Libido Quality and Semen Production After Administration of Tofu Waste in Sapera Goats
Anita Hafid, Anneke Anggraeni, Chalid Talib, Tri Puji Priyatno, Herdis, Ferdy Saputra, Zultinur Muttaqien and Santiananda Arta Asmarasari

National Research and Innovation Agency


The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of libido and semen production after administration of tofu waste. This study used 10 sexually matured sapera goats, aged 2,5 years old. The goats were fed daily with 3 Kg of freshly chopped king grass, 1 kg of legume (Calliandra sp) and 500 g of concentrate. Five goats were given tofu waste by 800 g/day for 30 days. While five other goats were considered as control. Semen was evaluated in the morning once a week for 30 days. The observed variable were quality of libido and semen production. Quality of libido was evaluated through the desire to mount (duration 15 minutes/head), while semen production was evaluated macroscopically. The macroscopic evaluation consisted of volume, color, pH and viscosity of semen. Data were analyzed statistically by using t test. The result showed significantly different (P less than 0,05) of libido quality which characterized by desire to mounting between goats were given tofu waste compared to control (2,6 +/- 0,22 vs 1,4 +/- 0,54 times). While semen production (volume, color, pH and viscosity of semen) was not significantly different between each treatment. This study concluded that the addition of tofu waste had a positive effect on libido quality of Sapera goats.

Keywords: Quality of libido, Semen production, Sapera goats

Topic: Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production

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