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151 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-136

Customers Satisfaction Index of Meatballs Product Sixone 77 and Mangasa In Makassar City
Irma, Muh.Ridwan, Syahdar Baba

Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University


Abstract. Consumer satisfaction is the feeling of happiness or disappointment that a person has after comparing the results (performance) of the product in consideration with what they had anticipated. Customers who are happy and satisfied can occasionally utilize the product. The idea of customer satisfaction is said to involve items. Customer satisfaction is significantly influenced by product quality. After acquiring and utilizing a product, customer satisfaction is influenced by quality. The purpose of this study is to evaluate consumer satisfaction with meatball products from the Sixone 77 and Mangasa brands. In June 2022, this study was conducted in Makassar City. This study employed a quantitative descriptive methodology. This study^s primary objective is to determine consumer satisfaction with a sample of 100 consumer respondents who consume both products, analyzed using the formula for calculating the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results showed that the customer satisfaction index for Sixone 77 meatball products (86.68%) and Mangasa (82.43%) was at very good category level.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction Index, Meatballs. SixOne77, Mangasa

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152 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-137

Community Perception of The Impact of Extensive Cattle Rearing in Onto Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Regency
Rendi Saputra, Syahdar Baba, Ilham Rasyid, Aulisani Annisa

Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia


Extensive rearing system causes livestock to roam around the settlement which is very disturbing for the surrounding residents (pedestrians) and also environment. This study aims to determine community perceptions of the impact of extensive cattle rearing in Onto Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Regency. This research was conducted from December 2022 to January 2023 in Onto Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Regency. This type of research was descriptive qualitative research with sample size of 48 respondents. The methods used are observation and interview methods using questionnaires. The analysis used was descriptive analysis. The result showed that the community felt a strong need for attention to the impact of extensive cattle rearing which causes faeces to be scattered everywhere and disturb the pedestrians. The value of the perception was in the interval of 1142.4 to 1411.2, which can be concluded that the community needs attention to the impacts of extensive cattle rearing in Onto Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Regency. Community perceptions of the impacts of extensive cattle rearing in research location were most people need attention to the impacts of such rearing. The community felt disadvantaged due to impacts such as faecal odour, livestock disrupting traffic and damaging the fineness of the environment. Some people felt that they did not need attention because they were used to the situation.

Keywords: Extensive, Perception, Rearing, Cattle

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153 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-138

Community Perception of The Existence of Layer Chicken Farming At UD. Sumber Telur In Sedenreng Rappang District
Nur Abri, Syahdar Baba, Amrullah Tahangnacca, Irma

Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University


The development of a profitable laying hen business has made many people participate in setting up a laying hen business without paying attention to the applicable spatial regulations. In developing a laying hen business, apart from having to pay attention to spatial planning regulations, development also requires consideration from the community^s point of view. Public perception is very important in order to trigger the sustainability of laying hens. This study aims to find out how people perceive the existence of laying hens farms located in Panca Lautang District. This research was conducted using descriptive statistical data analysis methods using grouping, simplification, and data presentation such as frequency distribution tables and measurements using a Likert scale. The results of the study found that the measurement of public perception as a whole was included in the moderately disturbed category (1.144-1496) with a weight of 1.173. This shows that the existence of UD Sumber Telur laying hens farm has disturbed the community.

Keywords: Perception, Pollution, Air, Water, Flying Flies, Sound Disturbances, Laying Hens, Breeders

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154 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-140

Exploring the Ability of Critical Systems Heuristics on Analysing the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Traditional Dairy Farming System
Novie Andri Setianto- Akhmad Sodiq- Hendriyatno Krishna Nugroho- Yusmi Nur Wakhidati- Yusuf Subagyo

Faculty of Animal Science
Jenderal Soedirman University
Purwokerto - Indonesia


This article aimed to investigate the ability of the 12 boundary questions of the Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) methodology in exploring the elements related to the re-occurrence of the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in traditional dairy farming in rural Indonesia. The study was undertaken using a survey method in the Banyumas Regency of Central Java province. A total of 75 dairy farmers were selected using simple random sampling. The data were collected by series of interviews and focus group discussion. The main instruments for the assessment was the 12 set of questions of Critical Systems Heuristics Methodology. The result showed that the instruments were able to encourage the participation of the farmers in the discussion. The contrasting the ought to be versus the actual is condition as the main feature of the CSH was proven as the essential starting point for the discussion. The disparity of the answer demonstrates that regarding the reoccurrence of the FMD farmers tends to secure their goal first, which is to generate income to the family. Any actions and programs related to the FMD will be only adopted if farmers sees the opportunity of getting extra income or minimize their financial loss due to the FMD.

Keywords: FMD, Dairy Farming, Critical Systems Heuristics, Systems Thinking

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155 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-162

1Ahmad Kamal, 2Amidah Amrawati, 3Agustina Abdullah

Faculty Animal Sains Hasanuddin University


Efforts to increase the business of Bali cattle farming can be done by improving breeding technology. Bali cattle breeding aims to improve the genetic quality and economic value of Bali cattle, produce superior quality cattle and have high productivity hereditary characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of adoption of breeding technology in Bali cattle breeders in Barru District. This research was conducted in March - May 2023 which took place in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. The type of research used is a quantitative explanatory design. The population in this study were all partner breeders of the Maiwa Breding Center (MBC) in 5 sub-districts, namely Tanete Riaja District, Tanete Rilau District, Barru District, Ballusu District, Malusetasi District, Barru District, namely 189 partner breeders. The sampling technique used is stratified random sampling. Stratified random sampling is the process of taking samples through the process of dividing the population into strata in the population, namely there are 100 samples. Data collection method is done through interviews with the help of a questionnaire. The results showed that the level of adoption of breeding technology among Bali cattle breeders in Barru Regency was still not optimal, so further counseling and training was needed for breeders regarding the adoption of breeding technology

Keywords: Adoption, Technology, Breeding, Barru

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156 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-165

Household^s Consumer Main Preferences of Animal Product Purchasing in Markets Around Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency
Danang Nur Cahyo, Mochamad Sugiarto, Novie Andri Setianto, Rahayu Widiyanti, Alief Einstein, Krismiwati Muatip, and Lis Safitri

Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53122, Indonesia


The aim of this study is to analyze the preferences of animal product consumers during post Covid-19 pandemic and analyzed factors that influence consumer preferences in Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency. A number of 13 local markets were purposively selected as the location of the research. The respondents were sampled randomly from the animal product consumer in the markets. The survey was conducted based on questions from the questionnaire and 211 consumers were obtained. There were four options of main preferences which could be selected in this research. There were price, quality, easy to access, and easy to store. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively to analyze the customer preferences on purchasing the animal product and analyzed using multinomial logistic regression to analyze factors that influence consumer preferences. There was 39.81% of respondents preferred to purchase a product that is easier to access than the product quality (32.70%), price (19.91%), and product that easy to store (7.58). Consumer preferences are simultaneously affected by consumer sex, age, education level, family members, disaffection, purchasing frequencies, amount/purchasing, and purchasing location.

Keywords: Consumer preference, Animal product, Market, Multinomial logistic regression

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157 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-171

Demand and Supply of Broiler Chicken in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Ilham Rasyid1, St.Rohani, Syahriadi Kadir,Palmarudi, Muhammad Alwi Akbar2

Business Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry,Hasanuddin University


Broiler meat is one of the basic needs of the people of South Sulawesi Province, especially to fulfill the need for protein. Consumption of broiler meat is carried out at all levels of society, so broiler meat is categorized as a major commodity. This study aims to determine the level of demand and supply of broiler chickens in South Sulawesi Province. The data used is from 2020 to 2022. The data analysis used is descriptive statistics. The results showed that the level of demand for broiler chickens in the last 3 years in South Sulawesi Province has increased enough that there is a difference in demand on weekdays and religious days- although there is an increase in prices on religious days, demand is quite high, and the level of broiler chicken supply in 2020 to 2022 has also increased because the broiler chicken business is also increasing in number

Keywords: demand, supply, broiler meat.

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158 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-174

The Role of Farmer Groups and Village Forest Management Institutions in Developing Silk Businesses in Soppeng District, South Sulawesi Province,Indonesia
Lutfi Halide, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, Eymal Bahsar Demmalinno

Doctoral Program of Environmental Science Study Program, Graduate School of Hasanuddin University

Graduate School, Hasanuddin University


This study aimed to determine the role of farmer groups and village Forest Management Institutions in developing silk businesses in Soppeng Regency. This study used secondary data for 2021-2022 from agencies related to silk development in Soppeng Regency. The data analysis used is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that farmer groups still play a role in conducting silk business while Village Forest Management Institutions can help develop silk business based on managed business groups

Keywords: Role, farmers group,village forest management ,silk business

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159 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-175

Development of Goat Population in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Basman, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, Amidah Amrawaty

Doctoral Program Student of Environmental Science Study Program, Hasanuddin University Graduate School
Department of Social Economy, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University


Goats are a type of small ruminant livestock widely known in Indonesia. Goat livestock in Indonesia has potential with high productivity as a producer of meat and milk and the skin has economic value. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the development of goat populations in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The data used are population data from 2002 to 2022. Data analysis is descriptive quantitative with graphs. The results of the study show that the goat population in South Sulawesi Province fluctuated, from 2000 to 2022

Keywords: population, goat, fluctuating

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160 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-177

Dynamics of Contestation Between Actors in the Shallot Agribusiness in Enrekang Regency,South Sulawesi Province
Muh. Aries Yasin, Saleh Ali, Agussalim,Rabina Yunus

1) Doctoral Program of Development Studies, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
2) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
3) Department of Development studies, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia


This research aimed to describe the role of actors in the shallot farming agribusiness in Enrekang district. This research was conducted in Baraka and Anggeraja Districts, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi Province from May to June 2022. This research used a qualitative method, which is descriptive in nature, the informants in this study were determined by selecting key informants and continued by looking for other informants using the snowball technique. The data collection techniques used were observation and in-depth interviews. To test the validity of the data used is the triangulation technique followed by reducing the data and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the relationship between government, middlemen and farmers in the context of agribusiness can vary depending on policies and market dynamics. The government does not strictly monitor the practices of middlemen (big buyers), middlemen can take advantage of their bargaining position to gain greater profits from farmers. However, if governments have good control over these activities, they can protect farmers from abuse by middlemen. Relationships between actors include (1) The government can provide policies and support to farmers to increase productivity, market access, or protect their rights. (2) Farmers can sell their crops directly to entrepreneurs or through middlemen as intermediaries. (3) Entrepreneurs can collaborate with the government in partnership programs that provide benefits for both parties. The main goal of the relationship between these three actors is usually to achieve a balance between economic, social and environmental interests.

Keywords: Shallots, dynamics, Actors, Agriculture

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161 Socio Economic of Agriculture ABS-178

Poverty Level of Farmers/Ranchers in Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Ahmad Faisal1, Saleh Ali2, Rahmadanih2, Heliawaty2

Doctoral Program of Development Studies, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture,hasanuddin University


Poverty is still an urban and rural phenomenon in Indonesia. Poverty is also still an urgent problem in Enrekang Regency with a figure of 12.47 percent or 26,130 people. This research aimed to determine the poverty level of the Enrekang community who have a profession as farmers/breeders. Data collection uses secondary data from 2019-2022. Data analysis used descriptive quantitative, namely frequency distribution. The results of the research show that the number of farmers/breeders who fall into the poor category has decreased, although overall the Enrekang community has experienced an increase in the poverty category

Keywords: level, poverty, farmers, society

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