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31 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-102

Modified gill phenotypic plasticity to cope with climate change scenario
Hon Jung Liew (1,5), Suhaini Mohamad (1), Sharifah Rahmah (1,2), Mazlan Abd. Ghaffar (1,3,4)

(1) Higher Institution Centre of Excellence, Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

(2) Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

(3) Faculty of Environmental and Marine Sciene, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

(4) Institute of Marine Biotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

(5) Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150070, China


Keywords: Acidification, climate change, histopathology, remodeling, temperature

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32 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-105

The Development of Aquaculture Landscape at Simeulue Island, Aceh Province
Achdial Farhan Abus(a), Heristina Dewi(b), Rohani Ganie(b), Abiyulail Alatas Abus(b), Tasnim Lubis(b*)

a) Aceh Landscape Development Centre, Langsa, Indonesia
b) Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia


The coral reef ecosystem is part of the study of aquaculture landscapes in the discipline of landscape architecture. The problem with the coral reef ecosystem in Simeulue Regency is that the utilization that could be more environmentally friendly has disrupted the sustainability of the coral reef ecosystem in carrying out its ecological functions. This condition is evidenced by many dead corals, dead coral fragments and those covered with algae. Limited building materials also have the potential to cause utilization conflicts because many people still use the coral reef as a building material. This study presents a GIS-based methodology for visually assessing coral reef development potential. Using a two-step sequential modeling process, this methodology combines visual and coral reef analysis to produce a spatial model demonstrating the potential for coral reef development. The preliminary visual scoring model incorporates a range of coral reef viewing distances to assess visibility potential across different user groups and the area^s sensitivity to visible changes. The second phase focuses on areas identified from the initial model as having the potential to be developed and then conducts a more detailed analysis using an aquaculture landscape approach. Both stages of the modelling process provide valuable information and support to decision-makers regarding the potential visual impacts of coral reef ecosystems. The panoramic view of the beautiful coral reef and its potential, the cultural characteristics of the Simeuluenese, to the exciting dynamics of fishermen^s lives are enough to support the use of the area for natural and cultural tourism.

Keywords: Ecosystem- Coral reef- Aquaculture landscape, Simeulue island

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33 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-136

Samsu Adi Rahman*1), Herdiyanto Djiada1), Ramadhani Chaniago2), Yudi Yanto3), Mohammad Syakir3), Cut Desy Ariani3), Abdil Halimi Stani3), Iwan Gunawan3), Nana Sutisna3), Atma Agus Hermawan3)

1Program Study of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Muhammadiyah Luwuk, Luwuk, Indonesia- 2Program Study of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Luwuk, Luwuk, Indonesia- 3JOB Pertamina-Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, Jakarta, Indonesia- *Corresponding author: Samsu Adi Rahman, jcbanggai[at]


The turtles are reptiles that live in the sea and are able to migrate to various oceans. The existence of sea turtles has long been threatened with extinction, both from nature and human activities which endanger their populations directly or indirectly. This condition causes all sea turtles in Indonesia and internationally to be given protected status. However, granting protection status alone is clearly not enough to restore. Comprehensive, systematic and measurable conservation management must be implemented immediately. Sinorang Beach, located in Sinorang Village, Batui Selatan Sub District, Banggai Regency, is an area often used as a turtle landing site. This study aims to determine the type of turtle that lands on Sinorang Beach. This research was conducted from July 2022 to March 2024 along the coast of Sinorang Beach, Sinorang Village, Batui Selatan Sub District, Banggai Regency. The method used in this study is a field observation technique with data collection in the form of outer form (morphology). Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and identified based on the ^sea turtle identification key^. The results of the identification of turtles found four species, namely the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate), olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta).

Keywords: : Banggai, Green turtle, Hawksbill turtle, Loggerhead turtle, Olive ridley turtle, Sinorang Beach, Turtle landing

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34 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-138

Pengaruh Kekeruhan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Lamun di Pulau Sagara, Barrang Lompo dan Lae-lae
E Lisdayanti (1*), R A Rappe (2), N Asriani (3), N T Handayani (2), Steven (2), M Mandasari (2)

1) Program Studi Sumber Daya Akuatik, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Teuku Umar, Aceh Barat, Indonesia.
2) Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
3) Program Studi Ilmu Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Perikanan dan Peternakan, Universitas Sembilanbelas November, Kolaka, Indonesia


Padang lamun merupakan ekosistem yang sangat produktif dan memiliki jasa ekosistem di zona pesisir, namun terus menerus menurun secara global. Terutama karna aktivitas antropogenik yang mengurangi jumlah cahaya yang masuk di perairan mencapai lamun, seperti pengerukan, reklamasi, sedimentasi dan eutrofikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat kekeruhan terhadap komposisi dan morfologi lamun. Dilakukan pada bulan November 2016 di Pulau Sagara, Barrang Lompo dan Lae-lae. Penentuan stasiun pengamatan ditentukan berdasarkan tingkatan kondisi kekeruhan. Pulau Sagara, Barrang Lompo dan Lae-lae merupakan daerah yang dianggap dapat mewakili perairan yang keruh, dengan membentangkan transek garis (roll meter) tegak lurus pantai dan dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali pengulangan. Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini berkaitan dengan kondisi lamun seperti komposisi lamun dan morfometrik lamun. Variable pengamatan morfometrik daun lamun yang diamati adalah luas permukaan daun dan lebar daun, ketebalan daun, diameter rhizoma dan jarak antar internode. Selain itu, data lain yang dikumpulkan adalah data parameter lingkungan, seperti arus, TSS, PAR (Photosynthetically Activity Radiation), suhu dan salinitas. Berdasarkan analisis One-way ANNOVA menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan tingkat kekeruhan yang signifikan antara Pulau Barrang Lompo dengan Pulau Sagara dan Lae-lae. Jenis lamun yang ditemukan di P. Barrang Lompo dengan ketersediaan cahaya 1735,23 \mumol/m2/s adalah Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii. Pada P. Sagara dengan ketersediaan cahaya 170,01 \mumol/m2/s ditemukan jenis E. acoroides, T. hemprichii, Cymodocea serrulata, H. uninervis dan H. ovalis. Sedangkan pada P. Lae-lae hanya ditemukan jenis E. acoroides.

Keywords: Padang lamun, ketersediaan cahaya, kekeruhan

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35 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-145

The impact of seagrass bed ship anchoring on the meiobentos community structure in Podang-Podang Lompo Island, Pangkep, Indonesia
Rahima Rahman (1), Supriadi Mashoreng (2*), Shinta Werorilangi (2)

1). Master of Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
2) Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
* email : smashoreng[at]


The mooring activity using anchors not only damages the seagrass community but also affects the associated organisms, such as meiobenthos. Meiobenthos is a benthos measuring 0.1-1.0 mm., and is a connecting link in the flow of energy and matter from planktonic algae to high-level consumers. This research was conducted to determine the impact of ship anchoring on the meiobenthos community structure on Podang-Podang Lompo Island, Pangkep Regency, Indonesia. Sampling of meiobenthos was carried out in the area of former ship anchors and surrounding seagrass beds. It is assumed that before seagrass damage occurs due to ship anchors, seagrass conditions are the same as those around it. Sampling was carried out using a corer with a diameter of 2.5 cm and a length of 30 cm. The corer was pressed into the sediment and lifted, then separated into 3 parts, namely 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm. Each layer was filtered using a sieve net each with a mesh size of 0.1 mm and 1.0 mm to obtain meiobenthos. Samples were preserved in 70% formalin which had been added with rose bengal. The results showed that there were 10 meiobenthos species dominated by foraminifera, followed by arthropods and annelids. In the small moored area, there is no difference in the abundance of meiobenthos and meiobenthos in the surrounding seagrass, but in the large moored area, there is a difference between the both.

Keywords: meiobenthos, seagrass bed, ship anchoring, Podang-Podang Lompo Island, Pangkep

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36 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-150

Studi Genangan Pasang dan Keteduhan pada Substrat Sedimen Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Anakan Mangrove Rizophora mucronata dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Perairan Pantai Kabupaten Sinjai
Budiman Yunus1 dan Basse Siang Parawansa2

1, 2Departemen Perikanan, Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia


Urgensi vegetasi mangrove bagi sumberdaya perairan pantai di Indonesia sudah saatnya menjadi perhatian serius dalam merehabilitasi ekosistem mangrove yang semakin mengalami degradasi akibat eksploitasi berat selama tiga dekade terakhir. Di beberapa wilayah pesisir Indonesia yang populasi penduduknya padat, vegetasi mangrove dan wilayah estuaria telah berubah menjadi lokasi pemukiman dan industri, areal pertanian, pusat-pusat rekreasi dan dermaga pelabuhan. Akibat semua ini menimbulkan dampak negative yang sudah tidak mampu diimbangi oleh pertumbuhan alami mangrove itu sendiri. Berdasarkan permasalahan lingkungan tersebut diperlukan penelitian substrat sedimen, lama penggenangan dan naungan, serta pengaruhnya terhadap pertunasan dan pertumbuhan tinggi anakan Rhizophora mucronata. Dengan desain rancangan acak kelompok, dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa anakan semai R. mucronata menunjukkan persentase pertunasan serta pertumbuhan yang lebih baik pada kondisi media substrat lempung liat berpasir dengan penggenangan dan keteduhan 3 jam/hari, sedangkan pada substrat pasir berlempung tanpa naungan dengan penggenangan 7 jam/hari menunjukkan persentase pertunasan dan pertumbuhan yang rendah. Hasil penelitian ini menjadi informasi penting dalam pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove terutama dalam seleksi bibit mangrove pada pengelolaan tambak silvofishery di wilayah pesisir pantai timur Kabupaten Sinjai.

Keywords: Kata kunci: pengelolaan, ekosistem, mangrove, Rhizophora sp, silvofishery

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37 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-153

Preparation Model On Indirect Effect Of Water Quality To Coral Fish Parasites In Bidong Island Using Structural Equation Modelling Technique
Hairul Hafiz Mahsol (a*,b), Mazlan Abd Ghaffar (a), Rafidah Othman (c) & Marina Hassan (a)

a. Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.
b. Conservation Biology Program, Faculty of Tropical Forestry, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
c. Borneo Marine Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.


In Bidong Island, a study of parasitic infection among coral fishes such as Amphiprion ocellaris, Amphiprion perideraion, Dascyllus trimaculatus (Teleostei-Pomacentridae), and Chaetodon octofasciatus (Teleostei-Chaetodontidae) was carried out to determine the prevalence and risk of parasitic infection. As the overall prevalence of this infestation was more than 40% we suspect there might be interrelationships between the host (coral fish), their pathogens (parasite) and environmental factors (water quality). Several evidence also showed there were direct effect of each factor such as the coral fish and water quality to the parasite infestation. The main idea in this paper is to design the conceptual model by showing the indirect effect of water quality on coral fish parasites through the host using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique. Based on this holism concept, a further and broader research needs to be conducted to deeply observe on how each factor of host and water quality can decrease the infestation level.

Keywords: Structural Equation Modelling- Parasite- Coral fish- Bidong Island

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38 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-163

A Genetic Approach to the Difference of Misidentified Pangasius nasutus and Pangasius conchophilus
Amir Asyraf Zainudin(a), Aisyah Jamaludin(a), Rozihan Mohamed(a), Yuzine Esa(a,b)

(a) Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
(b) International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


Pangasiids is one of important aquaculture species in Malaysia. Pangasiids includes riverine catfishes that mostly live in freshwater habitats but some of which can also be found in brackish and marine environments. Pangasius nasutus and Pangasius conchophilus has similar appearances that cause confusion to identify the species. Pangasius nasutus is native species of Malaysia and Pangasius conchophilus are introduced species that were imported by the Cambodiants originally. These two species have been found sharing the same habitat by the local fisherman. This is an alarming sign for conservation of indigenous species. Thus, the aim of this study to determine genetic differences of Pangasius nasutus and Pangasius conchophilus and the genetic diversity of Pangasius conchophilus at Pahang River, Malaysia. A total of 124 samples were obtained from five sites along the Pahang River, which is Pekan, Maran, Jerantut, Temerloh and Lipis within the guidance of the local fisherman. We identify the species by using universal barcode gene Cytochrome Oxidase 1 (CO1) gene. 59 of the samples are Pangasius nasutus and 65 of the samples are Pangasius conchophilus. The total of haplotype samples for Pangasius nasutus are 6 and Pangasius conchophilus has 11 haplotypes. Besides, phylogenetic analysis using Neighbor-Joining (NJ) also divided the two species into two clades. Genetic distance between two species that were calculated using MEGA show was low indicates that close genetic distance.

Keywords: Pangasius nasutus, Pangasius conchophilus, phylogenetic, mitochondrial DNA COI, genomic

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39 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-165

Habitat Characteristics of Matano medaka (Oryzias matanensis Aurich, 1935) in Lake Towuti, South Sulawesi.
Athira Rinandha Eragradini1*, Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar2, Joeharnani Tresnati2, Dewi Yanuarita2

1 Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
2 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.


Lake Towuti, one of the ancient lakes, is the second largest freshwater lake after Lake Toba. One of the endemic fish that live in Lake Towuti is the Matano Medaka fish (Oryzias matanensis Aurich, 1935). Due to several human activities, Lake Towuti is in danger of declining, which could have an impact on the fish habitat. The aim of this study is to identify the habitat characteristics of Oryzias matanensis in Lake Towuti. The data collected in this study includes temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and aquatic plants. Sampling was carried out in the morning, starting at 8:00 WITA and ending at 11:00 WITA at two different stations. Station selection was carried out based on differences in habitat, the presence of aquatic plants, and the presence of fish samples. Habitat characteristics at station one are marked by the number of water plants with the basic substrate types of sand, mud, and stones. In contrast, at station 2, it is characterized by the absence of water plants and the basic substrate types of sand, rock, and gravel. Ecological aspects, including water physics and chemistry parameters, did not experience large fluctuations during the study period. The water conditions at each research station were not significantly different, so the water conditions were still good and supported the Oryzias matanensis life in Lake Towuti.

Keywords: Habitat Characteristics, Oryzias matanensis, Lake Towuti

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40 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-170

Implementation of Indonesia blue economy policy in preventing the degradation of the marine environment of the Spermonde Islands due to rising tourism
Muhammad Zulfan Hakim, Tri Fenny Widayanti, Eka Merdekawati, Audina Mayasari Muin, Ratnawati

Faculty of Law Universitas Hasanuddin


The majority of the world^s population resides along the coast, which demonstrates the sea^s strong appeal to humans. The expansion of marine tourism in the modern era is a lucrative enterprise that is an integral part of the tourism industry as a whole. Countries with the geographical conditions of a group of beautiful islands or coastal countries, such as Indonesia, have a significant advantage in the tourism industry. The Spermonde Islands have their own beauty, which makes them an attraction for tourists, but the increase in tourism has not been accompanied by increased protection for the islands. Indonesia has issued Law No. 1 of 2014 regarding the Management of Coastal Zone and Small Islands, which stipulates that the management of natural resources on land, sea, and air must be coordinated and integrated with human resources and man-made resources in a sustainable development pattern by developing spatial planning in a dynamic environmental management unit that still maintains environmental capabilities in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The research method employed is empirical normative research, with the specific topic being environmental pollution in the Spermonde Islands caused by an increase in tourist numbers. The findings of this study indicate that environmental pollution regulations must be strengthened, particularly in the archipelago region, and that these rules must be socialized.

Keywords: maritime environment, conservation, blue economy

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41 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-172

Strengthening Regulations as Part of Attempts to Regulate, Protect, Conserve, and Restore Coastal Areas in Indonesia
Tri Fenny Widayanti, Muhammad Zulfan Hakim, Eka Merdekawati Djafar, Audina Mayasari Muin, Ratnawati

Faculty of Law, Universitas Hasanuddin


Maritime development from the infrastructure, political, socio-cultural, legal, security, and economic perspectives, upholding the sovereignty of Indonesia^s maritime territory, revitalizing the maritime economic sectors, strengthening and developing maritime connectivity, rehabilitating environmental damage and biodiversity conservation, and increasing the quality and quantity of Maritime human resources are the primary programs for establishing Indonesia as the world^s m One of the ways this will be accomplished is by strengthening and improving regulations in the marine sector in order to obtain benefits, certainty in its development, and fairness for all individuals. The research method employed is normative, which will review and analyze existing rules and then make recommendations for their enhancement. The research reveals that the regulatory system in the Indonesian marine sector overlaps, making it unfocused and uncommunicated to the public. As a result, law enforcement, protection, conservation, and enhancement of Indonesian coastal areas are not optimized. So that people^s welfare remains secure and the marine environment is also safeguarded, sustainable development-based regulations must be more directed and specific.

Keywords: Regulation, Maritime Environment, Conservation

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42 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-173

Providing environmental taxes as one of the government^s concrete responses to the problem of marine environment degradation
Eka Merdekawati Djafar, Tri Fenny Widayanti , Muhammad Zulfan Hakim, Audina Mayasari Muin, Ratnawati

Faculty of Law, Universitas Hasanuddin


There are two general discourses regarding the concept of environmental tax, such as the concepts of tax application and tax credit allocation. With an environmental tax, companies that worsen environmental conditions will be subject to mandatory levies. (the polluter pays principle). Obviously, this concept sparked a great deal of controversy, particularly among business leaders. In addition, the calculation of the tax rate is based on the total production cost. In addition to previously incurred environmental expenses such as EIA audit fees, this will be a new line item in the budget. As a result, production costs will rise, profits will fall, and there will be additional multiplier effects. The method of research employed is normative research, which entails analyzing rules and combining them with other sources of law. The results of the study indicate that the provision of tax credits, also known as green incentives, is crucial in the marine industry. Giving tax credits to consumers of environmentally friendly products will, however, logically result in the formation of a community of green consumers who are willing to spend more on environmentally friendly products

Keywords: Taxes, Maritime environment, conservation

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43 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-181

Assessment of Biophysical Potential of Suitability and Carrying Capacity in Bontosua Island, Pangkep District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Chumaerah Febrianti, Andi Niartiningsih, Budimawan

Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Bontosua Island is considered as one of the islands in Pangkajene and Islands Regency which has potential coastal and marine resources that can be developed through conservation and ecotourism approaches. The biggest attraction resource is the coral reefs, which makes it necessary to develop marine tourism as an effort to protect the ecological system. The main objective of this study is to determine the bio-physical potential and coastal resources, as well as to analyze the suitability and carrying capacity for diving tourism and beach recreation activities. The research was conducted from July to October 2022. The method for analyzing the condition of the coral reefs was carried out using the UPT (underwater photo transect) method with the help of CPCe software. Apart from that, other analyzes used in this research were reef fish density, land suitability, area carrying capacity and spatial analysis. Based on observations of live coral cover at 4 observation stations ranging from 36.86% to 67.69%, which in general, the most common type of coral reef found in the study area was non-Acropora coral species while for Acropora coral species was rarely found in the study area. The analysis results of the marine tourism suitability in the diving tourism category for Station III are in the very suitable category, while three stations (Station I, Station II, and Station IV) are included in the appropriate category. Regional Carrying Capacity (RCC) for diving tourism is around 702 people/day and RCC for beach recreation tourism is around 46 people/day.

Keywords: Suitability analysis, carrying capacity, diving, beach recreation, Bontosua Island

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44 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-186

Coral Reef Restoration to Support the Sustainable Seaturtle Habitat in Balabalakang Marine Park, Makassar Strait Indonesia
Syafyudin Yusuf, Chair Rani, Shinta Werorilangi, Yayu La Nafie4 Ahmad Faizal, Widyastuti Umar, Muhammad Bahri, Aksel Williams8

Marine Science Dept, Marine and Fisheries Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia


Coral reefs around the world have experienced degradation in the last three decades due to natural and anthropogenic events. This degradation can disrupt ecosystems and the flow of energy through the food chain of living biota associated with coral reefs. One of the important organisms in the flow of energy in coral reefs are sea turtles. Sea turtles depend on the forage available around coral reefs and seagrass beds. How can coral transplants restore damaged coral reef habitat around turtle feeding ground? This study aims to determine the initial conditions and growth of transplanted corals to support the turtle population^s habitat. This study compared reef habitat cover data on natural corals and transplanted areas after 9 months of transplantation, determined survival, and measured growth in the length of transplanted branching corals. The results showed that the survival of the transplanted corals decreased by 50 percent on Salisingan Island and by 90 percent on Gusung Durian Island after six months of transplantation (October 2022). Then all sites recorded decreased survival in November due to coral bleaching. Live coral cover in the transplanted area was significantly lower than that of natural coral reefs. Absolute coral growth ranged from 3.96-6.04 cm/9 months. If the transplanted live coral cover is close to natural cover, it means that the reef habitat restoration program is deemed successful in supporting turtle nursery habitat. As sea turtles are a key species for the Balabalakang Marine Park, the Regional Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service and Hasanuddin University are still making efforts to protect shallow marine species, populations, and habitats. The ID2 Mubadala program provides several activities to support endangered sea turtle species in Indonesia, a region with a diversity of hotspots in the world.

Keywords: Reef Restoration, Sea Turtle, Marine Park, Balabalakang, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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45 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-192

Kondisi dan Dinamika Persen Tutupan Padang Lamun di Perairan Sekitar Area Penambangan PT. Antam Tbk. Halmahera Timur Selang Waktu Tahun 2017-2022
Lato Ivu Rahman (a), Supriadi Mashoreng (b*), Ahmad Faizal (b)

a). PT. Antam Tbk. UBPN Maluku Utara, Buli, Halmahera Timur
b). Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
* email: smashoreng[at]


Salah satu ekosistem pesisir yang ada di perairan sekitar area penambangan PT. Antam, Tbk. di Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara adalah padang lamun. Padang lamun merupakan vegetasi perairan dangkal yang mempunyai peran penting sebagai produser primer, tempat berkembang biak, berlindung dan mencari makan berbagai biota laut. Penelitian dilakukan tahun 2017 - 2022 untuk mengetahui kondisi dan dinamika persen tutupan padang lamun. Sampling dilakukan dua kali setahun, kecuali pada tahun 2020 tidak dilakukan sampling karena pandemi Covid-19. Terdapat 17 stasiun sampling dari empat lokasi, masing-masing tiga stasiun di Pulau Ge, empat stasiun di Pulau Pakal, empat stasiun di Moronopo dan enam stasiun di Tanjung Buli. Pengamatan jenis dan persen tutupan lamun dilakukan pada plot berukuran 50cm x 50cm. Selain di dalam plot, pengamatan keanekaragaman jenis lamun juga dilakukan dengan metode sampling bebas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat sembilan jenis lamun pada lokasi sampling yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Jenis E. acoroides mempunyai distribusi paling luas, sebaliknya jenis H. pinifolia mempunyai distribusi paling sempit. Secara umum pada selang waktu tahun 2017-2022, persen tutupan lamun mengalami penurunan walaupun relatif kecil. Sampling terakhir yang dilakukan pada bulan Desember tahun 2022 menunjukkan bahwa kondisi padang lamun berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup nomor 200 tahun 2004 termasuk kategori miskin sampai kurang sehat. Kategori miskin ditemukan pada 15 stasiun (88,2% dari total stasiun) dan kategori kurang sehat pada 2 stasiun (11,8% dari total stasiun).

Keywords: kondisi padang lamun- tutupan lamun- PT. Antam Tbk. Halmahera Timur

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46 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-196

Community Structure of Macrozoobenthos in Mangrove Forest Rehabilitation Area
Muhammad Jalil and Ambo Tuwo

Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Macrozoobenthos links the energy flow from planktonic algae and detritus to consumers with higher energy gain levels in mangrove ecosystems. The energy flow will be cut off if the macrozoobenthos is lost in the mangrove ecosystem. Therefore, macrozoobenthos can indicate the ecosystem condition of the mangrove system. The study aimed to examine the condition of the mangrove forest ecosystem resulting from rehabilitation through a study of the community structure of macrozoobenthos based on different age groups of mangroves. This research was conducted in Lantebung Village, Bira Village, Tamalanrea District, Makassar City. The research used survey and proportional sampling methods. The observed parameters were abundance, diversity, similarity, dominance in the macrozoobenthos community, density, frequency, and mangrove cover of Rhizophora mucronata. During the research, ten macrozoobenthos species were found, consisting of six Gastropod classes, two Bivalvia classes, and two Malacostraca classes. The diversity of macrozoobenthos in the mangrove forest rehabilitation area based on the mangrove age group was still low, the diversity of macrozoobenthos was classified as unstable, and the dominance of macrozoobenthos was classified as low. Macrozoobenthos abundance in the age group 1-2 years was 46,667 individuals per m2- 4-5 years was 88,833 individuals per m2- and 7-8 years was 91,667 individuals per m2.

Keywords: Rhizophora mucronata, diversity indices, similarity indices, dominance indices, mangrove cover

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47 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-197

Potential for Development of Camba-Cambang Island Tourism Gate in the Spermonde Archipelago, Makassar Strait, Indonesia
Rayni Mayra Sari, Wasir Samad, Ambo Tuwo

Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Camba-Cambang Island is a small island that was reclaimed to expand its area. This island is a marine tourism gateway in the Spermonde Archipelago, Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study examines the island^s development potential to enrich its function as a sea tourism gateway. This study focuses on the ecological, socio-economic, facilities, and infrastructure on Camba-Cambang Island-research using field survey methods and interviews. Parameters observed were water depth, water brightness, current velocity, beach width, beach slope, beach type, coastal land cover, water bottom substrate, observation of dangerous biota, availability of fresh water, and tide measurements. The analytical method used is the suitability analysis of marine tourism and SWOT analysis. The results of this study indicate that apart from being a tourism gateway, Camba-Cambang Island also has the potential to be developed into a beach tourism location, fishing tourism, and dive center.

Keywords: Ecological potential, socio-economic potential, regional facilities, tourism suitability index, SWOT analysis

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48 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-198

Biological Aspects of the Halfbeak Fish Dermogenys orientalis (Weber, 1894) in the Manrepo River, Maros-Pangkep Karst Region, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Adnan Aswad, Mohammad Tauhid Umar, Joeharnani Tresnati

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Halfbeak fish Dermogenys orientalis (Weber, 1894) is an endemic fish in the Maros-Pangkep Karst Region which humans have inhabited since 30,000 years ago. Halfbeak fish is not a consumption fish but has a high economic value because it is an ornamental fish. Degradation of river water quality due to domestic waste and environmentally unfriendly fishing using electricity and poisons threaten the existence of this karst endemic fish, so the biological aspects of halfbeak fish need to be studied to determine its sustainability aspects. This study analyzes biological aspects, including the Length-weight equation and condition factors for halfbeak fish caught in the Manrepo River, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The number of halfbeaks fish found was 606, consisting of 194 fish at Station 1, 199 at Station 2, and 213 at Station 3. The Length-weight equation of halfbeak fish was W = 0.00002L2.5629 at Station 1, W = 0.00003L2.4542 at Station 2, and W = 0.00005L2.3465 at Station 3. The growth pattern of halfbeak fish based on a station and sampling periods were hypoalometric, except for the June 2021 sampling, an isometric growth pattern was obtained. The value of the halfbeak fish condition factor was more significant than one, which indicates that the halfbeak fish has good physical conditions for survival and reproduction

Keywords: Length-weight equation, condition factor, hypoallometric, isometric, endemic fish

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49 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-200

Population Parameters of Streaked Spinefoot Siganus javus (Linna eus, 1766) in Spermonde Waters, Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi
Haeriani Idris, Suwarni, Joeharnani Tresnati

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Streaked spinefoot Siganus javus is an essential economic fish because it has high protein content and omega-3 fatty acids besides having thick white flesh with good taste. This high economic and nutritional value makes streaked spinefoot the primary target for catching. If not appropriately managed, it can result in stock degradation or extinction of the streaked spinefoot population. This study aims to examine the sustainable aspects of streaked spinefoot resource utilization by studying population parameters which include age, growth, mortality, exploitation, and yield per the recruitment of streaked spinefoot. Streaked spinefoot samples were collected at the Paotere Fish Landing Site, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Sampling was carried out by taking all the fishermen^s catches. During sampling, 440 streaked spinefoot was found, 298 males and 142 females. The total length range of streaked spinefoot was 119 mm - 209 mm, which consisted of three age groups with lengths of 155.49 mm, 183.07 mm, and 208.83 mm, respectively. The asymptote length (L&#8734-) is 224.8 mm, the growth coefficient (K) is 0.51 per year, and the theoretical age (to) was -0.18371 per year. The total mortality rate (Z) was 1.85, natural mortality (M) was 0.67, fishing mortality (F) was 1.18, exploitation rate (E) was 0.64, and yield per recruitment (Y/R) was 0.0615. This population parameter indicates that the streaked spinefoot population in the Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi, has been over-exploited.

Keywords: Age group, growth, mortality, exploitation, yield per recruitment

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50 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-202

Identifikasi Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Menggunakan Aplikasi Coral Point Count with excel extentions (CPCe) di Pulau Wangiwangi, Wakatobi, Indonesia
Muhammad Irpan Sejati Tassakka (*a), Indah Alsita (b), Istiqomah Muniawati (c), Muhammad Musrianton (d), Alfi Kusuma Admaja (e), Sariamin Sahari (f)

a,c,d,e,f)Program Studi Konservasi, Akademi Komunitas Kelautan dan Perikanan Wakatobi, Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Desa Matahora, Kecamatan Wangiwangi Selatan, Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

b)Program Studi Ekowisata Bahari, Akademi Komunitas Kelautan dan Perikanan Wakatobi, Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Desa Matahora, Kecamatan Wangiwangi Selatan, Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia


Taman Nasional Wakatobi (TNW) merupakan taman laut terbesar kedua di Indonesia dengan luas total 1,39 juta hektar. Wakatobi merupakan akronim wangi-wangi, kaledupa, tomia dan binongko yang memiliki salah satu keanekaragaman terumbu karang tertinggi dalam konservasi laut di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang saat ini khususnya di Pulau Wangiwangi. Pemantauan dilakukan di 11 lokasi dengan menggunakan metode Underwater Photo Transect (UPT). Proses analisis menggunakan software CPCe. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi terumbu karang di Pulau Wangiwangi tergolong baik dengan tutupan karang (hardcoral) sebesar 53,0%. Jenis terumbu karang dan substrat lainnya adalah Dead Coral (DC) sebesar 1,0%- Dead Coral with Algae (DCA) sebesar 7,7%- Soft Coral (SC) sebesar 12,6%- Sponge (SP) sebesar 1,6%- Fleshy Seaweed (FS) sebesar 4,7%- Other Biota (OT) sebesar 9,8%- Rubble (R) sebesar 4,3%- Sand (S) sebesar 2,7%- dan Rock (RK) sebesar 2,5%. Persentase tutupan karang tertinggi ada di Titik Waha (70,5%) dan terendah ada di Titik Sombu (38,7%).

Keywords: keanekaragaman hayati, taman nasional laut-terumbu karang-transek foto bawah air

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51 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-221

Policy Analysis and development strategy for Mangrove Tourism in Mallusetasi Sub-District, Barru District, Indonesia
Amran Saru(a*), Athira Rinandha Eragradini GP (b), Yuriatson (c), Habel Pettri Appang (d)

a) b) c) d) Integrated Coastal Resource Management Study Program, Hasanuddin University Postgraduate School, Makassar, Indonesia 90245


Barru district has a coastline approximately 65 km long, with mangroves around 113.02 ha, including mangroves around 3.57 ha or about 3.16% in the Mallusetasi sub-district. This condition enables the mangrove ecosystem to be an edu-tourism object: therefore, this current study aims to analyze policies and development strategies for mangrove tourism. This study employed an analysis of the ecological potential of mangroves and environmental quality. In addition, A SWOT analysis was also used to determine the policies and development strategies of mangrove edu-tourism. The thickness of the mangrove was between 85 and 132 meters with 2 families of mangrove - Rhizophoraceae and Sonneratiaceae. There were 5 species identified: Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, Sonneratia alba. The mangrove density ranged from 18.33 to 90 trees per meter. The density values were fairly high, which meant that there were numerous trees in the mangrove area. Supporting parameters, such as biota, tides, sediment, temperatures, and salinity, are generally very good. The analysis that combined the value of internal and external factors on the alternative chart of the turnaround strategy was -0.167 and 0.333- therefore, it is highly probable for development policies of mangrove edu-tourism areas in the educational fish ponds. The edu-tourism development strategy was created to avoid weaknesses for capitalizing on opportunities through strategic steps. Those were done to support the optimal use of mangrove ecosystem resources as edu-tourism areas.

Keywords: Policy and strategy- mangrove ecosystem- edu-tourism

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52 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-227

Potential Impact of Ports on Seagrass Ecosystems in Palu Bay, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Musayyadah Tis^in1, Rohani Ambo-Rappe2*, Supriadi Mashoreng2, Ahmad Faizal2

1Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Indonesia
2Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


Coastal development, including port construction and operations, is a growing threat to coastal ecosystems including seagrass meadows. For several decades now, coastal development in Palu Bay has included the construction or extension of single-purpose privately owned port facilities as well as public or general shipping ports. The majority of private port terminals are owned by mining companies exporting rock and aggregate from around Palu Bay. There are many quarries in the mountains along the western coast of Palu Bay, and alluvial materials around several rivers along the eastern shore are also exploited. The purpose of this study was to analyse the impact of ports on seagrass meadow ecosystems in Palu Bay, especially the private port terminals. Data and information were collected through field surveys, interviews with fishing communities, and from secondary data. This study found about 66 ports around Palu Bay, the majority privately owned by mining companies operating in Palu City and Donggala Regency. Mining activities have expanded greatly since around 2014. The effects of port development and operations in Palu Bay, especially the private terminals owned and operated by the mining companies, include reduced seagrass ecosystem extent, decreased water quality, with negative impacts on the incomes of fishermen.

Keywords: Seagrass extent, private port terminals, port development, anthropogenic activities, Palu Bay

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53 Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ABS-228

The Potential Threats to Seagrass in the Waters of Tanah Bumbu Regency South Kalimantan
Dafiuddin Salim1, Rohani Ambo-Rappe2*, Supriadi Mashoreng2, Nadiarti Nurdin3

1Doctoral Program of Fisheries Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
2Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
3Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: rohani.amborappe[at]


This study was conducted to analyze the potential threats to seagrass due to increased turbidity, the occurrence of invasive species, macroalgal and epiphytic cover on seagrasses. In situ observation and literature studies were conducted to collect data on sedimentation rate, level of turbidity, the occurance of invasive species, percentage of macroalgae and epiphyte cover. The results obtained were a sedimentation rate of 46.66 mg/cm2/day and turbidity in the range of 0.83-774.8 mg/l. These parameters are strongly influenced by changes in land cover, sediment load from surrounding rivers, climate, and port activities, specifically for coal and palm oil terminals. The occurrence of an invasive species on seagrasses is thought to be the zebra mussel (Dreissena spp.) and this is the first time this has occurred on seagrasses. The average percentage cover of macroalgae and epiphyte cover in the three coral reefs (Anugerah, Katoang, and Penyulingan) was 3.65% and 69.42%, respectively. The implication of this study is that seagrass plants might negatively responded to increased turbidity, minimum light penetration, fluctuations in salinity, and adaptation from competitors (invaders and macroalgae).

Keywords: Threats, Seagrasses, Turbidity, zebra mussels, South Kalimantan

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54 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology ABS-12

Cost-effective hot spot monitoring of anthropogenic waste pollution in Tello river, Makassar, Indonesia
Khusnul Yaqin

Marine Science and Fisheries Faculty
Hasanuddin University


Tello River is one of the major rivers in the city of Makassar. This river has the high economic potential both in terms of biodiversity and other abiotic components. Unfortunately, this river is still considered a ^ditch^ or canal to dispose of the waste for several stakeholders around the Tello River, so this behaviour damages the economic and other potentials. This study aims to show the decline in water quality in the canal which is often used for anthropogenic waste disposal leading to the Tello river. The research was carried out by conducting sampling in the Biringromang and Bontao canals which are used as waste disposal sites and in front of the Lakkang wharf. The water quality analyzed was DO, pH, temperature, salinity and ammonia. The results showed that there was a decrease in water quality in the canals where organic waste was disposed of. The research concludes that monitoring hot spots using several inexpensive parameters can produce monitoring data that can be used as a reference in Tello river resource management.

Keywords: Cost-effective hot spot monitoring, Tello River, water quality, anthropogenic waste

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55 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology ABS-13

The potential of Oryzias celebensis embryo heartbeat as a simple biomarker to detect the adverse effects of UV-C light
Regita Indriani Idris Khusnul Yaqin, Sri Wahyuni Rahim, Basse Siang Parawansa, Nita Rukminasari, Hadiratul Kudsiah, Rahmadi Tambaru, Dwi Kesuma Sari Etty Riani Andi Dina Hardiana Meimulya

Marine Science and Fisheries Faculty
Hasanuddin University


The impact of radiation from UV rays is very important to observe on the environment and aquatic organisms. Research on the use of heartbeat as a simple biomarker in Oryzias celebensis embryos to detect the harmful effects of UVC has been carried out. This research was conducted using O.celebensis embryos exposed to UVC (250 nm) for 15, 10 and 5 minutes. The controls in this study were embryos without UVC irradiation. The embryo^s heart rate was calculated starting from stage 24 until hatching. ANOVA is used to determine differences in treatment rates between controls and treatments. The results showed that the UV exposure treatment of 15 minutes and 10 minutes was significantly different from the control (P<0.05). This proves that long UV exposure will have an impact on the embryo. The results of this study concluded that the heart rate of O.celebensis embryos can be used as a biomarker to detect the adverse effects of UVC.

Keywords: UV-C light, heartbeat, simple biomarker, embryo, Oryzias celebensis

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56 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology ABS-15

Acrylic coating incorporated with lawsonia inermis as a green additive for marine application
Mohammad Fakhratul Ridwan Bin Zulkifli

Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatics, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia


Plant based materials have been investigated as corrosion inhibitor due to its wide availability. The essential component of plant based materials is its environmental friendly which contributes to the development of green corrosion prevention materials. In this study, Lawsonia inermis or also known as henna was extracted and incorporated as an additive into an acrylic coating. Newly formulated coating was tested by using XRD and DSC and the finding demonstrates that the increment of crystallite size in acrylic coating incorporated with Lawsonia inermis has limited the close pack structure which consequently increase free volume and reduce the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the coating. Open circuit potential (OCP) demonstrates that acrylic coating incorporated with Lawsonia inermis has a uniform potential due to passivation of electrode. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) shows that AC0.04g has the highest coating resistance (Rc) and lowest coating capacitance. Elevation in temperature has caused a coating deterioration for all coatings. Dielectric study reveals that acrylic coating incorporated with Lawsonia inermis has lower dielectric constant value indicates that there is a lesser water uptake and decrease in ionic conductivity. Tafel polarization test shows that the corrosion potential (Ecorr) of acrylic coating incorporated with Lawsonia inermis has shifted to the noble potential and record a decrease in corrosion current density (icorr). The value of corrosion rate is the lowest for AC0.04g while the polarization resistance shows the highest value. Morphology study via SEM shows that AC0.04g has a greater coverage Lawsonia inermis in the coating.

Keywords: Acrylic coating- corrosion- lawsonia inermis- electrochemical- optical

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57 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology ABS-21

Analisis sampah laut pada sedimen Pantai Balekambang, Kabupaten Malang
Defri Yona, Pratiwi Nuraini, Sisylia Eka Nariyah Putri, Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari

Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya
Marine Resources Exploration and Management Research Group, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya


Sampah laut telah menjadi salah satu permasalahan pencemaran di laut yang menjadi perhatian di seluruh dunia. Pantai sebagai salah satu tempat wisata yang digemari masyarakat tidak luput dari pencemaran sampah laut. Sampah yang sering ditemukan di wilayah pantai dapat berasal aktivitas wisata maupun aktivitas dari laut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis keberadaan sampah laut di Pantai Balekambang, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Wilayah Malang Selatan sangat terkenal dengan jajaran pantai-pantainya yang menghadap ke Samudra Hindia. Salah satu pantai yang sangat terkenal dan banyak dikunjungi wisatawan adalah Pantai Balekambang. Data sampah pantai dikumpulkan pada bulan Desember 2022 di sepanjang area pantai yang masih mendapat pengaruh pasang surut. Sampah diambil di dalam transek kotak berukuran 5 x 5 m. Terdapat lima transek kotak pada area penelitian sepanjang 100 m yang dibagi lima dengan jarak masing-masing 20 m. Seluruh sampah permukaan dikumpulkan, dipisahkan berdasarkan ukuran, dihitung jenisnya dan ditimbang beratnya. Hasil penelitian menemukan persentase sampah tertinggi berada pada ukuran 0,5-2,5 cm (43 %) diikuti oleh ukuran 5-10 cm (23 %), ukuran 2,5-5 cm (22 %) dan paling sedikit ukuran > 10 cm (11 %). Lima kategori sampah ditemukan yaitu plastik, kertas, karet, logam, kaca dan bahan berbahaya beracun (B3) dengan persentase terbesar adalah jenis plastik (89 %). Berdasarkan sifatnya, sampah yang selalu mengapung (persistant buoyant) dan mengapung sesaat (short-term buoyant) ditemukan dengan persentase sama (49 %). Analisis kebersihan pantai menggunakan Clean Coast Index (CCI) menunjukan Pantai Balekambang termasuk dalam kategori sangat kotor karena ditemukan sampah dengan rata-rata 1,1 item/m2 dan berat 137 gr/m2.

Keywords: Marine debris, Plastik, Sampah makro, Samudra Hindia

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58 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology ABS-27

Microplastic pollution in surface water of the Malaysian Marine Park Islands, South China Sea during COVID-19
Ku Mohd Kalkausar Ku Yusof1, Sabiqah Tuan Anuar1, Yuzwan Mohamad1, Maisarah Jaafar1, Noorlin Mohamad1, Zainudin Bachok2, Najihah Mohamad3, Yusof Shuaib Ibrahim1,2*

1Microplastic Research Interest Group (MRIG), Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

2Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

3Fisheries Research Institute, 11960, Batu Maung, Penang Malaysia


Malaysia is bounded by the South China Sea with many islands that support species megadiversity and coral reef ecosystems. This study investigates the distribution of microplastics in the surface water around the four marine park islands (Perhentian, Redang, Kapas, and Tenggol) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhentian recorded the most abundance of microplastics (588.33 items per liter), followed by Redang (314.67 items per liter), Kapas (359.8 items per liter) and Tenggol (294.33 items per liter). Kruskal-Wallis analysis indicates a significant difference in total microplastic abundance between islands. There are moderate correlations between salinity, pH, and temperature and microplastics variability, however Principal Component Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression analysis proved that only temperature is significant. Fiber was profound with more than 99 percent, while transparent and black were dominant among the samples. Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy revealed Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl Methyl Ether, Polyamide, phenoxy-resins and Polyurethane-acrylic are associated with microplastics. This study present baseline reference on the distribution of microplastics in Malaysian islands, providing future direction on its marine sustainability.

Keywords: Islands of Malaysia, Terengganu, National Marine Park, SCS, Plastic Pandemic, Microplastics pollution

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59 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology ABS-45

Normative Legal Analysis on the Consequence of Oil Spill on Aquatic Pollution: Case Study of Bintan Oil Spill
Maskun1, Achmad2, Naswar3, Nurul Habaib Al Mukarramah*4 ,Valeria Erika Sari Paliling4, Josse Charmario Wara Angi4, Nagida Amalia Putri4, Mohammad Akhsan Adhyatma Amir4,Siti Nurhaliza Bachril4, Hasbi Assidiq4, Royan Juliazka Chandrajaya4

1International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan km 10, Makassar, South Sulawesi 90245 Indonesia
2Civil Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Hasanuddin
3Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Hasanuddin
4Assistant Researchers, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan km 10, Makassar, South Sulawesi 90245 Indonesia


The oil spill in Bintan, Indonesia has become one of many oil spill cases leading to aquatic pollution in over 10 years. However, the existing law has not yet been able to address this issue. This research attempts to address two questions- How does international and Indonesian law regulate marine pollution? How does the current regulation apply to the oil spill that occurred in Bintan, Indonesia? This research utilizes normative legal analysis conducted through reviewing international and national legal instruments concerning climate change and health through a statutory approach. This research shows that the current regulation concerning marine pollution is not yet effective to prevent, monitor and mitigate marine pollution issues which led to the occurence of oil spill in Bintan Island, Indonesia.

Keywords: Aquatic Pollution- Normative Legal Analysis- Oil Spill

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60 Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology ABS-51

Nur Sakinah Roslan (a), Maisarah Jaafar (a,b), Noorlin Mohamad (a,b), Yusof Shuaib Ibrahim (a,b), Wan Mohd Afiq Wan Mohd Khalik (a,b), Sabiqah Tuan Anuar (a,b), Sofiah Hamzah (c), Asmadi Ali@Mahmud (c), Nor Salmi Abdullah (d), Nasehir Khan E.M Yahya (d) and Alyza Azzura Azmi (a,b,c*)

(a) Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Malaysia.
(b) Microplastic Research Interest Group, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Malaysia.
(c) Environmental Sustainable Materials Research Interest Group, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Malaysia.
(d) Water Quality Laboratory, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia.



Microplastics are new contaminants of emerging concern in our environment. Microfibers are one of the major pillars of primary microplastics, which are released in the form of tiny particles of <5 mm in size. This research aimed to quantify the shedding of microfiber from clothes using different laundry systems. Microfibers released from laundry discharges from either top or front load washing machines under different setting programs were visually sorted and identified through an optical an electron microscope (physical) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (chemical) analysis. Black microfibers were counted as a dominant color. The SEM images suggested that the microfibers were produced as a result of delamination of surfaces, as evidenced by the presence of cracks, pits, adhering particles, and grooves on the surface. The obtained microfiber polymeric materials comprised rayon (40.3%-86.4% matched), polyethylene of high density (92.7%-95.6%), polyester (70.5%-86.9%), nylon (42.4%), and polyvinylpyrrolidone (40.1%). Various resins such as polyamide resin, alkyd resin, epoxy resin, phenoxy resin, and zein purified were found in the samples. We conclude that the microfibers released during laundry activities are an important source of microfibers in aquatic environments. Thus, proper treatment to remove these microfibers before release to waters systems is required.

Keywords: Malaysia- domestic laundry- discharge- microplastic- polymers

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