Web-based Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teacher Professional Development : A prelimenary study
Yurniwati (a*), Cecep Kustandi (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Qualified teachers contribute to the learning process and students^ learning outcomes. Effective teachers depend on their pedagogical content knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to update and maintain teachers^ pedagogical content knowledge. This research aims to determine the ability of pedagogical content knowledge of in-service teachers and teachers^ willingness to professional development. Point-5 Likert^s was used to collect data on 95 in-service elementary teachers in Jakarta. The data is analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that teacher content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge were in the moderate category. Also, teachers have a strong intention to improve pedagogical content knowledge skills. They believe that increasing pedagogical content knowledge through the website is proper because they can learn outside of teaching hours. They access information when needed.

Keywords: pedagogical content knowledge, web-based learning, teacher professional development component

Topic: Mathematics Education

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