Students^ Responses in Using Video Tutorials to Test Students^ Spatial Ability
1. Rikza 2. Rahmah Johar 3. Elizar

Universitas Syiah Kuala


Spatial ability has a positive relationship with academic success. Spatial ability test is difficult to do through print out test (paper-pencil). One way to test students^ spatial ability is to train them to solve spatial ability test questions online. However, there is no video tutorial available to explain the instructions for doing the spatial test online. The purpose of this study was to determine student responses to video tutorials and their impact on online spatial ability testing. This research was conducted on the XII grade students of senior high school in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive research. Data were collected through tests and interviews. The results showed that only 3 out of 19 students understood the information contained in the video tutorial so that they were able to answer the spatial ability test. The rest, 16 students did not understand the explanation of the video tutorial that was shown, resulting in students not being able to answer the spatial ability test questions. The results of this study need to be followed up by revising the video tutorial so that it is easily understood by students.

Keywords: spatial ability, video, students response

Topic: Mathematics Education

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