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The Chemical Composition of Kefir Powder from Fermented Etawa Crossbreed Goats Milk With The Addition of Honey Using Cabinet Drying Method
Siwi Meutia Sadewi (a*), Nurhasanah (b), and Sudibyo (c)

a) Magister of Chemistry Program, Lampung University, Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia, 35141
b) Lecturer of Chemistry Program, Lampung University, Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia, 35141
c) Research Center for Mining Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Tanjung Bintang, South Lampung, Indonesia, 35352


Kefir is a probiotic drink that contains lactic acid bacteria which are good for health. Kefir processed products can be made from cows milk, goats milk, or soymilk. Fermented kefir has two parts, whey and curd. To increase the shelf life of processed kefir products can be processed into a powder. One of the milk drying processes uses the cabinet drying method (low temperature). On the other hand, kefir also has a sour taste from the fermentation process, so it is less desirable. Therefore, the addition of other flavorings is expected to increase interest and also improve the quality of kefir. This research aims to determine the chemical composition of kefir milk powder fermented etawa crossbreed goat milk using the cabinet drying method with the addition of honey. The chemical composition analyzed included protein, fat, total lactic acid, alcohol, and water content based on SNI 2981:2009 and international standard CODEX STAND 243:2003. The test results showed that the curd powder product produced 4.18% protein with the addition of honey increased to 4.52%, 0.19% fat with the addition of honey increased to 0.27%, 0.64% total lactic acid with the addition of honey decreased to 0.62%, 0.20% alcohol with the addition of honey decreased to 0.15%, and 5.37% water with the addition of honey increased to 5.52%. The addition of honey to kefir powder has different effects on the chemical composition that has been analyzed.

Keywords: Curd, Goats Milk Kefir, Powdered Kefir, Probiotic Drink, Low Temperature Method

Topic: Food processing, safety and diversification

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