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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-148 |
The Potency of Inulin Extraction Waste Fermentation from Local Tubers as Feed Additive Mohamad Haris Septian (a*), Danes Suhendra (a), Mikael Sihite (a), Dyah Eka Saputri (a)
Animal Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tidar university
Jl. Kapten Suparman No.39, Tuguran, Potrobangsan, Kec. Magelang Utara,
Kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56116
This study aims to determine the potential of inulin extraction waste fermentation as a feed additive based on the content of lactic acid, dry matter, crude protein, pH, and Fleigh value. This research was conducted from March to June 2022 at Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Laboratory, Tidar University. The experimental design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments (fermentation of inulin extraction waste: T1 Dioscorea alata (uwi), T2: ganyong (Dioscorea alata discolor), T3: gadung (Dioscorea hispida), and T4: umbi ungu (Ipomea batatas). Each treatment was replicated 5 times. The variables observed were lactic acid content, dry matter, crude protein, pH, and Fleigh value of inulin extraction waste fermentation. The Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), continued by Duncan^s multiple range test if the results were significantly different. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 21. Inulin extract wastes from local tubers significantly affected (P<0.05) lactic acid content, pH, crude protein, and Fleigh values, but not significantly affected (P>0.05) the dry matter content. T3 and T4 produced the highest lactic acid content, Fleigh value, and the lowest pH value. T1 and T3 produced the highest crude protein content. Each treatment increased crude protein compared to the raw matter
Keywords: fermentation, local, inulin extraction wastele Abstract
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| Corresponding Author (Mohamad Haris Septian)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-150 |
Phosphate solubilization potential of rhizosphere fungi isolated from satoimo taro plant Eka Wisdawati (a*), Tutik Kuswinanti (b), Ade Rosmana (b), Andi Nasruddin (b)
a) Department of Production Technology of Plantation Crop, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Pangkep 90655, Indonesia
b) Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245 Indonesia
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient required by plants for their growth and development. Phosphates bioavailability in nature is approximately 95 until 99% but insoluble, therefore the plant can not simply use them. The alternative to overcome phosphate deficiency is by utilizing phosphate solubilizing fungi. This research is aimed at selecting and characterizing phosphate solubilizing fungi in rhizosphere of saitomo taro (Colocasia esculenta var antiquorum). The test on isolate ability to solubilize phosphate was conducted through qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative was carried out by counting index of phosphate solubilization on solid Pikovskaya while quantitative was through counting concentration of phosphate solubilization through spectrophotometry at wave length 693 nm. The result of qualitative test showed that the highest index of phosphate solubilisation was 1.08 at isolate RTP25 while quantitative demonstrated that isolate RTP16 released highest concentration of phosphate solubilization with the amount 12.78 Ug/l. Isolate RTP 25 (by Trichoderma sp) and Isolate RTP16 (by Aspergillus sp) be potential to be developed as phosphate biofertilizer.
Keywords: Phosphorus- fungi- rhizosphere- phosphate solubilization
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| Corresponding Author (Eka Wisdawati)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-158 |
Exploration and Characterization of Tinombo Local Garlic, Central Sulawesi Andi Nirma Wahyuni, I Ketut Suwitra, Idris, Bambang Hariyanto, Syafruddin, Heni SP Rahayu, and Saidah
National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia
Most of Indonesia^s garlic needs are fulfilled by imported (97%). The government focuses on local garlic for seed prospects and gives a mandatory for importers to plant it to increase domestic production. Beside of using registered local varieties, it is also intended for local varieties which have not been registered, to be developed especially by local farmers. Exploration and characterization are very necessary so that the presence of local varieties of garlic in each region is known. This study aims to explore and characterize the local garlics in Central Sulawesi, so that the superiority of local varieties will be known and will enrich the diversity of varieties as breeding materials and as an effort to conserve local varieties. The research was carried out in March 2020, located in Parigi Moutong Regency. The research used survey method, while the observations of plant morphology and agronomy using a Horticultural Plant Characterization Guidebook. The research found a local variety of garlic namely Tinombo Variety. Apart from being a cooking spice, Tinombo variety also used as a biopharmaceutical. The result of the characterization shows that Tinombo variety has light green leaf color, pale yellow flesh color, very sharp aroma, 14-21 cloves per bulb, 2-3 t/ha production while the yield potential is 7.6 t/ha. The harvest age is 5-6 months, and it is suitable in the highlands. The obstacle for farmers is the difficulty of the access to and from the field, thus the price of garlic is expensive. The cultivation technology is still conventional and does not use fertilizers. This local variety has a high chance to increase its productivity with the application of appropriate and site-specific technologies
Keywords: Biodiversity, Local Variety, Garlic, Central Sulawesi
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| Corresponding Author (Andi Nirma Wahyuni)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-167 |
Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Feeding Indigofera Leaves (Indigofera zollingeriana) on Goat Livestock Performance Syamsu Bahar1, a), Mohammad Miftakhus Sholikin1, and Tri Puji Priyatno1
1Research Center for Animal Husbandry, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia - Cibinong Science Center, Jalan Raya Jakarta - Bogor, Cibinong Kabupaten Bogor 16915, Phone/WA: 081119333626, Surel: prpt[at]brin.go.id, Web page: https://www.brin.go.id
a)Corresponding author: syamsubahar[at]yahoo.com- syam018[at]brin.go.id
This study aims to determine the effect of Indigofera leaves feeding (Indigofera zollingeriana) on the performance of goats livestock using meta-analysis studies. This research begins with integrating secondary data sourced from various publications, i.e., journals and proceedings. The publications selected must contain information on the effect of feeding Indigofera leaves on goats. Furthermore, the data were collected into a database using Microsoft Excel. During the collection of data, experimental units of each data were equated, then analyzed using R version 4.2.0. The results of the analysis showed that the effect of feeding Indigofera leaves was not significant effect on ADG (average daily gain), PWW (post weaning weight), and FCR (feed conversion rate), while the feed consumption or DMI (dry matter intake) showed a significant effect (P<0.05).
Keywords: Goat livestock, Indigofera leaves, Meta-analysis, Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Syamsu Bahar)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-170 |
Sustainable Specialty Coffee Production: An Agronomy Perspective Dewi Nur Rokhmah (a*), Dani (a), Handi Supriadi (a), Rusli (a), Nana Heryana (a)
a) Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency. Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor 16915, West Java, Indonesia.
Indonesia has several specialty coffees that have been marketed domestically and exported to foreign countries. Specialty coffee is coffee of a high quality standard with good taste, aroma and texture. The current focus of specialty coffee development is increasing production and quality of domestic coffee by paying attention to aspects of local wisdom. It is hoped that this effort will enrich the variety of high-value specialty coffees from various regions. To obtain specialty coffee products with good quality, coffee cultivation techniques that are in accordance with good agricultural practices (GAP), environmentally friendly, as well as adaptive to climate change, need to be supported. Therefore, it is necessary to apply sustainable coffee cultivation by 1) planting and rejuvenating coffee with superior planting materials, 2) planting shade trees, 3) pruning, 4) using organic fertilizer and biofertilizer, 5) rainwater harvesting and irrigation systems, 6) integrated pest, disease, and weed management, and 7) selective cherry harvest.
Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture- Good agricultural practices- Coffee- Specialty
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| Corresponding Author (Dewi Nur Rokhmah)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-194 |
Characterization of Swamp Land for Rice Development in the Food Support Area of the New State Capital, Penajam Paser Utara Regency Muhamad Hidayanto (a*), Yossita Fiana (a)
a) National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
* mhidayanto[at]yahoo,com
Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46, Cibinong Bogor, Indonesia 16911
The potential of swamp land in East Kalimantan Province is quite large but has not been utilized for agricultural development. The swamps in this province are spread over several areas, including the food buffer zone of Penajam Paser Utara Regency. The purpose of the study was to obtain data and information on the characteristics of land and water systems to support agricultural development, especially rice in the swamp area of Sebakung Jaya, North Penajam Paser Regency. The results of the study show that: (a) the condition of the swamp area is unique, which was originally a deep swamp, but after reclamation, it turned into an overflow type C, and the results were based on soil analysis with low-moderate fertility, (b) canals and water systems not arranged following the characteristics of the land and the need for food crop farming, and the channels are built only as drainage channels so that during the dry season the land becomes dry quickly. Therefore, to increase the productivity of swamps in this area, it is necessary to (a) specific location land management following the characteristics or physical, chemical, and social conditions of the local community, and (b) regulation of a water system that can ensure sufficient water for the plant growth phase, such as making drains to reduce the flow of water that stagnates during floods, and (c) it is necessary to optimize the utilization of the Telake Dam to accommodate the overflow of water during the rainy season and to be used during the dry season.
Keywords: land characterization, Penajam Paser Utara Regency, rice, swamp land, water management system
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| Corresponding Author (Muhamad Hidayanto)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-205 |
Microbial Abundance of Different Land Use in North Luwu, South Sulawesi Risky Nurhikmayani*, M. Jayadi, Nirmala Juita, Balqis Nur Aisyah
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, 90245
The development of the agricultural sector in North Luwu has an impact on land use change to increase plantation production. Continuous use and clearing of land can threaten the loss of native land vegetation, affecting the C and N cycles, community composition, population and soil microbial activity. Microorganisms are important in the maintenance of soil health and quality. The abundance of soil microorganisms has a major influence on ecosystem function so it can help increase production in the agricultural sector. This shows that data on the abundance and diversity of soil microbial can be a reference in determining soil fertility. However, there is still little data on the abundance of soil microbes in North Luwu. This study aims to determine the abundance of soil microbial, especially on different land use. Soil sampling was carried out randomly on three land use: cocoa monoculture, cocoa agroforestry and secondary forest. The soil samples obtained were then measured for the C:N ratio and total microbes. The results showed that agroforestry cocoa with the highest C:N ratio had 1,8 x 108 CFU/g of total soil microbial, the highest microbial abundance among the three land covers followed by secondary forest and monoculture cocoa with the lowest C:N ratio and lowest microbial abundance 2 x 107 CFU/g. These results indicated that different land use has different microbial abundance which is influenced by soil C:N ratio.
Keywords: microbial abundance, soil microbial
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| Corresponding Author (Risky Nurhikmayani)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-217 |
The Role of Biofertilizer ^MIKROBAT^ as a Stimulator to Increase Productivity and Health of Rice plants Nurmujahidin Nurmujahidin (a), Baharuddin Patandjengi (a*), Tutik Kuswinanti (a), Muhammad Hatta Jamil (b), Mahyuddin (b), Bugisinesia Tajibu (c)
(a) Departemen Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, UNHAS
*baharunhas[at]yahoo.com, WA: +81515075767
(c) Departemen Agricultural Socio-Economy, Faculty of Agriculture, UNHAS
(d) Center for the Protection of Food Crops and Horticulture, South Sulawesi Province
Biofertilizer MIKROBAT (Patent Certificate: No. IDP000059255 and Brand Certificate: No. IDM000613360) is a bacterial consortium containing four superior microbes, including Azotobacter sp. isolate AP08, Pseudomonas sp. isolate PP012, Lactobacillus sp. isolate LP032, and Streptomyces sp. isolate SP022 with their respective roles as nitrogen fixers, Phosphate and Potassium solvents, providers of auxin, cytokinins, vitamins, amino acids, and antibiotics. This biotechnological product can be used to loosen and nourish the soil, increase the activity of positive microorganisms in the ground, increase seed vigor, suppress plant pests and diseases, accelerate plant growth and improve production and yield quality. The results of trials on rice plantations in the Experimental farm of BPTPH Maros showed that the treatment of Mikrobat has the best results in suppressing bacterial leaf blight and blast diseases and increasing rice plant production. The intensity of BLB disease and blast on Brang Biji (hybrid variety) of 0% and 0.5% compared to controls 8% and 2%. The highest number of tillers reached 19.02 tiller than control with 13.98, while production achieved 12.74 tonnes/ha compared to the control 9.42 tonnes/ha.
Keywords: Oryza sativa- biopesticide- Blast- BLB
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-220 |
The Effect of Coffee Grounds and Sawdust Tectona grandis L. F as Planting Media for Cultivation Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus sp. Elis Tambaru (a*), Resti Ura^ (b,) Mustika Tuwo (a)
a) Department,of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245, Indonesia
b) Research Center for Ecology and Ethnobiology, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong, Bogor, 1611, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of the use of coffee grounds and sawdust Tectona grandis L. F as planting media on the cultivation of oyster mushrooms Pleurotus sp. This research was conducted in December 2021 - March 2022. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method consisting of 1 factorial. This study used 5 treatments with 3 replications, so a total of 15 baglogs were used. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using the F test and further tested with the 5% Significant Difference Test (BNT). The results showed that the addition of several doses of coffee grounds had a significant effect on fruit body growth time, fruit body fresh weight, fruit body dry weight, and fruit cap diameter. The fastest growing time of oyster mushroom mycelium was at P0 (sawdust 2 Kg) an average of 4.67 days, the fastest fruit body formation speed was P0 (2 Kg sawdust) with an average of 15.67 days, fresh fruit weight the fastest with an average of 106.33 grams, the dry weight of the fruit body of the heaviest oyster mushroom with an average of 33 grams, and the diameter of the largest fruit hood with an average of 30.3 cm, meanwhile for the P3 treatment (sawdust 0.5 kg + 1.5 kg coffee grounds) and P4 (0 kg sawdust + 2 kg coffee grounds) were not suitable for the growth of oyster mushrooms.
Keywords: coffee grounds- sawdust- oyster mushrooms Pleurotus sp.
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-222 |
Morphological Characterization of Three Types of Asam Gelugur (Garcinia Atroviridis/) at Three Altitude In North Sumatra Sortha Simatupang (a*), Khairiah(a), Wasito(a), Tumpal Sipahutar(a), Musfal (a),Agus Nurawan (a),Vivi Aryati (a), Shabil Hidayat (a),Syafri Edi (a)
(a) Researcher of the National Research and Innovation Agency
The purpose of this study was to determine the morphological characteristics the type of Asam gelugur ( Garcinia atroviridis) in North Sumatra. It used survey method. The location chosen purposively represents the altitude where it is cultivated, namely: lowland, medium and highland. The results showed of the study found that there were three types of asam gelugur in North Sumatra. Type 1 gelugur acid is named Gamboge Sumut Red . The characteristic feature is the color of the bright red petals (45 A) and the color of the leaf buds with red spots (Vivid red (41 A) but green is more dominant than red. Asam gelugur type 2 is called Camboge sumut Pink., its specific characteristic feature is the color of the petals yellowish pink (41 D) and the color of the leaf buds with broad red spots (41 A). The red color is more dominant than green. Asam gelugur type 3 is named Camboge Sumut Leaf.. Its distinctive feature is that it flowers but does not produce fruit, the color of the petals is a strong reddish orange (N 34 B), the color of the tops of the leaves on the shoots is strong yellowish green (144 A), Another differentiator. Type 3 tamarind leaves are bigger, thicker than female Camboge Sumut Red and Pink.
Among the three types of asam gelugur that grows the most is Asam Gelugur Camboge Sumut Pink .
Keywords: Garcinia atroviridis , altitude, characterization, morphology, North Sumatra
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| Corresponding Author (Sortha Simatupang)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-224 |
Production and Chemical Quality of Sweet Corn with Single Fertilizer Combination (SFC) on Dry Land in West Papua Nicolays Jambang, Lukman Hakim
National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Research Center for Food Technology and Processing),
Sweet corn is one of the most popular commodities in West Papua. The culture of roasting, grilling and boiling corn as snacks is often found along the main road Continuous production is needed to meet the tastes of these consumers. This study was aimed at determining the production and chemical quality of sweet corn using single fertilizer combination (SFC) on dry land in West Papua. Research method used a completely randomized design experiment with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments tested were, without fertilization (P0), SFC with a concentration of P1 (14,4g/plant)- P2 (15,12g/plant)- P3 (15,84g/plant) and P4 (16,56g/plant). Variables observed were weight of corn cobs, length of the corn cobs, diameter of the corn cobs, pH, water content, ash content and fat content. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued with the Honest Significant Difference Test (HSD). Results showed that different concentrations of SFC did not give a significant difference (P>0.05) on pH, water content, ash content and fat content.- gave a very significant difference (P<0.01) on weight, cob length and diameter of sweet corn cobs. The average weights (g) for treatments P0, P1, P2, P3, and P4 were 51.39- 115.40- 133.06- 177.89 and 199.13 respectively. Cob length (mm) 78.45- 107.37- 113.92- 131.54 and 141.02. Cob diameter (mm) 24.56- 31.22- 34.29- 36.21 and 37.55. pH value 5,47- 5,37- 5,41- 5,40 and 5,38. Moisture content (%) 60.41- 60.75- 60.29- 60.08 and 60.08. Ash content (%) 1.95- 2.07- 2.05- 1.96 and 1.92. Fat content (%) 0,62- 0,53- 0,43- 0,52 and 0,40. The conclusion of this study was that different concentrations of SFC did not give a different effect on pH, water content, ash content and fat content and gave a very significant difference in effect on weight, cob length and diameter of sweet corn cobs.
Keywords: production, chemical quality, single fertilizer combination, sweet corn, dry land
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| Corresponding Author (Nicolays Jambang)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-229 |
Soil Quality on Shallot Cultivation Land in Different Toposequence at Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Burhanuddin Rasyid, Muh. Jayadi, and Nur Sarifa.
Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
Maintaining soil quality in intensive cultivation shallot area especially in the mountainous area like in Anggeraja District is need to be seriously in land management. The objective of this study is to analyze the soil quality on intensive cultivation shallot area in different toposequence at Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency. The study was conducted by survey method and analyze soil quality through determining soil quality index (SQI) based on the given soil properties. Selected soil properties is become indicators in calcualtion of soil quality index which are decided in the Minimum Data Set (MDS). Soil sample was collected from three site with different topography. Determination of sample points based on the toposequence of the cultivation area. The soil quality index is determined based on the scoring method. The results was shown that the quality of the soil in intensive shallot cultivation area at Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency is generally classified as moderate. The quality value of the soil obtained range from 0.51 - 0.55 which is categorized in the medium class. Soil properties related to the chemical content such as organic carbon, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and magnesium was recommended to be improve for increase soil quality in this area.
Keywords: Soil quality index, Minimum Data Set (MDS), Toposequence, Shallot cultivation
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| Corresponding Author (Burhanuddin Rasyid)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-233 |
Implementation of Supplementary Water Irrigation and Rice Husk for Climate Change Adaptation and Improving Soil Quality in Dry Land, Gunungkidul Damasus Riyanto1), Tricahyono 1), Sri Wahyuni 2), Arif Anshori 2), Yustisia2),Izhar Khairullah2) and Rahayu Widowati 3)
1) Research Center for Sustainable Production System Life Cycle Assessment, Research Organization Energy and Manufacture, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia
The Highway of Serpong Street , Muncul, Setu District, South Tangerang Banten 15314
2) Research Center for Food Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia
3) Academy of Agricultural Yogyakarta
Dry land in Gunungkidul Regency is quite potential to be developed as agricultural land because it has an area of about 66,827 hectares or 46.63 percent of the agricultural land area in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. Dry land is land that only depends on rainfall as the main water source to fulfill its water needs for crops, including corn. This research aimed to evaluate the implementation of supplementary water irrigation and rice hush charcoal on the improving soil quality in Gunungkidul. The study was conducted on the dry land of Wareng, Wonosari district-Gunungkidul on June-Sept 2018 using a Completely Randomized Block Design with 4 replications. The treatments applied were the frequency of irrigation, namely F1 (2 times a week), F2 (once a week), F3 (every 2 weeks), F4 (every 3 weeks), and the application of soil improvement material, namely: M0 (without mulch), M1 (application rice straw mulch 4 ton.ha-1), M2 (application rice husks 4 ton.ha-1), M3 (straw mulch + rice husk), therefore the total treatments were 16 and replicated 3 times. The results showed that improving the quality of land by applying straw mulch and rice husk charcoal plus supplementary water irrigation once a week was able to provide the highest corn production (7.46 tons/ha) and was not significantly different from irrigation twice a week and showed an increased yield of 52.56% compared to control treatment (watering every 2 weeks and without the mulch/rice husk application). Giving the straw mulch and rice husk can be improved physical and chemical soil properties (decreasing bulk density, increasing soil porosity up to 52.38%, water holding capacity, improving soil structure, C-organik, P and K available and Soil CEC).
Keywords: supplementary water, dryland, frequency of irrigation, water efficiency, land quality.
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| Corresponding Author (Damasus Riyanto)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-234 |
The effects of irrigation levels and biochar on the growth, yield, and water use efficiency of maize in Vertisol originated in Naibonat, Kupang. Masria, Maria Klara Salli, Magfira Syarifuddin
Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang
This study aims to determine the effects of biochar application and different irrigation levels on the growth, yield, and water use efficiency of maize in Vertisol of Naibonat in Kupang Regency. We used a completely randomized single factor experiment of four irrigation levels at 100%, 90%, 80%, and 70% of the field capacity. Each experimental unit was replicated six times. The observed variables are plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, plant dry weight, and water use efficiency. We found that irrigation level did not significantly affect the number of leaves, while the 100% field capacity gave the best results for plant growth, leaf area, and dry weight. The 80% field capacity resulted in the highest water use efficiency.
Keywords: Biochar, irrigation level, maize, water use efficiency, Vertisol.
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| Corresponding Author (Masria Masria)
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Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-238 |
(a) Study Program of Magister of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro, Gedong Meneng, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
(b*) Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro, Gedong Meneng, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
(c) Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro, Gedong Meneng, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
(d) Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro, Gedong Meneng, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
The length of the green-life period is an important parameter in the export of Cavendish bananas. Conventional methods in determining green-life are still relatively difficult to be standardized because they are subjective. The initial phase shift from green to yellowish-green as the end of green-life is very difficult to detect and quantify with naked eyes. Therefore, we need a standard method that can be used to determine its green-life. The purpose of this study was to test a new method for determining the green-life based on image processing data of Cavendish bananas after receiving postharvest treatments. The data were collected from Cavendish bananas at various maturity levels which had received postharvest treatments of fruit coatings and storage temperatures. The results showed that intensity of red (I-Red) increased, while intensity of green (I-Green) decreased until the end of observation. Green life was ended when I-Red showed a greater value than I-Green. According to the method, Cavendish bananas in cold temperature storage showed a longer green life than room temperature storage with average of 26.33 days and the longest was 35 days. Meanwhile, storage at room temperature showed average green life length of 14.25 days with the longest period was 16 days.
Keywords: Cavendish, banana, green-life, image processing, postharvest
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| Corresponding Author (Alamanda Katartika Fahri Katartika Fahri)
76 |
Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-240 |
Soil Nutrients, pH and Moistures affecting Productivity of Nipa-Nipa Forest Park in Kendari South East Sulawesi Alan Saputra 1), Samuel Arung Paembonan2), Mukrimin Mukrimin 2), Nirwana Nirwana 3), Sultan Sultan 3)
1) Master Student, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
2) Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
3) Program Study of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia
* Corresponding author^s email: mukrimin[at]unhas.ac.id- Tel.: +6281342408144
Soil is one of the most important natural resources for plant growth and production. Soil provides nutrients as food ingredients needed by plants to support their growth. Productivity and plant growth are strongly influenced by the physical and chemical soil properties. The study aimed to analyze the physical and chemical soil properties of the Grand Forest Park (Tahura) of Nipa-Nipa Kendari for both utilization and protected block areas.
The Sampling was carried out at the Kendari Nipa-Nipa Kendari Forest Utilization and Protection Blocks and in four months, namely June to September 2022. Furthermore, analysis of soil properties was carried out at the Laboratory of Silviculture and Tree Physiology, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University. The soil samples were taken from disturbed soil collected from 27 predetermined measuring plots. Measuring plots were placed by purposive sampling at five distinguished altitude levels. Soil samples were taken at 5 points and three soil depth namely 0-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm, respectively. Correlation Analysis applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) by using Minitab 18 software.
The study revealed that the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in the protected block area was higher than the utilization block area. In general, the soil pH content in each block showed that the deeper soil was the higher pH and the moister of the soil. The high nutrient content in the Protected block area was affected by the condition of the forest which is still maintained, so that the micro and macro nutrient cycles can proceed properly. While, the utilization block area has been converted into plantations which has resulted in an imbalance in the nutrient cycle. The high soil pH was thought to be caused by the leaching of the soil surface by surface run-off and soil erosion, while the high soil moisture is thought to be due to soil sampling carried out after the rainy season.
Keywords: Soil Physical Properties, Soil Chemical Properties, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium
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| Corresponding Author (Mukrimin Mukrimin)
77 |
Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-245 |
Effect of Storage Temperature Transfer on the Internal Browning and Other Fruit Qualities of GP3 and MD2 Pineapple Clones After Postharvest Applications of ABA, Chitosan, and Decrowning David Chandra(a), Soesiladi Esti Widodo(b*), Muhammad Kamal(b), Sri Waluyo(c)
(a)Agricultural Science Doctoral Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Indonesia
(b)Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Indonesia
(c)Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: sestiwidodo[at]gmail.com
Changes in pineapple storage temperature accelerate the increase in internal browning (IB) severity. This study aims for postharvest applications with changes in storage temperature affecting IB severity. This research was conducted on GP3 and MD2 pineapple clones when they were ripe for export. The experimental were a completely randomized design of storage temperatures [T1: at 7oC for 30 days and T2: at 7oC for 28 days followed by 16oC for 2 days], clones (GP3 and MD2), decrownings (crown and crownless), and coatings [(chitosan 1%, ABA 50mg/L, ABA+chitosan mixture, and control (H2O)]. The results showed that T2 had a significant effect on the increase IB incidence in GP3 and IB severity in MD2 compared to T1. Ascorbate acid decreased in MD2 stored at T2, but had no effect on GP3. Soluble solid content (SSC) of MD2 was higher than GP3. Titratable acidity (TA), SSC/TA ratio, and mold severity were not significantly affected by treatments. The T2 had a significant effect on fruit temperature (FT), with an increase of 2.77-2.88oC. An increase in FT was positively correlated with maturity, fruit weight loss, and skin dehydration. During the 28 to 30 days of storage, the T2 treatment increased in ripeness by 81.25%.
Keywords: ABA, internal browning, pineapple, postharvest, temperature
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| Corresponding Author (David Chandra)
78 |
Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-247 |
The Seed Testing of Vigor and Viability of Bitti (Vitex cofassus Reinw. ex Blume) in Unhas Forestry Greenhouse Siti Nurdayanti(a), Syamsuddin Millang(b), dan Mukrimin(b*), Sultan Sultan (c), Hasanuddin Hasanuddin (c), Nirwana Nirwana (c), Karmilasanti (d)
a. Master Student, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
b. Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
c. Program Study of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia
d. National Research and Innovation Agency, Jln. A.W. Syahrani Noe. 68 Sempaja Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
* Corresponding author^s email: mukrimin[at]unhas.ac.id- Tel.: +6281342408144
Bitti (Vitex cofassus Reinw. ex Blume) is a tree that grows in the tropics and is included in the status of less attention (least concert/LV) and is a type of recalcitrant seed. This study aims to determine the effect of soaking water temperature and storage time on the vigor and viability of Bitti seeds. This research was conducted at the Green House, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University for three months from May-July 2022. This study was designed using a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of two factors, using 50 seeds with three repetitions. The results showed that the water temperature of 30⁰-C had the highest values for the variable percentage of germination and germination, while the vigor index showed the best treatment at 70⁰-C with respective values of 54.72%, 53.61% and 11.22. Seed storage for 1 week showed the best value for the variable germination percentage = 44.63% and germination rate = 43.88%. As for the seed vigor index without storage, it showed the highest value, namely 11.26. Before carrying out germination activities on beetroot seeds need to be treated first.
Keywords: Bitti seeds, water temperature, storage, germination
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| Corresponding Author (Mukrimin Mukrimin)
79 |
Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
ABS-251 |
FUNGAL COMMUNITY INHIBITING SOIL UNDER Pinus merkusii STAND IN BANTAENG REGENCY Mukrimin Mukrimin (a*), Siti Halimah Larekeng(a), Ananda Fadia Indah Ramadhani(a), Margaretta Christita(b), Hasanuddin Hasanuddin (c)
a. Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
b. National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong-Bogor, Indonesia
c. Program Study of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia
* Corresponding author^s email: mukrimin[at]unhas.ac.id- Tel.: +6281342408144
Tusam pine plant (Pinus merkusii) is a species of plant native which belongs to Indonesia and has various benefits in terms of economy and ecological. Plant growth is influenced by the microorganisms, e.g. a fungus which has a key role in soil biogeochemical cycles, nutrient cycles and helps the process of decomposition of organic matter in forest ecosystems. The diversity of fungi under the stands of P. merkusii is quite diverse. This study aimed to identify the composition of fungi living under P. merkusii stands at various soil depths. The study methods included media making, the process of isolating fungi, and the process of refining isolates and the identification of fungi. The results of this study obtained 49 fungal isolates that were successfully isolated from three soil under the P.merkusii stand the soid depth of 40-60 cm had the most isolates of fungi than others, dominated by genus Penicillium. There are 6 genera of fungi identified, namely Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora and Gliocladium.
Keywords: Pinus merkusii, Fungus, Penicillium.
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| Corresponding Author (Mukrimin Mukrimin)
80 |
Crop production system |
ABS-256 |
Response of seed priming treatment inoculated by PGPR in root growth of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah (a,b*), Miguelito Fajardo Isip (a,c), Azmi Nur Karimah Amas (d), Fahmi Sahaka (d), Yunus Musa (b,d)
a) Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science, International College, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Republic of China, Taiwan
b) Department of Agronomy, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
c) Institute for Climate Change and Environmental Management, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija 3102, The Philippines
d) Program of Agrotechnology, Graduate School, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are the rhizosphere bacteria that can effect to plant growth initially by a wide variety of mechanisms like phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, biological nitrogen fixation, etc. PGPR can enhance the plant roles of metabolism and physiological case. PGPR can modulate root development and growth through the production of phytohormones, secondary metabolites and enzymes. The most commonly observed effects are a reduction of the growth rate of primary root, and an increase of the number and length of lateral roots and root hairs. The objective for this research is to elucidate whether PGPR can affect in tomato roots specific to growth and developmental stages. By using PGPR which was colonized from the bamboo rhizosphere, PGPR was also inoculated into the soil during seedling stages of tomato with one to four times inoculation on 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after germination and measured the root observation until 40 days old of tomato. The parameter observations include root length, root wet weight, root dry weight, root branches, and root hairs with three biological replicates. The form of Tukey^s test (one-way ANOVA) with SD was used as statistical analysis. The results shown PGPR was successfully enhanced tomato root length (42.6 cm), root wet weight (0.84 g), root dry weight (0.24 g), number of root branches (23), number of root hairs (120) in average after four times inoculation instead of one to three times and control inoculated. As conclusion, PGPR successfully enhances the root growth of tomato after four times inoculation and PGPR plays an important role in response to root growth and development in tomato.
Keywords: PGPR, root, tomato, growth and development
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah)
81 |
Crop production system |
ABS-10 |
THE EFFECT OF VARIETY AND PLANTING MEDIA ON KAILAN (Brasicca oleraceae) HYDROPONICS SYSTEM DFT GROWTH (Deep Flow Technique) Wisnaningsih(a) and Moh. Haris Imron S. Jaya* (b)
(a) Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai Lecture Faculty of Enginering
*(b) Postgraduate Program State Polytechnic of Lampung
Kailan is one vegetable grown to suit market demand, especially in major cities with bright development prospects and middle-class and urban customers. Hydroponics, which uses water instead of soil to give nutrients and minerals, saves space and time and produces higher-quality plants.
This study investigated the effects of (1) variety, (2) planting medium, and (3) the interaction between varieties and growing media on the growth and yield of kailan plants in the DFT hydroponic system.
The research was place in Tani Jaya Anggara Farm^s greenhouse and gardens in Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, from November 2018 to January 2019. The experiment was set up in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The first component, variety (V), had two levels: winsa (v1) and full white (v2). The second factor, planting medium (M), had four levels: rockwool (m1), foam (m2), cocofiber (m3), and cocochip (m4) (m4). each repeated three times, the experimental unit had 15 plants.
The results revealed that (1) Winsa variety generated greater kailan plant height and net assimilation rate than complete white variety in DFT hydroponic system, and (2) Cocochip growing material produced more leaves, relative growth rate, and wet weight. compared to rockwool, foam, and cocofiber planting medium in DFT hydroponic systems, (3) Except for net absorption rate, varietals and growing media did not interact. LAB of winsa variety is usually lower than complete white, except for cocochip media.
Keywords: kailan, hydroponic, variety
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| Corresponding Author (Wisnanigsih Wisnaningsih)
82 |
Crop production system |
ABS-266 |
The Pattern of Production and Marketing of Horticultural Commodities at the Country Border in Bengkayang Regency- Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Gontom Citoro Kifli(a*), Dadan Permana (b), Rubiyo (c)
a) Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics
Research Organization for Governance, Economy, and Community Welfare
National Research and Innovation Agency
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 10 Kuningan Baru Jakarta Selatan12710 Indonesia
b) Research Center for Cooperative, Corporation, and People^s Economy
Research Organization for Governance, Economy, and Community Welfare
National Research and Innovation Agency
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 10 Kuningan Baru Jakarta Selatan12710 Indonesia
c) Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops
Research Organization for Agriculture and Food
Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Bogor16915 Indonesia.
National Research and Innovation Agency
Several types of horticultural commodities are a mainstay for horticultural farmers in the country border area at Bengkayang Regency Indonesia. The COVID-19 pandemic affects various aspects of life, including farming activity by farmers in country border areas. The objective of this research is to analyze the condition of the production and marketing pattern of horticulture commodities in the border areas of the Bengkayang Regency before and during the pandemic. The research methods used mixed methods, quantitative and qualitative. The result of the research with statistical analysis of the Wilcoxon test showed that the significance value is 0.002 and which means there is a difference in the amount of vegetable production before the pandemic compared to the pandemic occurred. There is a decrease in the average percentage of vegetable production as much as 11.89 % between before and during the pandemic. On the other hand, the result of statistical analysis for fruit production shows the significance value is 0.778, which means it is no different from the amount of fruit production before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the border area of Bengkayang Regency. There are different patterns of selling and marketing to Serikin Malaysia in border areas before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Horticultural farmers sell and market their harvests in their entirety in fresh, unprocessed, unpackaged form, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research implies that efforts need to increase the added value of these horticultural commodities with preservation, processing, and packaging.
Keywords: country border- horticultural- COVID-19- Bengkayang- production
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| Corresponding Author (Gontom Citoro Kifli)
83 |
Crop production system |
ABS-12 |
Water Management and Iron Coated Seed Treatment to Improve Paddy Field Productivity in South Sulawesi - Indonesia Burhanuddin Rasyid (1), Muhammad Jayadi (1), Kasmawati (1), and Ramli (2)
(1) Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi - 90245, Indonesia
(2) Dept. of Sustainable Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Development Polytechnic of Gowa, South Sulawesi - 92171, Indonesia
Introducing technology in water management and Fe coated seed as the part of direct seedling method could be support improvement of paddy field productivity. This study was conducted to introduce and develop rice cultivation method through water flooding and Fe coated seed system to enhance rice production. The experiment was carried out in the pot using factorial experimental design with two treatment factors. The first factor consisted of 4 levels of flooding height, namely P0 = no flood (control), P1 = 0.5 cm flood height, P2 = 1 cm flood height and P3 = 1.5 cm flood height. The second factor was mixing weight ratio of Fe coating material to gypsum on the coating seeds, which consisted of 4 levels, namely C0 = not coated (control), C1 = Fe 12.5 g : gypsum 0.625 g, C2 = Fe 25 g : gypsum 1.25 g and C3 = Fe 50 g : gypsum 2.5 g. The effect of all treatments was analyzed in vegetative and generative period. The treatment of 1.5 cm flood height and mixing ratio seed coating of 50 g Fe : 2.5 g gypsum (P3C3) was shown significantly effect to the all parameters measured in the vegetative period. On the generative period, the result was shown some variations in the production but almost combination treatments of flood height and Fe coated seed had better performance for the other parameters. The conclusion of this experiment that this method become applied technology in the purpose of improvement of rice productivity.
Keywords: Rice, Seed Coating Fe, Direct seed planting, Water management, Flooding height.
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| Corresponding Author (Burhanuddin Rasyid)
84 |
Crop production system |
ABS-14 |
Assessing True Shallot Seed (TSS) Performance and Farmers^ Perceptions of Its Innovation Attributes Witono Adiyoga
Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics, National Research and Innovation Agency
Jl. Gatot Subroto - Jakarta
True Shallot Seed (TSS) cultivation is a new shallot production technique that does not use vegetative tubers as planting material, but rather seeds. This study aimed to examine the field performance of TSS and assess farmers^ perceptions of TSS innovation attributes. On-farm participatory trials involving eight farmers were conducted in Cirebon and Brebes during June-August 2020. Compared to Trisula and Maserati, Sanren^s performance was the best in both nursery and transplanting stages. Maserati showed the second best performance in seed emergence and yields. Meanwhile, although farmers had rated Trisula high scores for color, pungency, and bulb shape, poorer yields made Trisula the least financially viable than the others. Basically, all farmers responded positively to TSS innovation attributes (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability) which indicated high likability to TSS. Farmers perceived TSS to provide higher yields, better tuber quality, and higher profits. In the meantime, farmers also considered TSS cultivation to be more costly and risky to pests and diseases. However, a strong intention to adopt TSS was expected given the overall positive attitude of farmers towards TSS.
Keywords: True Shallot Seed- on-farm participatory trial- innovation attributes- farmers^ perception
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| Corresponding Author (Witono Adiyoga)
85 |
Crop production system |
ABS-270 |
1)Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Makassar, South Sulawesi
2)Agency for Implementing standardization of Agricultural Instrument (BPSIP) Gorontalo, Moh. Van Gobel No. 270, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo
3)Food Crop Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bogor Highway Street Km. 46, Cibinong, West Java
Rice is the main food crop for the people of Indonesia whose availability is always sought, one of which is by increasing the cropping index using improved variety of very early maturing rice. An increase in the cropping index causes the land to be cultivated more intensively and can have an impact on decreasing Silica content. Therefore, to support the growth of rice plants, especially on land that is intensively cultivated, it is necessary to add Silica elements. This research aims to study the effect of biosilica on the growth of the vegetative phase of several very early maturing rice varieties. The research was conducted from September to December 2022 in Gorontalo using a Split Plot Design (SPD).The variety (V) as the main plot consisted of three treatment levels, namely the Cakrabuana variety (v1), the Inpari 13 variety (v2), and the Inpari 19 variety (v3). Then, as a subplot, consist of the dose of liquid biosilica (D) which consisted of four treatment levels, namely without biosilica as a control (d1), biosilica 1.5 l/ha (d2), biosilica 3 l/ha (d3) and biosilica 4, 5 l/ha (d4) so that there are 12 treatment combinations with 3 repetitions for each treatment. The results indicated that the use of liquid biosilica in several improved varieties of very early-maturing rice showed a significant interaction of plant growth in the vegetative phase.We can see this in the highest plant height in the v3d3 treatment, the highest number of tillers is v1d2, the smallest flag leaf angle is in the v1d1 treatment but not significantly different from the v3d3, the best number of stomata and stomata density can be found in the v3d4 treatment. In addition, the variety and dose of biosilica 3.0 l/ha have the best effect on the development of blast disease intensity.
Keywords: Rice, variety, very early maturing, biosilica.
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| Corresponding Author (Rosdiana Rosdiana)
86 |
Crop production system |
ABS-289 |
In Vitro Multiplication of ^Kepok^ Banana (Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana) using different concentration of BAP and NAA in MS media Ifayanti Ridwan1, Warni Safitri2, Amir Yassi1, Muh. Farid BDR1, Yunus Musa1, Mansyur3, and Idarni Tenripada3
1Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245 Indonesia.
2Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture Hasanuddin University. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245 Indonesia.
3Tissue Culture Laboratory, Horticultural Plant Seed Center, Bonto-bonto District, Gowa Regency.
Corresponding author^s e-mail address: ifayanti[at]unhas.ac.id
This study aims to determine the effect of different composition of BAP and NAA concentration added to Murashige and Skoog (MS) basic media on the in vitro multiplication of Indonesian ^Kepok^ banana variety. The research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Bonto-Bonto Horticultural Plant Seed Center. A completely randomized design (CRD) was employed with two factors tested. Four concentrations of each BAP and NAA used were 0 ppm, 4.5 ppm, 5 ppm, and 5.5 ppm for BAP, and 0 ppm, 2 ppm, 2.5 ppm, and 3 ppm for NAA resulted in 15 composition of BAP:NAA in addition to control (without the hormones). The results show no interaction between the BAP and NAA treatments, BAP concentration of 5 ppm gave the best result on parameter time of shoots appearance (7.50 DAP). NAA concentration of 2.5 ppm gave the best results on root emergence time (8.61 DAP), plantlet growth time (11.72 DAP), number of roots (4.81 fruit) and root length (5.93 cm).
Keywords: In vitro, BAP, NAA, banana, kepok.
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| Corresponding Author (Ifayanti Ridwan)
87 |
Crop production system |
ABS-290 |
Growth and production of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in the lowland on various types of mulch Rafiuddin1, Ifayanti Ridwan1, and Amir Syam2
1Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245 Indonesia.
2Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture Hasanuddin University. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245 Indonesia.
Corresponding author^s e-mail: ifayanti[at]unhas.ac.id
This study aims to determine the effect of mulch treatment on the growth and production of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in the lowlands. The research was conducted in Lempong Village, Bola District, Wajo Regency located 78 m above sea level (asl) with an average temperature of 24 - 33 derajat C. This research was set using a Split Plot Design (SPD) with garlic varieties set as the main plots consisting of highland and lowland varieties while mulch types were set as subplots consisting of control (no mulch), black silver plastic mulch, rice straw mulch, gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) leaf mulch, and banana stem + leaf mulch. Each treatment combination was repeated 3 times. The results show that the white lumbu variety had better growth and production than the green lumbu on the parameters: plant height (28.86 cm), number of leaves (4.63), harvesting age (90.60 days), number cloves per tuber (2.60 cloves). Straw mulch showed the best effect in suppressing soil temperature (28.5 derajat C). Banana leaf and stem mulch was the best type of mulch compared to control and other mulches on parameters: plant height (31.92 cm), number of leaves (4.71 leaves), and number of cloves per tuber (2.33 cloves). The interaction between the lumbu putih variety and banana leaf and stem mulch produced the highest yields of wet tuber production per plot (202.33 g), dry tuber production per plot (197.00 g) and tuber production per hectare (1.6 ton ha-1).
Keywords: Garlic, Mulch, lowland, microclimate.
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| Corresponding Author (Ifayanti Ridwan)
88 |
Crop production system |
ABS-295 |
Utilization of semi-intensive irrigated paddy fields and increasing farmers^ income on cropping patterns In support of IP400 technology in Central Sulawesi Abdi Negara, Asni Ardjanhar, Heni SP Rahayu, and Abdul Fattah
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Based on the agro-ecosystem and suitability of paddy fields, rice fields have high potential and opportunities to be developed in Central Sulawesi Province, but sometimes the yield is still below the average production. This research has been conducted from May 2021 to June 2022. The research location is Kaleke Village, West Dolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. This study aims to increase the Crop Index and harvested area to increase the production and income of farmers as well as the performance of farmer groups. Research on cropping patterns and alternation of varieties with Rice - Corn - Corn - Rice Cropping Patterns. The treatment area of 1 ha with the planting system used is: for each commodity using components, PTT Paddy rice PTT corn. While the feasibility of farming with an income analysis approach with an R/C ratio. The results showed that: (a) The design of agricultural technology innovations to increase the cropping index of rice crops with MT I results showed the production component of the Inpari 33 variety of rice tiles. R/C Ratio 2.11, on MT. II Jakarin variety corn with a yield of 5.0 tons/ha. R/C Ratio: 2,04, maize variety Sukmaraga MT.III average yield 6.3 tons with R/C Ratio: 2,01.and MT. IV rice variety Inpari 36 with a yield of 5 tons/ha GKP R/C Ratio: 1.59(c) Increasing the Crop Index and harvested area can increase farmers^ income and the performance of farmer groups on technology supporting IP400.
Keywords: Keywords: Land use, cropping pattern, income, IP400
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| Corresponding Author (Abdi Negara)
89 |
Crop production system |
ABS-40 |
Effect of Different Light Intensity on Growth and Yield Attribute of Dwarf Banana Cavendish Muhidin, Gusti Ray Sadimantara, Tresjia C Rakian, Siiti Leomo, Nini Mila Rahni
Department Of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University
Bananas are important food crops and source mineral, carbohydrate and vitamins. Banana demanding increase every year, but the production capacity still low. One of obstacle is the limited land that can be used to cultivate. One effort to increase banana production is through the development of banana as interplanting in agroforestry system. The aim of the research is to selection and characterization of a dwarf banana plant under low light intensity. The research was conducted in the field laboratory Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University. The source of germplasm of dwarf cavendish banana comes from two regions, namely the mainland region of Southeast Sulawesi and the island region of Southeast Sulawesi. The study used a randomized block design (RBD) with shade treatment consisting of 3 levels, namely n1=shade level < 25 % (light shade), n2=shade level 25-50 % (medium shade), and n3 = shade level 50-75 % (heavy shade). Observations were made on the vegetative and generative parameter: The vegetative variables include plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and leaf width. It could be concluded that based on the vegetative character, there is no significant difference between dwarf cavendish banana growing on light shade and heavy shade.
1. Introduction
Keywords: Banana, Shading, Kendari, Cavendish, Dwarf
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| Corresponding Author (Muhidin Muhidin)
90 |
Crop production system |
ABS-296 |
Response of Chili Growth and Production Rawit (Capsicum frutescens) against Use Bioslurry and Biochar. Cindy Fatika Sunanryani 1 , Nasaruddin 2 , Ifayanti Ridwan Saleh 2
1 Masters student, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Independence Pioneers, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Independence Pioneers, km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the concentration bioslurry and the best type biochar for chili growth and the production cayenne. The research was conducted from March 2022 to June 2022, taking place in Sompe Village, Sabbangparu District, Wajo Regency. The research was conducted the form of 2-factor factorial experiment using a randomized block design the environmental design. The experiment consisted of 2 factors, the first factor was bioslurry which consisted of four concentrations, namely control- 125cc perplot- 250cc perplot- 375cc perplot whereas factor second the biochar consists of four types, which is control- husk biochar rice 4.4kg perplot- cob biochar corn 4.4kg perplot- shell biochar coconut 4.4kg perplot. Research results show that no occur interaction between the treatment bioslurry and biochar which resulted the best growth and production chili plants cayenne, treatment concentration bioslurry did not show the best growth and production for observed parameters, and shell biochar treatment coconut is obtained high plant highest (36.31cm) and treatment of husk biochar paddy obtained total fruit planting the most (30.27), weight fruit highest (4gr), fruit weight planting (34.88gr), and weight fruit per plot (139.54gr). Treatment husk biochar type paddy is the most optimal treatment in upgrading the production plant chili cayenne.
Keywords: Chili cayenne, bioslurry, and biochar
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