Developing schema based instruction model to increase problem solving ability of elementary students: A preliminary study
Jackson Pasini Mairing(a*), Yustia Suntari(b), Yurniwati(b)

a) Universitas Palangka Raya
b)Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Problem solving is the main goal of learning mathematics in the 21st century. Therefore, students need to develop problem solving ability in the class. The research aimed to develop Schema Based Instruction model to improve the ability of elementary school students. The research uses research and development procedures that were carried out during 3 years. In the first year, the researchers conduct a preliminary study, develop the model, validate the model by experts^ judgment, revised the model based on the experts^ suggestions so the model is valid. In the second year, the researchers test the model in limited area, revised the model based on the limited test results, test the model in wider area in Jakarta and Central Kalimantan, revised the model based on the wider test results, feasibility test, and final revision to obtain the practical and effective model. In third year, the final model is applied and disseminated. The preliminary study was conducted by observing learning process, and interviewing four fifth grade elementary school teachers. They are two teachers from a school in Jakarta, and two teachers from a school in Central Kalimantan. The results showed that about 15% of the students had problem solving abilities. The condition was caused by low students^ motivation, and lack of students^ conceptual understanding.

Keywords: mathematical understanding, motivation, problem solving, schema based interaction

Topic: Mathematics Education

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