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121 Natural Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation ABS-143

Meningkatkan kesadaran dan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dengan pembentukan kelompok DESTANA (Desa Siaga Bencana) di desa Sinorang Kecamatan Batui Selatan Kabupaten Banggai - Sulawesi Tengah
Mohammad Syakir 1 , Cut Desy Ariani 1, Abdil Halimis Stani 1 , Atma Agus Hermawan 1 , Samsu Adi Rahman 2

1) JOB Pertamina Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, Kabupaten Banggai Sulawesi Tengah
2) Universitas Muhammadiyyah Luwuk, Kabupaten Banggai Sulawesi Tengah


Kabupaten Banggai merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki tingkat kerawanan bencana alam yang cukup tinggi. Bencana alam seperti banjir, gempa bumi, abrasi pantai, tanah longsor bahkan tsunami sudah pernah terjadi. Dari data BNPB kab. Banggai tercatat sebanyak 83 bencana sudah terjadi sejak thn 2018 sampai saat ini. Bencana tersebut menimbulkan kerugian baik dari segi materi maupun korban jiwa.
JOB Tomori merupakan salah satu perusahaan migas yang beroperasi di 2 blok migas yakni Blok Senoro yang berada di kabupaten Banggai dan blok Toili yang terletak di kabupaten Morowali Utara. Melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakatnya (CSR) JOB Tomori merasa terpanggil untuk membantu penanggulangan bencana alam yang sering terjadi di wilayah operasionalnya. Bekerjasama dengan BNPB kabupaten Banggai JOB Tomori menginisiasi pembentukan kelompok DESTANA (Desa Siaga Bencana) di desa Sinorang. Salah satu tujuan pembentukan kelompok DESTANA ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi bencana alam. Data awal menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman masyarakat terhadap kesiapsiagaan bencana hanya sebesar 23%. Setelah pembentukan kelompok DESTANA dan serangkaian kegiatan pelatihan penanggulangan bencana, dari hasil survey menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat akan kesiapsiagaan bencana meningkat hingga 75%.

Keywords: DESTANA, Kesiapsiagaan, Pemberdayaan, Kebencanaan, CSR

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122 Natural Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation ABS-162

Carbon content and absorption capacity of several species of seagrass in the coastal waters of small islands in North Maluku, Indonesia
Najamuddin*, Alviansyah, Yunita Ramili, Rustam E. Paembonan, Irmalita Tahir, Nebuchadnessar Akbar, Firdaut Ismail

Marine Science Study Program, Universitas Khairun


Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans and land due to increased emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4, NOx, SO2, CFCs, SF6, HFCs and PFCs. Seagrass meadows are one of the ecosystems in coastal areas that have the ability to absorb CO2 gas from the atmosphere. The purpose of this study was to analyze the biomass content, carbon content, and CO2 absorption capacity of seagrass species Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, and Cymodeceae rotundata in the coastal areas of small islands in North Maluku Province. Sampling was carried out on two small islands, namely Ternate and Maitara Island with 2 observation points respectively. The results showed that the highest seagrass biomass, carbon content, and absorption capacity of seagrass to CO2 were found in the seagrass type Enhalus acoroides and the lowest type was Cymodoceae rotundata. The highest biomass, carbon content, and absorption capacity of seagrass were obtained on Maitara Island, Pasimayou Village with values of 3943.52 g/m2, 1853.46 g/m2, 6802.13 g/m2, respectively, and the lowest was on Ternate Island, Muhajirin Village, with values of 1053.32 g/m2, 495.05 g/m2, 1816.88 g/m2 respectively. The average carbon content of seagrass on Ternate Island was 789,875 gC/m2 and 1409.15 gC/m2 on Maitara Island. The results of the regression analysis showed that seagrass biomass, seagrass leaf length, and seagrass leaf width had a significant effect on the carbon content of seagrass in the study site.

Keywords: blue carbon, seagrass, small islands, Ternate and Maitara, North Maluku

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123 Natural Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation ABS-191

S.Sahari1&#61482-, A. Ferlin2, Haruddin1, K.Isman1, H.Santoso1, L.D.Mansyur1

Wakatobi Community Collage of Marine and Fisheries, Wakatobi Southeast Sulawesi , Indonesia


Abstract. Mangrove forest is a coastal forest that is included in one of the important ecosystems found on the coast and small islands. Healthy mangrove forests can function as well as being a care area for various biota, also play an important role in maintaining carbon uptake. The functions and benefits of this forest are very diverse, and it has long been a location for human livelihoods, especially fishermen. But unfortunately the area of this forest is decreasing from year to year due to the clearing of mangrove land into residential and industrial areas including illegal logging, so conservation efforts are needed. Mangrove forests in Wakatobi Regency are a very important resource for coastal areas and small islands, which must be maintained and continuously developed, together with other resources. Efforts to preserve mangrove forests have become the main concern of the parties. However, rehabilitation efforts are still a problem due to very slow growth and even death. The purpose of this research is to design a prototype or simple technology design for trapping organic matter/sediments with nutrients that are also useful for reducing the influence of currents and waves during the propagule planting activity stage and when the mangrove seedlings have started to grow and survive at around 1.5 to 3 years of age. This research is included in the quantitative-applied research where the end result is to produce a small-scale construction product or simple technology and then immediately apply it to the location, namely Melaione-Matahora Beach and Liya Togo Beach. The results obtained are the design (prototype) of this small-scale mangrove trap with a size of 1 m x 1 m x 50 cm, which is shaped like a puzzle box, where each side is interlocked. In the mangrove trap box filled with a mixture of mangrove leaf litter, seagrass litter and humus soil aggregate and sandy soil, then plant propagule on top. During the study lasting up to 5 (five) months, the propagules had grown well, were fertile and survived due to their limiting factors. This research is still a first model of initial stage, and will then be continued by including the reliability test of the structure which will be carried out during the east wind season, namely from June to August as well as the resistance of the sediment deposition in the trap^s

Keywords: Wakatobi mangrove small-scale trap, prototype, sand beach, substrate, conservation

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124 Natural Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation ABS-201

Pemodelan emisi udara indikator perubahan iklim dari sampah laut di kawasan taman nasional laut: Pantai Sombu, Wakatobi
Muhammad Irpan Sejati Tassakka(*a), Indah Alsita(b), Sariamin Sahari(c), Kezia Gloria Apriliana Runtu(d), Alfi Kusuma Admaja(e), Muhammad Musrianton(f), Nasrun(g), Muhajirin (h)

*a,c,d,e,f)Program Studi Konservasi, Akademi Komunitas Kelautan dan Perikanan Wakatobi, Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Desa Matahora, Kecamatan Wangiwangi Selatan, Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

b,g)Program Studi Konservasi, Akademi Komunitas Kelautan dan Perikanan Wakatobi, Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Desa Matahora, Kecamatan Wangiwangi Selatan, Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

h)Taman Nasional Wakatobi, Jalan Poros Waha-Usuku, Desa Teemoane, Kecamatan Tomia Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia


Sampah laut meningkat secara drastis yang sejalan dengan peningkatan populasi, kunjungan wisatawan, dan eksplorasi sumber daya pesisir dan laut. Wilayah taman nasional laut merupakan studi kasus yang sempurna untuk sampah laut karena memiliki ekosistem yang paling rentan. Pantai Sombu merupakan salah satu kawasan perlindungan laut di Taman Nasional Wakatobi (TNW). Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah metode garis pantai NOAA dan pemodelan emisi udara menggunakan aplikasi IWM2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi rata-rata sampah laut diperkirakan 0,67 unit dan 0,036 kg per m2 dengan komposisi didominasi oleh jenis plastik yaitu 57,71% berdasarkan jumlah dan 48,74% berdasarkan berat. Jumlah dan komposisi sampah laut diperkirakan menghasilkan emisi udara yang berimplikasi pada perubahan iklim sebanyak 52 kgCO2/tahun- 23 kgCH4/tahun- dan 541 kgGWP/tahun.

Keywords: emisi udara- metode NOAA- perubahan iklim- sampah laut- kawasan lindung laut

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125 Natural Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation ABS-220

Seaweed farming for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Indonesia
La Ode M. Aslan *, Ruslaini, Wa Iba, Kadir sabilu

Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and marine science, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia


Seaweed is an economically important marine commodity providing various ecological, social, and economic benefits. At present, Indonesian seaweed production reached 9.9 million t from farming, accounting for the second largest of global seaweed output. In the perspective of climate change mitigation, seaweeds are an excellent source such as for absorbing carbon, serving as a CO2 sink and reducing agricultural emissions for livestock feed. Seaweed farming system also helps in climate change adaptation by absorbing sea wave energy, protecting shorelines, and oxygenating the seawater to reduce the acidification in the seas and ocean. This paper highlights the significance of seaweed farming in mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Indonesia. In addition, all the information discussed will help to point out the important needs for large-scale seaweed farming in Indonesia for increasing its production, as well as for supporting our national food security.

Keywords: Seaweed, climate change, mitigation and adaptation

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126 Oceanography ABS-48

The Hydrodynamic Modeling in Kawal Estuary Area: A Study of Current Patterns
Reni Wijayanti (a*), Dewi Surinati (a), Risandi Dwi Putra (b), Asep Mulyono (c), Ida Narulita (d), M Rahman Djuwansah (c)

a) Research Center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta 14430, Indonesia
b) Naval Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Raja Ali Haji Maritime
University, Tanjungpinang 29411, Indonesia
c) Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
d) Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung 40135, Indonesia


Kawal Estuary is a river mouth region located in the east of Bintan Island that facing the Natuna sea which affected by monsoon wind conditions predominantly. This area localized for tourism, settlement, seagrass conservation, and fisherman harbour affecting the sustainability of coastal activities and conditions such as abrasion, sedimentation and coastline changes. Therefore, this area becomes an unique region with its geographical, hydro-oceanographic and social conditions. Hydrodynamic modeling was conducted to study the characteristics of the current pattern conditions around the Kawal river in every season for 1 year. Modeling is conducted using MIKE 21/3 integrated flow model software. The result of modeling also had a good validation value of 81.69% against naotide tidal data and 85.04% against field data measurements using the Recording Current Meter tool in March 2021. The magnitude and direction of the surface current are observed at four extraction points that are representing northern, southern, and middle areas. At the RCM measurement point, North and South points indicate that the dominant surface current moves uniformly in the direction between north-east. Only at the midpoint of the surface current detected moving varies along all season. From tidal conditions (towards tide, tide, towards ebb and ebb), surface currents are observed have 2 patterns, flowing to southwest-south and to northeast (reverse counterclockwise) at different hours both during spring and neap conditions. The value of the surface current will be at peak level when heading to the towards tide condition.

Keywords: Hydrodinamic Modeling- Current Patterns- Mike21/3- Flow Model- Kawal Estuary

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127 Oceanography ABS-98

Pengaruh musim di era perubahan iklim pada perubahan kebiasaan makan ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) di Perairan Selatan Prigi
Aida Sartimbul1, 2, Syabila Syifa Fauzia1, Feni Iranawati1,2

1 Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya, Jalan Veteran, Malang Jawa Timur, Indonesia
2 Marine Resources Exploration and Management (MEXMA) Research Group. Universitas Brawijaya, Jalan Veteran, Malang 651415


Perubahan iklim semakin nyata terjadi pada lebih dari 150 tahun terakhir, yang diindikasikan dengan peningkatan suhu permukaan laut. Peningkatan suhu permukaan laut ini telah terbukti memberikan dampak pada orgnisme yang hidup di dalamnya, salah satunya Sardinella lemuru. Sebagai ikan pelagis, S.lemuru sangat tergantung ketersediaan plankton sebagai sumber makanannya. Ketersediaan plankton di perairan sangat bervariasi berdasarkan skala ruang dan waktu. Perubahan iklim dapat memicu perubahan komposisi plankton di perairan. Keterbatasan informasi terkait pengaruh musim pada kebiasaan makanan S.lemuru, mendorong untuk dilakukan penelitian ini. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kebiasaan makanan ikan lemuru pada musim peralihan I dan II. Sampling plankton dilakukan dengan dua tahap, yang meliputi tahap I (Musim Peralihan I: Maret 2017) dan tahap II (Musim Peralihan II: November 2019). Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan suhu antara musim Peralihan I dan II, yang diikuti dengan perbedaan komposisi isi lambung S.lemuru. Pada musim Peralihan I, komposisi isi lambung S.lemuru terdiri 76,27% zooplankton dan 23,73% fitoplankton. Sedangkan pada musim peralihan II, terdiri dari 51,51% fitoplankton dan 48,49 zooplankton. Berdasarkan metode Ivlev, diketahui bahwa pilihan utama makanan S. lemuru di Perairan Prigi yaitu Coscinodiscus (F) dan Oncaea (Z) pada kedua musim. Hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi penting dalam penentuan musim yang tepat dalam pengelolaan perikanan S.lemuru untuk ketahanan pangan.

Keywords: Ikan pelagis- kebiasaan makan: muson: plankton- perubahan iklim

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128 Oceanography ABS-132

The impact of Extreme ENSO-IOD on the Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a in the Bone Gulf, Indonesia
Rachmat Hidayat*, Mukti Zainuddin, Safruddin, St Aisjah Farhum

Capture Fisheries Study Program, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia 90245



The Bone Gulf is one of the waters with massive potential for fishery activities. The various oceanographic factors must be considered in supporting these activities. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (SSC) are important indicators of every water phenomenon. Several studies have shown that these two parameters have a special relationship with ENSO and IOD events. This study investigates the variability of SST and SSC, which is influenced by seasonal cycles, IOD, and ENSO in semi-enclosed waters, especially in Bone Gulf. Data analysis uses remote sensing methods and spatial-temporal techniques for monthly time series data in the Bone Gulf. The results of this study show that the extreme ENSO-IOD anomaly will greatly affect the SST variability directly in the waters. Meanwhile, SSC needs a stronger relationship. However, the ENSO-IOD phenomenon could cause other phenomena, such as upwelling and downwelling, to affect water fertility levels. By understanding the impact of ENSO-IOD, this research is expected to be considered for managing marine resources.

Keywords: Bone Gulf- ENSO-IOD- SSC- SST- Water Phenomenon

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129 Oceanography ABS-133

Wave Numerical Modelling : Study Case in Kawal Estuary, Bintan Island
Reni Wijayanti (a*), Dewi Surinati (a), Risandi Dwi Putra (b), Asep Mulyono (c), Ida Narulita (d), M Rahman Djuwansah (c)

a) Research Center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta 14430, Indonesia
b) Naval Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Raja Ali Haji Maritime
University, Tanjungpinang 29411, Indonesia
c) Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
d) Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung 40135, Indonesia


The coastal surrounding Kawal river estuary is strategic area with many functions, both socio-economic and abiotic sectors. The study of the physical condition in around this area is lack, one of which is the analysis of wave conditions. Numerical modeling of ocean waves was carried out using the spectral wave (SW) module on the MIKE 21/3 Integrated FM model software for 1 year periods (December 1, 2021-November 30, 2022). This modeling aims to determine the condition of significant waves around the estuary in 4 season (DJF, MAM, JJA and SON). This research was also conducted to find out whether the area around the estuary that has wave energy potential. From the results of the study, we took 5 extraction points that were considered to represent each condition. The modeling results also have a good validation value of 81.69% against naotide tidal data and 85.04% against field data measurements using RCM tools in March 2021. In DJF and MAM, the dominant wave moves from the northeast with the significant wave height reaching 2 m. While in JJA and SON, the dominant wave moves in a northwesterly direction with a greater magnitude, reach more than 3 m at a certain point. The influence of monsoon winds is a major factor in the distribution of wave distribution and other factors.

Keywords: Numerical Modeling- MIKE21 Integrated FM Model- Spectral Wave Module- Significant Wave Height, Kawal Estuary

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130 Oceanography ABS-154

A Three Dimensional Coupled Physical-biogeochemical Numerical Model in Three bays in Lombok
Dwiyoga Nugroho(a*), Zaenal Arifin(a), Edi kusmanto(a), Fan Wang(b), Yu Rencheng(b)

a) Research Center For Oceanography, National Research And Innovation Agency, Indonesia
b) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,China


Teluk Awang, Teluk Paremas, and Teluk Seriwe are known as highly productive mariculture centers in eastern Indonesia. They are subjected to significant nature forcing such as monsoonal variability, extreme waves, ocean heat waves and climate change. The three bays are located on the southeastern tip of Lombok island and part of water masses circulation in Alas Strait and the Indian Ocean. This study uses a numerical simulation using three dimensional ocean model ROMS and the NPZD biogeochemical model. Model perform as part of marine ranching concept development in Lombok island. Data sets to forced the model derived from global simulation and biogeochemical climatology. Model run for two years and agrees well with in-situ data. Model results are also used to calculate resident and flushing time.

Keywords: ROMS, biogeochemical, coupled model, circulation, water mass

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131 Oceanography ABS-176

The difference in the level of accumulation and rate decomposition in sediments of organic matter from super-intensive vaname shrimp pond waste in open and semi-closed ocean waters
Muhammad Farid Samawi, Abd Rasyid Jalil, Shinta Werorilangi

Marine Science, Hasanuddin University


This paper is based on the results of research related to the accumulation and decomposition of organic waste from super intensive vaname shrimp culture in coastal sediments of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data collection was carried out on two different forms of marine waters. The waters in Punaga, Takalar Regency are open waters and semi-enclosed waters in Bojo, Barru Regency. Sampling of water and sediment based on the distance from the pond waste source is 0m, 500m, 1000m and 1500m with 3 replications. The water parameters measured included organic matter, nitrate, phosphate, suspended solids and for the parameters of sediment type and composition of sediment, eH and organic matter. Experiments on the rate of decomposition of organic matter in sediments were carried out using sediment from both locations, by observing changes in the levels of total organic matter, nitrate and phosphate for 5 days. The results obtained indicate that there are differences in the levels of organic matter in the water, in Bojo waters of Barru Regency are higher than that in Punaga water of Takalar Regency. This shows that the coastal waters of Bojo have a higher decomposition capacity. Decomposition rates in sediment from both locations showed the same pattern, namely for organic matter and phosphate decreased after day 4, while nitrate levels were still increasing.

Keywords: accumulation, decomposition, organic matter, sediment, vaname cultivation, South Sulawesi

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132 Oceanography ABS-194

Water Quality assessment in Indonesia Coral Reef Garden Buleleng site area, Bali
M R Badriana (a*), A A Nur (a), A I Hidayatullah (a), D F Oktaviani (a), W A Prastyo (a), C K Jeon (a), I M Radjawane (a,b), H S Park (a,c), A A Hutahean (d)

a) Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center, Cirebon, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
c) Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Busan, Korea
d) Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI), Indonesia


The Indonesia Coral Reef Garden (ICRG) program is announced as a coral reef restoration program and has 5 site areas including in Buleleng, Bali. A plantation program has been done by 2020 but it is necessary to monitor and study regarding the water quality surrounding the restoration area. A field survey in Buleleng was carried out on 6-7 October 2022 to measure ocean parameters both physical and chemical characteristics that are suitable for coral life. The bathymetry result at Buleleng varied significantly from shallow to deeper water depth. Many corals are found in the shallow area with the natural coral meanwhile the restoration coral was put in more than 3 m depth. In the study, the sea condition of temperature, salinity, pH, turbidity, and DO is 28.52 - 29.66 C, 33.6 - 33.9 PSU, 8.0 - 8.13, 1.04 - 1.78 FTU, and 4.27 - 4.85 mg/L, respectively. Based on the conformity of water quality, the water condition is good for coral growth. Heavy metal detected in sample water has low levels compared to marine biota threshold in the national standard

Keywords: water quality- ICRG- Buleleng

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133 Oceanography ABS-213

Preliminary study of marine environmental parameters in the southeastern coastal area of Bali, Indonesia
P A Widyananto (1*), M R Badriana (1), D F Oktaviani (1), A A Nur (1), C K Jeon (1), I M Radjawane (1,2), H S Park (1,3)

1) Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center, Cirebon, Indonesia
* widyananto[at]
2) Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
3) Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Busan, Korea


Southern part of Bali island is famous for its fascinating area, so many marine tourism activities and coastal settlements exist in this area. Therefore, a preliminary monitoring may be beneficial to see the current sea condition around this area. Three places are considered, namely Nusa Dua, Sanur, and Nusa Lembongan. Field activity consists of measuring ocean parameters and obtaining water samples which was carried out on 30 September-4 October 2022. Ocean parameters investigated such as temperature, salinity, pH, turbidity, DO, and heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg). Additional data of physical oceanography from secondary data or references also will be taken into account. The measurement data compared to see its conformity with the national standard of seawater for marine tourism. Based on the result, most of the parameters are within the threshold and still considered as good condition.

Keywords: water quality- heavy metal analysis- southern Bali

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134 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-3

Infestation of parasites in Spotfin Bigeye, Priacanthus spp. in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia: A Diagnosis
Suhairi Mazelan (a), Wahidah Wahab (a), Mohammad Hafiz Borkhanuddin (b), Faizah Shaharom-Harrison (i), Nor Asma Husna Mohammed Yusoff (a), Sharifah Raina Manaf (c), Nora Faten Afifah Binti Mohamad (d), Ruhil Hayati Hamdan (e), Ahmad Shuhaimi Draman (a), Nurul Hayati Ismail (a), Siti Tafzilmeriam Binti Sheikh Abdul Kadir (f), Jamaluddin Fitrah Alam (g), Norazizah Kemat (h), Mazlan Abd Ghaffar (a,j) and Mohd Ihwan Zakariah(a,j).

(a) Higher Institution Centre of Excellence, Institute of Tropical and Aquaculture and Fisheries (AKUATROP), University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.

(b) Faculty of Marine Science and Environment, University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.

(c) Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Sarawak, Kampus Mukah, K.M 7.5 Jalan Oya, 96400 Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia.

(d) Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Nyabau Road, 97008 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia.

(e) Department of Paraclinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Pengkalan Chepa, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

(f) Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.

(g) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.

(h) Kuantan Biosecurity Fisheries Centre, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, Lot 20755 Jalan Tanah Putih 25150 Kuantan Pahang, Malaysia.

(i) Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.

(j) Food Security Research Cluster, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.


Priacanthus spp. or the common name Spotfin Bigeye is a very common component of inshore trawls. In Terengganu, these fish species have been categorized as trash fish and sometimes harvested to be processed as raw ingredients to make local delicacies like fish crackers. Whereas, in Sabah and Sarawak, they have been sold at a higher price due to their flesh which is of excellent edible quality and their skins are simple to peel after cooking. However, to date there are reported cases of parasite infestations in Priacanthus spp. which become a concern due to the zoonotic effects upon human consumptions. Therefore, the primary goals of this research are to (1) describe the procedure of the fish parasitology diagnosis and (2) to examine the prevalence and mean intensity of parasites found in Priacanthus spp. Results showed that there were seven groups of parasites found in this study including trematode, crustacean, monogenea, digenea, nematode, myxosporea, and cestodes. All these parasites were successfully isolated using various staining and fixing techniques. The prevalence and mean intensity of the parasites found are 90% and 8.11, respectively. The nematode is the most abundant species that have been infected by Priacanthus spp. (48.5 %), followed by trematode (37.3 %), crustacean parasites (6.8 %), cysts myxosporea (5.2 %), monogenea (1.1%), digenea (0.8 %), and cestodes (0.3 %). Findings are vital to control the effects of fish parasites on the health and fish production, and to making sure that these parasites are not zoonotic threats to human health and food safety.

Keywords: Fish parasites, Zoonotic, Diagnostic, Food Safety and Food Security

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135 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-4

Physiological plasticity of mud crab, Scylla sp. under thermal and low pH stresst
Tan Jin Mei (a*),Mazlan And. Ghaffar (a,b,c), Liew Hon Jung (a,b,c,d)

a) Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICOE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
b)Faculty of Science And Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
c)3Institute of Marine Biotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
d)Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Harbin, China


Climate change derived from ocean warming (OW) and acidification (OA) is known to negatively impact the physiological responses of marine crustacean. However, the impact to intertidal mud crab, Scylla spp. is yet fully understood. Therefore, the objective of this study was planned to determine the interactive impact of temperature and low pH on osmorespiration performance and energy mobilisation pattern of mud crab. Following exposure to temperature (28&#8451- and 34&#8451-) and pH (ambient: pH 8 and acidic: pH 6.5) for 30 days, all specimens were subjected to osmorespiration assay for oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rate measurement. Haemolymph of crab was collected for glucose, osmolality and total haemocyte count (THC). Muscle, gonad and hepatopancreas were collected for total energy measurement. The metabolic oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates were found to increased concomitantly with temperature, Q10= 2.078 and 1.274 respectively. Higher hepatosomatic index (HSI) was noticed when crabs exposed to high temperature, but, in contrast with lower gonadosomatic index (GSI). Heamolymph osmolality was increased in all high temperatures and low pH condition with low glucose and THC levels. Lipids contain in muscle, hepatopancreas and gonad was decreased significantly in both acidic and high temperature conditions indicated high energy expenditure. With all the results remarked that temperature has greater impact on metabolism and energy mobilisation compared to acidic conditions.

Keywords: Climate change, environment, mud crab, metabolic response, pH, physiology, temperature

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136 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-6

Rotifera and Artemia Omega 3 Fatty Acids Profiles Enriched with Moringa Leaf Powder (Moringa Oleifera)
Zainal Usman 1, Muhammad Yusri Karim 2, Zainuddin 2, Syafiuddin 2.

1 Maritime and Fisheries Polytechnic of Kupang, Unhas Fisheries Science Doctoral Program
2 Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Rotifers and artemia are live food that are widely used in fish and crustacean hatchery activities. The results showed that the omega-3 fatty acid content of rotifers and artemia, especially EPA and DHA were low, even though EPA and DHA were very important in supporting the survival rate and growth of marine organism larvae. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of enrichment of moringa leaf powder on levels of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) in rotifers and artemia. The enrichment container uses a 12 L volume bucket filled with 25 ppt of saline water. Enrichment method by soaking for 6 hours in rotifers with a density of 500.000 individuals/L and artemia nauplius with a density of 300.000 individuals/L. The study was designed using a completely randomized design consisting of 4 doses of Moringa leaf powder, namely: 0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm with 3 replications. The results showed that enrichment of rotifers and artemia nauplius with moringa leaf powder had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on the EPA and DHA content of rotifers and artemia (P<0.01). The highest content of EPA and DHA in rotifers and artemia at a dose of 150 ppm, namely EPA 0.93 g/100g and DHA 6.41 g/100g in rotifers, and EPA 0.09gr/100gr and DHA 0.07g/100g in artemia, while the lowest dose at 0 ppm was EPA 0.71g/100g and DHA 2.72g/100g in rotifers and EPA 0.03g/100g and DHA0.01 g/100g in artemia.

Keywords: Artemia, omega-3 fatty acids, rotifers, moringa leaf powder

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137 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-8

Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp Alter Gill Plasticity and Hemolymph Properties to Cope with Changing Environment Stress
Yu Ling Shirly-Lim (1*), Mazlan Abd Ghaffar (1,2,3), Hon Jung Liew (1)

1Higher Institution of Center Excellence (HICOE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture Fisheries
2Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, 3Institute of Marine Biotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia


The rising atmospheric temperature and greenhouse gases increased the ocean temperature acidification scenario, which negatively impacts ocean life and farming species. To cope with this condition, animals must compromise their physiological need via microstructural organ modification. This study was planned to investigate the interactive effect of high temperature and low pH gill plasticity and hemolymph electrolytes status on Pacific whiteleg shrimp. This experiment was designed with 2x2 factorial [(temperature 28 C and 34 C) vs. pH (Control, pH 8- low pH 6)] with combination conditions as 28 C+ pH 8 (N28), 34 C+ pH8 (N34), 28 C+ pH6 (A28) and 34 C+ pH6 (A34). All shrimps were exposed to desired conditions for four weeks and fed with commercial shrimp feed. Our results showed that the severity of gill plasticity was observed in the shrimps exposed to low pH (A28 & A43) and high temperature (N34) through histology and scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination. Thus, this led to high hemolymph glucose, total hematocyte number and electrolytes compared to shrimp cultured under N28. This study revealed that Pacific whiteleg shrimp is sensitive to changing environment temperature and acidic pH that led to gills microstructure modification and hemolymph properties adjustment to cope with this scenario.

Keywords: Aquaculture- Climate change- Gill plasticity- Hemolymph- Physiology- Shrimp

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138 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-10

Exploring the Potential of Gotu Kola Powder and Tea Seed Powder in Improving Production Efficiency of Giant Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Larvae
Taguemount, R.1*, Pratoomyot, J.2, Shinn, A.P.3,4, Waiho, K.5 & Rasid, R.1*

1 Faculty of Fisheries & Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia-
2 Institute of Marine Sciences, Burapha University, 20131 Chonburi, Thailand-
3 INVE (Thailand) Ltd, 20000 Chonburi, Thailand-
4 Centre for Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture, James Cook University, QLD4811 Townsville, Australia-
5 Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, University Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia


Background: Freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is economically significant in Southeast Asia but optimizing its larval survival and growth rates is challenging.
Objective: Investigate the effect of including Gotu kola powder (GKP) in the diets of M. rosenbergii larvae and larval immersion in tea seed powder (TSP) solution on moulting, survival rate, growth performance, and production parameters.
Method: Five diets were prepared with different concentrations of GKP (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, and 0.8%) and fed to M. rosenbergii larvae from stage V onward, while larvae were immersed in water containing 8.065 mg/L TSP solution between stage V and VII. The survival rate, growth performance, and production parameters were measured and compared among the different diets. A completed randomised design with three replications was applied.
Finding: The study found that feeding larvae with diets containing 0.2% GKP resulted in the highest mean survival and production rates, as well as a higher metamorphosis rate and a shorter time to reach the first post-larvae. There was no significant difference in survival, TL, average production, metamorphosis rate, and rearing period between larvae fed with 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, and 0.8% GKP and the control group. A higher concentration of GKP did not further improve growth or survival rates. TSP did not significantly shorten the time of larval passage from stage V to stage VII.
Conclusion: GKP and TSP show potential as alternative additives in M. rosenbergii larvae diets, but further research is needed for optimal inclusion and product quality.

Keywords: Keywords Gotu Kola Powder, Tea Seed Powder, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, larvae, aquaculture, growth performance, survival rate, metamorphosis rate, production parameters, feeding strategies.

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139 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-17

Size distribution and growth pattern of greenback mullet, Planiliza subviridis (Valenciannes, 1836), in Makassar Straits
Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar (a*), Ayu Rahmadhani (b), Joeharnani Tresnati(a) and Vatrecius Sembro Silambi (c)

a. Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
b. Master of Program Fisheries Sciences Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries
c. Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung City 202301, Taiwan, ROC


Greenback mullet (Planiliza subviridis) is one of several types of fish that live in the waters of Pangkajene & Kepulauan Regency (Pangkep) and Takalar Regency which have high economic value. This research was conducted for 6 months (June 2021 - November 2021), aiming to compare the length-weight relationship and condition factors for mullets caught in Pangkep and Takalar waters (Makassar Straits). Sampling was carried out at the Maccini Baji Fish Auction Site (Pangkep) and at the Beba Fish Landing Base (Takalar). The fishing gear used during the research was gill nets with a mesh size of 1.0-2.5 inches. Overall, there were 349 fish samples caught in Pangkep waters, consisting of 124 male fish and 225 female fish, while in Takalar waters there were 174 fishes, consisting of 93 male fish and 81 female fish. In Pangkep waters, the length-weight relationship for male fish was W = 0.000103 L2.5699 (r = 0.9654) and female fish W = 0.000129 L2.5309 (r = 0.9788) while in Takalar waters for male fish was W = 0.000202 L2.4714 (r = 0.9524) and female fish W = 0.000220 L2.4626 (r = 0.9663). The average value of the condition factor for male mullets in Pangkep waters is greater than the female fish generally. The same thing was found in Takalar waters. The growth pattern of mullets (Planiliza subviridis) in Pangkep and Takalar waters is hypoallometric or negative allometric. The average value of the condition factor is greater than 1 which indicates a good condition of the fish.

Keywords: condition factor, greenback mullet, hypoallometric, length-weight relationship, Pangkajene and Kepulauan, Planiliza subviridis, Takalar

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140 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-18

Klasterisasi daerah penangkapan perikanan demersal di perairan utara Jawa, Lamongan
Ledhyane Ika Harlyan *(1)(2), Widyani Dinda Putri (1), Gatut Bintoro (1)

(1) Program Studi Pemanfaatan Sumber daya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan,
Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran Malang 65145
(2)Marine Exploration and Management (MEXMA) Research Group, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan,
Universitas Brawijaya Jl. Veteran Malang 65145


Perikanan demersal di wilayah perairan utara Jawa memiliki intensitas tekanan penangkapan yang cukup tinggi. Larangan penggunaan alat tangkap cantrang telah berakhir dengan munculnya PERMEN-KP No. 59 Tahun 2020. Hingga saat ini belum ada informasi terkait dampak langsung perikanan cantrang pada keragaman spesies di perairan utara Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keragaman hasil tangkapan cantrang dan melakukan klasterisasi daerah penangkapan berdasarkan pola distribusi daerah penangkapan ikan pada perairan Utara Jawa. Pengambilan data berupa data komposisi hasil tangkapan dan daerah penangkapan untuk tiap unit kapal cantrang dilakukan mulai dari Januari - April 2021 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Brondong, Lamongan. Data untuk selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan index keragaman Shannon-Wiener (H^) dan index kekayaan jenis Menhinick (S^) serta dilakukan klasterisasi menggunakan analisis klaster hierarkis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perikanan cantrang sebagian besar dilakukan di sekitar perairan Masalembu. Berdasarkan data komposisi hasil tangkapan dan daerah penangkapan perikanan cantrang, distribusi spasial perairan utara Jawa sekitar Lamongan menunjukkan adanya tumpang tindih keragaman dan kekayaan jenis spesies di perairan utara Jawa. Ditemukan tujuh klaster dengan dua spesies dominan yaitu Priacanthus tayenus dan Nemipterus nemathoporus. Kedua spesies merupakan spesies yang muncul sepanjang tahun dengan laju pertumbuhan yang relatif cepat dan akan cepat pulih dari tekanan penangkapan. Oleh karena itu, keberadaan dua spesies dominan ini diasumsikan mampu menopang keberlanjutan perikanan cantrang meski dengan tetap menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dengan melakukan estimasi tingkat pemanfaatan dan status stok dari kedua spesies tersebut.

Keywords: keberlanjutan, cantrang, keragaman spesies, distribusi spasial, komposisi spesies.

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141 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-19

Hatching eggs of red nifi tilapia in the incubator with water recirculation system in different salinities
R Aulia (1), L Ruliaty (1) and M Soleh (1)

(1) Research Center for Fishery, National Innovation and Research Agency, Indonesia


The research aims to determine the effect of using different salinities for hatching eggs of red nifi tilapia in the incubator with a closed water recirculation system. Eggs were hatched in salinity of 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 5 ppt and 10 ppt, with three replications for each treatment. The stocking density used for each replicate was 1,750 grain/L. After six days of the incubation period, the larvae were reared in the same salinity for 4 weeks. The stocking density used was 1,000 individuals/m3. The results of the hatching rate in 0 ppt salinity were 74%. The results of the hatching rate with 1 ppt (73%) and 5 ppt (69%) salinity were not significantly different, while at 10 ppt (32%) the results were significantly different. The results of rearing larvae in 0 ppt salinity showed the highest survival rate (75%). The use of salinity 1 ppt, 5 ppt and 10 ppt respectively resulted in a survival rate of 70%, 55% and 49% (p <0.05). The use of 1 ppt salinity in hatching tilapia eggs can be done as an initial adaptation step in seed production for brackish water tilapia.

Keywords: egg incubation- hatching rate- tilapia- salinity

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142 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-20

Effect of Vitex trifolia, Strobilanthes crispus and Aloe vera Supplement on Growth Performance and Disease Resistant of Red Hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) against Streptococcus agalactiae
Sharifah Raina Manaf (1), Hassan Mohd Daud (2), Nora Faten Afifah Mohamad (3), Mohd Ihwan Zakariah (4), Salwati Baharudin (1), Nur Asha Shahira Zamri (1), Hilal Anshary (5)

(1) Faculty of Plantation and Agrotehcnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Sarawak, Kampus Mukah, K.M 7.5, Jalan Oya, 96400 Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia

(2) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

(3) Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Nyabau Road, 97008 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia

(4) Higher Institution Centre of Excellence, Institute of Tropical and Aquaculture and Fisheries (AKUATROP), University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), 21030 Kuala
Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

(5) Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia


The output of tilapia, a popular fish that is mass-produced throughout the world and had a market value of USD 11.2 billion in 2018, was 6.03 million metric tonnes (Miao and Wang, 2020). A 45-day experimental trial was conducted to assess different levels of dietary Vitex trifolia (VTE), Strobilanthes crispus (SCE) and Aloe vera (AVE) supplementation on growth performance and disease resistant of fry Oreochromis sp. This study is to evaluate the growth performances, disease resistance and histology of fish supplemented with different concentrations of herbal supplements. The results revealed a significant impact showed VTE-7 is the best growth promoter and SCE-5 is the best for disease prophylaxis used as supplements in Oreochromis sp. In fish treated with this herbal supplementation, RBC, Hb, and WBC were increased (P<0.05) for haematological assays, whereas alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were significantly affected. A histopathological analysis of the organs showed no detrimental tissue consequences. This study concluded that when added to the daily diet of Oreochromis sp., methanolic extracts of an herbal mixture made up of V. trifolia, S. crispus and A. vera extracts were efficient as growth promoters and bacterial disease treatments.

Keywords: Vitex trifolia, Strobilanthes crispus, Aloe vera, Growth performance,Red tilapia, bacterial resistance

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143 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-22

Influence of Fermented Sea Cucumber Viscera (Family Holothuroidea) on Growth and Reproductive Biology of Female Broodstock of Mud Crab Scylla olivacea
Muhammad Fatratullah Muhsin (a*), Yushinta Fujaya (b), Hanafiah Fazhan (a,c,d), Su Shiung Lam (a), Nita Rukminasari (b), Khor Waiho (a,c,d)

a) Higher Institute Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
b) Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
c) STU-UMT Joint Shellfish Research Laboratory, Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China
d) Centre of Chemical Biology, University Sains Malaysia, Minden, Penang, Malaysia


Unknown to most, the discarded sea cucumber viscera contain a variety of nutrients that may be utilised in numerous applications, especially in aquaculture industry. Nutrient-rich ingredients derived from waste materials might help reduce production cost in crab farming. This study aims to determine the effect of fermented sea cucumber viscera (FSCV) combine with herbal extract Morus alba and Curcuma xanthorrhiza as a functional feed additive to enhance the growth and reproductive biology in female mud crab. To accomplish this, body weight gain, specific growth rate, gonadosomatic index, and histological examination were investigated in female S. olivacea subjected to FSCV-coated feed for 30 days. Fermentation was conducted using probiotics Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Four dosages of FSCV treatments, namely T1 (0% of FSCV)- T2 (25% of FSCV)- T3 (50% of FSCV)- T4 (75% of FSCV) were compared. Overall assessments disclosed during the feeding period, broodstock fed the T2 (25% of FSCV) had the greatest growth and gonadosomatic index. Our findings suggest that FSCV-coated feed is a functional feed additive with the potential to promote growth and improve the reproductive biology of female S. olivacea.

Keywords: Aquaculture, Waste, Fermented Sea Cucumber Viscera, Reproductive Biology, Scylla olivacea

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144 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-23

Identification and characterization of Y-organs in orange mud crab Scylla olivacea
Muhammad Achdiat (a*), Yushinta Fujaya (b), Hanafiah Fazhan (a, c), Rusydi Rozaimi (a), J. Sook Chung (d), Muyassar H. Abualreesh (e), Youji Wang (f), Alexander Chong Shu-Chien (c, g), Khor Waiho (a, c)

a) Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
b) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
c) Center for Chemical Biology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
d) Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Baltimore, MD, United States
e) Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
f) International Research Center for Marine Biosciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China
g) School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia


The hormonal physiology approach is one of the breakthroughs that can be made in supporting the development of aquaculture technology to increase aquaculture production. Ecdysteroid, also known as moulting hormone, is synthesised and secreted by the Y-organs (YOs) to regulate the growth and reproduction of crustaceans. The information regarding the YOs of Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1976) is not yet reported in detail. This study describes the location, morphological characteristics, histology, and fine structure of the YOs of wild adult male of S. olivacea. The YOs are in pairs and located in the anterior of the cephalothorax, beneath the mandibular external adductor muscle, anterior to the branchial chamber space, and around the end of the nerve tract. They are characterised by their yellowish-white, compact, and oval-shaped characteristics. Based on the histological observation, the characteristics of this gland are abundant in the cells that are closely arranged with the surrounding connective tissue. The electron microscope shows the YOs surface morphology, which is rough, bumpy, network-like, and porous, with the presence of several lacunar system tubules, indicating that it was a capillary artery. Besides that, the fine structure of the YOs shows the nuclei, nucleoli, and other organelles, including mitochondria, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicle, and ribosome, that were found sparsely in the perinuclear cytoplasm. The identification and characterisation of the YOs of S.olivacea are similar to the descriptions of the other Brachyura.

Keywords: Brachyura, Scylla olivacea, Y-organ, moulting, growth.

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145 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-24

The success on mating of separately reared female from the male of mud crab Scylla tranquebarica Fabricius (1798)
Sulaeman*1, Gunarto1, Herlinah1, and Nurfadilah2

1Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia
2Research Institute for Brackish water Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension(RIBAFE), Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka 129, Maros 90511, Indonesia


The mating strategies of mud crab, including Scylla tranquebarica is known as mating-molting link where soft-shelled female only can mate. In nature they display courtship behaviors that prolong mating process. This study aimed at induced mating by eliminating courtship process. Fifteen newly molted females (pre-mating molt) were randomly selected from mass culture of soft-shell crabs production in outdoor concrete tank. On the other hand, five male broodstock were placed individually in a 0.5 m3 fiberglass mating-tank in the hatchery building. The newly molted female crab was paired with male at three different duration post molting i.e.: immediate, 24 ours, and 48 ours post molting (OPM). The mating success were recorded during the study. The results showed that the immediate and the 24 OPM pairing crabs were 100% successful mating while no mating occurred for the 48 OPM crab. This is suggested that the induced mating can be applied by pairing newly molted female with male not later than 24 hours. The gonad development performance of induced mating crab was further elucidated.

Keywords: mud crab, Scylla traquebarica, pre-copulation, mating, postcopulatory-guarding

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146 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-28

Interactive impact of temperature and salinity on physiological adaptability of Pacific whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei

a)Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICOE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Institute of Marine Biotechnology, Faculty of Environment and Marine Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.


Pacific Whiteleg shrimp farming contributed the most economical important in shrimp farming. However, with the changing environment conditions nowadays putting shrimp farming in a great challenge. It is important to understand how the shrimp remodel their physiological needs to cope with unpredictable environment changing. This study was designed to examine the interactive effect of temperature (28 vs. 34 &#8304-C) and salinity (30 vs. 20 ppt) on the physiological responses using osmorespiration assay. All juvenile shrimps were subjected to interactive conditions as T1 (28&#8304-C+30ppt), T2 (28&#8304-C+20ppt), T3 (34&#8304-C+30ppt), and T4 (34&#8304-C+20ppt) for 30 days. Results revealed that both temperature and salinity significantly affected the metabolic oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates. Higher osmorespiration responses was noticed in the shrimp exposed to interactive high temperature and low salinity conditions (T4), followed by high temperature and normal salinity condition (T3) and normal temperature with low salinity (T2) as compared to normal temperature and salinity condition (T1). This study indicated that changing environment conditions significantly affect the cost of living which may negatively impact the growth performance as consequence.

Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei, temperature, salinity, respiration

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147 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-33

Genetic variability of mud crab Scylla tranquebarica from Malili, South Sulawesi based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequence: a preliminary assessment
A Parenrengi*, G Gunarto, A Tenriulo, S Sulaeman, H Herlinah, E Suryati, R Rosmiati, and S Lante

Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia


Analysis of genetic variability is a very important aspect of providing the genetic database for the domestication purposes of mud crab Scylla tranquebarica. Genetic characterization is needed to be assessed to support the mud crab breeding program. The study was conducted to analyze the genetic variation of the mud crab S. tranquebarica broodstock collected from Malili, East Luwu, South Sulawesi, based on the mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequence. The mud crab samples (n=10) were collected from fishermen. The genomic DNA and mtDNA 16S rRNA were isolated by the commercial kits, and the nucleotide sequence was done in the First Base. The mtDNA sequences were analyzed using Mega-X, BLAST-N, and DnaSP to get a consensus sequence, haplotype diversity, nucleotide diversity, haplotype number, and similarity index. The results of the study revealed the genetic variability of mud crabs from Malili in terms of relatively high haplotype diversity of 0.533, low nucleotide diversity of 0.00096, and two haplotypes. Genetic distance among individuals for intra-population was 0.0010 0.0009. The two haplotypes were highly correlated with the number of clusters observed. Two clusters were detected in which the 1st cluster consisted of six individuals, and the 2nd cluster consisted of four individuals.

Keywords: genetic variability- Malili- mitochondrial DNA- mud crab- Scylla tranquebarica

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148 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-34

Applications of Microalgal for Bacterial Disease on Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) In Hatchery
Nurbaya1, Ince Ayu K Kadriah1, Nurhidayah1, Endang Susianingsih1, and Bunga Rante Tampangallo1 Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

National Research and Innovation Agency of Republik Indonesia


Abstract: Disease attacks on shrimp cause up to 100%death generally caused by Vibrio Harvey bacteria, Monodon Baculo Virus (MBV) and White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). The study was conducted using whole cell and Phaedactylumspmicroalgae extract with three treatments and three replications. Treatment A was control without the application of microalgae, treatment B application whole cellPhaeodactylumspand treatment C application of Phaedactylumsp extract. Larval rearing was carried out for 19 days until post larva 12. The application of microalgae was carried out in the phases of zoea 2, zoea 3, mysis 2 to PL 10 with the density of wholecell microalgae and extracts at the time of stocking was 104-106 cells/mL.Parameters observed were the density of microalgae and Vibrio bacteria in the rearing tanks. Sampling for bacterial density was carried out at each phase change together with water quality parameters. The results showed that the administration of Phaeodactylumsp both whole cell and extract can suppress the Vibrio population and TBV/TPC ratio. Bacteria in tiger shrimp larvae rearing water were lower than control and tiger shrimp survival was found to be higher with the application of Phaeodactylumsp (extract and whole cell).

Keywords: Key Words:Aplication Microalga, Bacterial Disease, Tiger Shrimp, Hatchery

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149 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-36

Methyltestosterone 17&#945-- Injection as A Safe Alternative Way to Enhance Maturation and Immune Response of Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon Transgenic F1
S Lante1, R Rosmiati1, A Parenrengi1, A Tenriulo1, E Suryati1

Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia


Abstract: The present study investigated the effects of 17&#945--methyltestosterone on the reproductive performance and immune response of broodstock tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon transgenic F1. The reproduction, mature spawners, spermatophore weight and density, and immune response of total haemocyte count (THC) were evaluated. Males aged 13 months were divided into four groups. Groups 1,2 and 3 were injected 17&#945--methyltestosterone (17&#945--MT) at the dose of 100, 150, and 200 ng/100 g body weight three times with an interval of one week. Group 4 was eyestalk ablation. The specimen was kept in a concrete maturation tank for 10 tons. Then 14 days after the last injection (35th day), the males were harvested, weighed, and removed their spermatophores. THC was observed before, then on the 7th, 14th, and 35th days of the post-rearing period. 17&#945- -MT induction using dose-dependent increases the percentage of the mature spawner, spermatophore weight, spermatozoa density, and higher total hemocyte count (p>0.05) than eyestalk ablation. The THC injected with 17&#945--MT at three doses was higher (p<0.05) than ablation on the 7th and 14th days. Unlike on the 35th day, the highest THC was at a dose of 200 ng/100 g bw (p>0.05) among all treatments

Keywords: Immune response, reproductive performance, 17alpa methyltestosterone, tiger shrimp

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150 Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries ABS-40

Amino Acid Profiles and Apparent Digestibility of Dry Matter and Crude Protein of Seaweeds and Other Selected Plant Ingredients for Javan Rabbitfish, Siganus javus
Asda Laining(1*), Ramadhan(2), Rosni(3), SRH Mulyaningrum(1), Lideman(1), Tuti Asriani(3), Titin Kurniasih(1)

1)* Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia
2) Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension (RICAFE), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Maros 90512, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
3) Research Center for Conservation of Marine and Inland Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia


A series of digestibility experiments were conducted to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter (ADMD) and crude protein (ACPD) for three cultured seaweeds and other five plant-selected ingredients for Javan rabbitfish, Siganus javus. In each of the two subsequent experiments arranged into Completely Randomized Design, five diets consisting of a reference diet and other 4 diets were fed to white-spotted rabbitfish (130-150 g). Test feed ingredients were substituted with 30% of the portion of the reference diet. The inert marker used was 0.8% chromic oxide (Cr2O3). The fecal collection was carried out by sedimentation using a 200- l cylindro-conical tank fitted with a collecting chamber. Among the plant origins, soybean cake meal (SCM) contained the highest total amino acid, TAA 21.37%) followed by aquatic weed Ceratophyllum (20.75%) and the lowest was yellow corn (6.35%). Gracilaria had 11.30% of the TAA higher than the other two seaweeds. In experiment 1, the ACPD ranged from 74.9-95% and the ADMD ranged from 41.6-85.2% where Gracilaria had the significantly highest values for both digestibilities of 95.0% and 84.7%, respectively. In experiment 2, the ACPD ranged from 75.6-86.4% and the ADMD ranged from 71.1-85.2%. The significantly highest coefficient of both ACPD and ADMD occurred in Eucheuma seaweed. Except for the ADMD of soybean cake meal, the Javan rabbitfish well digested both for protein and dry matter of plant ingredients particularly the three seaweeds

Keywords: Apparent digestibility coefficients, Seaweeds, Plant ingredient, Siganus javus

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