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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-4 |
Novel Polymorphism of p.R25I in the Bovine PRM1 Gene and Its Association with Sperm Quality Traits of Indigenous Donggala Bulls (Bos indicus) Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra(a*), Tulus Maulana (a), Paskah Partogi Agung (a), Syahruddin Said (a), Yulius Duma (b), Mobius Tanari (b), Hasbi Hasbi (c), Abdullah Baharun (d) and Hikmayani Iskandar (a)
(a) Research Center for Applied Zoology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16911
(b) Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Palu,Central Sulawesi, Indonesia 94148
(c) Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia 90245
(d) Faculty of Agriculture, Djuanda University, Ciawi, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16720
Donggala cattle (Bos indicus) are one of Indonesian native cattle from Central Sulawesi that kept for meat production purpose. This study aimed to observe the genetic diversity of Protamine 1 (PRM1) gene of Donggala bulls using a sequencing method. A total six Donggala bulls from the breeding station (UPTD Pembibitan Sapi Potong Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah) were used in the present study. The results showed that a novel missence mutation of p.R25I (Arginine →- Isoleucine) was detected in the PRM1 gene (exon 1) of Donggala bulls. In this study, two bulls have the heterozygous RI genotype and the another bulls have a normal (RR) genotype. While, the mutant genotype (II) was absence in the animals study. However, the many sperm qualities of volume, motility and concentration in RR bulls were higher than RI bulls but not different significantly. In conclusion, the I allele may be had the negative impact on sperm quality of Donggala bulls. Hence, the further study with large samples is important to confirm this finding accurately.
Keywords: Central Sulawesi- Donggala bulls- Mutation- PRM1 gene- Sperm quality
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| Corresponding Author (Hikmayani Iskandar)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-7 |
DIVERSITY OF SINGLE NUCLEOTiDE POLYMORPHISM (SNP) GEN FREM2 IN BALI CATTLE Eva Amalia Pertiwi (1), Jakaria (2*), Mokhamad Fakhrul Ulum (3),
(1) Magister Program in Animal Science
Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)
(2*) Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science,
IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor 16680, Indonesia
(3) Department of Reproductive Clinics and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor 16680, Indonesia
FREM2 gene is one of the genes that is suspected to be strongly associated with meat quality. This gene is intensively explored in Hanwoo cattle, whereas in Bali cattle is never reported. This study aimed to identify the diversity of SNP FREM2 gene in Bali cattle with a direct sequencing method. The total sample used was 20 individuals consisting of 10 individuals from the slaughterhouse in Banjarmasin and 10 individuals from the Bali cattle Breeding Center in Bali Province, Indonesia. The sequence data of FREM2 gene exon 6 introns 6 was analyzed by using the MEGA10 program to find SNP and FREM2 gene diversity. Popgen 3.2 was used to analyze the genotype and allele frequencies. The results of this study showed that FREM2 gene has 4 SNP namely SNP G>A at g.89327, SNP C>A at g.89463, SNP C>T at g.89573, and SNP C>T at g.89633. The findings of snp identified that frem2 is polymorphic. The allele frequencies of each SNP were G= 0.325 A= 0.675, C= 0.325 A= 0.675, C=0.325 T=0,675, and C= 0.800 T= 0.200, respectively. Based on the results, it can be concluded that FREM2 gene exon 6 and introns 6 were polymorphic,
Keywords: Bali cattle, FREM2 gene, SNP
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| Corresponding Author (Eva Amalia Pertiwi)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-14 |
Increasing The Productivity of The Hycole, Hyla and NZW Rabbits Through Selection Bram Brahmantiyo, Nurul Pratiwi, Tuti Haryati, Bayu Dewantoro Putro Soewandi, Ferdy Saputra, Henny Nuraini
Research Center of Animal Husbandry, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research Inovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BRIN), Cibinong Sciences Center, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia, 16915
Performance improvement in Hycole, Hyla and NZW rabbits was carried out through selection criteria for annual productivity index (IPa) and body weight at 63 days of age. Breeding of the first generation of broodstock (G1) produced 300 offspring which were selected based on the IPa value of the best 50% of the prospective broodstock and the body weight of 63 days of age which was 10% of the best male candidate. Selection criteria for body weight of 63 days in Hycole and NZW rabbits are still quite effective and can be continued because each of them still provides a fairly high coefficient of variation, 22.05% and 23.13% respectively in G2 selected rabbit. The decrease in body weight at the age of 63 days in Hycole G1 to G2 rabbits from 903.26 to 870.14 was thought to be due to changes in environmental conditions. The selection criteria for the annual productivity index in Hycole and NZW rabbits can still be done because the variation is still high, reaching 27.90% and 23.26%, respectively.
Keywords: Broiler rabbits, selection, hyla, hycole, NZW
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| Corresponding Author (Dr. Ir. Bram Brahmantiyo. M.Si. Brahmantiyo)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-18 |
Libido Quality and Semen Production After Administration of Tofu Waste in Sapera Goats Anita Hafid, Anneke Anggraeni, Chalid Talib, Tri Puji Priyatno, Herdis, Ferdy Saputra, Zultinur Muttaqien and Santiananda Arta Asmarasari
National Research and Innovation Agency
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of libido and semen production after administration of tofu waste. This study used 10 sexually matured sapera goats, aged 2,5 years old. The goats were fed daily with 3 Kg of freshly chopped king grass, 1 kg of legume (Calliandra sp) and 500 g of concentrate. Five goats were given tofu waste by 800 g/day for 30 days. While five other goats were considered as control. Semen was evaluated in the morning once a week for 30 days. The observed variable were quality of libido and semen production. Quality of libido was evaluated through the desire to mount (duration 15 minutes/head), while semen production was evaluated macroscopically. The macroscopic evaluation consisted of volume, color, pH and viscosity of semen. Data were analyzed statistically by using t test. The result showed significantly different (P less than 0,05) of libido quality which characterized by desire to mounting between goats were given tofu waste compared to control (2,6 +/- 0,22 vs 1,4 +/- 0,54 times). While semen production (volume, color, pH and viscosity of semen) was not significantly different between each treatment. This study concluded that the addition of tofu waste had a positive effect on libido quality of Sapera goats.
Keywords: Quality of libido, Semen production, Sapera goats
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| Corresponding Author (Anita Hafid)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-23 |
Hip girth and hip width of crossbreds of Belgian Blue and Friesian Holstein cattle Lisa Praharani, Chalid Talib, Ferdy Saputra, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum and Supardi Rusdiana
National Research Innovation Agency
The introduction of Belgian Blue cattle is intended to increase beef production through crossbreeding with local Indonesian cattle. The objective of this study is to evaluate hip girth and hip width of crossbreds of Belgian Blue and Friesian Holstein. Data were collected from 27 crossbreds of Belgian Blue and Friesian Holstein raised under the same management. Parameters observed were hip girth and hip width at birth, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months of age. All data were analyzed using a general linear model with the SAS program. Results showed that the sex of crossbreds affected hip girth significantly at 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months of age (P<0.05), with males having a larger hip girth than females (P<0.05). Across all age groups, the sex of crossbreeds had no effect on hip width (P>0.05). In conclusion, the sex of crossbreds of Belgian Blue and Friesian Holstein only influenced hip girth. This study can be used for breed evaluation of Belgian Blue and Friesian Holstein crossbreeds.
Keywords: Hip girth, hip width, Belgian Blue, crossbreeding, cattle
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| Corresponding Author (Lisa Praharani)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-34 |
Impact of The Spread of Food and Mouth Desease on Dairy Cattle in Indonesia Anita Hafid, Chalid Talib, Supardi Rusdiana, Nuril Hidayati, Dwi Priyanto, Santiananda Arta Asmarasari and Rantan Krisnan
National Research and Innovation Agency
Indonesia was declared free of foot and mouth disease (FMD) by the World Animal Health Agency through OIE Resolution Number XI of 1990. FMD disease re-emerged and spread rapidly in 24 provinces from April to November 2022. Dairy cattle experienced the greatest impact, especially in East Java, which is has the largest population of dairy cows in Indonesia. The research was conducted in East Java on smallholder farmers in four districts. Data were analyzed with general linear models using SAS. This disease causes two major things, namely a decrease in population of 5-12% and milk production of 20-30%. Most cases of death in dairy cows are in calves at an early age due to obstacles in the mother, namely colostrum production and subsequent milk production for calf consumption. FMD transmission to calves begins with transmission from the mother and the management of handling the calf and the mother is not optimal. After the spread of FMD which peaked in 2022, then in 2023 the impact of FMD will begin to decrease quite significantly.
Keywords: Food and mouth desease (FMD), Dairy cattle
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| Corresponding Author (Anita Hafid)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-38 |
Phenotypic Characteristic of Magelang Ducks with Difference Plumage Colors Ayu Rahayu1, 2, a), Tety Hartatik3, b), Heru Sasongko3, c), and Dyah Maharani3, d)
1 Graduated School of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 55281 Indonesia
2 Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tidar, Magelang, 56116 Indonesia
3 Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 55281 Indonesia
Understanding the phenotypic characteristics of difference plumage colors of Magelang ducks is essential for their utilization and conservation. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphological traits of Magelang ducks with difference plumage colors. This research was conducted in Sempu hamlet, Secang District, Magelang Regency by surveying several breeders in the area. Data of fifthy heads of Magelang Duck from four farmer groups based on different plumage colors were visually appraised for the qualitative traits. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that Magelang duck have three plumage colors consisting of brown (60 percent), black (30 percent) and white (10 percent). The results of morphological measurements of the beak (6.33 +/- 0.49 cm), leg (7.00 +/- 0.73 cm) and middle shank length (7.24 +/- 0.75 cm) in Magelang ducks with certain black plumage color were relatively high. The brown plumage color ducks were relatively high neck necklace length (3.23 +/- 1.75 cm). The white plumage color ducks were relatively high plumage length (38.0 +/- 2.63 cm). It can be concluded that Magelang ducks with different plumage colors have different body size and possess a considerable phenotypic diversity. That could be important for the genetic improvement through systematic breeding strategies with appropriate selection method.
Keywords: phenotypic, Magelang ducks, plumage colors
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| Corresponding Author (Dyah Maharani)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-39 |
REPRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF THE SECOND GENERATION OF RECIPROCAL CROSS OF TEGAL AND MAGELANG DUCK Dattadewi Purwantini, R. Singgih Sugeng Santosa, Setya Agus Santosa, Agus Susanto, Dewi Puspita Chandrasari
Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University
This study aims to identify and compare the reproduction performance of the second generation (F2) of reciprocal crossbred between Tegal and Magelang duck. Crossing male Magelang duck and female Tegal duck produces Maggal duck while crossing male Tegal duck and female Magelang duck produces Gallang duck. Maggal duck and Gallang duck were interse mating (F2 vs F2). The materials of the study were 672 hatching duck eggs obtained from the pen mating of 50 Maggal ducks and 50 Gallang ducks (1 male for 5 female). The quasi experiment was conducted with descriptive statistics and T test to examine different characteristics between Maggal duck and Gallang duck. The observed variables were hatching egg weight, hatching weight, fertility, hatchability, and hatching yield. Results showed that Maggal duck and Gallang duck had the following variables in respective order:hatching egg weight of 66.02+-4.04 g and 66.36+-3.58 g- hatching weight of 43.02+-2.82 g and 41.52+-2.99 g- percentage of hatching weight of 65.63% and 62.70% egg fertility of 73.13+-11.82% and 76.72+-14.24%- hatchability of 31.55+-16.40% and 25.68+-12.68%, and hatching yield 19.21+-9.13% and 18.02+-9.37%. The T-test results demonstrated no significant difference (P≥-0.05) in the observed performance between Maggal duck and Gallang duck. Conclusively, the reproduction performance (fertility, hatchability, and hatching yield) of Maggal duck and Gallang duck in the second generation (F2) was relatively similar.
Keywords: Reciprocal crossing, reproduction performance, fertility, hatchability, hatching yield
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| Corresponding Author (Dattadewi Purwantini)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-43 |
DETERMINED OF SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM (SNP) MAOA GENE IN BEEF CATTLE Nadira Andarini Siregar (a), Ronny Rachman Noor (b), Jakaria (b)
(a) Magister Program in Animal Science
Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)
(b) Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science
IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor 16680, Indonesia
The MAOA genes was responsible in aggressive behavior in beef cattle. This study aimed to identify the diversity of SNP MAOA gene in beef cattle with a direct sequencing method. DNA sample were collected from 41 cattle, including Bali (30 indivduals), Madura (6 individuals), and PO (5 individuals). Polymorphism of MAOA gene was analyzed using PCR with forward and reverse primers that amplified the exon 1 fragment of the maoa gene and direct sequencing methods. The sequence data of MAOA gene was analyzed by using the MEGAX program to find SNP MAOA gene. Popgene 3.2 was used to analyze the genotype and allele frequencies, observation (Ho), expected (He) heterozygosity, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test . The results of this study showed that MAOA gene has 2 SNP namely SNP c.828G>A and SNP c.849G>A. The allele frequencies of each SNP were G= 0.833 A= 0.1667 and G= 0.667 A= 0.3333 respectively. Results of the SNP c.828G>A and SNP g.849G>A were polymorphic in Bali cattle. In Madura and PO cattle were monomorphic. The values of Ho and He in SNP c.828G>A were 0.333 and 0.2825 in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P>0.05) and the values of Ho and He in SNP c.849G>A were 0.666 and 0.452 in Hardy-Weinberg non equilibrium (P>0.05). In Bali cattle, two novel SNP candidates were found in position of c.828G>A and g.849G>A which were potential to be used as genetic markers of aggressive behaviour. As result this study, it can be concluded that gene exon 1 was polymorphic.
Keywords: Beef cattle, MAOA gene, SNP
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| Corresponding Author (Nadira Andarini Siregar)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-45 |
Estrous Intensity of Etawah Crossbreed Goat in Several Duration Implants of CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Released) Nurcholidah Solihati, Siti Darodjah Rasad, Muhammad Afif Fauzan
Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Estrous synchronization facilitate the management of livestock reproduction and increase reproductive efficiency. Controlled Internal Drug Released (CIDR) as a progesterone implant-intravaginal is expected to be effective methods, but the effective duration of implant was unclear. The aim of the research was to observe the intensity of estrus in several duration implants of CIDR. The research used an experimental method with completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments of CIDR implant duration (T1 = CIDR implant for 10 days, T2 = CIDR implant for 12 days, T3 = CIDR implant for 14 days) with 10 replications. The parameters consist of intensity of estrous consist of behavior and the changes of vulva. The results showed that treatments had no significant effect on behavior, colour of vulva, and in the size of the vulva slit on day 1 and 2, but there were significant changes on day 3. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the length of the CIDR implant for 10-14 days has the same effect on the intensity of estrus seen from behavior, colour of vulva, and size of vulva on day 1 and 2, but gave differences effect on changes in the size of the vulva slit on day 3.
Keywords: CIDR, estrous intensity, ewes, implant
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| Corresponding Author (Nurcholidah Solihati)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-58 |
Association of CSN2 gene (g.6683G>A) with Milk Quality of Friesian Holstein Dairy Cattle in IndonesiaThis Sample Abstract Santiananda Arta Asmarasari (a), Anneke Anggraeni (a), Ferdy Saputra (a), Anita Hafid (a)
Research Center of Animal Husbandry, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BRIN), Cibinong Sciences Center, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia, 16915.
Casein is a highly digestible protein in milk. CSN2 is one of the most abundant proteins in total casein at 35%. CSN2 is CSN2 is important gene for milk properties. The aim of this study is observe the effect of these SNPs on milk quality such as Solid Non-Fat, Fat, Density, Lactose, Solid, and Protein in exon 6. The CSN2 gene polymorphism was analyzed using sanger sequencing method. In this study, the SNP (g.6683G>A) in exon 6 did not change amino acids or in other words synonymous mutation. We found the effect of lactation but no effect of genotype (GG, GA, AA). Therefore, we suggested that research on composite genotypes in CSN2 is carried out to obtain better results.
Keywords: CSN2 gene, milk quality, Friesian Holstein, dairy cattle
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| Corresponding Author (Santiananda Arta Asmarasari)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-62 |
Kid body weight and doe productivity of Sapera cross dairy goats Anneke Anggraeni, Anita Hafid, Ferdy Saputra, and Asepriyadi
Research Center for Animals Husbandry
National Research and Innovation Agency
Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor 16915
Evaluation of kid growth characteristics and doe productivity was observed from Sapera (Local PExSaanen) dairy goat. Birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), and average daily gain (ADG) of 151 kids were analyzed for the effects of sex, birth type, parity, kidding season, and kidding year using the General Linear Model (GLM), while heritability values were estimated by the paternal half-sib correlation method. The Doe Productivity index (DPI) of 77 does was calculated by the equation DPI =(12/KI)(LS)(Body Weight). The averages of BW, WW, and ADG were sequentially at 2.94 kg, 9.70 kg, and 0.075 kg. BW was influenced by sex (P<0.01), birth type (P<0.01), and parity (P<0.05)- WW was significantly influenced (P<0.05) by parity and kidding season, while ADG was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by the environment. The heritability values for BW, WW, and ADG were respectively h2 = 0.289, 0.239, and 0.065. Based on parity 1 to 5, averages of kidding interval were 297 - 307 d, while the reproductive rates of the does at birth was 2.04 - 2.55 kids/doe/year and at weaning 1.68 - 2.12 kids/doe/year. Further, DPI was obtained at the birth of 10.89 - 16.57 kg and the weaning of 23.84 - 43.43 kg. It was concluded that kid body weight was quite large influenced by genetic factors with DPI being quite high in Sapera cross-dairy goats
Keywords: body weight, heritability, doe productivity, dairy goats
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| Corresponding Author (Anneke Anggraeni)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-78 |
1) Department of Sosial Economic of Agricultural. Faculty of Agricultural, Papua University. Gunung Salju Street, Manokwari, 98314 West Papua, Indonesia
2) Global Food Studies, University of Adelaide, Australia
3) Department of Animal Production. Faculty of Animal Science, Papua University. Gunung Salju Street, Manokwari, 98314, West Papua, Indonesia
The Indonesian government has been delivering an ambitious target to achieve self-sufficiency in beef at the national level. Each province is expected to contribute to meeting the growing demand of beef and, therefore, the self-sufficiency target. This study aims to characterize the beef sector in West Papua, one of the most eastern parts of Indonesia, by applying a Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) analysis. The beef sector in this province remains under-researched. The analysis suggests the oligopsony nature of the industry. A large number of smallholder farmers are operating at low gross margins and dominated by a small number of middle segment actors. This paper highlights the importance of developing middle segments of the value chain. This can be done through transportation infrastructure development as well as improvement in farmers^ collective actions in order to improve smallholder producers^ market access. The overall evaluation of the beef industry in West Papua suggests some areas for investment. With an average herd size of 2.49, cattle farming remains to be a secondary job for many beef cattle farm households. A review of existing studies suggests that smallholder farmers are operating at low gross margins and lacking the adoption of technology despite various government programs aiming to improve their productivity and livelihoods.Given their price differences, West Papua might actually have opportunities to export beef to Papua assuming that they have excess supply.
Keywords: Beef, Cattle, Beef farming characteristics, beef industry characteristics, Structure - Conduct - Performance (SCP), Indonesia, West Papua Province, value chains.
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| Corresponding Author (Lukas Yowel Sonbait)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-94 |
Carcass and non-carcass characteristics comparison of Lesser Whistling duck (Dendrocygna javanica) male and female S R A Bugiwati, M I A Dagong, and Relli
Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan km 10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia
study aimed to evaluate carcass and non-carcass characteristics of Lesser Whistling duck males and females. The research material was carcasses of ten males (about 520 g) and ten females (about 509 g) of Lesser Whistling duck. All animals were bred and reared at Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi Indonesia. All Lesser Whistling ducks were fasted and rested for 8 hours, slaughtered, carcasses, and parameters were analyzed. Parameters measured were weight and percentage of carcass traits (wings, back, thighs, breast, and neck), non-carcass traits (head, shank, heart, gizzard, and liver), and three types of weight (live weight, slaughter weight, and carcass weight. The results showed that there were no significant differences in all carcass and non-carcass parameters between Lesser Whistling ducks male and female except carcass parameters, namely weight and percentage of the neck. Female and male Lesser Whistling ducks showed similar carcass characteristics. These results show that performances of both male and female Lesser Whistling Duck were similar. Generally, the percentage of coefficient variation showed low to a medium values. These results become one of the bases and references that both male and female Lesser Whistling duck could improve their carcass growth by mating systems to reach optimum carcass characteristics.
Keywords: Carcass, Whistling Duck, meat,
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| Corresponding Author (Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-95 |
Comparison of LEP Gene Profile Between Etawa Cross and Senduro Goats Muhammad Fajar Amrullah 1,a) Budi Utomo2,b) Suzanita Utama 2,c) Tri Wahyu Suprayogi 2,d) Tita Damayanti Lestari 2,e) Tjuk Imam Restiadi 2,f) Erma Safitri 2,g) Ristaqul Husna Belgania 1,h) Suhendra Pakpahan 3,i)
1 Student of Master Program of Reproductive Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Univeristas Airlangga, 60115 Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Division of Veterinary Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, 60115 Surabaya, Indonesia
3 Research Centre for Applied Zoology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia
Author Emails
a)Corresponding author: fajaramrullah98[at]gmail.com
d) tri-w-s[at]fkh.unair.ac.id
e) titadlestari[at]fkh.unair.ac.id
f) tjukir[at]yahoo.com
g) erma-s[at]fkh.unair.ac.id
h) rhbelgania[at]gmail.com
LEP gene is a gene that functions to produce the hormone leptin secreted by fat tissue which can increase livestock productivity. This study aimed to identify profile of LEP gene between Etawa cross and Senduro goats. Gene profiling includes sequences, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and phylogeny tree reconstruction. A total of 32 whole blood samples from Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats were collected from goat farms in Burno Village, Lumajang District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. The research procedure involved collecting blood samples from Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats, then isolating and extracting DNA, then designing primers and leptin gene amplification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Data analysis Bioedit ver.7.0.0 program for alignment of nucleotide base sequences, and analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree on the Leptin gene was carried out using the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method. Phylogeny based on nucleotides using the Kimura-2-parameter model in the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis program (MEGA ver.11.0.13). The results of this study obtained the PCR amplification product of the LEP gene of Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats with the same base length of 967 bp. Alignment of the LEP gene sequences of Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats for the determination of SNPs resulted in SNPs including T118A, G24A, G53A, A58T, G69C, T395C, and G749A. The SNPs formed are the result of transversion and transition mutations. Based on the reconstruction of the LEP gene phylogeny tree, Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats are in the same clade and have a close kinship with Bligon goats. The profile of the LEP gene between Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats varies so that further studies can be carried out to look for the relationship between SNPs and the productivity traits of the LEP gene.
Keywords: Genetic diversity- LEP gene- Etawa cross- Senduro- SNPs.
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Fajar Amrullah)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-98 |
Characteristics Local Goat Smallholder And Forages Feeding Diversity In Gorontalo, Indonesia Fahrul Ilham, Gatot Ciptadi, Tri Eko Susilorini, M. Fadhlirrahman Latief, Suyadi
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Universitas Brawijaya
The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of local goat farmers in Gorontalo and the diversity of feeding applied. This research was conducted by surveying 32 local goat farmers in 3 districts Gorontalo. Information from farmers was obtained by observation and interview using a list of questions in a questionnaire. The results showed that the dominant description of local goat farmers in Gorontalo is the main occupation of farmers (40.63%), the last education in elementary school (53.13%), the length of farming is >6 years (71.88%), the number of goats kept is 1-5 (50%), the maintenance system is kept in a pen (53.13%), and the colony pen model (75%). The type of feed given was predominantly grass and leaves (37.50%), and the main source of feed came from grass/leaves that grew wild around the garden, moorland, and fallow fields (40.62%). The foliage group provided feed comes from lamtoro leaves (Leucaena leucocephala), kayu kambing leaves (Garuga floribunda), kayu jawa leaves (Lannea coromandelica), kelumpang leaves (Sterculia foetida), nangka leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus), kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica), kapuk leaves (Ceiba pentandra), banana leaves and peels (Musa paradisiaca), kelor leaves (moringa oleifera). The grass group included natural grass, fodder, wild kale, corn and concentrate in the form of tofu pulp, corn, and rice bran. Some farmer respondents also occasionally provide kitchen waste in the form of banana peels or vegetables that are still suitable for livestock consumption.
Keywords: farmers characteristic, feed, forage, local goats
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| Corresponding Author (Fahrul Ilham)
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Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production |
ABS-108 |
The origin of local goat from eastern part of Indonesia (Kacang and Lakor goats) Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati, Lellah Rahim, Fika Yuliza Purba2, Procula Rudlof Matitaputty3, Sutikno4 and Hideyuki Mannen5
1. Animal Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University
2. Veterinary Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University
3. Research Center for Animal Husbandry, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bogor, Indonesia
4. Research Centre fo Applied Zoology, Research Organization for life Science and Environment, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Bogor Indonesia
5. Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
Goats were one of the oldest domesticated ruminants and are thought to have been domesticated in the mountains of West Asia between 7000 and 10,000 BC. Traders from South Asia and European traders introduced domestic goats to Indonesia around 15 - 17 centuries. This research aims to identify the origin and propagation route of local goats from South Sulawesi and the Eastern Part of Indonesia. The molecular genetic approach used in this research was Complete Mitochondrial genome sequencing. The mtDNA sequencing was performed by using Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT). GridION sequencing was operated by MinKNOW software. Base calling was performed using Guppy with highly accurate mode. The quality of reads was visualized using NanoPlot. All reads were mapped to the mitochondrial reference sequence (NC_026460.1) using minimap2. The quality of the mapped reads was evaluated with Nanoplot. The assembly was performed using Flye. The assembled sequence was polished four times with Racon and polished three times with Medaka. The quality of the assembled sequence was determined using Quast. Annotation and Visualization were conducted using MitoZ. The length of the whole mtDNA seq of the Kacang goat was 16.642, Kosta: 16.641, Lakor: 16.401 and Kejobong was 16.631 bp. All these findings suggest that local goats were introduced to South Sulawesi through 2 genetic lineages Indochina and European/African goats.
Keywords: Local goat, mtDNA, haplotype, diversity, origin
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong)
18 |
Animal Health and Welfare |
ABS-17 |
Preliminary results of analyzing the lying and standing behaviors of lactating dairy cows : A case study of an urban smallholder dairy farm in Bogor City, Indonesia Windi Al Zahra1, a) Bagus Priyo Purwanto2, b) Ananda Daffa Ismail1, c)
1)Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
2)College of Vocational Studies, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor, West Java Indonesia
a) Corresponding author: windialzahra[at]apps.ipb.ac.id
b) baguspu[at]apps.ipb.ac.id
c) anandadaffaismail[at]apps.ipb.ac.id
Understanding the laying and standing behaviors could provide information about the dairy cow^s health. Optimizing the laying and standing behaviors can subsequently improve milk production. Hence, the study aims to analyze the lying and standing behaviors of lactating dairy cows in an urban smallholder dairy farm. The research was conducted at an urban smallholder dairy farm in Bogor City, Indonesia. The data was collected in November 2022 from three lactating cows in a tie-stall housing system. The Closed-Circuit Televisions (CCTV) were installed at 1 m above the cattle, and this position was considered high enough to capture all activities of the cows. The time spent lying down, the number of lying bouts, and standing behaviors were recorded for 72 hours continuously. The descriptive analysis was conducted to describe the laying and standing behaviors of each cow. The results showed that the lying behavior ranged from 527 to 610 minutes with an average of 569 minutes. The standing behavior ranged from 463 to 575 minutes with an average of 528 minutes. Eating behavior ranged from 258 to 310 minutes with an average of 291 minutes and sleeping behavior ranged from 37 to 61 minutes with an average of 52 minutes. Overall, the average of lying behavior was 569 minutes, standing was 528 minutes, eating behavior was minutes, and sleeping time was 52 minutes. To conclude, the lying time of the cows are low and could provide important information related to their comfort and health, which is crucial to increase milk production.
Keywords: dairy cows- lying behavior- standing behavior- milk production
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| Corresponding Author (Windi Alzahra)
19 |
Animal Health and Welfare |
ABS-19 |
The Level of Animal Welfare Knowledge among Researchers in Indonesia Sutiastuti Wahyuwardani (*), Prima M Widiyanti, Susan M Noor, Wasito, Lisa Praharani, Bachtar Bakrie
National Research and Innovation Agency, West Java, Indonesia
Animal care and use in research must be conducted by the principles of animal welfare (AW) to uphold ethical standards, ensure the reliability of research results, maintain animal health, and ensure food safety. A study to determine the level of understanding of researchers about AW has been carried out in several locations where researchers use animals in their research. Data were obtained by distributing a Google Form Base Questionnaire consisting of 28 items on AW to researchers, which were responded to by 88 researchers. The parameters measured were knowledge of AW and every aspect of animal welfare, studying aspects of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), ethical clearance, and animal use and care. The data obtained were then descriptively analyzed and tested using the Kruskal Wallis SPSS 26.0 independent sample program. The researchers^ level of knowledge of AW was at an acceptable level, which differed significantly between locations. The difference in the knowledge level of researchers on AW was due to a difference in understanding of the use and care of animals at the acceptable level differs markedly between locations. In contrast, the knowledge level of researchers on IACUC aspects at the good level and of ethical clearance aspects at the low level did not show a significant difference between locations. It is recommended that training is needed to improve the knowledge of researchers on animal welfare.
Keywords: Animal, welfare, knowledge, research
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| Corresponding Author (Sutiastuti Wahyuwardani)
20 |
Animal Health and Welfare |
ABS-28 |
Effect of Hermetia illucens Antigens-G on Serum Immuno-globuline-G Level of Neonates Goats Wisje Lusia Toar*1), Laurentius J.M. Rumokoy2)
*1) Sam Ratulangi University, Faculty of Animal Science. e-mail: wisje_toar[at]unsrat.ac.id
2)Sam Ratulangi University, Faculty of Animal Science.
Goat immunity has an important role in achieving significant profits, but in reality, there are still health problems for goats, especially during the neonate period. Some of insect antigens became an immunity enhancer to animal husbandry. This research aimed to elucidate the effect of antigens-G extracted from prepuape of Hermetia illucens (AgHi) on IgG serum level of goats. The experimental animals were divided into five groups according to AgHi extract level treatment: 0 mL AgHi- 0,5 mL AgHi- 1 mL AgHi- 1,5 mL AgHi. Each group consisted of four replication samples. The variables observed were: Level of serum immunoglobuline-G- IgG quality group and mortality. The treatments of AgHi influenced significantly on immuno-globulines-G. 92% of the animals observed were categoized as an average of serum IgG (group C). The mortality rate was zero in all groups during observation. We conluded that the AgHi could be considered as a potential imuno-enhancer to the neonates goats.
Keywords: insect, maggot, native chicken, growth performances
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| Corresponding Author (Wisje Lusia Toar)
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Animal Health and Welfare |
ABS-29 |
Curcuma Extract and AgTMd as a Bioresource on VEGF Level of BALB/c Laurentius J.M. Rumokoy*1), Jimmy Posangi2), Daniella G.M. Rumokoy3)- Wisje Toar1)
*1)Faculty of Animal Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. e-mail: ljmrumokoy[at]unsrat.ac.id
2)Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University. Manado
3)Faculty of Nutrition Sciences, Trinita University. Manado
Mortality in neonatal livestock is still an important problem in livestock development. Therefore, various efforts are still being made to overcome this problem, including by using various natural substances that have a potential to increase the immune system. The role of insect antigens in mammalian immunity has begun to receive attention in these efforts. This paper aims to present the role of the bioresource of thoracic antigen of M. domestica on VEGF level in BALB/c. The study was conducted using a combination of insect G-antigens M. domestica (AgTMd) and curcuma extract (CE). AgTMd consisted of three treatment levels: 3mL- 6mL and 9mL combined with three CE levels: 20ppm- 40ppm and 60ppm. This combination treatment had a significant (P<0.05) effect on serum VEGF concentrations from experimental animals. Conclusion: Bioresources of curcuma extract and AgTMd are cadidate substances to control VEGF synthesis.
Keywords: VEGF, Bioresource, immunity
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| Corresponding Author (Laurentius Rumokoy)
22 |
Animal Health and Welfare |
ABS-141 |
Staphylococcus aureus as a Foodborne Pathogen in Eggs and Its Products in Indonesia: A Review Aminah Hajah Thaha (1,2), Ratmawati Malaka (2*), Wahniyati Hatta (2), Fatma Maruddin (2)
1. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Alauddin Makassar
Jl. H. M. Yasin Limpo No. 36, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, 92111, Indonesia
2. Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Tamalanrea, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, 90245, Indonesia
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the bacteria that cause foodborne disease in eggs, which is pathogenic and endangers human health if it contaminates contaminated eggs and products from pre-production at the producer to post-production. S. aureus is a gram-positive bacterium, a normal flora of the skin and mucosa of humans and animals. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a strain of S. aureus resistant to several antibiotics, including tetracycline, amoxicillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, beta-lactams, and azithromycin. S. aureus contamination in the last five years on eggs and processed products is still very little reported in Indonesia and is only limited to the prevalence level. Based on the Indonesian National Standard, the contamination limit for S. aureus in fresh poultry eggs is <1 x 10^2 CFU/gr, processed eggs in the form of salted eggs <1 x 10^1 colonies/gr, processed egg-based foods such as custard must be negative/gr. One health is a cross-sectoral collaborative approach that recognizes human, animal and environmental health linkages that should be managed holistically. The one health approach is expected to prevent and control the risk of S. aureus contamination in eggs and their processed products.
Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, Foodborne Pathogen, Egg
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| Corresponding Author (Aminah Hajah Thaha)
23 |
Animal Health and Welfare |
ABS-148 |
Antimicrobial Resistance: A Thread to Sustainable Livestock Production Kusumandari Indah Prahesti (a,b*), Ratmawati Malaka (b), Muflihanah (c)
(a) Agricultural Science Doctoral Study Program, Hasanuddin University Postgraduate School, Makassar, Indonesia
(b) Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
(c) Disease Investigation Center, Maros, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Antimicrobials play a significant role to achieve sustainable livestock goals. Antimicrobials contributed to the prevention, control, and treatment of infectious diseases in animal. In Indonesia, antimicrobial drugs are widely used in livestock management system. In addition of disease control, a low-dose (sub therapy-dose) of antimicrobials were used to improve feed efficiency and promoting animal growth. Excessive usage of antimicrobials significantly promoted the antimicrobial resistance cases. The large amounts of antibiotics from animal feces and sludge used as manure caused soil contamination. Furthermore, soil became a medium for spreading antibiotic residues and antibiotic resistance genes to the wider environment which may lead to contamination of the food chain. Antimicrobial resistance became a threat to sustainable livestock systems. The inability of antimicrobial drugs to control infectious diseases in livestock reduced the productivity and reproductive efficiency of livestock, as well as the quality life of farmers. Ultimately, avoiding and/or banning the use of growth-promoting antibiotics, using antibiotic wisely, and focusing on better animal rearing and welfare systems will be critical to reduce the threat of antimicrobial resistance.
Keywords: Antibiotic, antimicrobial resistance, disease control, sustainable livestock production
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| Corresponding Author (Kusumandari Indah Prahesti)
24 |
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology |
ABS-11 |
EFFECT OF LIVE WEIGHT AND BODY CONDITION SCORE ON CALVING INTERVAL OF SWAMP BUFFALO (Bubalus bubalis) Fatmawati Fatmawati, Yunober Mberato, Mirajuddin Mirajuddin and Rusdi Rusdi
Two series of study were conducted to justify the effect of live weight and body condition score on calving interval (CI) of swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Firstly, this was conducted to identify the factors, controlling the CI on 170 of swamp buffalo using multiple regression analysis. As independent variables were Live Body Weight (X1), body condition score (BCS) prepartum (X2), BCS postpartum ( X3), age of buffalo cow (X4) and parity (X5) and the dependent variable was calving interval (y). Secondly, study to evaluate the dominant factor that affect calving interval by controlling live body weight (LBW) and BCS. The data both of LBW and BCS (preliminary study) was divided into two groups. LBW were first group as heavy category (mean + SD- ≥- 522 kg) and second group was light category (mean -SD-≤- 358.91 kg). BCS were first group as fat category (means- score ≥- 4) and second group as thin category (mean-SD- score ≤- 2,5). There were 25 buffalo cow for each category. Based on the multivariate test in the preliminary study, proved that X1 and X2 as independent produce a significant effect on CI (P<0.01) with the value of r2: 0.49. Further regression test of X1 and X2 together through backward regression method by removing the variable had no significant effect, with value of r2: 0.51. In contrast, the regression test of X1 and X2 on calving interval (y) separately turns out the r2 values respectively are 0.38 and 0.40, this means that the most ideal model in this test is the test of two variables (X1 and X2). In the second stage of the study, it was found that LBW and BCS factors and their interaction had a significant effect (P <0.01) on CI. Therefore, in conclusion LBW and BCS and their interactions were affecting CI of buffalo cow.
Keywords: Body weight- body condition score- calving interval- swamp buffalo
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| Corresponding Author (FATMAWATI FATMAWATI)
25 |
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology |
ABS-12 |
Effect of Formulating Diets Based on Rice Bran, Palm Kernel Meal and Their Combination on Feed Intake, Digestibility and Liveweight Gain and Income Over Feed Cost of Donggala Bulls Fed Corn Stover Marsetyo (a*), I Wayan Sulendre (a), Yohan Rusiyantono (a)
a) Department of Animal Science, Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
This study was aimed to examine the effect of addition of rice bran and palm kernel meal or their combination on feed intake, digestibility, daily liveweight gain, income over feed cost of Donggala bulls fed corn stover. Donggala bulls average initial liveweight 189 kg were stratified on liveweight and randomly allocated to 4 treatments in a completely randomised block design. The dietary treatments were (1) corn stover ad libitum (CS), (2) CS plus rice bran (RB) (3), CS plus palm kernel meal (PKM), and (4) CS plus mixture of RB and PKM. All supplements were offered at level 1 body weight dry matter. Each treatment was repeated 7 times. Water drinking was available ad libitum. The experiment consisted of 2 and 14 weeks for adaptation and collection periods respectively. Parameter measured include feed intake, feed digestibility, ADG and IOFC. Donggala bulls receiving RB, PKM and RBPKM consumed 0.88, 0.70 and 0.87 of their total allocation, respectively. Supplementation significantly (P<0.05) decreased basal diet DM intake but increased total DM intake, DM digestibility, ADG, IOFC. Basal diet intake of bulls supplemented with RB, PKM and RBPKM decreased 13.95, 20.16 and 10.85, respectively. Bulls supplemented RBPKM had the highest (P<0.05) total DM intake, DM digestibility, ADG, IOFC with value 3.16, 65.74 and 0.67 kg/d, IDR 26937/bull, respectively. It was concluded that inclusion of combination of energy and protein can boost ADG and profitability of Donggala bulls fed low quality roughage.
Keywords: Donggala bulls- rice bran- palm kernel meal- corn stover
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| Corresponding Author (Marsetyo Marsetyo)
26 |
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology |
ABS-24 |
Evaluation of Liquid Smoke of Cocoa Bean Epidermis Against Escherichia coli and Candida utilis Tiurma Pasaribu (1a), Ahmad Sofyan (2), Arnold P. Sinurat (1), Awistaros Angger Sakti (2), Muhammad Ainsyar Harahap (2), Hardi Julendra (2)
National Research and Innovation Agency
Cocoa bean husk or epidermis is one of the by-products produced from chocolate processing. The husk contains polyphenols approximately 5.8%. The study aimed to evaluate the effectivity of liquid smoke produced from cocoa bean epidermis against Escherichia coli and Candida utilis. This product may be developed to replace antibiotic growth promoters as feed additives. The clear zone was measured using a ruler to determine the inhibition of liquid smoke made from the cocoa bean epidermis (LSCBE) against Escherichia coli and Candida utilis. The antibacterial and antifungal activity test was carried out by well diffusion methods. Ten treatments, i.e. different concentrations of the LSBCE (0, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%/non-diluted), each with 4 replications were performed and the growth of the Escherichia coli and Candida utilis was observed. Data were analyzed using a completely randomized design. The results showed that the antibacterial activity with a 10-100% concentration of LSCBE did not show zona inhibition against Escherichia coli. Likewise, antifungal activity with a 10-100% concentration of LSCBE did not show zona inhibition (clear zone) against Candida utilis. It can be concluded that the liquid smoke of the cocoa bean epidermis was not capable to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Candida utilis In Vitro.
Keywords: antibacterial, antifungal, Escherichia coli, Candida utilis, liquid smoke of cocoa bean epidermis
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| Corresponding Author (Tiurma Pasaribu)
27 |
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology |
ABS-36 |
The potential of bioconverted palm oil sludge using Neurospora sp. as a functional feed Asriani Hasanuddin, Rusdi Rusdi, Fatmawati Fatmawati and Minarny Gobel
Universitas Tadulako,
The goal of study was to identify the potential of palm oil sludge as a functional feed by bioconverted it using Neurospora sp. mold. The experiment was designed according to a completely randomized design (CRD) with five concentrations of mold as the treatments with four replicates and palm oil sludge as growth-media. The mold concentrations were 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 % and were enriched with minerals. The mixtures were subjected to proximate and phytochemical analyses before and after aerobic incubation for 96 hours at room temperature. The results indicated that bioconversion of palm oil sludge with the mold of Neurospora sp. significantly increased in beta-carotene content, antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds. In conclusion, palm oil sludge bioconverted with Neurospora sp.has a potential as functional feed.
Keywords: palm, sludge, mold,bioconversion, functional
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| Corresponding Author (Asriani Hasanuddin)
28 |
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology |
ABS-44 |
The Optimal Condition of Dry-Heat Stabilization Using Oven on The Lipase Activity of Rice Bran: A Meta-Analysis Martina Tri Puspita Sari(1), Muhammad Ridla(2,3,*), Heri Ahmad Sukria(2)
1) Study Program of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
2) Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
3) Center For Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS), IPB University, Jl, Raya Pajajaran, Bogor, 16153
Rice bran is a valuable by-product of rice milling, rich in nutritional content such as bioactive compounds including phenolic compounds and high antioxidant activity. This makes it a useful ingredient in functional foods and animal feed. However, rice bran is also known to have a short shelf life due to its tendency to become rancid quickly, which limits its usability. One effective way to increase the shelf life of rice bran is through the use of heating methods, such as dry heating. By heating the rice bran to an optimal temperature, it can be stabilized, maintaining its nutritional content and extending its shelf life. This meta-analysis aimed to determine the optimal temperature and time duration for dry-heat stabilization using an oven on the Lipase Activity (LA), Free Phenolic Content (FPC), Bound Phenolic Content (BPC), Total Phenolic Content (TPC), and Antioxidant Activity (AA) of rice bran. A total of 9 articles and 39 experiments were included after applying specified screening criteria. Results indicated that temperature and time duration of dry-heat stabilization had a significant effect (p< 0.05) on LA, FPC, and TPC, but not on BPC and AA. LA, FPC, and TPC decreased as temperature and duration of dry heating increased. In conclusion, the optimal temperature and time duration of dry-heat stabilization using an oven could stabilize the quality and maintain the phenolic content of rice bran
Keywords: animal feed, dry heating, functional foods, rice brand, shelf life,
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Ridla)
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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology |
ABS-46 |
Utilization of Post-Harvest Broiler Chicken Litter and Tofu Waste for Maggot Production (Hermetia illucens) Giovani (1) , Muhammad Ridla (2,3*) , Nahrowi(2,3)
1) Study Program of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
2) Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
3) Center For Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS), IPB University, Jl, Raya Pajajaran, Bogor, 16153
In addition to being used as organic fertilizer, post-harvest broiler chicken Litter could also be utilized as a feed media for maggots, with the addition of easily degraded media such as tofu waste. However, the fibers in the litter are difficult for maggots to digest. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of post-harvest broiler chicken litter used as a feed media for maggots at different levels on maggot performance. The study used a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications, with treatments given at different levels: P1 (20% litter + 80% tofu waste), P2 (40% litter + 60% tofu waste), P3 (60% litter + 40% tofu waste), and P4 (80% litter + 20% tofu waste). The parameters observed included final media characteristics, the weight of maggot, feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed consumption, and waste reduction index (WRI). Data analysis was performed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan^s multiple range test via the SPSS 25 program. Results revealed a significant effect (P<0.01) on the weight of maggots, feed consumption, and WRI towards maggot production. However, FCR showed no significant effect (P>0.05) on maggot production. Duncan^s multiple range test showed that P1 had a significant effect compared to other treatments, while P2 and P3 had the same and higher effect compared to P4. This demonstrates that adding 20% litter and 80% tofu waste is the most optimal treatment for increasing maggot production
Keywords: tofu dregs, litter, maggot, production
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Ridla)
30 |
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology |
ABS-47 |
In Vitro Digestibility of Soybean Meal, Feather Meal and Palm Kernel Cake with Mannanase BS4 and Bromelain Cocktail Enzymes Addition Tuti Haryati a), Arnold P Sinurat b), Wisri Puastuti c), Ferdy Saputra d), Diana Andianita Kusumaningrum e) and Nila Miraya f)
Research Center for Animal Husbandry, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bogor 16915, Indonesia
The addition of mannanase BS4 or protease enzymes can improve dry matter and protein digestibility on feedstuffs such as soybean meal (SBM) and palm kernel cake (PKC). The purposes of this research were to evaluate the effect of mannanase BS4 and bromelain additions on in vitro dry matter and protein digestibilities of SBM, feather meal (FM), and PKC and to determine the optimum composition of cocktail enzymes addition. In vitro digestibility values with each enzyme addition were compared with the one without any enzyme addition. Synergistic activities of cocktail enzymes were evaluated with the mixture of mannanase BS4 and bromelain addition (100:0- 0.75:0.25- 0.50:0.50- 0.25:0.75- 0:100 dosage) with 6 replicates. All in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD) values of feedstuffs with each enzyme addition were higher than that of the control. Mannanase BS4 increased DMD and in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) on SBM, FM and PKC respectively for 0.26-1.06x and 0.13-0.98x, while bromelain addition increased for 0.11-1.31x and 0.12-1.17x. Synergistic activity was only observed at 0,25:0,75D mannanase BS4 and bromelain in PKC, proved by the increasing DMD for 1.49x. However, synergistic activities at CPD were not observed. In conclusion, the addition of enzymes could improve DMD and IVPD on feedstuffs. The addition of each enzyme in SBM and FM showed better results than the addition of cocktail enzymes. Even though CPD synergistic activities were not observed on PKC, the DMD increasement might be enhance feed efficiency for in vivo trials.
Keywords: in vitro, digestibility, soybean meal, feather meal, palm kernel cake, mannanase BS4 and bromelain
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| Corresponding Author (Tuti Haryati)
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