Comparison of LEP Gene Profile Between Etawa Cross and Senduro Goats
Muhammad Fajar Amrullah 1,a) Budi Utomo2,b) Suzanita Utama 2,c) Tri Wahyu Suprayogi 2,d) Tita Damayanti Lestari 2,e) Tjuk Imam Restiadi 2,f) Erma Safitri 2,g) Ristaqul Husna Belgania 1,h) Suhendra Pakpahan 3,i)

1 Student of Master Program of Reproductive Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Univeristas Airlangga, 60115 Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Division of Veterinary Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, 60115 Surabaya, Indonesia
3 Research Centre for Applied Zoology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia

Author Emails
a)Corresponding author: fajaramrullah98[at]
d) tri-w-s[at]
e) titadlestari[at]
f) tjukir[at]
g) erma-s[at]
h) rhbelgania[at]


LEP gene is a gene that functions to produce the hormone leptin secreted by fat tissue which can increase livestock productivity. This study aimed to identify profile of LEP gene between Etawa cross and Senduro goats. Gene profiling includes sequences, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and phylogeny tree reconstruction. A total of 32 whole blood samples from Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats were collected from goat farms in Burno Village, Lumajang District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. The research procedure involved collecting blood samples from Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats, then isolating and extracting DNA, then designing primers and leptin gene amplification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Data analysis Bioedit ver.7.0.0 program for alignment of nucleotide base sequences, and analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree on the Leptin gene was carried out using the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method. Phylogeny based on nucleotides using the Kimura-2-parameter model in the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis program (MEGA ver.11.0.13). The results of this study obtained the PCR amplification product of the LEP gene of Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats with the same base length of 967 bp. Alignment of the LEP gene sequences of Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats for the determination of SNPs resulted in SNPs including T118A, G24A, G53A, A58T, G69C, T395C, and G749A. The SNPs formed are the result of transversion and transition mutations. Based on the reconstruction of the LEP gene phylogeny tree, Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats are in the same clade and have a close kinship with Bligon goats. The profile of the LEP gene between Etawa cross goats and Senduro goats varies so that further studies can be carried out to look for the relationship between SNPs and the productivity traits of the LEP gene.

Keywords: Genetic diversity- LEP gene- Etawa cross- Senduro- SNPs.

Topic: Animal Genetics, Breeding and Livestock Production

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