Advances in Detection of Edges on Sheep Morphometric Measurements Using LiDAR with Digital Image Processing
Angga Rahagiyanto (a), M. Adhyatma (b*), Bakhtiyar Hadi Prakoso (a)

a)Health Information Management Department, Politeknik Negeri, Jember Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember 68121, Indonesia
b)Livestock Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember 68121, Indonesia.


Sheep are one of the options for ruminant livestock commodities other than cattle which are widely cultivated by farming communities in Indonesia. The main factors in the breeding and fattening of Sheep is the selection of feeders. The selection of feeders aims to estimate the performance of cattle to be fattened by measuring the dimensions of the livestock^s body (morphometric). Morphometrics is a quantitative analysis technique (body dimensions) that includes shape and size. Morphometric data is an important parameter used to study livestock anatomy, productivity, growth rate, and performance quality of livestock. Morphometric is also the main component that becomes a reference in livestock breeding programs using a phenotypic character approach. So far, the method used in morphometric measurements is still done conventionally, which is quite laborious and time consuming during the measurement process. In this article, researchers designed a LiDAR camera prototype with a focus on the accuracy of detection object recognition of sheep. The variable measurement from morphometric method is back height, front height, body length, and chest size. The prototype produces an accuracy of recognizing moving livestock objects above 30%. In conclusion, to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the livestock measurement process and provide direct benefits to farmers and researchers, a camera assembly process is needed that can recognize livestock objects in real-time.

Keywords: Sheep- morphometric- image processing- lidar

Topic: Smart Livestock System

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