Effect of Hermetia illucens Antigens-G on Serum Immuno-globuline-G Level of Neonates Goats
Wisje Lusia Toar*1), Laurentius J.M. Rumokoy2)

*1) Sam Ratulangi University, Faculty of Animal Science. e-mail: wisje_toar[at]unsrat.ac.id

2)Sam Ratulangi University, Faculty of Animal Science.


Goat immunity has an important role in achieving significant profits, but in reality, there are still health problems for goats, especially during the neonate period. Some of insect antigens became an immunity enhancer to animal husbandry. This research aimed to elucidate the effect of antigens-G extracted from prepuape of Hermetia illucens (AgHi) on IgG serum level of goats. The experimental animals were divided into five groups according to AgHi extract level treatment: 0 mL AgHi- 0,5 mL AgHi- 1 mL AgHi- 1,5 mL AgHi. Each group consisted of four replication samples. The variables observed were: Level of serum immunoglobuline-G- IgG quality group and mortality. The treatments of AgHi influenced significantly on immuno-globulines-G. 92% of the animals observed were categoized as an average of serum IgG (group C). The mortality rate was zero in all groups during observation. We conluded that the AgHi could be considered as a potential imuno-enhancer to the neonates goats.

Keywords: insect, maggot, native chicken, growth performances

Topic: Animal Health and Welfare

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