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The Development of Aquaculture Landscape at Simeulue Island, Aceh Province
Achdial Farhan Abus(a), Heristina Dewi(b), Rohani Ganie(b), Abiyulail Alatas Abus(b), Tasnim Lubis(b*)

a) Aceh Landscape Development Centre, Langsa, Indonesia
b) Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia


The coral reef ecosystem is part of the study of aquaculture landscapes in the discipline of landscape architecture. The problem with the coral reef ecosystem in Simeulue Regency is that the utilization that could be more environmentally friendly has disrupted the sustainability of the coral reef ecosystem in carrying out its ecological functions. This condition is evidenced by many dead corals, dead coral fragments and those covered with algae. Limited building materials also have the potential to cause utilization conflicts because many people still use the coral reef as a building material. This study presents a GIS-based methodology for visually assessing coral reef development potential. Using a two-step sequential modeling process, this methodology combines visual and coral reef analysis to produce a spatial model demonstrating the potential for coral reef development. The preliminary visual scoring model incorporates a range of coral reef viewing distances to assess visibility potential across different user groups and the area^s sensitivity to visible changes. The second phase focuses on areas identified from the initial model as having the potential to be developed and then conducts a more detailed analysis using an aquaculture landscape approach. Both stages of the modelling process provide valuable information and support to decision-makers regarding the potential visual impacts of coral reef ecosystems. The panoramic view of the beautiful coral reef and its potential, the cultural characteristics of the Simeuluenese, to the exciting dynamics of fishermen^s lives are enough to support the use of the area for natural and cultural tourism.

Keywords: Ecosystem- Coral reef- Aquaculture landscape, Simeulue island

Topic: Aquatic Ecology and Conservation

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Achdial Farhan Abus)

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