In this study, a technique for the determination of lead contents in jamu utilizing laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was evaluated. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at a wavelength of 355 nm, with a pulse duration of 8 ns, and maximum pulse energy of 15 mJ, was used for plasma generation on the sample surface under atmospheric pressure. The lead spectral intensity in plasma emission spectra was correlated with the lead concentration using a linear regression model. The actual concentrations and projected values produced by the model showed good agreement with the R^{2} of the model was 0.998. The detection limit obtained from the model was 99.38 ppm. These results indicated that laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy could be a fast and accurate way to identify heavy metals in Indonesian traditional medicine.

Keywords: Jamu- laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy- lead- plasma emission spectra- toxic metals

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180 Physics ABS-143

Basic Characteristics Teeth Whitening of TiO2 from Tulungagung Sand Modification of Polydopamine
Lydia Rohmawati, Angela Arin Pratama, Devi Ragita Putri Pratiwi, Fitria Tahta Alfina, Woro Setyarsih, Munasir

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The use of high concentrations of H2O2 in teeth whitening harms the health of teeth and gums. For this reason, an alternative is needed to minimize these adverse effect, namely by using TiO2 material modified with polydopamine as teeth whitening. This TiO2 material can be obtained from extraction of Tulungagung sand using the leaching method. Then the TiO2 was added with Dopamine Hydrochloride, and then it was ultrasonicated for 3 minutes and incubated at 90C. After that, the sample was centrifuged at 4000rpm, and a precipitate was obtained. The residue was dried at 80C, and XRD and FTIR characterized the results. The analysis showed that the polydopamine modified TiO2 had an anatase phase. It had the characteristics of TiO2 with Ti-O-Ti functional groups, Ti-O, Ti-O-O at absorption peak of 821 to 522 cm-1. With the identification of the essential characteristics of polydopamine modified TiO2, it is hoped that later it can be applied as an effective and safe teeth whitener for healthy gums and teeth.

Keywords: Teeth whitening, TiO2, Polydopamine, Leaching, Tulungagung Sand

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