Efficacy of Natural Shading on Egg Production Performance and Hematological Profile of Laying Hen of Different Ages
Ardi Salam1, Djoni Prawira Rahardja2a, Herry Sonjaya2, Hasbi2, Kusumandari Indah Prahaesti2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah2

Author Affiliations
1Graduate Student of Animal Production Department - Animal Science Facullty, Hasanuddin University, Address s Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, 90245
2.Animal Physiology Laboratory, Animal Production Department - Animal Science Facullty, Hasanuddin University, Address s Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, 90245


Abstract. The present study was conducted to elucidate the advantageous effects of natural shadow (tree) on the production performance of laying hens of two different ages. The Research was arranged as a Factorial experiment based on Completely randomized design 2 x 3 with 5 replications, totally 30 unit treatmens of 2 hens/unit- Factor A of animal age with 2 levels: A1 = 28 w, and A2=49 w, Faktor B with 3 levels: P1= natural shadow, P2= morning sunlight exposure, P3= Afternoon sunlight exposure. Animal of each unit treatment (2 hens) were placed in a cages of 40 x 33 x 34 (l x w x h). Parameters measured were egg production performance (egg mass, feed intake and FCR), hematological profile were included red blood cell, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, haemoglobin, and white blood cell differentiation, heterophil, lymphocyte, and monocyte. Data were analyzed in accordance with the procedure of Analysis of variance (ANOVA), continued by Duncan^s multiple range test and additional correlation analysis between dependent and independent variables. Microclimate data (Heat Stress Index - HSI) showed that along the experiment, the maximum values of HSI in P2, or P3 were markedly higher compared to P1, and all HSI values in P1 to P3 were higher than that of the requirement for optimum production performance. Egg production performance of P1, P2 and P3 were not significantly different, but there indicated high significant relationship between HSI and those of egg production performances. Moreover, these results were apparently supported by the results of hematological profile. Increasing the maximum values of HSI from P1 to P3 were negatively followed by decreasing amount the values of RBC, PCV, HB, while the value of H/L rasio increased, means that an increased stress level in P3 is more than that in P1 and P2. Accordingly, it can be concluded that natural shading (tree) is apparently needed to reduce THI and resulted in better egg production performance.

Keywords: Laying hen, Natural shading, Production performance, Hematological profile, Temperature humidity index

Topic: Poultry Production and Nutrition

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