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Social Forestry Performance Model: Relationship between Farmer Participation, Role of Facilitator and Role of Government with Social Forestry Performance
Hasriyanti(a*), Supratman(b*), Makkarennu(b*)

a) Candidate for Doctor of Forestry Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University,
b) Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


HASRIYANTI. Social Forestry Performance Model: Farmer Participation, the Role of Facilitator and Role of Government with Social Forestry(supervised by Supratman, Makkarennu, and Andi Sadapotto).
Many studies have been reported the influence of farmer participation factors on government programs, the role of facilitators and the government^s role in social forestry focus on one scheme, but how these three factors influence the performance of social forestry in several schemes is unknown. This study aims to analyze farmer participation, the role of facilitators and the role of the government in influencing the performance of social forestry in Soppeng District, South Sulawesi Province. The sample in this study were 200 respondents who held permits for community forestry, village forest and community plantation forest schemes. The type of research used is quantitative qualitative. The analysis technique used is the Structural Equation Model with Partial Least Square with the main test being validity test, reliability test and hypothesis testing. Sources of interview data, questionnaires and supporting documents. The test results show that there is a significant relationship between exogenous latent variables and endogenous latent variables. However, there are still weak variables that do not significantly affect the performance of farmer groups and social forestry performance. The results showed that farmer participation in planning, implementation and evaluation, the role of companion as facilitator, protector, reinforcement and support directly affected the performance of farmer groups, but the government^s role as regulator, dynamist and facilitator did not directly affect the performance of farmer groups and on social forestry performance. Participation of farmers, the role of mentors and the role of the government indirectly influence the performance of social forestry through the performance of farmer groups.

Keywords: Performance of social forestry, farmers, facilitator, government

Topic: Socio Economic of Agriculture

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