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SIMS/RBS Joint Analysis for Determination of Ge Ions and Damage Profiles of Axial-implanted <100> Zinc Blende GaAs
Imam Rofi^i 1, a), b)

Author Affiliation
1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), University of Jember,
Jl. Kalimantan, 37, Kampus Tegalboto,
Jember, East Java, Indonesia, 68121

Author Emails
a) Corresponding author: imr.rofii.fmipa[at]
b) imr.rofii[at]


SIMS and RBS techniques were used for analyzing ion and damage profiles of germanium ion implanted <100> Zinc Blende GaAs. During the ion implantation processes, energetic germanium ion beams were directed on the surface of semi insulating intrinsic zinc blende GaAs sample. In this process, germanium ion beam entered the zinc blende GaAs crystal structures and underwent multiple scattering with the atomic hosts (Ga and As ions) before stopping. At the stopping points, these germanium ions can stay in the GaAs crystal unit cells by substituting either Ga or As host ions. If the germanium ions stay in the Ga ion positions, the Ge ions would act as donor ions. Otherwise if its stay in the As ion positions, the Ge ions would act as acceptor ions. Germanium profiles on these ion implanted GaAs samples were then determined by means of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). In these profiling processes, energetic argon ion plasma was used for obtaining secondary germanium ions and clusters, then detected using the SIMS ion detector. The count number of germanium ions and clusters collected in the detectors at every time represented the germanium concentration at every depth inside the GaAs samples. These SIMS spectra would represent the count number of germanium ion as a function of depth in the GaAs samples. Germanium ion beam doses were varied to observe the effect of germanium ion beam on the germanium ion profiles on the GaAs samples. The SIMS results were also compared with RBS channeling analysis. The results indicated that SIMS and RBS spectra were directly proportional to the germanium ion beam doses of implantation in the GaAs samples.

Keywords: Implantation, Intrinsic, Zinc blende, GaAs, Germanium

Topic: Physics

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