The Optimal Condition of Dry-Heat Stabilization Using Oven on The Lipase Activity of Rice Bran: A Meta-Analysis
Martina Tri Puspita Sari(1), Muhammad Ridla(2,3,*), Heri Ahmad Sukria(2)

1) Study Program of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
2) Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
3) Center For Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS), IPB University, Jl, Raya Pajajaran, Bogor, 16153


Rice bran is a valuable by-product of rice milling, rich in nutritional content such as bioactive compounds including phenolic compounds and high antioxidant activity. This makes it a useful ingredient in functional foods and animal feed. However, rice bran is also known to have a short shelf life due to its tendency to become rancid quickly, which limits its usability. One effective way to increase the shelf life of rice bran is through the use of heating methods, such as dry heating. By heating the rice bran to an optimal temperature, it can be stabilized, maintaining its nutritional content and extending its shelf life. This meta-analysis aimed to determine the optimal temperature and time duration for dry-heat stabilization using an oven on the Lipase Activity (LA), Free Phenolic Content (FPC), Bound Phenolic Content (BPC), Total Phenolic Content (TPC), and Antioxidant Activity (AA) of rice bran. A total of 9 articles and 39 experiments were included after applying specified screening criteria. Results indicated that temperature and time duration of dry-heat stabilization had a significant effect (p< 0.05) on LA, FPC, and TPC, but not on BPC and AA. LA, FPC, and TPC decreased as temperature and duration of dry heating increased. In conclusion, the optimal temperature and time duration of dry-heat stabilization using an oven could stabilize the quality and maintain the phenolic content of rice bran

Keywords: animal feed, dry heating, functional foods, rice brand, shelf life,

Topic: Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

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