Implementation of Indonesia blue economy policy in preventing the degradation of the marine environment of the Spermonde Islands due to rising tourism
Muhammad Zulfan Hakim, Tri Fenny Widayanti, Eka Merdekawati, Audina Mayasari Muin, Ratnawati

Faculty of Law Universitas Hasanuddin


The majority of the world^s population resides along the coast, which demonstrates the sea^s strong appeal to humans. The expansion of marine tourism in the modern era is a lucrative enterprise that is an integral part of the tourism industry as a whole. Countries with the geographical conditions of a group of beautiful islands or coastal countries, such as Indonesia, have a significant advantage in the tourism industry. The Spermonde Islands have their own beauty, which makes them an attraction for tourists, but the increase in tourism has not been accompanied by increased protection for the islands. Indonesia has issued Law No. 1 of 2014 regarding the Management of Coastal Zone and Small Islands, which stipulates that the management of natural resources on land, sea, and air must be coordinated and integrated with human resources and man-made resources in a sustainable development pattern by developing spatial planning in a dynamic environmental management unit that still maintains environmental capabilities in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The research method employed is empirical normative research, with the specific topic being environmental pollution in the Spermonde Islands caused by an increase in tourist numbers. The findings of this study indicate that environmental pollution regulations must be strengthened, particularly in the archipelago region, and that these rules must be socialized.

Keywords: maritime environment, conservation, blue economy

Topic: Aquatic Ecology and Conservation

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