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121 Poultry Production and Nutrition ABS-97

Efficacy of Natural Shading on Egg Production Performance and Hematological Profile of Laying Hen of Different Ages
Ardi Salam1, Djoni Prawira Rahardja2a, Herry Sonjaya2, Hasbi2, Kusumandari Indah Prahaesti2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah2

Author Affiliations
1Graduate Student of Animal Production Department - Animal Science Facullty, Hasanuddin University, Address s Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, 90245
2.Animal Physiology Laboratory, Animal Production Department - Animal Science Facullty, Hasanuddin University, Address s Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, 90245


Abstract. The present study was conducted to elucidate the advantageous effects of natural shadow (tree) on the production performance of laying hens of two different ages. The Research was arranged as a Factorial experiment based on Completely randomized design 2 x 3 with 5 replications, totally 30 unit treatmens of 2 hens/unit- Factor A of animal age with 2 levels: A1 = 28 w, and A2=49 w, Faktor B with 3 levels: P1= natural shadow, P2= morning sunlight exposure, P3= Afternoon sunlight exposure. Animal of each unit treatment (2 hens) were placed in a cages of 40 x 33 x 34 (l x w x h). Parameters measured were egg production performance (egg mass, feed intake and FCR), hematological profile were included red blood cell, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, haemoglobin, and white blood cell differentiation, heterophil, lymphocyte, and monocyte. Data were analyzed in accordance with the procedure of Analysis of variance (ANOVA), continued by Duncan^s multiple range test and additional correlation analysis between dependent and independent variables. Microclimate data (Heat Stress Index - HSI) showed that along the experiment, the maximum values of HSI in P2, or P3 were markedly higher compared to P1, and all HSI values in P1 to P3 were higher than that of the requirement for optimum production performance. Egg production performance of P1, P2 and P3 were not significantly different, but there indicated high significant relationship between HSI and those of egg production performances. Moreover, these results were apparently supported by the results of hematological profile. Increasing the maximum values of HSI from P1 to P3 were negatively followed by decreasing amount the values of RBC, PCV, HB, while the value of H/L rasio increased, means that an increased stress level in P3 is more than that in P1 and P2. Accordingly, it can be concluded that natural shading (tree) is apparently needed to reduce THI and resulted in better egg production performance.

Keywords: Laying hen, Natural shading, Production performance, Hematological profile, Temperature humidity index

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122 Poultry Production and Nutrition ABS-100

Effects of Stocking Density and Daily Feeding Frequency on Growth Performance and Hematological Profile of Broiler Chickens Under Heat Stress
Sry Bina Mangkujagat1, Djoni Prawira Rahardja2a, Herry Sonjaya2, Hasbi2, Kusumandari Indah Prahaesti2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah2

Author Affiliations
1Graduate Student of Animal Production Department - Animal Science Facullty, Hasanuddin University, Address s Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, 90245
2.Animal Physiology Laboratory, Animal Production Department - Animal Science Facullty, Hasanuddin University, Address s Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, 90245


Abstract. This study was conducted to elucidate effects of stocking density (i.e.SD6= 6, SD8= 8 and SD10= 10 birds/m2) and daily feeding frequency (i.e., FF1=1, FF2=2, and FF3=3 times daily) on growth performance and hematological profile of broiler chicken. The research was arranged as a factorial experiment (3 x 3) based on Randomized Block Design with 3 replication groups. A total of 108 unsex broilers aged 14 days were used at the start of treatment up to 35 days of age.They were placed in an animal stall with Heat Strees Index vary between 28.5 to 53.0. Parameters observed were performance (final body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion) and hematological profile (erythrocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin and heterophil/lymphocyte ratio). Variance analysis were used to explore the main and interaction effects of the 2 factors, then continued with Duncan multiple range test to differentiate between treatment mean values at level of 5%. The results suggested that there were no interaction effects between SD and FF factors either on both parameters of production performance and hematological profile. SD did significant effects on Final body weight and feed conversion ratio. Final body weight of SD6 was significantly heavier than those of SD8 and SD10. This attainment was seemingly supported by better feed utilization. All values of hematological profile parameter indicated normal values. There was no significant effect of SD on hematological values, while FF did significant effect on Hb level. The Hb level of FF1 was gradually decreased to that of FF3. In conclusion that, with normal values of hematological profile, stocking density of 6 birds/m2 (SD6) or to achieve 12 - 13 kg/m2 independently of feeding frequency (1-3 times/day) resulted in better chicken performance compared to that of the other stocking density levels (SD8 and SD10).

Keywords: Key words: Broiler, Stocking Density, production performance, hematological profile

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123 Poultry Production and Nutrition ABS-104

Visceral organ Weight of Wandering Whistling Duck fed different level protein
Jamilah1,2, a) Luthfi Djauhari Mahfudz1, b), Edjeng Suprijatna1, c) and Hanny Indrat Wahyuni1, d)

1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Jl Prof. Sudarto No.13 Semarang 50275, Indonesia
2 Nonruminan Nutrition Laboratory, Department of Animal Feed and Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the effect of different protein levels on the visceral organ of wandering whistling ducks. A total of 108 ducks were reared for three months with details of 1 month of feed adaptation period and 2 months of feed treatment with different protein levels. This study consisted of 3 treatments, namely P1 with 18% protein feed, P2 with 15% protein feed, and P3 with 12% protein feed. Each treatment consisted of 9 replications and each experimental unit consisted of 4 5-month-old wandering whistling ducks. The parameters measured in this study were the weight of the visceral organs of wandering whistling ducks (liver, heart, pancreas, and lungs). The data obtained were analyzed for variance, if there were significant differences a further test was carried out with Duncan^s test. The results of this study indicated that the protein level had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the visceral organs of wandering whistling ducks. The lowest protein level, namely 12%, did not have a negative effect on the visceral organs of wandering whistling ducks.This study can be concluded that the protein level of 12% -18% in a feed of wandering whistling ducks has the same effect on the development of visceral organs.

Keywords: wandering whistling ducks, Visceral organ Weight, Protein

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124 Poultry Production and Nutrition ABS-115

Lipid Serum Profile and Meat Cholesterol Of Broiler Chickens Fed Banana Corm Containing Glucomanan
Nurul Fajrih (a)(c), Komang Gede Wiryawan (a*), Sumiati (a), Suraya Kaffi Syahpura (b)

a) Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor. Indonesia
b) Department of Animal Husbandry of Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Lampung. Indonesia
c) Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University, Samarinda. Indonesia


High public awareness of health, so that it is more selective in consuming food, especially livestock products. Therefore, a solution is needed to obtain healthy and safe meat. Feed additive in the form of prebiotics is an alternative to produce meat that is low in fat and cholesterol. Banana corm contains glucomannan which can be fermented by non-pathogenic bacteria in vitro so that it can function as a prebiotic. Based on this, this study aims to examine the potential of banana corm containing glucomannan on lipid serum profile and meat cholesterol of broiler chickens. The study used a complete randomized design (RAL) with four treatments and five replications. Treatment consisted of R0 = control ration without the addition of glucomannan, R1 = 0.85% glucomannan banana corm flour in the ration, R2 = 0.60% glucomannan banana corm extract in the ration, and R3 = 0.20% commercial glucomannan in the ration. The results obtained that the administration of banana corm significantly affects (P<0.05) on meat cholesterol but no effect (P>0.05) on the lipid serum profile during maintenance. In conclusion, the results of this study can be a safer alternative to antibiotics used in producing chicken meat products that do not have a negative impact on humans.

Keywords: Feed additive- Prebiotic- Banana Corm- Chicken

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125 Poultry Production and Nutrition ABS-119

Blood Profile and Broilers Performance on Maintenance with Different Room Temperature
Asma^ul Fitriana Nurhidayah, Niken Ulupi, Salundik

Universitas Hasanuddin


This study aims to study the impact of temperature difference on blood profile and broiler performance. The completely randomized design (CRD) was used for the experiment design, with temperature of 20oC (KT20 ) and 30oC (KT30 ) as treatments. There were 80 DOC (day old chick) broiler incubated in tw broiler houses. Temperature and relative humidity were measured daily. The blood picture samples were taken only once at the end of the research period, the 5th week. The broiler performance was taken during nurseries period. Data analysis that used in this study was descriptive analysis. Broiler chickens that maintained at the low temperature treatment during the 4th weeks and 5th weeks range 25-26 oC with relative humidity 74-80 %, while on the high temperature treatment during the 4th weeks and 5 th weeks ranged from 30-32 oC with relative humidity 75-78%. Red blood cell and white blood cell at low temperature and high temperature were ranged normal. Broilers that maintained at high temperature were stress as seen as ratio heterophile/lymphocyte was 0.59. heat stress at high temperature resulted on feed consumption decreased, body weight again, body weight and increased the feed conversion ratio.

Keywords: Broilers, Haemotology, Heterophile/Lympocyte Ratio, Temperature

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126 Poultry Production and Nutrition ABS-134

The Effect of Porang Tuber Flour (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) as a Prebiotic in Broiler Ration on Performance, Ileum pH and Digestion Rate
R.A. Ramadani1,b,Jamilah1, c) , A. Mujinsa1, a) S. Purwanti1, d) and M. Alfian1, e)

1 Nonruminan Nutritin Laboratory, Department of Animal Feed and Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia


Abstrak : Porang tuber (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) is one of the natural prebiotics that can affect the condition of the digestive tract and improve performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of porang flour (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) on performance, ileal pH and digesta rate in broilers. Parameters observed were performance (consumption, PBB and feed conversion) ileal pH and digesta rate. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications, namely P0: feed without porang tuber flour (control), P1: feed + porang tuber flour 0.4%, P2: feed + porang tuber flour 0, 8%, and P3: feed + 1.2% porang tuber flour. The results showed that the addition of porang tuber flour at different levels had a significant effect (P<0.05) on feed consumption and digesta rate but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on body weight gain, feed conversion and ileal pH. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the addition of porang tuber flour up to a level of 1.2% did not affect body weight gain, feed conversion and ileal pH and did not negatively affect consumption and digesta rate in the digestive tract.

Keywords: Keywords: performance, digesta rate, pH, prebiotics,

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127 Poultry Production and Nutrition ABS-154

Growth Performance and Reproductive Characteristics of Local Chickens Injected In Ovo L-Arginine and Kalosi Chickens reared Intensive and Free-Range Systems
Wempie Pakiding, Daryatmo, Ihsan A. Dagong, Yelonri Palantik and Nur Aqib Admianto

Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia


The study was conducted to determine the effect of different rearing systems on growth performance and reproductive characteristics of local chickens resulting from in ovo injection of L-arginine and Kalosi chickens. Forty-eight chickens of 24 chickens from the chickens treated in ovo l-arginine and 24 from Kalosi chickens were tested. The chickens were allotted in to Completely Randomized Design factorial pattern of two types of chickens of treated in ovo l-arginine and Kalosi chickens and two rearing systems of intensive and free-range. The chickens were reared during the grower phase starting from 14 weeks of age until chickens enter the nesting phase which was characterized by most hens having laid eggs. The growth performance of weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion and mortality were measured weekly. While the reproductive characteristics of age in the first laying eggs, the weight of the first egg, and the body weight in the initial of laying eggs were investigated daily when the hens shows the appearance of egg-laying behavior. The results showed that neither the rearing system, nor the type of chicken showed a significant effect on body weight gain, final body weight, feed consumption, feed conversion and mortality. Similarly, the age of first laying eggs and the weight of the first egg were not influenced by the type of chickens and rearing systems, but the rearing systems had a significant effect on the initial body weight of egg laying.

Keywords: Keywords: Growth performance, reproductive characteristics, local chicken, intensive system, free-range system.

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128 Smart Livestock System ABS-16

Advances in Detection of Edges on Sheep Morphometric Measurements Using LiDAR with Digital Image Processing
Angga Rahagiyanto (a), M. Adhyatma (b*), Bakhtiyar Hadi Prakoso (a)

a)Health Information Management Department, Politeknik Negeri, Jember Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember 68121, Indonesia
b)Livestock Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember 68121, Indonesia.


Sheep are one of the options for ruminant livestock commodities other than cattle which are widely cultivated by farming communities in Indonesia. The main factors in the breeding and fattening of Sheep is the selection of feeders. The selection of feeders aims to estimate the performance of cattle to be fattened by measuring the dimensions of the livestock^s body (morphometric). Morphometrics is a quantitative analysis technique (body dimensions) that includes shape and size. Morphometric data is an important parameter used to study livestock anatomy, productivity, growth rate, and performance quality of livestock. Morphometric is also the main component that becomes a reference in livestock breeding programs using a phenotypic character approach. So far, the method used in morphometric measurements is still done conventionally, which is quite laborious and time consuming during the measurement process. In this article, researchers designed a LiDAR camera prototype with a focus on the accuracy of detection object recognition of sheep. The variable measurement from morphometric method is back height, front height, body length, and chest size. The prototype produces an accuracy of recognizing moving livestock objects above 30%. In conclusion, to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the livestock measurement process and provide direct benefits to farmers and researchers, a camera assembly process is needed that can recognize livestock objects in real-time.

Keywords: Sheep- morphometric- image processing- lidar

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129 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-6

Animal Feed Technology Accessed in Rural Indonesia: What Are the Prerequisites for Smallholder Cattle Farmers to Benefit from Technology
Mochamad Sugiarto, Yusmi Nur Wakhidati, Danang Nur Cahyo, Dyah Gandasari

Faculty of Animal Science UNSOED


Many animal production technologies have been accessed by smallholder farmers in rural Indonesia. However, the problem with animal production is the sustainable use of this technology by smallholder beef cattle farmers. Related to this, it is necessary to identify the satisfaction of smallholder beef cattle farmers in using animal feed technology (rice straw fermentation and silage technology). This study aims to (1) identify the satisfaction of smallholder beef cattle farmers in using the animal feed technology, and (2) analyze the factors that influence the satisfaction of smallholder beef cattle farmers in using animal feed technology. The study was conducted using a survey method on 42 cattle farmers respondents who had used animal feed technology for at least 1 year. Respondents were selected using a stratified random method based on agroecological zones (high, medium, and low land). The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logistical regression analysis. The results showed that only 38.09 percent of beef cattle farmers expressed satisfaction with the animal feed technology they had used. The number of beef cattle kept affects the satisfaction of farmers in using animal feed technology (P<0.01). The greater the number of cattle kept- the more satisfied farmers will be with the use of animal feed technology. This condition recommends the use of animal feed technology for farmers who have more than 3 head of cattle.

Keywords: animal feed technology, number of cattle, farmers satisfaction

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130 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-15

Exploring of Consumer Behaviour Towards Goats Milk Products
Asmaul Khusna (a,b), Muhamad Riyan Fitriyanto (a), Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul Muzayyanah (a*)

a) Department of Livestock Social Economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Fauna No. 3, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
b) Department of Livestock Products Processing Technology, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi, Jl. Raya Jember Km 13, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur 68461, Indonesia


Increasing consumer awareness of healthy food consumption and interest has positively influenced the demand for goat^s and goat^s milk products. The study aims to determine the consumption of goat^s milk products with sociodemographic characteristics of consumers and consumer behaviour towards goat^s milk products. This study used 108 respondents selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected through interviews and then analyzed using descriptive and qualitative methods using Chi-square. Research results show that consumer behaviour and preferences were seen from the relationship between the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents and the consumption of dairy products which was significantly (p < 0.05) related to gender characteristics. The average weekly consumption of goat^s milk products is 0.31 kg for powdered milk, 0.078 kg for ice cream, 0.327 L for pasteurized milk and 0.332 L for fermented milk. Conclusion This research is consumer behaviour shows that processed goat^s milk products most preferred by consumers is powdered milk with chocolate flavour. Consumers consume goat^s milk for health reasons, and the most disease currently being suffered by consumers of goat milk products is gastric acid. This finding is expected to be an insight for producers to design marketing strategies for goat milk products.

Keywords: consumer behaviour- goat milk product- sosiodemografi characteristic- chi-square

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131 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-25

Sustainability of Beef Cattle Breeding Based on Institutional Dimension
Tanri Giling Rasyid,1, a) Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar,1) ST. Rohani,1) Ilham Syarif, 1) Muhammad Hatta,1) Pipi Diansari,2) Alima Bachtiar Abdullahi,3) Muhammmad Darwis,4) and Putra Astaman5)

1Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
2Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
3Department of Animal Husbandry Pangkajene and Islands State Agricultural Polytechnic, 90761 Indonesia
4Institute for Research, Development, and Empowerment of Indonesian Potential, Makassar 90241, Indonesia
5Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Sinjai, Sinjai 92615, Indonesia


The government is trying to meet the needs of domestic beef cattle seedlings because beef cattle seedlings are one of the elements that have an important influence on the success of beef cattle fattening businesses. Superior quality beef cattle seedlings greatly affect beef production- therefore, the government makes efforts to increase domestic beef cattle seedling production. The study^s objective was to determine the sustainability of beef cattle farming in the Barru Regency in terms of the dimensions of agricultural institutions involved. This research used to survey, interview, and Focus Group Discussion methods. Data were processed with the Rap-Local Beef Cattle Breeding ordination technique through the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) method for sustainability analysis. The results showed that the sustainability of beef cattle breeding based on the institutional dimension is quite good.

Keywords: Sustainability, breeding, beef cattle, farmer, multidimensional scaling

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132 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-26

Farmer Behavior towards Village-Owned Enterprises Beef Cattle Farming Units
ST. Rohani,1, a)* Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar,1) Hastang,1) Ilham Syarif,1) Muhammad Hatta,1) Muhammad Arsyad,2) Muhammad Erik Kurniawan,3) Putra Astaman,4) and Muhammad Darwis5)

1Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
2Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
3Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah Sinjai University, 92615, Indonesia
4Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah Sinjai University, Sinjai 92615, Indonesia
5Institute for Research, Development, and Empowerment of Indonesian Potential


The existence of a Village-Owned Enterprise for beef cattle farming units in the farmer^s environment can stimulate the behavior of farmers to develop their business further. Thus, Village-Owned Enterprises are formed to be pioneers in building interest in beef cattle farming businesses for rural communities. This study aims to determine the behavior of farmers towards the Village-Owned Enterprises Beef Cattle Farming Unit in Patimpeng District, Bone Regency. The sample was 25 people: the village head, Village-Owned Enterprise management, and beef cattle farmers. Data collection was conducted through focus group discussions, and interviews with the help of questionnaires analyzed using descriptive statistics using a Likert scale on each variable measured, namely, 1 = not good, 2 = medium, and 3 = good. The results showed that the behavior of farmers towards the Village-Owned Enterprises Beef Cattle Farming Unit with the variables of farmer attitudes and subjective norms of farmers was in a good category, while the behavioral control of farmers was in the moderate category.

Keywords: Behavior, farmers, BUMDES, beef cattle

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133 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-30

MN Rustan, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin and Siti Nurlaelah

Department of Social Economics, Faculty of animal science, Hasanuddin University


This study aims to analyze the implementation of partnerships and the income of closed house and open house broiler farms which were carried out in March-April 2022 in Kalukku District, Mamuju Regency. The type of research was descriptive quantitative with purposive sampling method. Methods of collecting data through observation and interviews. The results showed that the implementation of the partnership between the core and plasma in Mamuju Regency seen from the pre-production phase, production phase and post-production phase were mutually beneficial based on FCR and IP results which were higher than the standard. The FCR value of 1.549 and IP 408 in the closed house system was higher than the FCR 1.548 and IP 387 values in the open house system. The income for the closed house system was lower at 683.34 IDR/kg, while the open house system was 1,189.29 IDR/kg. The R/C ratio analysis showed that the broiler farming business that uses an open house or closed house system is profitable, but the income in the open house system was higher than the closed house system.

Keywords: partnership,closed house,open house,broiler far

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134 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-32

Analysis of business opportunities in duck bone meal as an alternative feed additional for layer chicken
I Haryono, A Padapi, Nirwana, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin

Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang University,
Accounting Department , Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
Department of Socio Economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University


The purpose of this research is to analyze (1) the duck bone meal business opportunities, (2) the poultry feed production process and its production inputs, revenue, and income for poultry feed companies, and (3) value added obtained from processing duck bone meal. The research was conducted from June to November 2022 in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative analysis of the production process and production inputs, acceptance and income analysis, and calculation of the value added of the Hayami method. The study results show that the duck bone meal business has enormous opportunities. The daily production capacity is 4,400 kg with a margin of IDR 15,168,000. Meanwhile, the value added obtained from Hayami^s calculation method is IDR 5,603,000/time of production.

Keywords: opportunities,duck bone meal

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135 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-37

Strategy to Improve the Dairy Cattle Business Post the Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak
I Gusti Ayu Putu Mahendri, Ratna Ayu Saptati, Demas Wamaer

Research Centre for Macroeconomic and Finance, Research Organization for Governance, Economy and Community Welfare, National Research and Innovation Agency,
Jl. Gatot Subroto No 10, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia


The foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak occurred recently in Indonesia has affected mainly dairy cattle business in terms of milk production and livestock health. This study aims to examine the dairy cattle business practices post FMD outbreak and develop strategy to improve the business. Survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted in December 2022, involved total of 30 dairy farmers in Bandung Utara, West Java Province, Indonesia who were members of North Bandung Cattle Breeders Cooperative. Data gathered were analyzed descriptively in regards with the characteristic of farmers and the dairy cattle business after FMD outbreak- while SWOT analysis was applied to discuss the strategy to improve this dairy cattle business according to the strengths to take advantage of the opportunities and to deal with the weaknesses and threats in market. The result found that dairy cattle by farmers in Bandung Utara has been impacted by FMD outbreak which indicated by the decrease production of milk by 15-27% on average with and without milking machine. On the other hand, the price of milk received by farmers only increased by 13-15%, which impacted on low average revenue from milk. To support the Government efforts in Food Security, increasing the scale of production with the use of technology (feed, machinery etc.) conducted by particularly young generation is necessary. This should be supported by strengthening and optimizing the role of government (to facilitate training, vaccination, artificial insemination, and price stabilization)- cooperative (to ensure milk market, provide training)- research institution (to provide technology and assistances)- investors (invest in rearing program, feed access), and milk processing industry for market. Moreover, it is required the coordination between institution under government to utilize unused land for planting feed. In addition, the implementation of good farming practices is important to prevent outbreak such as FMD.

Keywords: Strategy, Dairy-Cattle, FMD outbreak

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136 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-40

Competitiveness of Indonesian Maize Product Toward Export Market Orientation
Amiruddin Amiruddin (a), Muhammad Rifqi Tirta Mudhofir (b*), I Gusti Ayu Putu Mahendri (c)

(a)Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram
Jl. Majapahit No.62, Selaparang, Mataram, Indonesia, amiruddin_12sept[at]yahoo.co.id

(b)Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics, Research Organization for Governance, Economy and Community Welfare, National Research and Innovation Agency
Jl. Gatot Subroto No 10, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

(c)Research Centre for Macroeconomic and Finance, Research Organization for Governance, Economy and Community Welfare, National Research and Innovation Agency
Jl. Gatot Subroto No 10, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia,


Maize plays an important role as a staple food for the community, as well as being used as a raw material for animal feed and various industries. Even though the productivity of maize has increased recently, inline with an increase planted maize area particularly in central production areas in Indonesia, total export of maize shows a different story. This study aims to analyse the competitiveness of Indonesian maize in the global market and develop strategies to improve the competitiveness of maize. A desk research study was conducted to obtain information on the dynamic of maize export performance using data from the trade statistics for international business development (www.trademap.org) for 2002-2021. Competitiveness indicator was identified according to the Revealed Competitiveness Advantage (RCA) value of Indonesia^s position against the five largest export destination countries for Indonesian maize. The result of the analysis shows that the volume of maize exports experienced a positive trend during the 2002-2021 period (Y=1688.3x+40140) but tended to decrease in the last period. Meanwhile, the world^s total maize exports were in a positive trend similar to Indonesia^s total exports, which has resulted in a decrease of the RCA value of maize. The primary market of maize exports was the Philippine which is also shown with an average RCA value of >1 for 1 decade, followed by other potential export destination countries namely Singapore and Thailand, which have shown an increase in RCA values in the last 5 years. Therefore, strategies to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian maize products, include: (1) ensuring production sustainability (through land rehabilitation, use of technology and infrastructure)- (2) strategies to respond to global market trade (by increasing access to market information and improving value chains)- and (3) strategies to respond to regulation (by increasing cooperation among stakeholders and creating a conducive business climate.

Keywords: Export Performance, Competitiveness, Strategy, Maize

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137 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-42

Analysis Production Function Of Red Onion Farming In Uluere District, Bantaeng District
Andi Amran Asriadi, Muslim Salam, Rahmawaty Andi Nadja

Agriculture Science Program, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan Street Km 10, Makassar 90245, Indonesia


Bantaeng Regency is one of the fourth largest contributors to meeting the needs of Shallots in South Sulawesi. The research aims to determine the factors that influence the production and income of shallot farming in Uluere District, Bantaeng Regency. This study used a simple random sampling method (Simple Random Sampling), where the population of farmers is 1,500 people. Samples of research respondents were taken by members of farmer groups with proportional random sampling technique or random sampling. In this case the sample of respondents was taken by 50% of the number of heads of families, namely as many as 150 people. The analytical tool used is the cobb-douglass production function analysis. The results showed that the largest area of shallot farmers^ land was 2 hectares and the smallest was 0.2 hectares. The need for seeds per hectare ranges from 600-2,000 per kilo. The types of fertilizers used by farmers are urea fertilizer, phonska fertilizer, SP36 fertilizer, chicken coop organic, other livestock manure organic, liquid organic. The types of peptides used by farmers are: sidemetring pesticide, destan pesticide, topsil pesticide, victoria peptide, furadan peptide and the use of fungicide, namely: cabrio fungicide, antracol fungicide, remazole-p fungicide, detame-45 fungicide.

Keywords: Production, Shallots, In Uluere District, Bantaeng Regency

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138 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-57

Determination of Cattle Prices by Inter-Regional Traders at Makassar City Slaughterhouses, Indonesia
Hastang1, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar1, St. Rohani1, Sitti Nurani Sirajudddin1, Jamila Mustabi2, Nirwana3, Putra Astaman4

1Department of Animal Husbandry Socioeconomics, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University
2 Department of Nutrition and Animal Feed, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University
3Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
4Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah Sinjai University


This study aimed to determine the determination of the price of cattle by inter-regional traders in Makassar City Slaughterhouses (RPH). This research was conducted in April 2023. Respondents in the study were 5 traders between areas of beef cattle at RPH Makassar City. Data was collected through direct observation and interviews using a questionnaire. The results showed that the price of cattle by inter-regional traders at RPH Makassar City was based on estimated meat weight (quality) with an average price of IDR 9,340,000/head, so the average profit was IDR 624,000/head.

Keywords: cattle prices, inter-regional traders, slaughterhouses

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139 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-60

Model for the development of Cocoa Agribusiness Institutions for Increasing the Welfare of the People of West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Zulkifli Basri1,4, Sitti Bulkis2, Muhammad Arsyad2*, Muhammad Farid BDR3

1Agriculture Science Program, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245, Indonesia.
2 Department of Agricultural Socio-economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245, Indonesia.
3Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245, Indonesia.
4 Department of Agricultural Socio-economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar. Jl. Budi Utomo No.2, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, 90245, Indonesia.


Efforts to improve cocoa quality can be done by improving the upstream subsystem or at the production level, in this case at the farmer level which is in the weakest position. However, quality improvement will be difficult to realize if it only depends on farmers who still apply traditional farming methods. The development of cocoa plantations as a superior commodity in West Sulawesi has the development of industrial clusters that are of concern to both the government and stakeholders including universities with various activities including providing assistance , development, and application of technology to increase the competitiveness of organizations in the global market. This study uses a comprehensive literature study method for the publication of articles with the same title. Articles were obtained from the digital database of the Google scholar website, Researchgate, ScienceDirect, and other online journal sources. The mobilization and utilization of community-based economic resources at an early stage, such as community empowerment, also requires sponsorship and support from the government so that local communities can gain access to local economic resources capable of creating added value through the opening of productive and competitive economic business units. The institutional model of agribusiness is very much the foundation of an institution in developing. Partnership agribusiness institution, this institution consists of various stakeholders who have different duties and responsibilities but have the same goal, namely to develop cocoa agribusiness to grow the technology-based economy of local communities through integrated and sustainable business integration.

Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

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140 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-83

The Role of The Family in Purchasing Buffalloes in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi
Veronica Sri Lestari, Siti Nurlaelah, Hastang, Muh. Ridwan Rizal

Faculty of Animal Science
Hasanuddin University - Makassar - Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the family in purchasing buffaloes for the traditional ceremony in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi. Rambu Solo is one of the traditional ceremonies for the death person. One of the conditions for the implementation of the event is slaughtering buffaloes. The community believes that buffaloes are a vehicle to heaven for the dead persons. The population is people who have bought buffalo. The sample was determined purposively, namely 32 people who had bought buffalo for the Rambu Solo traditional ceremony. This research was conducted in Mangkedek subdistrict. Data were obtained through interviews using questionnaires and observation. Data were processed using descriptive statistics in the form of averages and percentages. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the role of the family in buying buffaloes for the Rambu Solo death ceremony in Tana Toraja Regency was sequential from the highest being children (40.63%), close family (31.25%), father (18.75%) and mother (9.37%).

Keywords: Role, family, buffalo, traditional ceremonies

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141 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-89

Institutional Role of Village-Owned Enterprises in the Development of Beef Cattle
Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar1)*, Hastang1), ST. Rohani1), Vidyahwaty Tenrisanna1), Aslina Asnawi1), Ilham Syarif1), Muhammmad Darwis2), Muhammad Erik Kurniawan3), and Putra Astaman4)

1Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
2Institute for Research, Development, and Empowerment of Indonesian Potential
3Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah Sinjai University, 92615, Indonesia
4Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah Sinjai University, Sinjai 92615, Indonesia


Good institutional management can increase the productivity of village-owned enterprises. Similarly, the existence of village-owned enterprises in Bone Regency utilizes these institutions as teaching and learning classes, as production units, as vehicles for cooperation, and as business groups in the management of beef cattle farming businesses. This study aims to determine the institutional role of village-owned enterprises in the development of beef cattle breeding in Patimpeng District, Bone Regency. A total of 25 people consisting of village heads, administrators of village-owned enterprises, and beef cattle breeders as research samples. Data collection was carried out through focus group discussions and interviews with the help of questionnaires which were measured using a Likert scale, namely a score of 1 to 3 with category 1 = not good- 2 = moderate- and 3 = good and analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that the institutional role of village-owned enterprises as a teaching and learning class and as a production unit is in the medium category. Meanwhile, the institutional role of village-owned enterprises as a vehicle for cooperation and as a business group is in the high category in the development of beef cattle farming in Patimpeng District, Bone Regency.

Keywords: Institutions, village-owned enterprises, beef cattle, breeders

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142 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-113

Determinant of Financial Literacy in Laying Hens Farmers
Aslina Asnawi (a*), Muh. Ridwan (a), Vidyahwati Tenrisanna (a), Wempie (a), Nirwana (b), Budi Rahayu Tanama Putri (c), Mochamad Sugiarto (d)

(a) Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
(c) Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Bali 8036, Indonesia
(d) Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Jenderal Soedirman University, Jawa Tengah 53122, Indonesia


Financial literacy refers to the knowledge and skills of farmers in managing finances and making financial decisions. Financial literacy of laying hens farmers is still relatively low. Some of the determinants that determine financial literacy are related to the demographic requirements of laying hens farmers including education, farming experience, income and working status. The research was conducted in five regencys, namely Gowa, Maros, Soppeng, Sidrap and Enrekang with a sample size of 123 people. The ANOVA is used to test the hypothesis at 5% significance level. The results of the research show that education, frequency of financial transactions, Making Expenditure and Receipt Records, and amount of income are factors that determine the financial literacy of laying hen breeders. This study is expected to be input for decision making and implementing strategies in an effort to increase the level of financial fraud among laying hens farmers.

Keywords: Financial literacy- Demographic profile- Laying hen farmers

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143 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-114

A case study on the effectiveness of livestock insurance in Indonesia
Nur Ariska Syam (a), Siti Nurlaelah (b), Vidyahwati Tenrisanna(b*)

a) Undergraduate Student of Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Corresponding author: *vidyawaty[at]unhas.ac.id


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cattle business insurance in Timbuseng Village, North Polongbangkeng District, Takalar Regency, Indonesia. The research type is descriptive research. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires with 35 farmers who had participated in the livestock insurance programme. Farmers^ attitudes were analysed using a Likert scale index score. The effectiveness score of cattle business insurance was 83%, classified as highly effective based on the three variables examined, namely objective achievement, integrity, and adaptation. This demonstrates that the presence of the cattle business insurance programme in the study area is appreciated by farmers and that it operates efficiently despite certain challenges encountered in the field.

Keywords: cattle, effectiveness, farmers, insurance, livestock

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144 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-124

Social Forestry Performance Model: Relationship between Farmer Participation, Role of Facilitator and Role of Government with Social Forestry Performance
Hasriyanti(a*), Supratman(b*), Makkarennu(b*)

a) Candidate for Doctor of Forestry Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University,
b) Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


HASRIYANTI. Social Forestry Performance Model: Farmer Participation, the Role of Facilitator and Role of Government with Social Forestry(supervised by Supratman, Makkarennu, and Andi Sadapotto).
Many studies have been reported the influence of farmer participation factors on government programs, the role of facilitators and the government^s role in social forestry focus on one scheme, but how these three factors influence the performance of social forestry in several schemes is unknown. This study aims to analyze farmer participation, the role of facilitators and the role of the government in influencing the performance of social forestry in Soppeng District, South Sulawesi Province. The sample in this study were 200 respondents who held permits for community forestry, village forest and community plantation forest schemes. The type of research used is quantitative qualitative. The analysis technique used is the Structural Equation Model with Partial Least Square with the main test being validity test, reliability test and hypothesis testing. Sources of interview data, questionnaires and supporting documents. The test results show that there is a significant relationship between exogenous latent variables and endogenous latent variables. However, there are still weak variables that do not significantly affect the performance of farmer groups and social forestry performance. The results showed that farmer participation in planning, implementation and evaluation, the role of companion as facilitator, protector, reinforcement and support directly affected the performance of farmer groups, but the government^s role as regulator, dynamist and facilitator did not directly affect the performance of farmer groups and on social forestry performance. Participation of farmers, the role of mentors and the role of the government indirectly influence the performance of social forestry through the performance of farmer groups.

Keywords: Performance of social forestry, farmers, facilitator, government

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145 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-125

Factors that motivate duck Farmers to do moving grazing
Kasmiyati Kasim1, Darmawan Salman2, Rahmawaty, A. Nadja2, Vidyahwaty Tenrisanna1, A. Mujnisa1, Asmita Ahmad2

1Lecturer at Faculty of Animal Science,
2Lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University,
Perintis Kemerdekaan Street KM.10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: kasmiyatikasim[at]gmail.com


One of the sustainable livelihood practices for rural communities is the subsistence system run by the migrating duck herders. Livelihood system In developing the income of duck herders, there is a major obstacle that must be, namely preparing feed for ducks. One of the solutions taken by this duck herder is to raise ducks by moving from the harvested fields. To carry out his livelihood, several factors can be accessed as a motivation to earn a living for his family. The purpose of this research is to look at the factors that motivate duck herders to do duck herding by shifting. This research was conducted in March-April 2023 in Pinrang District. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The sampling method was carried out purposively, namely the duck herders had more than 20 years of experience and their main occupation was duck herding, amounting to 20 people. Data collection methods through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis using the Delphi formula. The results showed that there were 5 main factors that motivated duck herders to move duck herding in several locations of harvested rice fields, successively from the most dominant score, namely: Location determining network, availability of harvested paddy fields, no other work, hereditary, increasing income.

Keywords: Motivation, duck herders, moving

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146 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-126

Analysis of the Effect of Consumer Characteristics on Purchasing Decisions Ducks at the Traditional Market, Makassar City
Windiana1, Kasmiyati Kasim2, a), Muh. Ridwan2

1Fresh Graduate at the Department of Animal Science and Technologi, of Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan Street KM.10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia
2Lecturer at the Department of Social Economic, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan Street KM.10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia.
a)Corresponding author: kasmiyatikasim[at]gmail.com


Daya, Toddopuli, and Pannampu traditional markets are markets in the Makassar City area that sell quite a lot of ducks. This study aims to analyze the effect of consumer characteristics on purchasing decisions in traditional markets in Makassar City. The research was used from June to August 2022. The data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data. The type of data is quantitative data. The method in this study uses a survey method. Data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis used is binary logistic regression analysis. The results of this study simultaneously are that the variables age, income, occupation, gender, and the number of family members have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. And partially, gender and age variables, income, occupation, and the number of family members have a significant effect on duck purchasing decisions in traditional markets in Makassar City. Meanwhile, the sex variable has no significant effect on the purchasing decision of the ducks.

Keywords: binary logistic regression, consumer characteristics, purchasing decisions

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147 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-127

Factors Affecting the Adoption Rate of Artificial Insemination Technology in Beef Cattle Breeders in Damai Village, Tanralili District, Maros Regency
Ilham Syarif (a*) Amrullah T b), Sultan c)

Animal Science and Technology faculty Hasanuddin University


The development of beef cattle farming is currently not well developed, especially smallholder farms,
this is due to the low interest of breeders in the adoption of artificial insemination technology where AI is
expected to be able to increase production and improve the genetics of beef cattle. The purpose of this study
was to examine the intensity of counseling, the level of knowledge, skills and costs of artificial insemination
affecting the adoption rate of artificial insemination technology in beef cattle breeders in Damai Village,
Tanralili District, Maros Regency. The research was conducted from November 2022 to December 2022 in
Damai Village, Tanralili District, Maros Regency. The type of research used in this study is explanatory
quantitative, namely research to determine the relationship between the independent variables of counseling
intensity, level of knowledge, skills and costs of artificial insemination on the dependent variable the level of
AI technology adoption. The number of samples used in this study were 68 respondents using a random
sampling technique. In this study used multiple linear regression data analysis using the help of a data
processing program, namely the SPSS program. Based on the results of the research and discussion in this
study, it can be concluded that in the simultaneous test the factors of counseling intensity, level of knowledge,
skills and costs of artificial insemination have a significant influence on the level of adoption of artificial
insemination technology. In an independent test (partial) the intensity of counseling, level of knowledge, skills
did not have a significant effect and only the cost variable of artificial insemination had a significant effect on
the adoption rate of artificial insemination technology in beef cattle breeders in Damai Village, Tanralili
District, Maros Regency.

Keywords: Artificial Insemination, Breeders, Beef Cattle.

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148 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-128

The Role of Agribusiness in Tackling the Food Crisis
Budi Guntoro, Nguyen Hoang Qui, Giovandi Sechen, and Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin

1Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
2School of Agriculture and Aquaculture, Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
3Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


Agribusiness that produce and cultivate food for consumers will play a special role in tackling the crisis of food. The food crisis is facing, right now, is connected to the volatility within the interconnectedness and current makeup of global food supply networks. The food crisis might be from the effects of climate change due to green house effects, pandemic such as COVID-19, the emerging of war and the increase in production costs. The paper focus on 4 aspects of vulnerability to worldwide food crises that have profound consequences for the world^s most marginalized populations. the origins of the high degrees of multi-level concentration in the industrial food system and draws insights for debates on the current food systems transformation agenda. This paper was a brief review of the four major^s world food crises reveals their unique dynamics as well as their similar features and some ways to resolve it.

Keywords: Global, agribusiness, food, crisis

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149 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-132

A.Amidah Amrawaty, Vidyahwati Tenrisanna, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, Palmarudi

a) Department of Socio-Economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University , Makassar


This study aims to determine the social capital of broiler breeders who partner with PT. Brantas Abadi Sentosa Gowa Branch. This research was conducted in October-November 2022. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with a survey approach conducted on breeders (plasma) while a case study approach is carried out on the core (company). The number of samples used in this study were 48 farmers using saturated sampling technique and 2 PPL using purposive sampling. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used on the farmer (plasma) side is descriptive statistical analysis using the frequency distribution while the data analysis used on the core party (company) is the Miles and Huberman model analysis (reduction, data display, and conclusive drawing/verification). Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the social capital of breeders and the core (PT Brantas Abadi Sentosa) has been used to build good cooperation in order to achieve common goals, even though social capital of breeders has not been carried out in optimally.

Keywords: social capital, farmer broiler, partnership

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150 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-135

SWOT Analysis of Development Strategy for Promotion of Dangke Traditional Milk Processed Products in Enrekang District, South Sulawesi
Muh.Ridwan1), Syahriadi Kadir2).

Department Social Economics of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University


Abstract. Dangke traditional dairy products have a large market opportunity but have not developed widely, it is necessary to introduce these products through promotional activities.This research was carried out at the center for the development of traditional dangke dairy products in Enrekang district South Sulawesi, using a SWOT analysis approach base on expert judgement, aims to formulate alternative development strategies in promotional efforts Dangke traditional dairy products in Enrekang Regency. The results showed that the traditional dairy products of Dangke in Enrekang Regency have a strong internally position so that it is necessary to take advantage of the strengths to seize opportunities that exist in product promotion efforts with several alternative strategies including: 1) Utilizing high skills to absorb labor, 2) Taking advantage of opportunities agro-tourism seizes the potential for souvenir food, 3) Increasing population to support the provision of raw materials, 4) Post-harvest development to seize agro-tourism opportunities, 5) Increasing human resources for breeders and increasing population to increase farmer income and welfare 6) Socialization of dangke consumption for nutritional fulfillment and development of partnership patterns, 7) Technology introduction and marketing assistance, 8) Economic institutional development of farmer and farmer communities.

Keywords: dangke, tradisional dairy product, strategy, promotion, enrekang

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