Population of Postharvest Pests Based on Two Monitoring Methods in Three Districts
Rajamuddin, Ade Rosmana*

Plant Pests and Diseases Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: sylviasjam[at]yahoo.com


Postharvest pests are the biggest problem during storage, so it is necessary to monitor for control measures. This study aims to monitor the population using two systems of monitoring methods. This research was conducted in three districts where Bulog^s rice was stored. The monitoring using namely direct and indirect method. Direct monitoring was carried out by determining five sample points diagonally, each sample point measuring 1x1 m and then directly monitoring all of the insects pest found. While indirect monitoring were carried out by taking samples using a probe with three times at each sample point and the collected rice was weighed as much as 300 grams and then count the population in the rice. Monitoring were made on comodities that had been fumigated for two months. The results showed that the highest population of postharvest pests was found in the direct visual monitoring method and the pests with the highest population were Cryptolestes, then tribolium, and the lowest was Rhyzopertha.

Keywords: Cryptolestes sp, Tribolium sp, Rhyzopertha dominica, Psocids.

Topic: Integrated pest and disease management

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