Strategy to Improve the Dairy Cattle Business Post the Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak
I Gusti Ayu Putu Mahendri, Ratna Ayu Saptati, Demas Wamaer

Research Centre for Macroeconomic and Finance, Research Organization for Governance, Economy and Community Welfare, National Research and Innovation Agency,
Jl. Gatot Subroto No 10, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia


The foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak occurred recently in Indonesia has affected mainly dairy cattle business in terms of milk production and livestock health. This study aims to examine the dairy cattle business practices post FMD outbreak and develop strategy to improve the business. Survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted in December 2022, involved total of 30 dairy farmers in Bandung Utara, West Java Province, Indonesia who were members of North Bandung Cattle Breeders Cooperative. Data gathered were analyzed descriptively in regards with the characteristic of farmers and the dairy cattle business after FMD outbreak- while SWOT analysis was applied to discuss the strategy to improve this dairy cattle business according to the strengths to take advantage of the opportunities and to deal with the weaknesses and threats in market. The result found that dairy cattle by farmers in Bandung Utara has been impacted by FMD outbreak which indicated by the decrease production of milk by 15-27% on average with and without milking machine. On the other hand, the price of milk received by farmers only increased by 13-15%, which impacted on low average revenue from milk. To support the Government efforts in Food Security, increasing the scale of production with the use of technology (feed, machinery etc.) conducted by particularly young generation is necessary. This should be supported by strengthening and optimizing the role of government (to facilitate training, vaccination, artificial insemination, and price stabilization)- cooperative (to ensure milk market, provide training)- research institution (to provide technology and assistances)- investors (invest in rearing program, feed access), and milk processing industry for market. Moreover, it is required the coordination between institution under government to utilize unused land for planting feed. In addition, the implementation of good farming practices is important to prevent outbreak such as FMD.

Keywords: Strategy, Dairy-Cattle, FMD outbreak

Topic: Socio Economic of Agriculture

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