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Population Parameters of Streaked Spinefoot Siganus javus (Linna eus, 1766) in Spermonde Waters, Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi
Haeriani Idris, Suwarni, Joeharnani Tresnati

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Streaked spinefoot Siganus javus is an essential economic fish because it has high protein content and omega-3 fatty acids besides having thick white flesh with good taste. This high economic and nutritional value makes streaked spinefoot the primary target for catching. If not appropriately managed, it can result in stock degradation or extinction of the streaked spinefoot population. This study aims to examine the sustainable aspects of streaked spinefoot resource utilization by studying population parameters which include age, growth, mortality, exploitation, and yield per the recruitment of streaked spinefoot. Streaked spinefoot samples were collected at the Paotere Fish Landing Site, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Sampling was carried out by taking all the fishermen^s catches. During sampling, 440 streaked spinefoot was found, 298 males and 142 females. The total length range of streaked spinefoot was 119 mm - 209 mm, which consisted of three age groups with lengths of 155.49 mm, 183.07 mm, and 208.83 mm, respectively. The asymptote length (L&#8734-) is 224.8 mm, the growth coefficient (K) is 0.51 per year, and the theoretical age (to) was -0.18371 per year. The total mortality rate (Z) was 1.85, natural mortality (M) was 0.67, fishing mortality (F) was 1.18, exploitation rate (E) was 0.64, and yield per recruitment (Y/R) was 0.0615. This population parameter indicates that the streaked spinefoot population in the Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi, has been over-exploited.

Keywords: Age group, growth, mortality, exploitation, yield per recruitment

Topic: Aquatic Ecology and Conservation

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