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Food processing, safety and diversification |
ABS-237 |
The effect of papain enzyme concentration to the rendemen and clarity level of VCO Amran Laga, Februadi Bastian, Musdalifah, Muhpidah Muhpidah and Muspirah Djalal
Universitas Hasanuddin
Virgin coconut oil or VCO is produced from coconut with mild processing resulting in high nutrition and good quality oil. In this research, we observed the best concentration of papain enzyme to be applied in the production of VCO. This study find that a concentration of 0.5% was the best.
Keywords: papain, VCO
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| Corresponding Author (Muspirah Djalal)
212 |
Food processing, safety and diversification |
ABS-239 |
The Chemical Composition of Kefir Powder from Fermented Etawa Crossbreed Goats Milk With The Addition of Honey Using Cabinet Drying Method Siwi Meutia Sadewi (a*), Nurhasanah (b), and Sudibyo (c)
a) Magister of Chemistry Program, Lampung University, Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia, 35141
b) Lecturer of Chemistry Program, Lampung University, Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia, 35141
c) Research Center for Mining Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Tanjung Bintang, South Lampung, Indonesia, 35352
Kefir is a probiotic drink that contains lactic acid bacteria which are good for health. Kefir processed products can be made from cows milk, goats milk, or soymilk. Fermented kefir has two parts, whey and curd. To increase the shelf life of processed kefir products can be processed into a powder. One of the milk drying processes uses the cabinet drying method (low temperature). On the other hand, kefir also has a sour taste from the fermentation process, so it is less desirable. Therefore, the addition of other flavorings is expected to increase interest and also improve the quality of kefir. This research aims to determine the chemical composition of kefir milk powder fermented etawa crossbreed goat milk using the cabinet drying method with the addition of honey. The chemical composition analyzed included protein, fat, total lactic acid, alcohol, and water content based on SNI 2981:2009 and international standard CODEX STAND 243:2003. The test results showed that the curd powder product produced 4.18% protein with the addition of honey increased to 4.52%, 0.19% fat with the addition of honey increased to 0.27%, 0.64% total lactic acid with the addition of honey decreased to 0.62%, 0.20% alcohol with the addition of honey decreased to 0.15%, and 5.37% water with the addition of honey increased to 5.52%. The addition of honey to kefir powder has different effects on the chemical composition that has been analyzed.
Keywords: Curd, Goats Milk Kefir, Powdered Kefir, Probiotic Drink, Low Temperature Method
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| Corresponding Author (Siwi Meutia Sadewi)
213 |
Food processing, safety and diversification |
ABS-243 |
Development of Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Source Functional Drink Based on Germinated Brown Rice Flour Stevano William Kakisina, Andi Nur Faidah Rahman, Andi Dirpan
Food Science and Technology Study Program, Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
Correspondence email: faidah83[at]yahoo.com
This research was conducted to determine functional drink formulations that have high nutritional value, are beneficial to health and fulfill sensory properties. Preliminary research begins by making germination based on the best time and method based on the research that has been done. The research was then continued by looking for the best formulation in making instant drinks based on germinated brown rice flour with the addition of several additional ingredients such as milk, vegetable creamer, maltodextrin, vanilla, powdered ginger and salt. The content analyzed included GABA content, antioxidant activity, dissolved protein content, water content, ash content, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals content and soluble fiber content. Analysis of physical properties including moisture content, rehydration power, homogeneous content test, agglomerate test and viscosity. The best treatment of each formulation was then tested organoleptic with the help of semi-trained panelists.
Keywords: Germinated rice, fuctional drink, GABA
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| Corresponding Author (Stevano William Kakisina)
214 |
Industrial-scale agriculture |
ABS-2 |
Application of Value Chain Analysis to Corn (Zea mays) Commodities in Indonesia: Integrative Review Faisal Jayadi (a*), Rindam Latief (b), Andi Dirpan (b)
Agroindustrial Engineering, Masters Program, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi
Analysis of the value chain begins with raw materials and finishes with a product that is ready for commercialization. The objective of this article review is to determine how chain analysis (value chain) is used to corn commodities in Indonesia. In the analysis of the corn value chain, farmers, middlemen, inter-island traders, the feed industry, and breeders are considered stakeholders. After the feed has undergone the drying process and been converted into feed, the profit margin is the highest at IDR 1,600, while the profit margin for middlemen or breeders purchasing directly from farmers ranges from IDR 350 to IDR 1,000.
Keywords: Value Chain Analysis, Corn, Farmers, Feed
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| Corresponding Author (Faisal Jayadi)
215 |
Industrial-scale agriculture |
ABS-44 |
Hasanuddin University
Pineapple production during the harvest season is very abundant and easily damaged due to improper post-harvest handling. Pineapple fruit can be processed be pineapple jam so that it can increase the shelf life and farmers^ income. The purpose of this study was to identify and determine the design pattern of development in the pineapple jam processing industry at UKM Bunga Resky in Tompobulu District, Bantaeng Regency. The research was conducted by collecting data through direct interviews and questionnaires which were analysed using Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) and BLOCPLAN followed by Process Hierarchy Analysis (AHP). The expected result of this research is a recommendation for business development design that can increase the production of the pineapple jam industry.
Keywords: Processing, Pineapple Jam, ARC, BLOCPLAN, AHP
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| Corresponding Author (A. Andini Asriani)
216 |
Industrial-scale agriculture |
ABS-87 |
Hasanuddin University
Home industry of cabalu smoked salted egg is one of the home industries in Bone Regency which is engaged in egg processing. The Home industry of cabalu smoked salted egg is a promising potential for smoked salted egg production which is supported by the main raw material for duck eggs which are available in three cages in Cabalu village and have groups of ducks and smoking fuel that is easy to get, as well as public interest for the home industry products. Currently, the layout of the production facilities and the physical condition of the working environment in the home industry of cabalu smoked salted egg are experiencing problems. This study aims to redesign the layout of the home industry of cabalu smoked salted egg industry facility that can minimize the length of the material path, reduce process constraints, and maximize production results by using the BLOCPLAN algorithm method and Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to can make decisions regarding development plans that are in accordance with the conditions and conditions of the home industry of cabalu smoked salted egg.
Keywords: Smoked Salted Egg, ARC, BLOCKPLAN, AHP
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| Corresponding Author (A.Hutami Adiningsih)
217 |
Industrial-scale agriculture |
ABS-113 |
Dominance of Palm Oil Plantation Utilization on Peatlands in Riau Province Suwondo (a*), Sri Wulandari (b), Darmadi (b), Rudy Haryanto (c), Iqbal Ramdani (d)
a) Center for Environmental Studies, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
b) Biology Education Study Program, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
c) Environmental Science Doctoral Program, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
d) Rural Area Planning Study Program, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Oil palm plantations have had a positive impact in the form of increasing economic and social value for people in Riau Province. So that the area of oil palm plantations continues to increase. The limited mineral land in Riau Province has triggered the opening of oil palm plantations on peatlands. This study was conducted to obtain information on the dominance of the use of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Riau Province in this decade. The study was conducted with a descriptive approach based on the analysis of changes in peat land use and increased production of oil palm plantations. The analysis was carried out spatially with the overlay technique. The results of the analysis were strengthened descriptively based on a literature review on the conditions, potentials and challenges of oil palm plantations on peatlands. The results of the study found that oil palm plantations have dominated other land use sectors in Riau Province, including on peatlands. Utilization of peatland for plantations has reached 44.48%. The rate of expansion of plantation area is very fast. This increase was also accompanied by an increase in the amount of production in the oil palm plantation sector. So that palm oil in Riau Province has become a leading commodity and contributed most of the regional income in this decade. The results of the study also reveal that the existence of oil palm has an influence on changes in the poverty level in Riau Province. Utilization of oil palm plantations on peatlands also has challenges that must be managed including low productivity levels, limited water protection and management capacity, and the threat of damage to the hydrological function of peatlands.
Keywords: Palm plantation, land use, peat land, Riau Province
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| Corresponding Author (Suwondo Suwondo)
218 |
Industrial-scale agriculture |
ABS-117 |
Route optimization model design to support multi-cluster commodity distribution in the Moluccas islands Mohammad Thezar Afifudin a*, Dian Pratiwi Sahar a, Muspida b, Muhammad Faisal b, Lussi R. Loppies b, Andi Besse Riyani Indah c
a) Faculty of Engineering, University of Pattimura, Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Ambon, Moluccas 97223, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Pattimura, Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Ambon, Moluccas 97223, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Engineering, University of Hasanuddin, Jl. Malino, Gowa, South of Sulawesi 92171, Indonesia
This study aims to design a route optimization model to support the distribution of commodities in the archipelago zone of Moluccas. The model is designed using an integer programming approach for multi-cluster depots with the aim of minimizing the distance. In this case, there are several points on the islands to be served. Each service point will select only one port to serve. Sea transportation routes are formed from the selected port nodes. A model designed to complement transportation routes in meeting the demand for service points by considering local, regional and global route distribution. Each level route will select one or more depots that will represent the set to the top route level. The model is applied to a number of scenarios to see the best distance recommendations from the characteristics of the island sample and the size of points and islands.
Keywords: route optimization- multi-cluster- comodity distribution
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| Corresponding Author (Mohammad Thezar Afifudin)
219 |
Industrial-scale agriculture |
ABS-203 |
Development of a Strategic Plan for Palm Sugar Agroindustry Using SWOT Analysis and Business Model Canvas: Case Study in Lombo Village, Sidrap District 1Fitriwati, 2Syahidah, 2Makkarennu, 3M Syahid
1Faculty of Economics, 2,3Faculty of Forestry, 4Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University,
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10 Tamalanrea
Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia
Email: fitriwati.djaman18[at]gmail.com
Agroindustry is the main driver of the development of the agricultural sector. One form of promising agro-industry to be developed in Indonesia is the development of products from palm sugar commodities. The aims of this research are how to develop a business strategy to improve the potential palm sugar industry in Lombo Village, Sidrap Districts. This study aims to identify external and internal factors, 2. Formulate and analyze internal and external factors which include strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, from the development of palm sugar agribusiness. 3. determine strategic priorities based on potential, capabilities, and existing obstacles. 4. determine the business model canvas. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The sampling method in this study used the accidental sampling method with a selected sample of 40 respondents. Data analysis was performed using SWOT matrix analysis and Business Model Canvas (BMC). The conclusions obtained are based on matrix analysis of Internal Strategic Factors (IFAS) 5.295 and External Strategic Factors (EFAS) 4.89. This shows that the palm sugar industry in Lombo Village, Sidrap Districts has strengths that can be maintained or improved and opportunities to develop. The advice given is to maintain the characteristic taste of the product and improve product quality by creating innovations in product packaging, diversifying product types so that they have high-added value.
Keywords: Palm Sugar Agroindustry, SWOT Analysis, Business Model Canvas
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| Corresponding Author (Fitriwati Djaman)
220 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-259 |
Optimization of Automatic Repellent tool in combination with extract pesticides to prevent rice-eating bird pests in Takalar, South Sulawesi Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah (a,b*), Arif Fikri Al Ridho (b), Nurhidayat (c), Akhmad Zamroni (d), Novaty Eny Dungga (b)
a) Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science, International College, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Republic of China, Taiwan
b) Department of Agronomy, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
c) Department of Soil Science, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
d) School of Environmental Science and Management, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna 4031, The Philippines
Bird pests are one of the main enemies of farmers that can reduce rice production. Increasing bird populations lead to reduced yields and a lack of ways to overcome it, which causes unrest among farmers. This is a significant problem that causes the stability of rice production, particularly in Takalar, South Sulawesi, which has been the impact of bird pest attacks. One method that can be used to repel bird pests is an automatic bird pest-repellent tool to overcome this issue. This study aims to determine the impact of using automatic repellent to prevent the attack of rice-eating birds in Takalar. This research affects a better rice cultivation process, especially in reducing bird pest attacks. This research was conducted in Tonasa Village, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. The research method includes designing a pest-repellent method using an automatic air freshener machine and manufacturing and testing jengkol extract as a pesticide liquid for a spraying agent that emits a scent that bird pests avoid. The application of the tool lasted for three days, divided into testing the tool on the first day and the main tool application was carried out for two days on the day after. Parameter observations used the comparison method of initial observations and final observations that were observed in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The results obtained, on average, show quite a lot of attacks in a day, especially in the morning. After using an automatic repellent tool, the attacks of bird groups tended to decrease slightly in the morning, with the ratio of 22-32 decreasing approximately to 6-14 attacks. Meanwhile, the afternoon ratio of 7-14 around reduced to 3-7 attacks, and the evening ratio of 20-29 decreased to around 8-12 group attacks of birds. In addition, the main obstacle in the application of this tool is wind pressure which causes a non-significant difference on the second day of tool application. In conclusion, the automatic repellent tool has a significant and influential impact in reducing bird pest attacks and has difficulties in reducing bird pest attacks under high wind pressure.
Keywords: Automatic Repellent Tool, Bird Pests, Rice, Takalar
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah)
221 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-262 |
Distribution of Chlorpyrifos Residue in Maize Hidayatuz Zuamah (a*), Elisabeth Srihayu Harsanti (a), Anicetus Wihardjaka (b), Sukarjo (a), and Asep Nugraha Ardiwinata (a)
a)Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops-BRIN, Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor 16915, West Java , Indonesia
b) Research Center for Food Crops-BRIN, Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor 16915, West Java , Indonesia
Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide. It has low aqueous solubility, is volatile and non-mobile, moderately persistent in soil, highly toxic to mammals, and is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. The use of chlorpyrifos is to control various types of agricultural pests. This study aims to determine the absorption of chlorpyrifos residues in maize plants. The study was conducted in July-December 2019. Experimental research was conducted at KP Jakenan on land contaminated with chlorpyrifos residue. The maize used was a hybrid maize variety NK 6172 Perkasa. Pesticide residue analysis was carried out at the Laboratory of the Agricultural Environmental Research Institute (IAERI). The results showed that the highest chlorpyrifos residue was in the stalks and leaf with a value of 0.0318-0.5682 mg kg-1 but still below the maximum residue limit (MRL) of 10 mg kg-1 recommended by The National Standardization Agency of Indonesia. The concentration of chlorpyriphos residue in maize grain is 0.0014-0.2203 mg kg-1 (MRL=0.05 mg kg-1). Chlorpyriphos residue in the soil is 0.0148-0.0786 mg kg-1 (MRL=3.2 mg kg-1), and the lowest was root (<0.0014 mg kg-1). Information on residue distribution on maize and soils can be helpful as an early warning about the use of insecticides and food safety measures.
Keywords: Chlorpyrifos- contamination- food safety- eco-friendly
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| Corresponding Author (Hidayatuz Zuamah)
222 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-267 |
Detection of pathogen foodborne disease bacteria Staphylococcus aureus from German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) in the hospital area Dwiana Muflihah Yulianti (a*), Arif Rahman Hikam (a), Trisnowati Budi Ambarningrum(a), Taruna Dwi Satwika(a)
a)Department of Biology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jalan Dr. Soeparno No. 63 Karangwangkal, Purwokerto, 53122, Indonesia
The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is a pest often found in apartments, houses, food-handling areas, hospitals, and healthcare facilities in Indonesia. It searches for food in dirty places such as trash cans, sewers, and septic tanks. The cockroach will feed on almost anything, including faecal matter and food for human. So, this habit causes the German cockroach can act as a vector for several pathogenic bacteria and increases the risk of various health problems, such as foodborne diseases. One of the bacteria that cause foodborne disease is Staphylococcus aureus because these bacteria can produce toxins that cause intoxication on food. So the purpose of this study was to detect the presence of Staphylococcus aureus on cockroaches^ body surface and digestive tract. This research consisted of three serial stages, as follows: bacterial isolation, micromorphological characterization of isolates, catalase test and confirimed test of S. aureus based on selective medium. The results showed that 26 isolates were successfully isolated from the body surface, and 21 isolates were successfully isolated from the digestive tract of the German cockroach. From these isolates, it was found that 11.53% of the isolates came from the body surface of the German cockroach and 14.28% of the bacterial isolates isolated from the digestive tract of the German cockroach were S. aureus. The results of this study indicate that the German cockroach can be a vector for the spread of the pathogen S. aureus.
Keywords: German cockroach, Staphylococcus aureus, pathogen bacteria, vector, foodborne diseases
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| Corresponding Author (Dwiana Muflihah Yulianti)
223 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-274 |
Plant Pest and Disease Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: sylviasjam[at]yahoo.com
The purpose of this research to determine the population abundance and arthropod diversity on insectary plants that are among the cocoa plantation ecosystems. The research was conducted on 5 types of insectary plants which were used as objects for observing arthropods, among others are- Helianthus annuus L, Tagetes erecta L, Zinnia elegans Jaqc, Gomphrena globose L. and Celosia argentea var. cristata. Arthropod observations were carried out using 3 methods (visual, yellow trap and sweep net) the results of which were identified and then the Shannon-Wiener species diversity index (H^), species uniformity index (E) and species dominance index (C) were calculated. The results showed that the total abundance of arthropods in the five types of insectary plants was 374 individuals with the highest total arthropods being found in Tagetes erecta L. with 118 individuals, followed by Helianthus annuus L. with 79 individuals, Celosia argentea var. cristata with purple 70 individuals, Zinnia elegans Jaqc with 55 individuals, and the lowest in 52 individual Gomphrena globose L. The number of arthropods found was 98 individuals acting as pollinators, 111 individuals as predators, 53 individuals as decomposers, 9 individuals as parasitoids, 96 individuals as pests and 7 individuals as neutral insects from 10 orders, 34 families and 51 species. The species diversity index (H^) value for all types of insectary plants is included in the moderate category with a value of 1.0 <H^> 3.322 which means sufficient productivity, balanced ecosystem conditions and moderate ecological pressure, while the species uniformity index value (E) is at high uniformity category with a value of 0.6 < E < 1 which means the community is stable, but low on the species dominance index (C) that is 0 < C < 0.5 or does not show dominance in all types of insectary plants.
Keywords: Arthropod diversity, insectary plant, ecosystem, cocoa plantation
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| Corresponding Author (SYLVIA SJAM)
224 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-276 |
Diversity of Fungal rhizosphere in indigenous organic rice farm and potential biological control agent against Rice Blast Disease Muhammad Junaid (a*), Tutik Kuswinanti (a), Satriani Gassing (a), Agung Wadiman (a), Annisya Muslimah (a), Aida Tara Aripah (b)
(a) Department of Plant Pest and disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Tamalanrea, 90245 Makassar
(*) muhammad.junaid[at]agri.unhas.ac.id
(b) Department of Social economy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram,
Diversity of microbial rhizosphere in rice farm underpins organic matter, plant health, and yield. The study aims to characterize morphologically fungal rhizosphere in organic rice farms and to test its potential as biological control agent against rice blast disease in vitro. 100 g bulk soil associated with root system obtained from organic rice farm in Kajang, District of Bulukumba. The result shows fungal diversity and population dynamic was discovered including Trichoderma spp, Penicillium spp, Gliocladium sp. Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, Curvularia sp. All fungal microbial rhizosphere are able to colonyze rice blast disease patogen, Pyricularia grisea in vitro test.
Keywords: fungal rhizosphere, organic farm, biological control, blast disease, population
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad JUNAID Junaid)
225 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-277 |
Plant Extract as Attractant Kairomone to Cocoa Pod Borer (CPB), Conopomorpha cramerella (snellen)(Lepidoptera:Gracillariidae) in Cocoa Plantation Muhammad Agra Putra Rivay, Sylvia Sjam*, Sulaeha Tamrin, Ade Rosmana, Tamrin Abdullah, Nur Azizah Fitriyanti, Putri Dayanti
Plant Pest and disease Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Corresponding author: sylviasjam[at]yahoo.com.
Cocoa pod borer is one of the important pests and is the biggest problem because it can cause damage in efforts to increase cocoa production in Southeast Asian countries. The plant extract as attractant kairomone is put in the center of the adhesive delta trap. Observations were made for two months with an interval of 3 days. Evaluation of field tests showed that the use of plant extracts as a kairomone attractant was effective for attracting female adults because no adult male populations were trapped during observation. The population of female adults was higher in plant extract leaf carrot (ELCar) with a population of 116 female adults trapped, 25 female adults on a 5 % concentration, 27 adults female on a 10 % concentration and 64 adults female on a 15% concentration. In Extract Leaf Coffee (ELCoff) there are 100 female adult trapped which 16 adults female on 5% concentration, 51 adults female on 10 concentration and 33 adult females on 15 % concentration. The high percentage of attractant in carrot extract with a concentration of 15%, namely 86%, is in the very high attractant category, while in coffee, the percentage of high attractant in the 10% concentration, namely 84 %, is in the very high category.
Keywords: Kairomone Attractant, carrot leaf extracct, coffee leaf extract
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| Corresponding Author (SYLVIA SJAM)
226 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-22 |
Responses of several soybean varieties to pests-diseases and various agroecosystems in South Sulawesi, Indonesia Abdul Fattah, Sri Wahyuni, Idaryani , Salim, Suriany, Herniwati, Arini Putri Hanifa, Maryam Nurdin, Elisa Winanda, Nurhafsah, Warda, Sitti Nuraeni, Wanti Dewayani , M. Yasin, Sahardi Mulia, M.Basir Nappu, Andi Ella, Muslimin,and Amiruddin Syam.
National Research and Innovation Agency
South Sulawesi has long been known as the largest soybean-producing province in Indonesia and one of its supporters is the emergence of several soybean varieties that have responsiveness and adaptability to various agroecosystems and are tolerant to pests and diseases. Several soybean varieties that have been developed by farmers and brought South Sulawesi to be known as the largest soybean producer in Indonesia include Wilis, Mahameru, Anjasmoro, and Argomulyo. The Wilis variety emerged as a superior variety in South Sulawesi in the era of 1986-2002. This variety has higher responsiveness and adaptability as well as productivity (1.60 t ha-1) than Orba and Galunggung (1.50 t ha-1). Then in 2003-2013, the Mahameru variety appeared which was most favored by farmers at that time. The Mahameru variety has several advantages, including larger seeds (16.0-17.0 g) than Wilis (10.0 g) per 100 seeds. In addition, this variety is resistant to fall, resistant to leaf rust, and has higher productivity (2.0-2.5 t ha-1) than Wilis (1.6 t -1). From 2014 to 2018, the Anjasmoro and Agromolyo varieties emerged which have brought the name South Sulawesi known as the largest source of soybean seeds in Eastern Indonesia. This variety has several advantages over Mahameru, including being older, being more mature and adaptive to various agroecosystems, and being tolerant of pests and diseases. In 2019-2021 several soybeans have appeared, including the Derap-1, Detap-1, Biosoy-1, Biosoy-2, Devon-1, Dena-2, Devon-2, and Dena-1 varieties. This variety has several advantages compared to Anjasmoro and Argomulyo, including earlier age, larger seeds, higher productivity, resistance to fall, and more tolerance to pests and diseases. This variety also has high adaptability and response to various agroecosystems, including in paddy fields and dry land.
Keywords: Keywords: Soybean, variety, adaptive, tolerant, pest, disease, agroecosystem.
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| Corresponding Author (Abdul Fattah Fattah)
227 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-23 |
The vital pest that is the primary obstacle in the maize development at the farmer level Amelia Sebayang, Rohimatun, Salim, Ratna Rubiana, Surianto Sipi, Sri Wahyuni Manwan, Abd. Fattah, Ayyub Arrahman, M. Yasin ,M. Sudjak Saenong
National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia
The main obstacle to maize farming is the extensive loss of yields caused by the investment of the powdery pest Sitophilus zeamais Motsch (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) during the storage period. This pest attacks maize kernels in the active larval stage- they burrow, attack, and hide in seeds. Some research reports that this pest attack can cause damage between 18-20%- in conditions of high water content, the damage rate can reach 30-40%. In addition to direct damage, this pest attack can reduce product and nutritional quality, seed weight, as well as the percentage of germination, which in turn will reduce market value. Besides being able to cause severe damage to maize kernels, this pest also attacks several other agricultural products in stockpiles, such as sorghum, rice, wheat, and processed food products such as pasta and biscuits. This paper reviews several significant research results on the insect pest Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. In the future, it is hoped that it will provide helpful information for researchers and academics everywhere.
Keywords: development, maize, maize weevil
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| Corresponding Author (Amelia Sebayang)
228 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-25 |
Genetic response of hybrid maize to downy mildew caused by Peronosclerospora spp. infection Syahrir Pakki*, Amelia Sebayang, Hishar Mirsam, Nurasiah Djaenuddin, Nurnina Nonci, Amran Muis.
National Research and Innovation Agency, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food
*Correspondent author: andisyahrirpakki111255[at]gmail.com
Maize is the second staple food commodity in Indonesia. Apart from being the main source of carbohydrates and protein, the production of maize continues to increase along with the escalation of population growth and animal feed requirements in the last few years. The potential to increase the national production of maize is still feasible because of the yield gap between the potential yields of new superior varieties and the level of yields obtained by farmers. The yield gap caused by biotic stress in maize is mainly caused by pathogens such as downy mildew due to Peronosclerospora spp. Downy mildew distribution is sporadic that can infect a wide area. In Indonesia, it spreads widely and significantly reduces yields in the areas of maize production centres in East Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Lampung, and Sumatera. These obstacles can be overcome by integrated pest and disease control technology. One of the strategies is the discovery of downy mildew-resistant varieties that can be combined with other control treatments. The phenomenon of resistance to downy mildew infection of several hybrid maize strains began to be detected in the vegetative growth phase, with symptoms beginning at 14 days after planting (DAP), increasing with plant age, and reaching its peak after 28-35 DAP and then the symptoms will gradually disappear until no infection after 42 HST. This study analyses the resistant maize varieties from 2020 to 2022. The data showed the susceptible comparison variety (Anoman) was infected with 88.94% to 100%. In 2020, BMD73 showed a resistant reaction to Philippinensis species, other strains were classified as susceptible in P. maydis except BMD 76. All strains showed highly susceptible and susceptible reactions. In 2021, in P. philippinensis all strains FCP921.1-FCP921.7 showed a resistant reaction, but line FCP921.1-FCP921-7 had a resistance response that was classified as moderately resistant to P. maydis. The incidence of
Keywords: downy mildew, Perenosclerospora spp, maize
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| Corresponding Author (Syahrir Pakki)
229 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-282 |
Insects Pest Population of maize in warehouses in 4 districts of South Sulawesi Rahmat Thabrani Ashari Amir, Melina*
Departement of plant pest and diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia
*corresponding author: sylviasjam[at]yahoo.com
Information on species, insect pest populations that attack and storage conditions determines the control strategy. This study aims to determine the various types of post-harvest pest populations in corn kernels stored in several districts in South Sulawesi. This research was carried out at 4 district storage areas in South Sulawesi. and identification of post-harvest insect pests at the Pest Laboratory, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Hasanuddin Makassar. Sampling using the direct capture method (hand sampling) and manual instruments. Sampling was carried out by taking samples of corn kernels in sacks from five points and taking samples of the corn kernels that were scattered on the floor of the storage warehouse. The results showed that 10 spesies of insects were found including 9 types of pests namely Sitophilus sp, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Carcyra cephalonica, Carpophilus sp, Araecerus fosciculas, Lophocateres pusillius, Rhyzopertha dominca, Tribolium castaneum and Oryzaephilus surinomensis and one spesie asa parasitoid :Anisopteromalus calandrae. Sitophilus sp. is the most common species found in all districts with a total population of 636 individuals then Cryptolestes ferrugeneus with 53 individuals and T. castaneum with 37 individuals. Post-harvest pest populations in all districts were found more commonly around piles of sacks, namely around 74% compared to populations found in spilage commodities, namely around 26%.
Keywords: Insects, post-harvest pests, Corn storage warehouse
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| Corresponding Author (SYLVIA SJAM)
230 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-29 |
Rice Brown Planthopper Monitoring and Detection by Spectral Reflectance: A Review Muh Dimas Arifin(a,b*), Yonny Koesmaryono (a), Impron (a)
a)Department of Geophysics & Meteorology, IPB University
Jalan Meranti Wing 19 Level 4 Gedung FMIPA Kampus IPB, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16680 Indonesia
b)East Kalimantan Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology
Jalan P.M. Noor, Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75119 Indonesia
* muh.dimasarifin[at]outlook.com
Brown planthopper (BPH) is one of the main pests of rice worldwide. Monitoring is an important thing in determining attack and estimating the effect. The traditional monitoring approach is usually conducted by visual observation and field scouting with limitations: subjectivity and time consumption. Remote sensing is an alternative method to carry out pest monitoring to cover a larger area in a shorter time. This paper discusses one of the remote sensing methods that use the spectral approach in detecting BPH attacks. Literature was filtered and processed by using the PRISMA method. According to the spectral sensor, the studies are classified into multispectral and hyperspectral sensors. Based on the scale, there are four groups of studies on the panicle, leaf, canopy, and field levels. The models^ used single-wave reflectance and spectral indices as the predictor. Various algorithms were used in the studies: Linear regression, Principal Component Analysis, and Machine Learning to estimate severity class, BPH Population density, or yield loss. Various algorithms were used in the studies: Linear regression, Principal Component Analysis, and Machine Learning to estimate the severity class, BPH population density, or yield loss. The combination of spectral reflectance with other parameters such as weather, fertilizer application, and infestation time was conducted to improve the performance of the detection model. This review provides the state-of-the-art of spectral reflectance usage in detecting BPH attacks and the opportunity for future development.
Keywords: Brown Planthopper-Reflectance-Spectral
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| Corresponding Author (Muh Dimas Arifin)
231 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-300 |
In vitro assessment of extracts of Azadirachta indica and Chromolaena odorata against Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae Asman Asman (a,b*), A H Nufus (a), A B Cahyani (a), A Rosmana(a,b), N Amin (a), A Fakhruddin (c), N U Natsir (c)
(a) Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
(b) Cocoa Research Group (CRG), Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
(c) Agricultural Quarantine Major Service of Makassar.
Cocoa dieback disease is one of the significant cocoa diseases caused by the fungus Lasiodiplodia species including L. pseudotheobromae. Applying botanical fungicides is one of the potential alternative controls for this disease due to the disease being considered an emerging disease in cocoa in Sulawesi. The major objective of this study was to assess neem (Azadirachta indica) and siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) leaf extract to inhibit the colony growth of L. pseudotheobromae. The experiment used three different concentrations: 1%, 3%, and 5%. The in vitro evaluation was carried out through the poison food technique using potato dextrose medium both in solid medium and liquid medium. The result showed that A. indica and C. odorata performed well in the suppression of the L. pseudotheobromae colony growth in three different concentrations in a solid medium. C. odorata 5% significantly inhibited the colony growth of L. pseudotheobromae (50%), followed by C. odorata 1% (18%), C. odorata 3% (17%), and A. indica 5% (10%), A. indica 3% (7%), A. indica 1% (3%). A. indica and C. odorata significantly reduced the mycelium biomass of L. pseudotheobromae until 88% inhibition on wet biomass. The highest inhibitor for the wet biomass parameter is C. odorata 5% (88%), followed by A. indica 5% (86%), and C. odorata 1% (85%). C. odorata 5% (94%) is the higher inhibitor for dry biomass parameter, followed by C. odorata 3% (83%) and 1% (75%), A. indica 5% (70%), 3% (48%), and 1% (33%). A. indica and C. odorata could be used as alternative control for L. pseudotheobromae.
Keywords: neem extract, cocoa dieback disease, alternative control
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| Corresponding Author (eirene brugman)
232 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-51 |
Elimination of Viral Systemic Disease in Shallot (Allium ascolonicum L) var. Bima Brebes through Unconventional Approach Asih K. Karjadi (1), Nazly Aswani (1), Neni Gunaeni (1)
1Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor 16915, West Java, Indonesia
*Corresponding email: asihkk [at]yahoo.com- asih005[at]brin.go.id
Shallot (Allium ascolonicum L), belonging to the genus Allium are propagated vegetatively through layered bulbs. This research aimed to improve the quality of shallots by eliminating OYDV, SLDV viruses through meristematic tissue combined with antiviral Ribavirin. The research was carried out in the IVEGRI Tissue Culture Laboratory from April to August 2018. Research materials were infected shallot bulbs of Bima Brebes variety which were previously confirmed by DAS ELISA serology test. Meristematic tissues were cultured on MS + vitamin, MS + supplement media (sucrose 30 gL-1 + Myo inositol 100 mgL-1 + CaP 2 mgL-1 + NAA 0.15 mgL-1 + Kinetin 2 mgL-1 + GA3 0.1 mgL-1 + Gelgro 2 mgL-1, pH 5.7). The treatments included Ribavirin concentrations i.e., 0.5,10,15, 20, 30 mgL-1 and explant size including meristematic tissue (0.5 mm) and shoot tip (2.5 mm). A Completely Randomized Design with ten replications was used for this research. The results obtained on visual observation showed that the addition of antiviral Ribavirin and explant size affected the percentage of growth and development of plantlets. Statistical analysis showed that there were no interactions between the concentration of Ribavirin and explant size. DAS Elisa serology test showed that the higher the concentration of Ribavirin the lower the percentage of virus infection.
Keywords: Allium ascolonicum L, Ribavirin, Meristem, Shoot tip.
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| Corresponding Author (Asih Karjadi Karjadi)
233 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-52 |
The Use of Biological Agents in Controlling Diseases of Shallots for TSS Production Eli Korlina, Ineu Sulastrini, Rini Rosliani
National Research and Innovation Agency
Stemphylium disease caused by Stemphylium vesicarium is an important disease that becomes an obstacle in TSS production. The disease attacks can lead to seed harvest failure. In the field, stemphylium disease is associated with purple spot disease caused by the fungus Alternaria porri. The purpose of this study was to obtain biological agents that were effective in controlling S vesicarium and A porri on TSS production. The tests were carried out in-vitro in the laboratory and in-plant in the field under a plastic shade. The experimental design used a randomized block design with 11 treatments (Bacillus sp.1, Bacillus sp. 3, Pseudomonas florescens (Pf), Trichoderma sp.2, Trichoderma sp.3, Bacillus sp1+Trichoderma sp.2+Pf, Bacillus sp3+Trichoderma sp2+Pf, Bacillus sp1+Trichoderma sp3+Pf, Bacillus sp3+Trichoderma sp3+Pf and Control), each treatment was repeated 3 times. The results showed that the biological agents Trichoderma sp., Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescent as antagonist agents have varying inhibitory abilities against pathogens Stemphylium vesicarium and Alternaria porri. Inhibition by Bacillus sp. against S. vesicarium by 60.51-63.75% and by Trichoderma sp. by 25.78-31.47%. Meanwhile for A. porri, both bacterial and fungal antagonist agents has the inhibitory power between 45.09 - 79.15%. Antagonist agents Trichoderma sp.3 alone and the combination of Bacillus sp.1 + Trichoderma sp3 + Pseudomonas fluorescens can increase the number of leaves and the number of seedlings of shallots. Antagonist agent Trichoderma sp.3 alone and in combination between Bacillus sp3 +Trichoderma sp3+P. fluorescens can reduce the attacks intensity of S. vesicarium and A. porri diseases.
Keywords: Allium ascalonicum, Control, biological agent, Stemphylium vesicarium, Alternaria porri,
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| Corresponding Author (Eli Korlina)
234 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-56 |
Organic Rice Rhizosphere Fungi Produce Cellulose and Chitinase as a Biological Control Agent Lilis Minarseh, Tutik Kuswinanti, Andi Nasruddin
Plant Protection Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 90245.
The resilience and security of food crops is a challenge in the agricultural sector in order to produce quality and healthy food products for consumption by the community. The use of synthetic fungicides to induce plant resistance has a negative impact on the abundance and diversity of biological agents, disrupts ecosystem functions and affects the safety and quality of agricultural production. Cellulase enzymes and chitinase enzymes are lytic enzymes in biological agents fordegrade the cell walls of pathogenic fungi in plants. The use of biological agents to control plant pathogens does not cause plant resistance to disease and does not leave chemical residues that pollute the environment. This study aims to isolate organic rice rhizosphere fungi and test the ability to produce cellulase enzymes and chitinase enzymes as candidates for biological agents in plant pathogens. Isolating the rice rhizosphere fungus using the spread plate method, while the isolate producing cellulase enzymes using Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) growing media and testing isolates producing chitinase enzymes using planting media with shrimp shell added as an indicator of chitin, each of these media was used to determine the potential of fungi capable of producing enzymes tested through a hydraulic process. The results showed that the organic rice rhizosphere fungus had cellulase and chitinase enzyme activities, namely Penicillum sp. the Hydrolysis capacity (HC) index of the cellulase enzyme was 1.70 mm and the HC index of the chitinase enzyme was 1.19 mm, Gliocladium sp. the HC index of the cellulase enzyme was 1.51 mm and the HC index of the chitinase enzyme was 1.10 mm, Aspergillus sp. the HC index of the cellulase enzyme was 1.10 mm and the HC index of the chitinase enzyme was 1.04 mm, while Trichoderma sp. the HC index of the cellulase enzyme was obtained 1.03 mm and the HC index of the chitinase enzyme is 1.02 mm. The results of this study indicate that isolates of rhizosphere fungi isolated from organic rice have the potential to be further developed as biological agents for controlling pathogens in food crops in Indonesia.
Keywords: Rice rhizosphere fungus- Cellulase- Chitinase- Biological agent
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| Corresponding Author (Lilis Minarseh)
235 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-57 |
Reactions of several chili cultivars against Colletotrichum capsici and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides N Arfiani, R P Riswan, I S Risnawati, N Amin, Asman, Fatahuddin and A Nasruddin
Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia 90245
Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum spp. is one of the most damaging chili diseases. The purpose of the current study was to determine the pathogenicity of two important pathogens of chili anthracnose disease Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz) Penz. and Sacc. and C. capsici E.J. Butler and Bisby on several chili cultivars in laboratory. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design in factorial. The first factor was chili cultivar: Gandewa, Lado, Laris, Pilar, Provost, Bhaskara, and Bara- and the second factor was inoculation method: wounding and non wounding the fruits. For non wounding inoculation, 10 microliter of conidial suspension was dropped in the middle part of the fruit. While, for the wounding inoculation method, the middle part of the fruits was pricked with a needle about 1 mm deep before 10 microliter of the conidial suspension was dropped on the wound. The treated fruits were then placed inside of plastic boxes separately and incubated in room temperature. Symptom severity was assessed 48 h after the inoculation and every 24 h thereafter for a total of four observations. The results showed that for non wounding inoculation, all cultivars were highly resistant against C. gloeosporioides and C. capsici with no symptom, except Gandewa was moderately susceptible to C. gloeosporioides. However, for the wounding inoculation, all cultivars were infected by both C. gloeosporioides and C. capsici with varying severity levels. None of the cultivars tested was resistant to both pathogens. Lado and Pilar were moderately resistant to C. gloeosporioides while the other cultivars were moderately susceptible or highly susceptible. For cultivar reaction against C. capsici, Gandewa, Lado, Laris, and Provost were moderately resistant, and the other cultivars were moderately susceptible.
Keywords: Anthracnose, Colletotrichum capsici, Wound, Without wound
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| Corresponding Author (Nurul Arfiani)
236 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-314 |
Bioassay of Beauveria bassiana Alginate Pellet Formulation Against Mortality of Spodoptera frugiperda in the Laboratory Irna Ermiyanti, Itji Diana Daud a, Andi Nasaruddin and Othniel Bin Hasri
Departement of plant pest and diseases, Faculty of Agriculture,
Hasanuddin University
Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia
Abstract. The attack level of Spodoptera frugiperda greatly influences the production of maize in the field. The use of insecticides to control Spodoptera frugiperda continues to increase, making it possible to become resistant. Increased public awareness of the negative impacts of using pesticides, especially on human health and the environment, has led to the discovery and development of alternative control strategies that are more environmentally friendly. One of them is using the entomopathogenic fungus (EPF) Beuvaria bassiana which has the ability to aggressively paralyze insect larvae and imago that are affected by the spores of this fungus. Beauveria bassiana can be mass produced in both solid and liquid media. The aim of the study was to test the effectiveness of the alginate pellet formulation of Beauveria bassiana on spore density and mortality of Spodoptera frugiperda test larvae in the laboratory. The efficacy test of the formulation on the test insects was carried out by dipping the test larvae feed into the suspension or solution of Beauveria bassiana alginate pellets in each treatment using 50 third instar Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. The results of this study can be concluded that the addition of formulation ingredients such as rice bran, wheat flour, tapioca flour and corn flour had an effect on the spore density of Beauveria bassiana alginate pellets, the highest spore density with a conidia density of 2.35x108 conidia/ml was found in the wheat flour treatment as well as with the highest percentage of mortality of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae on day 6 - 9 HSA respectively 60%, 68% and 70%. The results of this study can be concluded that the alginate pellet formulation made from the active ingredient of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is effective in controlling the population of Spoduptura frugiferda larvae.
Keywords: Beauveria bassiana, formulation, alginate pellets, Spoduptura frugiferda
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| Corresponding Author (IRNA ERMIYANTI)
237 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-315 |
EFFECTIVENESS TEST OF ENTOMOPATOGEN FUEL Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch) IN VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS OF GRAYWRATER Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) IN LABORATORIUM Mita Yusri, Melina and Sulaeha Thamrin
Departement of plant pest and diseases, Faculty of Agriculture,
Hasanuddin University
Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia
Spodoptera frugiperda is one of the most important major pests of maize in the world. FAW is a migratory and polyphagous pest that can attack 353 host plant species from 76 plant families. Armyworm caterpillars are polyphagous, their main target is corn, pests can move to other hosts if there is no primary host so that these pests can survive and maintain their populations throughout the year. S.frugiperda is also considered a serious insect pest because it reproduces in several generations per year and adults can fly up to 100 km per night, giving it the potential to spread widely in a short time. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the entomopagen fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (metch) at various concentrations against S. Frugiperda armyworm. This study was conducted in laboratory conditions, using a completely randomized design using four treatments and five replications. Each replicate used 20 test larvae. the treatments were: Control, Concentration of M. anisopliae 107, Concentration of M. anisopliae 108 , Concentration of M. anisopliae 109. The larvae used as test larvae were instar 2 larvae, observations were made every day to see the mortality of the test insects and record the symptoms appeared in larvae after application of M. anisopliae. The results showed that there was an effect of mortality on the test insects seen in treatment 108 showing the highest treatment of 9.15% compared to all treatments. at 14 days post application. The results of this study indicate the need for proper development for the purpose of effective pest control in crop cultivation.
Keywords: Metarhizium anisopliae, Mortality. Spodoptera frugiperdae
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| Corresponding Author (Mita Yusri)
238 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-319 |
Application of Various Concentrations of Mixed Extracts of Calotropis gigantea (L.) W.T. Aiton and Crescentia cujete (L.) Against Population and Attack Intensity of Leptocorisa acuta Thunberg., Nephotettix virescens Distant and Natural Enemy Populations of Rice Plants Muhammad Agung Wardiman, Vien Sartika Dewi, Fatahuddin, Farida, Adhyaksa Husain
Plant Pests and Diseases Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: agungwardiman271299[at]gmail.com
Changes in land and pesticide are the main drivers of changes in the biodiversity of agricultural land, particularly natural enemies of insect pests. Leptocorisa acuta and Nephotettix spp. are the main pests of rice plants in Indonesia which are mostly controlled with pesticides. The use of extracts of natural ingredients Calontropis gigantea leaves and Crescentia cujete fruit is an alternative for controlling rice pests. The purpose of the study was to determine the mixed extracts of C. gigantea and C. cujete with various concentrations on the population and the attack intensity of Leptocorisa acuta and Nephotettix spp. as well as natural enemies population. This study consisted of six treatments, namely a concentration of 1%- 2.5%- 4%- 5.5%- 7% and farmer treatment. Observations were made visually and sweep net by taking samples diagonally in one plot was taken five plant sample points were and in one point consisted of four clumps of rice. The results showed that the population and intensity of attack were low in all treatments of extract concentration compared to the farmers treatment and statistical analysis did not showed any difference between concentrations but showed a significant difference in the farmers treatment. Natural enemies population were high in all extract treatments compared to farmer treatment. The use of mixed extracts of C. gigantea and C. cujete can reduce the population and attack intensity of pests attack and is not harmful to natural enemies so that it can be used for pest control of rice plants.
Keywords: Agricultural, Biodiversity, Pest, Pesticide.
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| Corresponding Author (SYLVIA SJAM)
239 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-320 |
Population of Postharvest Pests Based on Two Monitoring Methods in Three Districts Rajamuddin, Ade Rosmana*
Plant Pests and Diseases Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: sylviasjam[at]yahoo.com
Postharvest pests are the biggest problem during storage, so it is necessary to monitor for control measures. This study aims to monitor the population using two systems of monitoring methods. This research was conducted in three districts where Bulog^s rice was stored. The monitoring using namely direct and indirect method. Direct monitoring was carried out by determining five sample points diagonally, each sample point measuring 1x1 m and then directly monitoring all of the insects pest found. While indirect monitoring were carried out by taking samples using a probe with three times at each sample point and the collected rice was weighed as much as 300 grams and then count the population in the rice. Monitoring were made on comodities that had been fumigated for two months. The results showed that the highest population of postharvest pests was found in the direct visual monitoring method and the pests with the highest population were Cryptolestes, then tribolium, and the lowest was Rhyzopertha.
Keywords: Cryptolestes sp, Tribolium sp, Rhyzopertha dominica, Psocids.
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| Corresponding Author (SYLVIA SJAM)
240 |
Integrated pest and disease management |
ABS-321 |
Potential Use of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Origin of Bamboo Roots for Control of Burkholderia glumae Causes Rice Panicle Blight Hamdayanty*, Kiki Widya Sari, Sylvia Sjam, Nirmala Juita, Asman
Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia
Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the food commodities which is the staple food for almost all Indonesian people. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a biological fertilizer that can stimulate plant growth and suppress phytopathogens. This study aimed to examine the effect of PGPR on the vegetative and generative growth of rice plants and the effect of PGPR application on the incidence and severity of rice panicle blight. This study was arranged based on a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 11 treatments with different frequency of PGPR application at different ages of rice after planting. The treatment was repeated 5 times, so there were 55 units of observation. PGPR, in general, has a positive impact on vegetative growth, rice germination and generative growth of rice plants, the number of tillers, production weight, and the weight of 100 seeds. The high application of PGPR has a disease suppression effect on rice panicle blight, although it does not show significantly different results from the control. The best PGPR treatment to get high production and suppress the incidence and severity of disease was PGPR treatment on seeds and PGPR application at 7, 14, 28, 42, 56 DAP.
Keywords: Burkholderia glumae, Rice, Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
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