Web-Based Knowledge Building for Developing Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Prospective Teachers
Yurniwati (a*), Cecep Kustandi (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Prospective teachers need to be competent in teaching mathematics. Web-based Knowledge Building is designed to train prospective teachers to have knowledge and skills in teaching mathematics for elementary students. The research and development studies using the ILDF model consist of three phases: exploration, enactment, and evaluation. In the exploration phase, 175 prospective teachers respond 5 points Likert scale for need analysis. We get information that prospective teachers have moderate abilities and conceptual knowledge but high abilities in procedural knowledge. Also, they have a high intention to improve their competence in teaching mathematics. They have high skills in learning in an online environment. In the enactment phase, Web-based building knowledge running by LMS designed and developed by Moodle application. Learning and teaching Geometry course installed in LMS organized in 16 sessions and facilitated by document (text, PDF), video, and quiz. The results show that prospective teachers^s pedagogical content knowledge improve significantly than prospective teachers who learned traditionally. The web-based knowledge building advantaged in information access, collaboration, knowledge construction, and learners^ responsibility in knowledge acquisition.

Keywords: Elementary School- Mathematics Instruction- Pedagogical Content Knowledge- Prospective teachers

Topic: Mathematics Education

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